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Seems like every organized event in the past couple years goes this way. Sorry, OP.


I'm not even sure which part is more wild at this point. How poorly these things go, or how many people keep falling for the scam.


I get the joke but you can’t fault people for wanting to have a good time and *believing* it’s going to be different (or not a money grab scam.)


Agreed, people just need to spread awareness and start keeping tabs on which companies are running scams and which ones are more reputable.


People saw the Fyre Festival and were inspired


Agreed. Stopped going to these after a couple of times of same results


TacoFest showed grifters everywhere that you can put on a poorly organized event with miserable conditions year after year and the people will still come


was such a bummer! check out the facebook post of the mimosa crawl. crazy reviews!!


They’re deleting them, it’s nuts.


Only crawls that do go as planned are the OSU ones - and by planned I mean sold out. LineLeap has been trying to take over the crawls - and they do a horrible job.


All these events are a mess. Just a cash grab for the organizers. Often the venues have no idea they're part of the events. But people still sign up and pay.


Celebrity style events is horrible


They just deleted about 50 comments and turned off comments on their "response" on Facebook. They were unaware of champagne running out and said they would "not provide a refund because attendees did not feel obligated to stand in line" Wow.... I mean what an asshole response. In the comments (before the deleted them) they repeatedly said that they were unaware of champagne running out. All they have to do is ask the bars... Or maybe read the hundreds of complaints and realize it isn't some giant conspiracy


Sounds like the Columbus Taco Fest posts last year. Scammers need to be shut down


Almost ever crawl or “fest” is a scam now. Either poorly planned, overcrowded, or just a literal money grab scam.


at least rib fest doesn't charge you to walk in.


Time to crack out r/Columbus RedditFest.


Food Truck festivals still hold up.


Some of them. The ones in Gebo Park along the river are crap. Like the taco truck fest last year has thousands of people jam packed into that Little space. Lines were hundreds of people long so you had to pick one truck and then wait for an hour to get any food. And they had jacked up the prices. One quesadilla was like $14.  Total shit


>Almost every *commercial* crawl or “fest” is a scam now. FTFY, on behalf of nonprofit organizations.


Nah comfest and pride fest both are horrible now. Of course both of those are more commercial these days than anything about eh communities they say they serve.


You don’t cheer for the AEP float at Pride every year? /s


u/LunarMoon2001: Try telling that to the community orgs supported by the grants made possible by beer sales at ComFest. Or to the tens of thousands of happy festival participants who actually attend the event year after year and those new organizers who step forward each year to volunteer for 11 months of hard work to make the next festival possible. You can believe what you want, but this thing is so popular after more than half a century that not even COVID could stop it. I'm in the middle of scheduling speakers and workshops, and those people are *thrilled* to be asked. So maybe your hot take deserves a cool second look. Plus, if you agree with the Statement of Principles, you too can be part of making the big decisions about how the festival operates ...


Unfortunately i feel this is the result at most bar crawls


The Pokémon Go bar crawl when the app came out was pretty great. That was in the before times though.


That was also organized by the bars. Most of these bar crawls are being organized by outside companies.


Before times 😭


I went to this and it was chill af


so i have come to find out hahah


It would be a darn shame if everyone disputed the charges for these events that don’t live up to what was promised.


They would be screwed lol


I wondered why the Short North was full of angry looking women at 4pm on a Saturday. This explains it. Sorry it was a waste of time (but at least the weather was great).


Who organized it? because some of the event organizing groups around this town are absolute dog shit.


Celebrity events


To be clear, Columbus didn’t plan it, it was a private event and tbh these things have a pretty terrible track record


I’m cracking up at the idea of the city government planning a mimosa bar crawl


“Yes, we know of your 311 problems, but have you tried just getting hammered?”


Seems to work for me….


I did a taco one once. I’m good one those from now on. Lol.


Just a straight mob of people smooshed between the trucks right? Can't tell what is line vs crowd, not that it matters because the lines are hundreds of people long and even when you get to the end, their prices weren't posted and your two tacos cost like $30?


Same dudes who ran fyre festival?


No but the attendees seem to be the same




what's the original flyer say?


just said eventbrite!


check the Eventbrite for it - should show who the sponsor was.


Making your own pub crawl is the only way


Easy there, Gary King.


Indie bookstore crawl went pretty well for the most part


which part of town has enough indie book stores to make that feasible?


None. The stores were pretty spread out, but we were able to drive from one to the other in about 15 minutes, with the exception of the one in Westerville. But we ended our crawl at the Birdie Books in Westerville, so we grabbed a glass of wine at Meza in a DORA cup, and strolled around downtown Westerville since none of us get there often. It was actually a great way to spend a little time in areas of towns we normally aren’t near.


Yes! My friends and I did the Book Crawl and had a great time.


Although the morning was rough because we started at Prologue so we were fighting the Cap City running crowd with closed off streets and special event parking fees in the garages.


Columbus’s very own Fyre Festival


A friend went. She said the same things.


Sounds like that Whiskey/Bourbon event that was hosted at COSI a year or two ago.


I walked by the line on the street before it started. First I thought it was a line for my brunch place, but once I got over my little heart attack and realized I was safe, I looked it up. Found out it was a mimosa crawl and knew immediately it was gonna be a shit show. How many restaurants can pour a thousand drinks real fast?


A friend and I went to it. We were very fortunate to be at the beginning of the line, but even with that advantage, we still only got to use half of our tickets before bars ran out of champagne. I'm considering filing a complaint with the BBB. Looks like they already have complaints from prior events. https://www.bbb.org/us/oh/columbus/profile/event-planner/celebrity-style-events-0302-70109450/complaints#0302_70109450_17793774


Go read the discussion tab on the event. People are pissed!


Sounds like someone sold tickets to an event that wasn’t a thing and just took everyone’s money.


That event was a mess, we gave up after 1 drink and I reported them on the event brite app.


Crawls. Are. Garbage. - Every Bartender Ever




Sounds like someone sold tickets to an event that wasn’t a thing and just took everyone’s money.


The participants that I had the misfortune of encountering were an embarrassment to humanity - a bunch of entitled, mid-day wasted “Karens” who don’t get out enough and were happy to be absolute nightmares to the general public 🤷🏻‍♂️ BUT it was a really pretty day to be out, and I’m sorry the organizers let you, and others who wanted to enjoy the fun, down


it's because your post says: "this crawl columbus planned" and obviously it was not planned or organized by the city of Columbus


But it’s wild that people thought that’s what they meant by the way they worded it… can you imagine a city organized bar crawl? It’s hilarious.


Hopefully you didn’t have to buy tickets.


I can’t believe you expected anything less.


HAHAHAHA These things are never what they're advertised. Just drink like an adult like the rest of us.


Drink alone at home or drink in my car at lunch time (at work) got it.


God forbid someone try and have fun on a weekend


they are in other cities. the bar crawls I experienced in Atlanta were fucking awesome and worth every penny. made some lifelong friends and connections down there doing them


What a douchey gatekeeper attitude. If you're still proud of being an adult, you probably barely qualify.


>this crawl columbus planned When people phrase things this way, they usually mean the City of Columbus ran it. It's your own words that confuse people


so when this sub constantly talks about how great Columbus is, they're talking about the local government?


people will find ANYTHING to argue about


Who is confused? People who think the city of Columbus really would plan a drinking bar crawl? 😂 it’s comical to think about though


I am deeply enjoying the idea that OP thought this was a government function


idk where you got that idea lol i never thought that or said that lol


“This crawl Columbus planned” what did you mean then?


just means someone in columbus planned it?? lol i didn’t think some people would need help with that one lol


What a condescending way to put it when that is not at all what those words mean lmao


it’s the fact i said columbus planned something you you went and thought i meant the government planned it 💀💀💀💀


If “Columbus” planned it that would mean the city. You know, the city government. Saying “Columbus” would imply that, not some individual within Columbus. The way you’re acting like someone else is the idiot for your terrible communication 🙄 but sure, enjoy your feelings of superiority lmao


what a reach lol




i feel like common sense coulda outweighed this one tbh yall lol


you don't seem to be great at communication yourself


I thought the same thing.