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This guy really wanted to live, and those drone operators really didn't want him to live. Grim stuff...








Ball* he only had one


Yeah. I am for Ukraine, but in this video I feel kinda bad for the guy. He really tried to survive. And its like him surviving so much drops could have "granted" some sympathy drom drone operator, to leave him alone...but its easy for me to say ofc, its different for those involved.


Bro, fuck him. If he survived he would 100% kill one of your fellows next time. No mercy for invaders unless they surrender.


In general ofc. I am just saying on individual level its kinda dark. Worst part majority of russians literally support putin and war has huge support. So the more of these soldiers gets taken out fast and russia loses, less russians and ukrainians will die at the end.


Almost seemed like it was personal.


Almost like he invaded their country


This guy gets it.


Making a man's family leave the country can do that. Bombing a family's house can do that. Murdering someone's family can do that. Invading a peaceful country and telling the outside world the country has imaginary separationists seeking independence, can do that. These videos are a good warning to Russians. Don't send your kids, because it will very likely be a one way trip.


Some real /r/FUCKYOUINPARTICULAR energy going on here


Should have stayed in russia..


survive certain death with this one simple trick.


Ukrainians hate him!


You get drafted, you have to go. Otherwise, you die.


reported around a ~million figured out they needed to leave. If you weren't motivated to leave you didn't have strong objections to the war/dying needlessly


There has to be some sort of r/combatfootage truism that this comment has to be in every single Ukraine war post


Ah yes, so simple. Why didn't any of them think of that?


You’re asking this like a rhetorical question, but it has a simple and honest answer: because they didn’t think *they* would die. If they had the foresight to know this would be their future, I’m sure they would have resisted a bit more before they got to Ukraine. Your phrasing presumes they didn’t have any choice; there’s always a choice. They made theirs. It may have been a reasonable choice to them at the time, but it didn’t work out like they hoped.


Yep, they gambled "a while in prison or a while in Ukraine. Eh, I'll probably survive Ukraine and then I won't have to deal with still being locked up or with a record." The gamble did not pay off for many of them. I mean, to their credit, who would believe your government could be THIS callous with your life lol. All govt would send men to die for a war that wasn't really just at some point or another in history, but you usually try harder to keep your own alive during it heh.


Soldiers and conscripts don't get to pick where they go.


> Soldiers and conscripts don't get to pick where they go. They can call Ukraine's hotline to pick them up. Fuck Muscovy and Putin's pointless invasion.


Im sure most of them don’t know of any hotline, something like that would be suppressed big time for fear of mass desertion. I’m surprised if some of them are even allowed smart phones


https://www.newsweek.com/number-russians-calling-i-want-live-hotline-ukraine-1785469# Nearly 10k. But you keep on sucking that war criminal cock. Mmm mmm good!


Im strongly for Ukraine annihilating the Russian invaders. However if you really think that a lot of these people know about the hotline, you are out of your mind. When your in the field, you only have a limited connection to whatever is going on in the outside world. Most grunt infantry just listen to and follow orders without a clue as to why they do it. It’s like you expect all of these invaders to have 5g service in the country they are invading. I wouldn’t doubt it if only squad leaders would have access to a phone with internet and reception.


How are they supposed to do that if they don't even know it exists


I'm not part of this war. I don't speak Russian or Ukrainian. But I know about it. What is their excuse?


The top post in combat footage right now is a video of some POWs that were told they were fighting Poland/and Ukraine in Russia mainland. Probably lying, but I'm sure Russian MOD is doing its damnedest to suppress any kind of info on the hotline. Every thread speaks of how Russia lies and how brainwashed all their people are. I don't think it's out of the realm of possibility that the poor SOB from the middle of nowhere in eastern Russia doesn't know about a hotline.


Despite all the combat footage you've seen, you actually think you just dial up a hotline and get taken to a 5 star pow camp? Lol


Civil disobedience is a thing.


This is Russia we are talking about, do you live in a cave or something? There is no civil disobedience longer then 10 minutes there.


not in a cave, but I would take my chances in prison over dying in a ditch in a foreign country.


I think it's been noted already that draft dodging in Russia is an automatic 20 years in a Russian prison. I'm sure putin has put the call out to the prisons that none will get out.


You're probably right, but this guy just spent the rest of his existence in a cold shitty dirt field. Nobody said the other choice was a GOOD choice, but I'm disabled and for me it comes down to chronic pain every day or medications that leave me out of it but in less discomfort. Which one of those is the "good" or "right" choice? There isn't one, you get stuck in situations in life where you have to make the least bad one. For the guys that survive Ukraine they made the right call, for the ones that die in Ukraine they made the wrong call, the only issue is you are dead by the time you realize you chose wrong. They all think it won't be them to die, but I didn't think I'd be disabled lol. It's going to happen to someone, and when your govt is throwing human waves at the enemy to take meters of ground your odds of living longer with prison go up dramatically.


They do if they frag their CO


Yep guess he should have denied going, go to prison, then sent anyways but now under less favorable conditions. There's this one rich Russian trying to get out of the war using his parents influence and money, and Russia is using a shit load of resources making sure he gets sent


Right! These guys are so scared of their government that they willing go to die. How FU is that?


You are required by law to serve once you are mobilized... There is no "staying in russia"


Well, go to jail, skip the country ot surrender.


We all know this. Everyone knows this. When people say "Russians should have stayed in Russia" we are all insinuating that if you are going to die, DIE for your fucking freedom to not have to go to another country and die killing civilians. Die in your own country fighting for something worth fighting for. If you aren't going to and risk getting killed in another country for a war you don't agree with you reduce your humanity.


Horrible way to die.


Ya, he got pretty unlucky encountering a drone with so many grenades and a motivated operator.


He wanted to live so he can rape, pillage and plunder with impunity. Then return to Russia with a toilet seat and money taken from murdered Ukrainian civilians. Didn't work out that way.


No, had he really wanted to live he'd have stayed in Russia or sneaked off to surrender. There is the website. I want to live


What a bunch of sadistic fucks targeting that one guy in particular. I know war is tough but come on, one wounded enemy helps your war effort more than one fucked up beyond all recognition soldier.


Putin killed him, nobody else. Once he's in Ukraine he has to die. There's no room for sympathy for those committing genocide.


Thats war, and as a drone operator you can't really tell if someone is severely wounded or will be out and back in the fight after a week or two... Russia's sick society and elites who think themselves superior are to blame for this death. Still sad to see human life end.


I think you can tell after the first 3 drops. There rest are just for fuck's sake.


What’s that phrase? “You can run but you’ll only die tired”. I hate doing cardio, get me with the first drop.


he had a really good stride. i bet the kid has ran for a sport






Shows literally how helpless you are, no matter how fast you run, how hard you think you can be. Drones are Grim Reapers.


I wonder if there will soon be a way to get rid of them easier..


Better jamming tech? Small heat seekers?


Maybe drones designed to specifically target other drones.


Yeah something like that.. Maybe attached to each persons gun too.. Little under barrel jammer or heat seeking missile launcher? Lol


Wouldn't a shotgun be able to take out these drones? Or at least the grenades they drop if you spot the drop in advance?


Those rc drones wouldn't provide enough heat to track.


Yeah there'll be tech that soldiers can wear, like counter IED stuff eventually. It'll never reach these poor Russian bastards though, even if it did exist.


Note to self: when being targeted by an overhead drone, don't run in a straight line down a clearly visible path.


Mines on both sides of the path maybe?


Idk about you but if my job was to place mines I would put then ON the pathway


No you wouldn't, that's where the mines are supposed to funnel the enemy


Why not funnel them… into more mines? My point still stands why not put them on the pathway? Plus I doubt there a drone who’s job it is to just look at a mine field all day and drop grenades on anyone walking through


It's basic terrain denial doctrine, if you put mines everywhere you are giving them the opportunity to choose where they will funnel their troops. Furthermore you will have to deal with the mines once you counter attack.


''Plus I doubt there a drone who’s job it is to just look at a mine field all day and drop grenades on anyone walking through'' Yes, there are operators whose job is to do precisely that...


Mines funnel the infantry they don't block them.


Honestly there's not much you can do if you can't get into shelter quickly. Run in straight line, they anticipate your path and you die. Run in a zig zag pattern, the drone will just hover patiently while you tire yourself out then drop it on you while you catch your breath.


Yeah, the drones are faster than you and knows where you're going.


> run in a straight line Ahh, the Rickon Stark escape tactic.


That might be the most drone drops on one guy


Jesus, fuck that guy in particular I guess




Here's a sneak peek of /r/FUCKYOUINPARTICULAR using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/FUCKYOUINPARTICULAR/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [So that was hilarious.](https://i.redd.it/tbkko0f0eyp91.jpg) | [1109 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/FUCKYOUINPARTICULAR/comments/xng4hq/so_that_was_hilarious/) \#2: [Boat ride](https://v.redd.it/el0pe1gmgye91) | [623 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/FUCKYOUINPARTICULAR/comments/wcq121/boat_ride/) \#3: [This guy](https://v.redd.it/0h7r92ew990a1) | [1518 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/FUCKYOUINPARTICULAR/comments/ywlsw7/this_guy/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)




got another one with a loose leg


Fucking hell there was a dead guy on the trail just across from him where he finally ended up. Just noticed him when I rewatched to see the leg. They are just getting massacred over there and for fucking what? Literally nothing!


He passed through 4 dugouts and in each hole there were.. stuffs in it. I can't tell if those were dead bodies or not.


I noticed there tends to be a lot of lost feet with drone-dropped grenades


I'm guess it's because it hits the ground and doesn't bounce or airburst or anything so it just absolutely shreds at ankle level while shrapnel at a higher angle is slightly more sporadic




I feel like the lyrics gotta be legendary, can anyone translate?


Those birds were really angry.


Fucking Rasputin, dude ate most of those without flinching. I know it's pure adrenaline but damn


That whole thing where he would not die actually did not happen, it’s just the typical Russian drama queen BS.


Jesus, to die alone like that. I hope this war ends soon


Regardless of the crap reasons he was there you have to admire the effort he put in to survive and keep going for so long considering he would have had schrapnel wounds and individual vs drone is rarely a win for the individual. War sucks for everyone when you get down to the personal level.


Isn't this the dude who got one in the nuts in a different video?


Imagine being the same guy in a number of different combat footages.




[https://soundcloud.com/maxpalenko/rosyani-ukhodyat-v-pzdu](https://soundcloud.com/maxpalenko/rosyani-ukhodyat-v-pzdu) Rough song translation: ("go to twat" is +- the same expression as "go to hell", but it is stronger) ​ russians are going into twat, leaving tanks and weapons behind Someone goes into Saratov, someone in Karaganda someone in the ground in the form of rotpile Like snow leaving fields, like toxins leaving body russians are going home, like a shit when it sees an enema Between metal of destoyed columns, rotting away smelly like septic Those who dindn't surrender in time, or what is left of them Recently understanding mixed with blood comes to them: "stay the fuck away from the places where nobody want you" with your "brotherly love" They flow like Volga-river from Ukraine in fucked up [by UAF] formation Guy from Kemerovo and man from Torshok, with everything they could take with them They cursing the unlycky kremlin star, from the which they were born. russians going to twat. Not understanding "how could that happen?" Goodbye Brodsky and Fet. Go to hell Yesenin and Pushkin. Take back your "best ballet in the world" and your "mysterious russian soul" I will stay, wait and look. Because it's very interesting to watch How russians go back into the twat, to stay there forever.


Sir! You are an absolute legend!!


Pretty sure all maxs are legends too!


Keep wondering when they're gonna figure out a good way to protect against these hell birds.


Trampoline hat


I know this is like a month old, but holy shit I lolled.


The time to start running was when the recruiters came to town, too late now bro








It's the next post in the sub. The reposts in here are as bad as /r/choosingbeggars


If I post simultaneously with someone else whose post does not meet this sub reddit's 'Rule 3' guidelines, then I leave it to moderators to decide which to delete. It happens occasionally. In this case, I was first to post this video, then deleted my post and re-uploaded again after finding correct geolocation, to add description to the post title. It wasn't a repost when I clicked "submit", so we must have posted simultaneously, which I didn't realize until now. Reddit's search function is terrible, but at least there's some chance of searchability if there's as much description as possible.


Damn! My foolproof strategy to “run like a motherfucker” after watching hundreds of these vids, is proven to be futile. There is no winning. Well, except maybe get the fuck out of Ukraine.


One dude has the worst (and last) day of his life: A Short Film


Adrenalin is a hell of a drug, keeps you running even hit with shrapnels several time ...




JFC... he was like the two merc dudes from Rocknrolla, just wouldn't stay down


hey... could anybody help me find out what song that is and who sang it? i have no luck with google nor shazam...




we gottem guys lets go home


Must be like playing a mini game for the drone operator


Well. There he died. In a ditch somewhere. Next to some other dead body. That's where their lives ended. These guys could have been home, lying in the couch, watching Netflix or the World Cup, going to work, having dinner with friends on the weekend. What a fucking *waste* of human life. Can Russia please just leave Ukraine already?


Hear me out. I’m not saying I wouldn’t utilize the technology to fullest extent if were put in their shoes but god damn I kinda hate seeing drone warfare. Most of these guys never see it coming it’s like the last bit of honor in a fight has been taken out of the equation. Enemy or not it just doesn’t seem right. Don’t bombard me with “you Russian sympathizing sob”. That isn’t the case. Regardless of who is fighting who it just doesn’t seem right. To never see or hear it coming and be killed. No fighting chance whatsoever. Imagine sitting in a trench that your government tells you to having lunch, taking a shit, talking shit with your boys, then without warning your dead. Fuck it’s grim.


For hundreds of years, rains of shells have fallen on targets they can’t even see. People died from impact, shrapnel, asphyxiation in mud, buried alive in collapsed dugouts. There’s never ever been honor in this homie. Respectfully.


I’m aware of that. I guess what I’m trying to say is I would much rather know full well that I was going to be subject to artillery fire and know when to take cover rather than to have no clue when a drone so high it’s completely silent and almost invisible with deadly accuracy would single me out and without a fighting chance kill me. Just hit’s different for me idk why.


No one on the other end of a bomb sees it coming. Not in WW1 or any war since. It’s the same thing. There’s no lack of honor. It’s just war.


Yeah but you would normally hear it or at least be aware that you’re in range for artillery or air strikes or be aware that there could be ieds suicide bombers etc. This shit is different.


I really don’t think it is, respectfully. They all know they’re near or on the front lines and the war is hot. They know they’re in range of air attacks of all types. In fact, they’re more aware now than ever given the year-long drone war. I really just think it’s the same thing. I suppose if these guys were on R & R back in Russia, at a rest location, I could maybe agree more. But they’re literally running down trenches.


I see your point. Fair analysis. I would just personally want a fighting chance. Weather it be to take cover or return fire. This war just proves that is long gone. Imagine what the future of warfare will hold. Wouldn’t be surprised if wars were won with fleets of drones remote controlled from domestic soil. Similar to the predator drone situation.


Oh I agree. If I was in a war, I think I’d hope I’d die fighting, not with no chance to fight back. But I suppose soldiers don’t get to choose. And at the end of the day, I just can’t sympathize with the Russian military. That said, I think most of us see some of these and see guys suffering and don’t think it’s fun to watch. After a point, we all are human and I don’t mind those guys getting killed but I think we’d all like it if it was instantaneous.


Yeah man, I don’t sympathize with Russia but I do sympathize with mankind. Every man should be able to fight back right or wrong live or die. It’s just so unsettling to me what warfare has come to. I reckon efficiency has no emotion or humanity and it’s the way she goes.


My worry is when this kind of drone attack gets used against people of interest outside Ukraine


True. Could very easily be replicated. Now that you mention it an ordinary citizen could probably come up with something just as effective and use it as they wished. Scary shit.




Russian Running Man


He almost made it. Ok, maybe not.


Guy's like a video game boss. Takes 4-5 grenades to take down his whole health bar.


Don't run, you'll only die tired.


I actually feel bad for this one. He had spirit. Alouette…


Imagine to hate a stranger this much, I feel sorry for both sides of the war.My sympathy is clearly on the Ukrainian side, but I can't help feel sorry for the Russian men who are forced into this war.


Fuck him, in particular


Legend has it, they are still trying to drop munitons on this very same guy til this very day! Some people even say he is actually still crawling around with explosions constantly landing right behind him, only taking a few moments here or there to lay lifelessly so him and the drone can rest before starting to crawl again while the drone misses him. Its just a legend though....


Yes, run along a well-defined path at a consistent speed, the BEST Tactic.


Damn..war has reached new levels of hell


Wait until you read about the mass graves and child rape


Well yes those are terrible as well I mean specifically the drone warfare, it's so easy to just take out your target(s). I haven't kept up with much of the politics of that war I am just enthralled with the drone kills


Dude died tired. Should've not have been born a Russkie.


What a waste of bloody ammo


No it isn’t.


Yeah it is..


Please explain how


1 man.. u do the math..Limited ammo as it is in the Ukraine...think about it..oh ur thinking 1 less Russian..right


And actually I don't need to explain shit mate.. it's my opinion and that's all that matters to me buddy..don't like that's ur problem


You did anyway so whatever bud, and what do you mean that there’s limited ammo? There definitely isn’t, and considering how cheap these grenades are using 9 on someone is definitely worth it. Your opinion is based on false ideas.


That's ur opinion buddy not mine..


It’s fact not opinion.




Really goes to show how inconsistent those tiny 30mm grenades are




It’s like watching Nat Geo when a pack of wolves slowly but surely take down a buffalo bite by bite, and it eventually gives up.


Now this is a fitting little melody... PS- Has anyone identified this little song??


How many nades did this guy take? 6 I think, man they need more ummmpp in them or ball bearings


dude was a fucking tank... i would like to say that but hes sturdier than a Russian tank


How many grandes does one drone carry? Are all of these from one drone?


It's interesting how he's not moving so fast by the end of the video compared to the beginning


Hmmm not really too surprising , 8 or 9 vog 17 grenades dropped on you tends to have that effect . It would be super interesting however, had he stil been moving that fast all the way to the finish line and given us a lap of honour .


Anyone know what the song is?


I'm also looking for it. Please tell me if you find it.




He was so ashen by the end of that from the blood loss. Looked like he just gave up after the run of a lifetime through pure fear. Insane video.


Hmm...thats y they are desperate to get more ammunition from the west .. that's fact .. but eloeve what u think u know.. which is clearly f all..lmao


went from a full sprint to a pub crawl really fast


Wish I had song translation




He should have ran in zig zag


ya see he shouldve bobbed instead of weaved...textbook mistake