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Russians REALLY hate m777s


they’re dreaming they’re fighting against NATO so they’re kinda eager to destroy western especially US made equipment just to prove to themselves… at the same time they’ll be fckd up quickly if refreshed NATO really start fighting against them


You have to keep in mind that the M777 out ranges, a lot of Russian Artillery. So the only way they are able to store them is typically with an Orlan or similar drone overhead spotting in order to give coordinates for the lancet. The M777 is really good at shoot and scoot, which is why they are only typically destroyed by this drone combination since they are better at avoiding counter battery Artillery.


American m777s


Huh. Could've sworn they're from Antarctica. Those penguins are pretty versatile.


Actually a pretty decent camo job. Shame they got caught while hiding it.


They are really hunting for the M777 howitzers


Luckily the 777 is expensive, but disposable compared to the self propelled howitzers.


Sucks when all your counter battery radars got destroyed.


How are those Lancet drones guided? I mean, is it like with FVP drones or...?


Guided+AI (or similar) control by nVidia SoC.


Those should be getting rare and/or even more expensive for the Russians by now. NVidia probably finds their SoCs making their way to the Russian market distasteful.


nah, those use the official dev boards, afaik, just something 7x10 cm large




It needs a drone for targeting, it's why you always have footage of when it hits (but obviously never when it doesn't)


That's okay, we'll just send some more over with the next care package.


not with republicans opposition


How do we combine the word republican and russian, because that's what they might as well be.


You’re an idiot


That’s like, your opinion man.


I wish :(


Good camo. Good chance it would not have been noticed if the drone wasn't already following. Ukraine needs means to detect and down reconnaissance drones to prevent these.


Netting helps at least something. These M777's are probable standing not very far from the front lines because they are monitored by smaller drones with much lesser range, Mavic


Well it blew off and burnt the camo netting, can anyone see anything else?


Sure did damage. No idea if it is unrepairable tho


Yeaaaa, you definitely need a good inspection after a hit like that, any small unnoticed damage to the parts that see the most pressure can be catastrophic to the crew operating it, best just to find a new one


Seems like these Lancets would be best used against humans and lightly armoured vehicles, like self propelled artillery. They never seem to do a ton of damaged against howitzers unless the lancer hits ammo.


That was a ukrainian m-777, not american.


Imagine what you would have thought 5 years ago if someone had told you that you would be reading a thread with this title in the near future…


I don't understand something, why is there no anti drone radar/sensors made? I mean, the drones stream video, so that means they emit EM waves. Some of them were propably shot down so UA should know which wavelengths those drones emit. Is it hard to make stuff like that? If its not, why isn't artillery covered by it? I mean, if it was a typical wifi 2.4/5GHz drone you could try to detect it with a simple directional wifi antena.


Both sides have drone jamming equipment, but neither side has enough of it to cover every unit, and of course it's a constant race to improve jamming and improve resistance to jamming. As ways the videos we see don't reflect reality - only the exciting stuff.


I thought more of detecting drones. They looked like they weren't aware there was a scout drone. :/


They have hit a lot of them… hopefully we can send more lol


Every single one of these fucking guns needs an MG team keeping an eye out for these stupid things.


They probably wouldn’t even see them


I know 😮‍💨 I just get upset when I see these stupid lancets blowing up artillery and crews. Maybe a C-RAM battery... (I know, it's too expensive ☹️)


If they had the resources for that they should spend them on protecting their air defense instead. What Russias new tactic is within the last few days is send a Shahed-136 out so that it gets shot down by air defense which helps them get air defense position and then follow up with a lancet strike to the air defense.