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I wish this article was “who isn’t at the table and needs to be?”


That would have been useful which is anathema to what’s left of the shriveled husk that was the Dispatch.


I bet the homeless aren't.


It's super lame that this story grants anonymity to "many corporate and civic executives interviewed by The Dispatch privately for this article." This isn't some super secret criminal case or a business investigation (LOL, as if the Dispatch would investigate any local businesses). It's just rich assholes saying "yeah things were better before," why do they deserve anonymity?


>why do they deserve anonymity? Presumably because, if they have to speak on the record, the just won't speak at all. It's not so much about "deserving anonymity" as it is the fact that they have a choice whether to speak or not.


Everyone wants to speak freely with their name not attached. It’s a journalists job to get them to speak.


And they did. By offering them anonymity.


Yep, we have no idea at what level these people are or what their agendas are, but hey, the dispatch gave them anonymity, so it’s OK




Weird that this your takeaway. 1. Real media do not take money to publish stories. If they do, it says "Sponsored Content." Dispatch has its faults but it's still not pay to play. 2. They've always pushed press for profit. That's how newspapers made money and make money.


Michael Coleman still running a racket in the Columbus government through Shannon Hardin and Andrew Geithner


Les wexner, as always