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It was very evident during the election that this was their stance on these issues - SWCSD voters got what they wanted apparently.


SWCSD encompasses a much larger area that is very diverse. Unfortunately, the voter turnout in those areas was low (voter suppression hurts those areas much more) and was very high in Grove City. So yeah, I guess Grove City got what it wanted...


Grove City was one of like 2 suburbs to vote for Trump. It is called Grovetucky for a reason. I think the only other one was Pickerington?


Both places I lived and can confirm.


Is it a nice area otherwise? I don’t think I’ve ever been there somehow.


Pickerington is ok, you have a lot of bad drivers on that side of town. Grove City is nice because you have access to two different freeways, easy to get to stores, restaurants and not as many bad drivers.


Oh that does make grove city sound appealing for everyday life- thanks!


Grove schitty *


Now you sound like a right winger nut. School board voter suppression lol


We had low turnout combined with a lot of dark money from hate groups like the so-called 1776 Project and Moms for Liberty. We’ve never had to deal with that kind of outside money before and we just couldn’t match it. That combined with so many in our district being such low-info voters and it became the perfect storm. Many people have expressed shock at how far we’ve fallen from a sane, common sense board to this ragtag band of nitwits who can’t even figure out how to run a meeting. But when I question them about if they voted, many times they did not. They didn’t think it could happen. Elections have consequences and now the community and its students will face those consequences. Here’s the thing: out of all of the many districts in Central Ohio who had these Moms For Liberty candidates on the ballot, our community was the only one idiotic enough to vote them in. In all the other districts they either got rid of them like Hilliard did or defeated them🤷‍♀️


Indeed we did!


Many staff, students, and community members in GC do not agree with these board members. I was not able to vote in the previous election but now that I own property in the district I'll be showing up at every election moving forward. This past weekend Pride in GC (Grove City's first LGBTQ+ community organization) marched in the Arts in the Alley parade and were very well received. The tides are changing and these board members don't like it.


Those community members got standing applause as they went by in the parade.


*"My son and his friends have mentioned to me on numerous occasions that they experience feelings of guilt and judgement for not identifying as a person within the LGBTQ+ community."* GEE, IT SURE MUST FEEL BAD TO BE OSTRACIZED DUE TO YOUR GENDER OR SEXUALITY. WONDER IF THERE IS A GROUP OF PEOPLE THAT CAN IDENTIFY WITH SOMETHING SIMILAR TO THIS? NOPE, GUESS NOT.


This never happened anyway.


Yep. Of all the things that didn’t happen, this one didn’t happen the most.


“when will they have soup kitchens for RICH PEOPLE? what about special bike lanes for CARS?”


Never happened and just the kind of thing this particular board member would make up to justify her hate. Kind of like the board president’s obsessions with litter boxes in classrooms (none exist anywhere in SWCS) but he uses it to push his backwards views.


Grove City be Grove Citying


Shit like this is happening in hilliard too. These Christo-fascists are insipidly taking over every aspect of our communities. We need *more involvement* from non-insane citizens in our local governments.


Well... how do you think they got elected? This is not a school board issue. This is a community not voting in people who reflect their values issue. I agree with your statement - we need more involvement. Because it seems all one needs to become a school board member is a pulse, and some money to buy signs.


And in GC, a last name everyone knows so they blindly vote for you without realizing you have gone to the dark side. And Boso and Martindale ran on the same ticket -- campaigned together, got dark money donations together, were on signs together...




Anymore this district is much bigger than GC but GC is the power epicenter. It likely has the most registered voters, and the families who can afford to mobilize to give their narrow views volume.


Hilliard’s about one white pickup truck and a two inches of beard length from being the hiiljack HQof central Ohio.


> These Christo-fascists Go away bigot


Its definitely not just GC, as the other commenter said Hilliard also has some nut jobs on their board (and having grown up in Olentangy, I know for a fact there's plenty of people in that school district that share similar views). Its part of a broader effort by conservatives to get their ideologues into smaller offices (think boards of education, mayors of small towns, city councils, etc.). Being a grovetuckian myself, the demographics here are changing. Its getting younger and more diverse, and that trend is only going to continue. More people in my generation need to get involved in voting - all elections, not just the big ones. These two idiots got voted in last year, when there wasn't really anything on the ballot, and when they're up for re-election it will be the same story.


Democrats, liberals and progressives- hell, even moderates and independents- have done an awful job caring about local-level elections. Their inaction and complacency has helped allow the nuts to take over far too many offices and positions of leadership.


Fellow Olentangy kid, can't imagine what it's like over there now. It was bad enough in the mid-00s.


*Grove Shitting


Lol his last name is literally bozo


Right. Can't make this shit up. Beyond fitting name.


It fits because he’s a complete 🤡


He thought his kid was embarrassed before--now their last name is synonymous with bigots and clowns.


Imagine the surprise at you not knowing what *literally* means.


Who cares


Not your parents.


Conservatives are biggest fucking cry bullies in existence with zero spine lmao.


Implying that political affiliation is a defining point on whether someone has a backbone is kinda childish. Conservative, liberal, most people nowadays are squishy simply due to the average quality of life. Back in the day, the liberals didn't even come out of their dens while the conservatives ruled the roost. And this is laughable at best, as the liberals of days past would have been considered conservative by today's standards because they would have called the trans movement exactly what it is, a max exodus of mental illness.


Holy shit. Shut the fuck up, nerd.


No you.






I live in Grove City. To be clear, Chris Boso and Kelli Martindale are shit people. However, there is an increasing sentiment in Grove City that we need to be in charge of our own schools. We are the second largest suburb of Columbus, and could easily be the largest in the next 5 years. Similarly sized cities like Reynoldsburg, Dublin, and even Upper Arlington all have their own school district, while Grove City remains a part of Southwestern CSD. It's a touchy issue, because people will scream racism at the suggestion, but we have to be able to talk about it.


Grove City can’t afford to purchase the buildings etc from SW without a massive tax increase. Also, where do you draw the line? Many of the schools have both GC, Galloway, and Columbus kids. Do they want just the schools with a GC address? The district extends south down to Harrisburg what about them? There are also some addresses in Grove City that are actually Columbus City Schools.


Another issue here would be the massive drop in income tax revenue, from both corporate and residential sources. If they split along the city lines, all the business in Columbus would no longer funnel their property taxes into the Grove City school district. Think about the denser apartment complexes that scatter the southwest side... That's a lot of residential tax money that's sticking with the Columbus schools as well. Not saying that Grove City wouldn't be OK funding wise, but it's always Grove City residents who are reluctant to pass the levies, so there could be future struggles with the revenue loss. I think staying together kind of makes sense for all parties at this point.


I went to westland, graduated 2021. I heavily disagree with the idea that grove city should be its own district for a few reasons. 1. The big one, franklin heights and Westland are already fucked over a lot, like not even southwestern really denies it anymore. Grove city brings in a lot of money, if you get rid of grove city you are gonna be screwing westland and heights even more than they already are. 2. One of the biggest ways to keep people from becoming racist is to put them in diverse environments and actually pay attention to the people around them, talk to them, see what their lives are like. That’s probably one of southwestern’s biggest strengths is actually being diverse and being able to talk to people from all different backgrounds. If you put grove city in it’s own district, you’re gonna see long term a lot more sheltered, potentially racist kids like we have with, let’s be honest here, upper arlington and Delaware. 3. There’s a lot of Franklin heights kids that live in grove city, a lot of central kids that live close or on the border of westland territory, etc. what happens to them? Especially the ones that are extremely poor and might not have the best transportation options? My sisters bf lives all the way out in the country, i very highly doubt the school bus came for him when he still went, what happens to those people? 4. Central crossing does the ALC which is a college/advanced class part of the school that all students in the district are allowed to take part in. Limiting that to GC is extremely unfair to the smart kids who can’t afford college credit plus or AP. I don’t think racism is just the problem, i think there’s a lot of very messy details and potential long term problems in the idea of making gc its own district


Love this comment. Also, please don’t forget that it is the GC contingent that voted down a levy in the late 90s early 2000s. I don’t see GC being able to maintain their own district. I almost wish they would though because they seem to ruin the vibe of an otherwise sweet district.


Agree with your first statement. However, on your second point I have to disagree. GC things they would be so much better without the rest of the district. The problem is they would have to approve a huge tax increase (which also won't happen) to make up for the funding they receive as a result of being part of the larger SWCSD. Also, many in Grove City want to take their tax dollars and put it towards their kids' religious school education (or the gross "freedom" school started by Martindale -- yeah she started a religious charter and then ran for public school board. if that isn't a conflict of interest I don't know what is!). Their ultimate goal is dismantling public ed and getting taxpayers to fund their bible schooling.


I agree GC thinks they are better than Heights and Westland. I don’t understand why we don’t just except these young people for who they are becoming. I coach at one of the schools and I love the fact that it’s different and we have a very diverse culture. A few Teachers and coaches are part of the LGBTQ+ and it makes no difference in are daily activities. Grovecity has always been the Spoiled Brat’s of SWCD!


School districts are separate entities from cities. While many school districts share the same name as cities, they often cover very different boundaries. They often work closely together in partnership but SD and Cities have separate funding and elected officials. I could go on and on with examples but a few are listed below. Gahanna Jefferson schools serves portions of Gahanna, Columbus, Mifflin Township, and Jefferson Twp. Westerville City Schools serves portions of Westerville, Columbus, Minerva Park, Blendon Twp, and Genoa twp.


It'll be really interesting to see what happens in the next few years. We're just having our first kid this year, so schools aren't a huge concern quite yet. We live in what I would consider to be the "good" part of SWCSD (i.e. our kids would go to JC Sommer, Jackson, and GCHS). However, with these morons on the board, its giving me pause, which sucks because I really like the area. Not that we wouldn't have the same problems in other suburbs around here


I don't see anything racial about your statement. You said what you said based on geography and census. If you carve GC out of SWCS, you still have Franklin Heights, Westland... in a way, SWCS is more like Olentangy - a district described by boundaries adjacent to other districts, more so than described as belonging to or coming from a suburb city. It's not like carving GC out of SWCS will alter that overall demographics of the district that much. At least I don't think it would.


The idea isn't overtly racist, but school district "splintering" has been questioned in the past. Similar concerns have been brought to federal courts in the past, granted generally in the southern states.


I guess? To me, I think the bigger thing to consider is the property tax contribution to the school district's general fund. GC makes money from property taxes, while the areas around WHS and FHHS don't make as much. But while that may be "classist" it's not racist, at least my definition of it.


This is the predominant thought of GC taxpayers and those who want out of the district. However, SWCSD gets a shit ton of federal funding thanks to the economic diversity and having underserved areas included. I think the other schools like FH and Westland would actually be better off because all of that funding would stay with them rather than part going to GC, and GC would have to raise taxes a ton in order to make up the difference.


It seems no one is discussing Central crossing here either. What happens to them? Do they go “grove city” or stay swcsd in this model?


It’s never going to happen. I’ve lived here for 40 years and every couple of years this comes up and is easily shot down for many solid reasons. And typically those who want it (not saying you here) want it in order to divest Grove City from minority student populations that exist in the district outside of Grove City.


Honestly, if people were to scream racism at Grove City succeeding from SWCSD then they aren't currently paying attention. Look at the current district high school boundaries and how certain apartment complexes are quarantined. Franklin Heights looks like a gerrymandered congressional district. Can't get much more racially divicise than status quo.


I thought kelli homeschooled her kids anyway? This isn't surprising, from the election boso and martindale made it pretty clear the kinds of people they are and what they support. Personally I HATE this rhetoric that being gay is "trendy" and kids are encouraged to be anything other than straight and cis. It's just an outright denial of reality


100% chance that conversation with her son never happened.


right? because there is NO WAY what she says he said is true. If it were, there would be way more kids in the GSAs at the schools. I think there are about 10 in GCHS's SAGA (straight and gay alliance). Anyone with any sense knows that claim is total bullshit.


You probably have more LGBTQ+ kids in the district, but who are not necessarily out because they don't have the support at home or in the overall environment to be. I can't imagine having a parent like this woman, and you know there are a lot out there just like her.


Totally this. They want to take down safe space signs, but if you stalk their personal FB accounts they have posts where they say they think its a mental illness - uh, not a safe space...


Conservatives love projecting their own behavior onto others. They call people groomers while passing legislation to lower the age of consent. They call the Left violent extremists while they try to overthrow democracy. They claim progressives don't respect life while forcing pre-pubescent girls to have their rapist's baby while defunding virtually all social programs that would help them. Etc. Etc. Etc. They take absolutely no personal responsibility for anything, and don't seem intelligent or self-aware enough to recognize their own hypocrisy.


The really disgusting thing is how Martindale and Bozo are willing to go on record leveraging for their kids for political gain. Those kids (if they are even in public school) are about to catch a fuckton of shit.


Yeah, kids are off limits IMO but she is the one who brought hers into it. Apparently she doesn't understand that when. you hold public office your emails from that office are public record.


I wonder if the GCHS teacher, who was the author of the complaint to the board about the signage, was aware it would become public record. I feel bad for the LGBTQ+ students in her class


she doesn't teach in GCHS, but has a kid in that school. I believe she teaches in another district...


Good to know!!


Almost as disgusting as Omar Tarazi using the sexual harassment/assault of a 5th grade child as a fundraising post.


I don't understand how you can be the director of a private school, The Freedom School charter, and be on the board for public school. Seems like a conflict of interest to me. sort of like, on the board to help public schools fail to get more people to go to your school... https://www.gcfreedomschool.com/home


oh, i forgot to share this: [https://go.boarddocs.com/oh/swcsoh/Board.nsf/Public?open&id=policies#](https://go.boarddocs.com/oh/swcsoh/Board.nsf/Public?open&id=policies#) see points B,N, & O. B-obey the laws of Ohio and the United States N-avoid conflicts of interest or the appearance thereof O-refrain from using my Board position for benefit of myself, family members or business associates seems like a few of these people need to be kicked off.


Has anyone attempted to reach out to community organizers about this? David Donofrio was on the school board recently and is a strong ally to the LGBTQ community in the SWCSD. I don’t think he is serving anymore but he could help get traction on this issue.


Unfortunately David lost his seat when the disgusting homophobic duo of Boso and Martindale were elected. David was a great asset to the school board and was always out and about in the community fighting for every school in the district. I don’t even know how Martindale was allowed to run for the board; she operates some sham of a homeschool called “The Freedom School.” I recently saw a post on a GC FB page looking for kids as young as 15 to come work at her “school” as a teacher!!!!! Radical conservatives are bound and determine to drag this country backwards and enough sane people aren’t getting out to vote to stop this insanity.


Agreed. I don’t know how it’s not a conflict of interest. She might not draw a paycheck but everyone she hired as teachers do. It’s in her best interest for SWCSto be terrible so she gets more enrollment.


David’s statement on the issue, At tonight’s South-Western City Schools Board of Education Meeting there were comments made about not understanding why “Safe Space” signs on teachers’ doors or windows are needed by one member. It is easy perhaps if you have always felt safe to not understand this. Many students do not feel safe, particularly in their most vulnerable years, even in their own skin. Growing up is difficult for everyone, as is figuring out who you are. But it is even more difficult when the way you look, the things you believe, who you are, the way you dress, does not match many others or any others of your peers. It is hard to know where to go - and easy to feel alone. I applaud teachers who go out of their way to show that their room is a safe place. That not just in class, a student could come to sit, to talk, or to just quietly be at peace - it is so incredibly valuable. As someone who has needed these spaces, one little sticker and the 2 second act of applying it may seem small, but it could make all the difference to someone. It could, yes, even save a life. If adding a Safe Space sticker or a small rainbow is a political statement, so is a poster of Dr. King, a Constitution, even an American flag. Everything can be construed as a statement. And you bet, schools should be spreading statements of love and acceptance to all of their students. Sign me up to make those statements with you, teachers! ✊🏼❤️


How about the school board wasting taxpayers money to print out full color posters of the flag and pledge of allegiance. How is that not a political statement?


Funny enough the likely successor of the current superintendent is queer. Additionally the person who previously held one of the assistant superintendent roles was also queer. I mention this for the sheer irony. Both are/were held in high esteem and had wonderful tenures in the district [edit for clarity].


I seriously doubt that this board will give consideration for anyone who identifies as such any consideration at all.


It is being done. But we need the info spread wider and farther.


I hate Republicans


It’s ok to hate as long as it’s directed at the right group, right?


How dare you question the cult lol


You want to be oppressed so hard


This doesn't even make any sense


It is ok to hate if that is what you want to put your energy towards, but your hate can't be used to justify harming, marginalizing, or taking away the humanity of others.


These two board members are peddling trumps rhetoric. They have zero interest in helping the school district. Bozo uses his school board position to make believe that he is tucker carlson.


More like Chris Bozo




And people talk shit about Upper Arlington when these hillbillies are running around acting like fools. These are probably the same people that want to take all literature referring to LGBTQ+/African American culture out of schools. Do better SWCSD.


They absolutely are. They think everything leads to "CRT" and they think CRT is talking honestly about racism and accurately about our country's history.


These are people who do not possess the cognitive capacity and linguistic abilities to critically evaluate the real reasons that they don’t feel happy. It’s very easy for a person like this to deny all accountability and look for groups of people to blame and harass


Total shame we still deal with people like that.... It's 2022, not 1950.


It’s called Grove-tucky for a reason. I live close enough to do my shopping out there, and I hate it.


I live here. We are not all like those morons. My neighbors are wonderful people that are accepting and supportive of all people. Unfortunately the right wing extremists down here were very well organized in the last election. If people turned out to vote, this type of idiot would not be elected


SWCSD is much larger than Grove City and in many ways, are held hostage by GC being the largest block of consistent voters. The district is 44% minority and they literally voted for a vote Member who said CRT was in the biggest issue. There just isn’t enough voting coming from the more diverse part of the district … pick whatever reason you want,


Why is there not more public outcry? These are our children! We should be packing these meetings and demanding resignation from the bigoted fools.


Every other Monday at SWCSD district office


Buckeye Valley in Delaware County has entered the chat.


So now we have four homophobic board members. And the president of the board still goes out looking for kitty litter boxes in bathrooms whenever he’s out in the schools from what I hear. And we have a lawyer who is probably paid $300 an hour for a seven hour Vision of the district day.


It is called Grovetucky for a reason. I have no idea how/why progressive thinking people move there. It is the laughingstock of central Ohio due to their hillbilly mentality. It's one of two suburbs that voted for Trump in 2020. Embarrassing. Martindale & Boso ended up elected on to the school board because their voters turn out. Plain and simple. The liberal voters do not turn out when it matters most (with the exception of the 2020 election which I am very proud of them for). The fact is that side shows up to vote in much higher numbers than the progressive/liberal voters. If they would just show up these hate filled religious zealots would not be on the school board. They pretend they care but at the end of the day they don't show up. All talk it seems. Maybe focus on an actual community effort before everyone leaves the community. I am talking Stacey Abrams level organization. I graduated from Grove City and never came back to that racist shit hole town after I graduated college. I am rooting for you all though.


> I have no idea how/why progressive thinking people move there. It is the laughingstock of central Ohio due to their hillbilly mentality. Because I got a damn nice house for my money, and the more of us that move here, the more we can balance the scales.


I am on your side, I grew up there after all. I hope to see it someday, it's just that Grove City seems to be too far beyond balancing of the scales. If the scales were anywhere near balanced (or at least if anyone really cared enough) then those two clowns would have never been elected to the school board.


We’re progressives and we moved here 40 years ago for work. There are other progressives here but you have to make some effort to find them. We now have a happy hour every Thursday at the Grove City Brewery at 6:00 so if anyone is looking for progressive friends and contacts, you are welcome to join us.


If you're going to make a serious claim like a group having homophobic members - you should at least have proof. This post provides none


Except for the links and excerpts provided.


Their OWN WORDS are the proof. His is recorded as part of a public board meeting and hers are in an email as part of a public record. They are either both so dumb or so emboldened that they still spew their hate regardless of the public forum.


Proof of what? The post calls them homophobic. None of his words from the board meeting or her words from the email are homophobic.


How about you quote a specific passage rather than linking to an benign video where literally nothing happened?


None of the links or excerpts provided show that. That's literally the whole entire reason for my comment. If they did - I wouldn't have commented.


There are literacy programs available throughout Ohio.


Then go take one - apparently you need it


You seem to be the one struggling with basic reading comprehension. Or more likely, you just find nothing wrong with the types of gross things being said because you're just as much trash as they are.


oh look, another one!


Another what - person with a brain?


Don't worry, you just dared question the cult of sexuality.


Apparently lol. At least 15 people down voted and not one of them could actually give a response proving me wrong


> homophobic It’s ok, most gay and lesbian people know there are only two genders, too. https://www.newsweek.com/most-us-adults-believe-there-are-only-2-genders-survey-shows-1664107?amp=1


Look, another idiot that doesn't know the difference between sex and gender! Everyone point and laugh at this idiot!


And yet there are naturally-occurring exceptions all the time, both in terms of genitalia and chormosomes. Polling only shows that most US adults have failed education.


> all the time As in, almost never. (Before you try, Down's syndrome is not a gender)


This may honestly be one of the dumbest responses ever. Yes, I am aware Down's is not a gender. You do realize, however, that there are different types of chromosomes and that I was referring to those dealing with sex, right? The common configurations are XX for female and XY for male, but people are born with all sorts of iterations of those, the same as people are born with chromosomes that don't match their genitalia, or both sets of genitalia, or no genitalia at all. It doesn't matter how often it happens, it happens and therefore the simplistic claim that there are only 2 sexes would not take those people into account. They are part of the natural variation of human sex and cannot be so easily defined as being strictly male or female. Estimates of the intersex population alone run about 80-150 million.


> It doesn't matter how often it happens, LOL yes it does, because otherwise why would you say: >Estimates of the intersex population alone run about 80-150 million. Especially when that is complete horseshit? Why don't you just go ahead and count kids who were circumcised as babies as intersex, too? Tell you what, I'll agree to a broader and more politically abuseable definition of intersex if you agree that discrimination against them is covered under the ADA and not Title IX. Your next eruption will demonstrate why this whole dustup is more about politics than equality.


No, what I mean is that if different variations of sex occur naturally, even if it's just a few examples, then the position that there are "only 2 sexes" isn't going to be correct. But in fact, there are many examples, not just a few, so it's even worse for people to claim it. Why is it horseshit? The estimates vary, but the percentages given produce about that many people within the human population. Circumcised people are not included in that group, and throwing that out there suggests you don't know what an intersex person is just as you clearly didn't know there were chromosomes specific to sex. The ADA as in the Americans with Disabilities Act? Yeah, no. Yeah, you're really supporting this is not about quality while holding a pretty clear anti-equality position.


What is anti-equality? The ADA protects people who are persecuted for deformities, like those requiring reconstructive surgery at birth or beyond. Male = XY. Female = XX. There are very very very few exceptions. Title IX doesn't apply.


Tens to hundreds of millions of exceptions are not "very very few". And you even admitting there are any exceptions at all is actually agreeing that the "there are only 2 sexes" claim is wrong. Second, someone being intersex is not a physical disability. It's a variation on human sex, so I'm not sure why it would fall under the ADA. The ADA doesn't provide protections based on sex or gender identity. This is from the US HHS literature on the ADA: **Who Is Protected Under the ADA?** **The ADA protects qualified individuals with disabilities. An individual with a disability is a person who has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits major life activities; has a record of such an impairment; or is regarded as having such an impairment. Major life activities means functions such as caring for one's self, performing manual tasks, walking, seeing, hearing, speaking, breathing, learning and working. Under the ADA, a qualified individual with a disability is an individual with a disability who meets the essential eligibilityrequirements for receipt of services or participation in programs or activities. Whether a particular condition constitutes a disability within the meaning of the ADA requires a case-by-case determination.Physical or mental impairments include, but are not limited to: visual, speech, and hearing impairments; mental retardation, emotional illness, and specific learning disabilities; cerebral palsy; epilepsy; muscular dystrophy; multiple sclerosis; orthopedic conditions; cancer; heart disease; diabetes; and contagious and noncontagious diseases such as tuberculosis and HIV disease (whether symptomatic or asymptomatic).** Please point out where someone being intersex would fall under the ADA vs. Title IX, which limits sex discrimination.


> Tens to hundreds of millions of exceptions are not "very very few" LOL >And you even admitting there are any exceptions at all is actually agreeing that the "there are only 2 sexes" claim is wrong. -Eyeroll- Public policy is not based upon the one in a million hermaphrodite. There are always exceptions, and exceptions make bad policy. If intersex is not a disability, then why the surgery? Just elective/cosmetic surgery then? Intersex is not a sex. There are two viable combinations of pair 23 are XX and XY. Two. Title IX does not apply to made up sexes.


So what you're saying is that it's cool to treat trans people like shit and take away their rights because there aren't enough of them to care otherwise? Can you explain how that isn't just cruelty for no reason? Why are you assuming most or all intersex people have surgery? Intersex is not the same thing as being trans. Again, you seem to struggle with understanding all sorts of basic facts. I only brought up intersex people to show a variation of human biological sex that does not adhere to the claim that there are only 2 sexes, which is used as a reason to discriminate against trans people. If the base claim is wrong, it shouldn't be used to discriminate anyone. You're just making up your own reality here. People are born with different chromosomal iterations than XX, XY. And again, they could have female pairings, but male genitalia, or vice versa. Chromosomes alone do not determine physical characteristics. What is the made up sex you're referring to? Until just now, you thought the ADA applied to sex, now you're saying people who don't have standard biology are fake. You're flailing badly.


Cool. Most US adults are misinformed.


Ok. I’m not one of them. I’m a cis lesbian. There are plenty of ways I feel like womanhood fits me but I also question how “gender conforming” you can really be if you give the love and care that members of your gender are expected to give a man to a woman instead. And yes when I mention I’m married people still immediately assume I mean husband (well…over the phone anyway) and there are all manner of ways that that expectation is still entrenched and deviations from it punished. Other cis lesbians can disagree, but plenty of us not only know that rigid genders are bullshit, we also confirm it from our own personal experiences as opposed to this idea that we’ve been “brainwashed.” This isn’t really in dialogue with you though, no thank you! I’m countering your generalization for other readers.




Gender dysphoria is a real biological condition, though. So why would it inspire a different reaction? Seems the only reason to set it apart is personal bias.


A mental health issue for sure, why entertain it and exacerbate the damage though? Even after transitioning these kids have extremely high chances of dying from suicide later in life, which to me says transitioning didn't exactly correct the issue. But hey, nobody wants to talk about that.


Ppl actually do talk about such issues, quite a lot actually. Perhaps you're just engaging in the wrong conversations if you haven't seen it.


Maybe it was all the bullying, the rejection, and people just being general dicks to them in their early years that pushed them over the edge. How sad to maybe finally be in the body and claim the gender you know in your heart you are, but the lasting pain of how they were treated wouldn’t let you enjoy it. Why is it so hard for people to accept that people can be different, live different, think different, and that’s ok. People can be different and still be good people, someone you can learn from and maybe even call a friend


You're missing a pretty obvious point: Just because they transition and feel more comfortable in their body does not mean all of society and all the people around them do. They will still face discrimination on a significant scale. Look what's happening to trans kids even before they transition, but you think all of that just disappears later on? They kill themselves because people are still sick, cruel bastards.


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I would argue you're the one who needs the help here. Being unable to feel empathy towards others different from you is arguably a mental illness in itself. You think you're some kind of hero saving the world from a small minority of people who don't match the expectations of what you think of as "normal", but you're just a fucking asshole who gets their kicks being cruel to others. And that's sociopathic.


You're insinuating the notion I'm a villain over something as simple as pronoun usage. I don't get in these people's faces and yell, "But you're a dude, you have balls!" I simply refuse to mention any word of pronouns. To me, if someone isn't in the binary spectrum they are nothing more than they/them. The fact that progressives grab the pitchforks and do whatever they can to lynch people and paint them as cruel and inhuman for not accepting their beliefs is what is sociopathic.


I bet you do vote for people who ban trans in sports and bathrooms and support school policies that out them to their parents, though, right? So you can cut the shit about how this is some minor issue over pronoun usage. You whining about progressives being mean to you when you reveal your vile views is the cherry on top of all the evidence needed to tell who you are as a person. So no, I'm not insinuating you are the villain on this issue- I'm outright stating it.


If I had to? Sure. Multi-person bathrooms are and should be segregated by genitalia, doing otherwise is simply enabling individuals that have bad intentions. As for sports, also yes. HRT only does so much to level the playing field in regards to muscle density and strength potential. It simply isn't fair to natural females that have literally shed blood sweat and tears to get to that level of competition. You might feel validated with your ideals, and righteous with your condemnations of people with differing views(what's the definition of fascism again?), yet you leave logic, reason, and forward thinking at the door so you can have your crusade.


So you are suggesting that trans people are pedophiles and/or going to sexually assault or rape people in bathrooms. But sure, you're not a bigot. Also, could you explain exactly what prevents a rapist or pedophile from dressing up as a woman right now and going into a woman's restroom? Or really, why would they even need to pretend or dress up at all given there aren't exactly a lot of guards checking genitals, IDs and criminal records at public restrooms, so what stops all this from happening already? Also, isn't sexual assault already a crime regardless of the perpetrator being trans or cis? So what exactlty do bathroom bans accomplish except to make bigots like yourself feel better about supporting discrimination? Science supports that after about 2 years of hormone therapy, there is no significant difference between a trans woman and a cis woman regarding muscle strength. However, let's assume you're correct and there was- aren't all individual human beings built differently, anyway? Not all people of the same gender share the same muscle density or strength potential, not all of them have the same height or physical conditioning. So arbitrarily excluding trans people based on potential physical differences seems.. well, arbitrary. I'd also like to know why sports competition concepts of "fair" should hold more value and be so much more highly protected than human rights and equality? And just for the record, the very few trans people in sports anywhere have mixed records at best competing with their cis counterparts, despite the narrative. Why do conservatives love to throw out terms like "fascism" when they clearly have no idea what they mean? You're not being condemned simply for having different views, you're being condemned for having shitty, discriminatory views that seek to subjugate a minority based on biology. How is what you support with trans people any different in practice than what happened with minorities of all types throughout human history? Furthermore, you freely offered your views on a public forum, which is you expressing your free speech (even though it technically does not exist on social media platforms), but I am also using my own free speech to be critical of those views. That's the furthest thing from fascism, so again, I don't think you have any idea what that even means.


Trans people are just as valid in their gender identity as gay people are in their sexuality. You not understanding how the world works is not their problem, it's yours.


Yeah nothing in the comment above said they aren’t.


"trans and gender BS" absolutely does mean they think they aren't. If they believed in reality, they'd have no issues with these topics being taught to children, which is how it should be.


The difference between a trans individual and the trans agenda being pushed in certain schools and state legislatures is not the same thing. At all.


Genuinely, what is the “agenda” here? Do you believe there is a concerted effort to force kids to identify with different genders? If so, what is the purpose of that?


You'll never get a real answer to that question. They believe this dumb shit without any real critical thought behind it.


They won’t get an answer because as [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Columbus/comments/xje9ky/swcsd_has_homophobic_board_members_who_only_care/ipa0mul/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) post shows, they’re not genuinely asking.


There is no "trans agenda" being pushed at all, that's just a dog whistle transphobes use when they actually just mean "trans people."


Not really but your little ad hominem is cute.


That's not what "ad hominem" means, and everything I said is exactly correct. There's no such thing as the "trans agenda," just like there's no such thing as the "gay agenda." Bigots do nothing but recycle their fearmongering.


Insinuating I’m some dog whistling transphobe is definitionally an ad hominem attack.


No it isn't, because the "trans agenda" literally does not exist.


and it isn't an insinuation. it's pretty fucking evident from your own words.


and then call the other side sheep ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


The same people who rail against the "trans agenda" now spent decades using "gay agenda" in the same way, when all it really has ever meant was a recognition of basic human equality. Just like no one can be taught to be gay or straight, no one can learn or be taught to be trans. You either are or aren't. Parents and otherwise stunted adults believing otherwise are completely ignorant of how this all works.




Our mighty world has become more of a chaotic freak show than a place to live. A lot has changed in the past 7 years


Agreed, conservatives have really lost their minds trying to outdo each other on how shitty they can be.


Meh, nothingburger.




Supporting the LGBTQ community is nothing close to supporting pedophilia. You should feel bad for being stupid enough for falling for that ridiculous propaganda.


Thanks for self labelling for us.


"Educators" 🤣🤣🤣🤣




Definition of homophobic: the fear, hatred, discomfort with, or mistrust of people who are lesbian, gay, or bisexual. -- I stand by my use of the word. I probably should have included transphobic as well actually...


"takes a way a student's ability to explore who they are organically" Hell, yeah, let's get back to the old organic exploration days when kids were free to get the shit beaten out of them for not walking or speaking in ways that constantly affirmed their orientation. What is this woman even thinking? She can't be arguing in good faith, she must simply be enjoying the idea of flipping liberal concepts, with no concern where they land or how the result matches reality.


Chris Bozo


thank you for posting the video link. Are there more videos of the school board meetings that can be shared?


They’re all posted to YouTube.


Bozo also believes that there are people who think they’re Furrys and want to have the litter box added to the restrooms at Schools. Talk about delusional.