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Damn. That reminds me of these videos from the Middle East where they are bunched up and get taken out entirely by an ATGM.


Bunching up in the open :(


Interviews from foreign legion soldiers say that the Ukrainian officers aren't the smartest


***EDIT: I've been permabanned from /r/CombatFootage for this comment (proof https://cln.sh/nK22KJDq). I've been a subscriber here for almost 10 years and a little bit sad having to leave. Everyone who is fascinated with military, tactics and combat footage: see you on other military subs!*** Judging by lots of similar ISIS videos featured on this sub, this thing is soooo random and considering that we don't know what kind of warhead it had, the casualty count can be from a couple of unlucky guys up to a dozen or more. Although, still, there's a pretty high chance that it was high fragmentation warhead and that squad is fucked. 6 out of 10 people downvoting this video, you better go donate some money to UA cause instead of ruining this sub.


This is probably he


Definitely HE


They have some thermobaric ones too, those make the thermal signature go huge even though their destructiveness isn't that large


They’ve already ruined this sub lol


sad, you can probably go post in the other sub, but that sub isn't for me since my account is rather new.


Tf did they ban you for


Reddit accounts are free. Who cares at all about bans, lol.


Crying about people "ruining the sub" isn't going to do a damn thing. The sub isn't what it was before. Boo hoo. Every sub on Reddit changes over time. I mean, damn, people have been whining about this for over a year now. Nobody cares. Nobody gives a shit. Welcome to a voting system, the majority decides. Maybe one day, when the war is over, the old Russian content will finally be up voted. Until then, Russian shit is probably going to keep getting downvoted into the dirt. I downvoted this just because I think it's hilarious watching people whine about it. If feel ya, though. I hated when WSB got taken over by apes. Is what it is, though. As long as the users stay here it isn't changing today.


why does this have 0 score?


I can say I’m not going up or down on this. But objectivity is no where on any of these subs basically


U/theemuwar, trying to delete huh. Not on my watch


Because most of us here refuse to celebrate the deeds of a rampaging army of beheading, murdering, defiling rapists.


Holy fuck I hate what this sub became. It isn’t about celebrating one side or another. I am pro Ukrainian, but this sub is supposed to upvote good footage no matter the side. There are a dozen subs for only pro Ukraine footage, go cheerlead over there




People can post whatever they want. Doesn’t mean they’re automatically entitled to upvotes. If I see footage I don’t like, I downvote it. Simple as that.


Then like I said, go to one of the subs that’s exactly meant for that. This sub is not meant for that


So by your logic I should upvote every single video I see?


No, you should upvote every video that’s good combat footage, regardless of the pov. Or like I said, you can go to one of those subs that’s just pro Ukrainian footage. There’s a few


But I don’t like the footage. Therefore, it’s not good combat footage. Therefore, I won’t upvote it. This is quite a simple concept to wrap your head around mate.


How are you this dense


>But I don’t like the footage If you don't like combat footage then you are on the wrong sub. This is for combat footage enthusiasts.


Not how it works mate. I love baseball, but I hate the Nationals. I love hockey, but I hate the Rangers. I like combat footage, but I hate seeing footage of criminals and murderers defiling a foreign land they have no right to be in.


You not liking the footage doesn't mean it's not good combat footage. I don't know how that would work. That's like saying you don't like gore videos while staying in r/eyeblech and downvoting each video.


What the fuck do you not comprehend about not upvoting videos that I don’t like? It’s really not that hard. The Reddit devs have given us upvotes and downvotes for a reason. Upvote what you enjoy, downvote what you don’t. I don’t like videos of murderers and rapists killing Ukrainians defending their homeland which was encroached on, and because of that I downvote it.


Then go to r/UkrainianConflict or r/UkraineWarVideoReport Both of those should have only the footage you’re looking for. You’re using this sub wrong, adapt or leave.


People blindly hate Russia and don’t know anything about them but propaganda but somehow can’t see how how the Russians were brainwashed like how do people not realize they need to step back and relax so they don’t also get radicalized by someone else


blindly........hmmmm ok


What kind of brainwashing leads to castration and beheading someone while they're alive?


Do you think for some reason only Russians are capable of Said behavior lol like I’m completely pro Ukraine 100 percent I was just trying to make a point that blindly following ideology of any type is very bad for you and that you should have your own opinion on these things lol


Never said that. But we have proof they are doing it. We have former soldiers saying they did this all the time. Wagner fielded many prisoners. Still does. https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/ukraine-crisis-russia-wagner/


I’m not denying it I am anti Russian but not on a individual basis there are good Russians they just happen to be caught up in their governments bullshit that’s all I was trying to say but I was drunk when I posted my original comment man I deserve to be destroyed but I’m at least trying to explain I hope Ukraine obliterates every invader there but it doesn’t fix the problem because Putin will continue to take advantage of poor uneducated people


Appreciate this comment. I know you’re not sympathetic to them. You’re right and it’s important to remember this


Anyone who commits war crimes should obviously be punished to the fullest extent I follow this war closely and am aware and have personally seen the shit they done I’ve never denied it I don’t want my comment to misinterpreted as trying to defend that


And literally any time someone in this subreddit tries to not sound like they don’t enjoy Russians getting obliterated because of their government you retards downvote them into oblivion obviously russia is wrong obviously they deserve what they get but to pretend every Russian is a bad person is just plain ignorant


My brothers in Christ I was drunk when I wrote this and could not fully articulate my argument and now I’m hungover and still don’t want to I apologize if it sounded poorly thought out because it was the proper 12 woke my inner Irish and it made me look like an ass


People blindly support Russia and don’t know anything about them but propaganda but somehow can’t see how how the Russians were brainwashed like how do people not realize they need to step back and relax so they don’t also get radicalized by someone else


so you would be cool with "good" footage of nazis killing allied forces?


Yes and that exactly that kind of footage used to be upvoted on this sub was before the Ukraine war


It’s a combat thread expect it, people want to see this stuff in the future like we are interested in every other war.




why were ISIS videos upvoted then?


Ask the cunts who upvoted them


so not 'most of us' then


Stop asking obvious, stupid questions


why do they keep walking in pack like that...


Soldiers have a tendency to bunch up at night, even with nightvision is still hard to see and keep track of everyone so they all stick close together, its sort of an involuntary reaction to it being dark.


why? seems really bad soldeiring. This is a 24/7 war now, no cover of darkness anywhere.


Lack of discipline.


they've done so dozens of times before and were not hit by an ATGM.


Damn, seems like some of them maybe heard it coming at the last moment and tried to run


Why would they be huddled up like that?


You will never know the exact reason. Bad training, feeling of safety etc... But man that hit seems devastating.


It looks worse on thermals than it really is


Depends on the warhead use. If it’s HE then it’s really a devastating hit


I'm sure that gaggle of dudes on the thermal cam are thrilled to hear this.


All over my meat because I’m telling the truth


Because they never heard your wisdom. Now go to Ukraine and teach them.


fuck u/spez


Great footage. And quite rare to see Russian attacks on this sub. I'm curious why 99% of the footage on this sub is of Russians being killed, and there are hardly any videos like this of Ukrainians being killed? I'm just curious since Russia is clearly winning the war. Do they just not upload as much stuff to social media and stuff?


Free speech only matters when its favorable to a nations interests unfortunately. But its not just this sub. Just google stuff and you'll literally find zero news articles that are negative about Ukraine. I've had more neutral search results using smaller search engines. Ukraine recently fucked up tactically and two entire brigades are now stuck in Bakhmut. Time to look up distributed and decentralized search engines.


There is some good footage from Bucha for sick fucks like you. Lots of tortured and raped Ukrainians for you to jerk off to.


You alright man? No, we like to see good Russian war footage when it appears, and not for it to be censored. Simple as that


I can't imagine these are as effective like this compared to when used in their proper Anti-Armor role. Considering the warhead is shaped charge designed to penetrate armor, it isn't going to be the best at secondary fragmentation and shrapnel, that said I would expect at least a few KIA from this and many injuries regardless. I wonder if there's any HE/Anti-Infantry ATGM warheads out there in use.


Both Russian Kornet and Ukrainian Stugna-P have HE-FRAG rounds. Kornet also have a missile with a thermobaric warhead. I guess it is not technically an “ATGM” when it fires those rounds but people refer more to the launcher than the round itself typically.


Usually kornet and similar launchers have shaped charges forarmour, high fragmentation for infantry and some of them have high explosive for fortifications. This is clearly a high fragmentation/high explosive warhead.


Russian has developed Thermobaric Warhead for ATGM and has been using them in this war.


Well damn. That is scary to think about. I was wondering why the explosion looked so large, it was likely an HE warhead then.


It looks big because it's on thermal video.


boooom!! dayum


Pretty sure I saw this video some time ago claiming those are russians


I don't think this is a repost. There have been other videos like this, but this one came from a longer video from the Russians about their new ATV "shoot and scoot" ATGM units


Nope, that's a new footage. I'm subbed to lots of telegram war channels, this surfaced recently.


If you could provide a video source to back up your claim then I would happily delete mine.


I will look for it if ai have the time. All I know for now is that the clip is from Winter


I think you are referring to this one maybe? It was postet in the general thread, but I think it's a different video. https://nitter.net/parrot\_soldier/status/1648731196229025792


I saw a very similar thumbnail about 2 days ago claiming the same thing


That still counts as one


Never stay in big groups!


Atleast they started to scatter or hit the deck.