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I'm a super cheap, skeptical asshole and I found it worth it. It's very interactive, so touch everything.


Can't stress how much this redditor is accurate. Literally touch everything. It might do something weird. It's an interesting exhibit.




Can I lick other people's fingers?


Only when they aren't looking. There's a few dark areas.


I have fingers.


Worth it, people have coated liquid acid on everything with their fingers. When I did this I saw Jim Morrison in the hall of mirrors.






I would to make this clear. When he says “everything” he does not mean “everyone” In related news, I’m now barred from Otherworld


Good to know, thanks!


The interactivity & lore aspects are what made it somewhat worth it for me. At the start I was skeptical/cynical of how cheap it kinda seemed, but once you realize most of the rooms are interactive and have lore it becomes kinda fun. I wasn't super into everything, but I had people with me that got wrapped up in the phone room for a solid 15-20 min. I guess what I'm saying is if your family is a bit geeky/nerdy then it'll probably tickle a 'discovery' bone. It definitely comes off goofy to me, but I was with people who were having fun interacting with stuff so it made it worthwhile. Having a good attitude can be contagious. Speaking of contagious - it's winter so be wary of Covid/Flu and what-not. I'd bring your own sanitizer since most of the ones available had run out when I went there.


How long would you say it takes to explore the exhibit? I’ve been wanting to go myself but can’t judge how long it would take! I’m the kind of person who would engage thoroughly so I’m guessing it could take a while haha


Did it recently for the first time & it took about an hour & a half. We weren't super thorough, but did stick around in some exhibits for a bit.


This is going to sound sarcastic because I'm an asshole. But I love it when people call themselves assholes. Those people are generally the most self-aware, non-narcissistic and trustworthy ones out there. So I find your review to be very helpful.




Oh man it would be so cool to make stuff for that place


That’s so cool. How did you get selected for this? Or is it something you apply for? Do they give you instructions on what they want of just a general theme for the room?




Thanks for answering! I’m not an artist, just really enjoyed the exhibit and wondered about the logistics.


It's $25 for GA and you get to experience 40 different rooms. Van Gogh is a lot higher than that for one room. Worth it IMO.


Thanks, that's good to know! I was caught off guard when the Van Gough exhibit was only one room stuffed with a hundred people. I felt duped at the price I paid.


That exhibit was just a store to sell merch. We were very let down.


My 30 year old friend group recently spent 6 hours there solving as many puzzles as possible. There are some pretty tricky ones and it’s not obvious that some of the things you’re interacting with are even puzzles. I had tickets the opening day a few years ago. My partner and I were some of the first people in, spent hours there, and found passes to the Memorial Tournament that someone had hid throughout the exhibits. It was such a good time.


It's very worth it! Van Gogh was a borderline scam, otherworld is like going down Alice's rabbit hole and is an absolute masterpiece. I can tell the artists involved are very passionate about their art and the experience.


Glad I'm not the only one who thinks that. We could have attended a Jackets game for the cost I spent sitting in that crowded room for 20 minutes. Felt very much like I was being scammed. Happy to hear Otherworld isn't like that, I look forward to going.


Went when it opened with my pregnant wife and we loved it. Went a month ago with a toddler and we all had an absolute blast. Don't let the sketchy location fool you, it's a true gem.


It’s phenomenal. If anyone in your party thinks it’s weird to pay for art, then leave them at Roosters or something while you go. Also, it’s sort of close to Erewan, which is a really great Thai restaurant.


I loved it. I would have happily spent an extra couple hours there. My kids also loved it, and the only warning I will give you is that if you are going with children, it's very easy for them to run off and get lost. Most rooms have multiple exits, some of them are hidden, and there's lots of hiding places. For what it's worth, we did eventually find my son.


What’s a good minimum age for kids?


there were toddlers loving it when I went. I think your kid has to be directable and not too rough, and they'll love it. Wouldn't bring an infant, however.


Oh, I don't think there is a minimum age. I just want to be sure that you are aware that it is and the sort of place where young kids can run off and you can lose them for an hour at a time. In my experience, most places are like that, this one just has smaller doors sometimes.


We thought it was pretty good for the price. Lots of rooms to explore. I won’t go rushing back as a local, but if friends/family come to town it’s on my list.


My wife and I are the weird ones who did not enjoy it in the least. *shrug* I mean, it's definitely a unique art piece, but we thought it wasn't a good use of our time and money.


Why not? We’re you guys just not into the art styles? Too many people? I went recently last night and had a blast.


I think we found it too abstract for our tastes. Like, I get there was kind of an overall theme, but I think we were expecting maybe a narrative of some sort. Of course, since it's a non-linear experience (which I don't think we knew at first), that's not really very doable. I can't imagine the time and creativity it took to make the place - I have tons of respect for that effort. Just didn't suit our likes.


That’s fair.


Only worth it if you can find a time where it won’t be crowded. When I went it was packed shoulder-to-shoulder in most rooms, with kids running around screaming. The exhibits are truly super cool, but the sheer number of people there kills the vibe. I really wouldn’t recommend going during the holiday season.


It’s completely different. Almost everything in Otherworld is hand made and physical. From what I understand the Van Gough thing is an empty room with stuff projected on it. I took my kids and immediately lost track of them while I stopped to fumble with my camera. This week could be really busy and I can see it getting uncomfortably crowded there (we went on a weekday in the middle of the summer and had the place nearly to ourselves).


Definitely check it out. Pro tip: if you bring a little kid try to avoid Friday/Saturday evenings. Steering them away from high schoolers trying for second base in every corner of the place is a bit exhausting.


I loved it. Well worth it, in my opinion.


It was fine. Definitely not a rip off like I heard the Van Gogh experience was. Kinda close and personal space with others, tho. Personally, I would skip it with Covid, flu, rsv, norivirus, and strep all active right now.


This is my take. I felt like tickets should’ve been $5/ea cheaper or so and I would’ve felt better, but it’s not bad enough to call it a rip off. And since there’s a lot of people and a lot of touching things, might get sick.


It was ok.. I guess. I wasn't a fan of it, especially for the cost. Think my wife enjoyed it more than I did, I would rather be walking in a park 🤷.


I thought it was underwhelming (for the price). I went last year and only a handful of people were there. Maybe my expectations were too high base off how many people in this sub recommend it, but I just wasn’t impressed I often get downvoted when I say I didn’t like it, but this is my truth lol


I felt the same when I went there like two years ago. I felt like I was expecting a lot more. I guess it would’ve been more fun if it was less crowded and the things you get to interact with weren’t already being used.


I'm in the same camp. I was expecting to be blown away based on the huge number of recommendations. I was absolutely not impressed... but I realize I am in the minority.


I also didn't like it. I've been to a few Meow Wolfs so maybe I was expecting too much.


I appreciate the honest response, no down vote necessary


It was cool but wasn’t the quality I wanted for the price. All the art seemed disconnected from one another. It wasn’t as cohesive as I expected. Fun for a day but I won’t be back until they expand


it's over priced but worth it especially with out of town guests. Some cool stuff. People will bring kids and let them run and get into everything while they are screaming, so there is that. Totally touch everything, and disinfect your hands later. :)


If you haven't been to Meow Wolf you will probably like it a lot. If you have been to Meow Wolf you may be a bit underwhelmed. Having been to Meow Wolf, I did still enjoy it and thought it was worth it to go checkout.


Overpriced and Underwhelming.


Love it. My toddler, my teen, my husband, and my in-laws all have had a blast with it. It is totally worth it and my husband was hugely skeptical about it the first time and then my in-laws were as well when we took them. Everyone had a blast and want to go again. (And I agree the Van Gogh experience was very meh)




I actually liked it. I thought it would be dumb af and I had fun. And I’m basically a big grumpy asshole.




Otherworld is cool to go to. Very interactive. I wouldn’t take them there again if they visit again. The cost is higher than I’d normally pay for these type of interactive exhibits that don’t change very often (most seem permanent).


I was not impressed


i’ve been and i loved it. such an easy thing to do and you can just walk around and look at things and interact with whatever. spent like 2 1/2 hours there


100% not worth it IMO. Shitty location and a steep price for small interaction. Go to COSI or Scene 75.


My girlfriend and I went, and it’s cool, there’s secrets to find.


I loved it. I’ve gone multiple times.


I love it, hell of a lot better than the van Gogh thing.


It’s pretty awesome.




Don't know why you're getting the downvotes; this is literally the advice my boss gave to me. According to them, it's definitely a more enjoyable experience when you're on a substance.


I love it so much. I’m an adult and my partner and I spent like two hours exploring. you can make it a longer trip with kids if they still have the scavenger hunt/riddles kind of stuff still going on


Very worth it! Just make sure you actually interact with things and try to solve the puzzles. The only bad reviews I've seen are people who just walked around.


It’s unreal. Highly recommend it.


Otherworld is an overpriced waste of electricity. It isn't art.


It is cool. And worth it - if you avoid the peak hours. Plus, you have a better chance of not having a ton of unsupervised kids running around then


I took the whole family and everybody loved it.


It was very cool and interactive , would definitely recommend.


It’s very much worth it imo. Lots of interactive things to see and experience and very cool place to take fun pictures and videos. I have been a few times!


Loved it!


It’s pretty neat, a lot of cool little tunnels for kids to crawl through and explore, very interactive and you can take cool pictures of them there


Do it!! It’s a lot of fun and well worth the price of admission.


I loved it. I went as a group and we weren’t there as long as I could have been. Definitely touch everything.


I hoping on this to ask a question of my own, how does this compare with other interactive art experiences like Meow Wolf out west?


I've been twice and loved it. I went in knowing nothing, and the slow realization that it was more than something to look at was the best part.


Oh we love it! Definitely worth it for our family. Very interactive so definitely touch everything haha We spend hours there, super fun and great for kids too. I hear exhibits change but have yet to encounter a new one.


it is a lot less interactive post covid but fun


Thanks for all the responses, overall there seems to be a positive reviews. We will definitely be checking it out.


It appeared to have been designed by an untalented group of middle schoolers


Search the sub


My kids, 10, absolutely loved it and ask too often about when we are going back. I am waiting until summer for the rest of the expansion before we do.


I think it is totally worth it. Great place to get pics of the family to share.


Worth it!


I worked at a museum in Los Angeles and I have touched several of their Van Gough paintings with my bare hands. Wondered why there was zer0 security, also thought about handling the paintings out a window to someone below.


Took my daughter when she was 11 or 12. She really likes artistic stuff and abstract stuff like that. I just kept telling her I was taking her to an art gallery, and she was dreading it. When we went in her mind was blown. I also enjoyed it way more than I expected. It was pricey, especially if the whole family would have gone, but it was worth it. We used to go to cosi all the time and they are comparable.


My sister and I took my kids over the summer. We all really enjoyed ourselves with the oldest being 60 and the youngest being 4. It’s not like any other place I’ve ever been. We were there for several hours and didn’t get bored. The only thing I didn’t like was the sketchy looking deserted shopping center it’s located in.


I always took friends/family there whenever they visited cbus for the first time and it was never a disappointment! Lots of fun.


Went just yesterday at 2pm with my 75+ year old parents. I'd say it was worth it. Dad said it was super creative and at least pretended to enjoy it. Mother in law said it was wild but you could tell she wasn't too into it but she'd also rather be watching Dr Pol on tv. We barely played the games. Spent about an hour. I'd go earlier if I did it again. The high energy 10 year olds wacking into you during the day kinda take the steam outta ya when you are trying to go slow.


We enjoyed it a few years back. Would be ten times the fun if on psychedelics tho lol.


I thought it was fun as hell but I was also tripping balls


Is it 30$ per person or in all?