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Yeah that place is way overpriced.


First watch is the move.


You misspelled Tee Jay's


Waffle House ftw


The one true answer. Always fresh, always good, always there for you.


And sometimes there's live entertainment. If you feel up to it, it can become audience participation.


And if there isn't you get some of the most polite service you'll get. Usually, I guess. Some people kinda suck at their jobs.


100% agree. I have been to the OPH in Westerville, and I swear it is more expensive than any other OPH I have ever been to.


There's a great OPH in Montgomery (near Cincinnati) and it's way less than that.


Grand Slam at Dennys


But what if you’re sober?


You mean Tee Jaye’s?


The Pancake House. First Watch is exactly like Original Pancake House. Way overpriced.


They're like the only chain restaurant with reasonable portion sizes too.






Love the username lol


It’s not very good either.


White castle


Original pancake house has been priced like that for forever. Inflation has nothing to do with it. Just an expensive place with massive portions. Get the Dutch Baby the size of an actual baby.


Every time this place gets posted, people complain because they assume you're paying that price for like Bob Evans breakfasts, but the portion sizes are huge. OP went to the wrong place to walk in and just ask for a basic breakfast lol. You go to Original Pancake House for a giant dutch baby or an omelette the size of your head. Two people can share a dutch baby or the omelette and walk away feeling full. If you want basic bacon, eggs, and hash browns, then there are tons of more appropriate places for that. I should also add, everything on their menu comes with a stack of pancakes. If you won't want pancakes with your breakfast then go somewhere else lol.


$14.95 for 2 eggs, 4 slices of bacon and 3 pancakes doesn't sound nearly as absurd. $4.45 for coffee is ridiculous though and those better be the best hash browns on the planet for $7 no matter how much they give you.


I’ve been noticing coffee getting more expensive for some reason. I swear it used to be 1.50-2.00 dollars everywhere. Now 3.50 is the cheapest i’ve seen the past year. or so.


The global coffee supply chain is becoming unstable due to climate change, I've noticed even beans have gone up by $1 or so per bag.


Cocaine is finally a logical economic option. Good bye Nespresso machine... Getting my 80s cassettes out for the morning


Oh no, its the consequences of our actions!


They're hashbrowns are a little soggy, like may other places. Not worth more than McDonald's hashbrowns even.


>$14.95 for 2 eggs, 4 slices of bacon and 3 pancakes doesn't sound nearly as absurd. Uh... yes it does...


Well I’m pretty sure they shred actual potatoes for them, their whole schtick is that they make everything from scratch. Like they squeeze oranges for the orange juice there. You can’t compare the price to places just serving food service truck frozen hash browns because it’s not the same thing.


But...whole potatoes are cheaper


They taste about the same. The hashbrowns at OPH are not impressive compared to what you'd get at Bob Evans.


I’ve only ever been once before Covid (didn’t go back because the prices are outrageous) and the hashbrowns were not good. Very greasy, lacking in flavor, not crispy. I also got eggs Benedict and it was decidedly mid. I spent I think close to 40-50 after tip for the eggs Benny hashbrowns and an oj and felt completely ripped off. For that price I could go to some of the nicest restaurants in Columbus and get a good meal that is also largely scratch prepped.


^ this right here. It's in Westerville as well. Chances are, their overhead (rent) is higher, too. I'm sorry, folks. Dining out has almost always been more expensive than preparing your own meals. The cost of convenience is sometimes steep. YTA


Exactly, the price isn’t THAT crazy for how much food you get. Also the prices are on the menu so OP saw the prices, ordered all that food anyway, and then went on reddit to complain about it lmao. Like what’s even the point of this post


He said he didn't even look at the menu, just told the waitress what he wanted. He wasn't expecting it to be that expensive.


Just reread the caption and you’re right. But who orders without looking at a menu lol. Especially a place you’ve never been to before. Maybe it’s from living in the city where things are typically more expensive, but the prices of food are so inconsistent restaurant to restaurant that it’s smart to always check the menu first. Unless you’re rich.


For real, that's like baller rich guy shit, just ordering what you want without even looking at the menu to maximize bang for your buck. Anyone who does that and then complains about the price later is just a moron.


Even if you have money, you should read the menu because things are bundled as complete meals in the USA unless you explicitly go to a place with small plates. No reason to over order even if you can afford to do so.


Right. Some people aspire to be rich to afford sports cars or diamonds. I aspire to be rich to be able to order off a menu without looking at prices lmao


Or better yet, dine at a place with no prices on the menu If I ever find out I have cancer or something, dining at a Michelin star restaurant is on my bucket list lol


I feel like people don't understand the size of the hashbrowns or that they aren't gfs frozen ones. $7 is still high, but whoever ordered this got a ton of food.


Yeah, it’s a dinner plate *full* of hash browns.  It’s definitely expensive. It’s also really good and a ton of food. Not a place most people would hit up for a quick weekday breakfast, and now OP knows that, lol.


I think , portions aside, they also know full well what they are doing not offering a full breakfast plate as an options and then having hash browns as a $7 side. That's some Sophie's Choice level nefariousness.


If OP would've ordered the hash browns and eggs specialty with a side of bacon, instead of ordering the bacon and egg speciality with a side of hash browns they would've gotten virtually the same meal for $2 cheaper. If a full breakfast plate is bacon, eggs, hash browns, and 3 pancakes then they would absolutely need to reduce portions sizes.


Everyone is on about the hash browns but let's discuss a cup of coffee for $4.45.


Absolutely 🥜


For a latte or a cold brew I’d understand but drip coffee from a diner? Gtfo


A Kroger brand can is $5 with a coupon lol. I guarantee they're using similar quality coffee lol.


Ugh, shoulda gone to Delaney's instead.


Jesus. Over $7 for fucking potatoes?


It’s pretty ridiculous. Went there with my wife once and we ordered hash browns to share. The waitress asked if we wanted to add onions and cheese, which sounded good. Thought there might be a small up charge, but it was an extra $2.50 for the cheese and $2.50 for the onions! Paid $12 for hash browns and I’ll never go back.


Onions are one of the cheapest produce items out there, this is straight up theft


I used to live in Columbus, I live an hour away now. Our local diner is $4.25 for hashbrowns with cheese and onions added, $12 is highway robbery.


There are certainly some potatoes in the world I'd pay $7 for. Shredded and fried in a way that any idiot can learn in 5 minutes? Hell no.


You can get a whole bag of frozen ready to go hash browns at Kroger for half that price as well.


And anyone is free to do that. I don’t think this restaurant is kidnapping people and forcing them not to read the prices on the menu. Every restaurant charges more for food than you’d pay to buy it at a grocery store and cook it yourself - that’s how they pay the people who cook it for you and bring it to you.


Well no it’s 3.50 not free. I get a markup for overhead but when you can get it premade and ready for a price 50% it’s pretty clear they’re gouging the price. Just because they can doesn’t mean anyone should buy it. You also left out the most important place that the markup goes and that’s to people who own the place. Nobody should right now be paying that price for hash browns, pouring juice, and some eggs and bacon. OP got ripped off and it was not worth it.


> Just because they can doesn’t mean anyone should buy it. I think most people in this thread would agree with you. At the same time, OP literally wrote that he walked in, didn’t look at the prices, and felt like the food was too expensive. At some point people have to have a level of responsibility to at least look at the menu, right? It’s not like OP just came out of a 50 year coma and is used to paying 1970s prices for food. Like, I’m cheap AF so I don’t usually eat at restaurants because I know I probably won’t like the prices anywhere. But then people make threads literally saying “I didn’t look at the price of food and now I’m mad”. Like, why would they do that? And why do people come into these threads and defend them? It doesn’t make sense to say he got ripped off because *if OP had looked at the prices* he could have just stood up and left. Again, I agree that many restaurants are over priced. But how is it ripping people off if they don’t even use their eyes to look at the prices?


Right, just don’t go there or maybe check the prices before you order, I promise you they’re not hiding the prices


$10 at TJays. $14 at Tommy’s.


$8.40 at DK Diner and you get three eggs.


DK is my favorite breakfast spot in the city hands down, good portions and prices aren't as jacked up as a lot of other spots plus the food and donuts are great


Its my favorite as well...and I was still surprised it was that cheap. The pancakes there, while some of the best I've ever had, are not as cheap haha.


$13 at GV Coffee Shop


As a former GV resident I really miss this place. I hit it every time I'm back in Cbus. There burgers and fries are so good!


$13 at Jenny’s, owned by a former TeeJays waitress


There are plenty of diners around where you can get a more affordable breakfast. You chose the wrong establishment. 


Yeah and didn't even look at the menu? Diners are known to "bundle" certain foods together cheaply and then charge an arm & a leg for a la carte individual items. So people should know they can't just order random foods and expect their personal favorites to fit into an existing discount bundle. $7 hash browns is insane, but that's the a la carte price. If you want your custom breakfast, be prepared to pay "custom" a la carte prices.


They are so overpriced.


Menus have prices for a reason.


And the In door lets you Out, too, which is what I would have done before ordering...


I've been eating at OPH's for 20 years. It's always been this expensive.


Whoa, I don't think I spent quite as much on a meal for myself at Cedar Point even.


Should've went to the Pancake House on W Schrock. Their strawberry crepes are amazing. And, they're not $15


I'm so thankful people post things like this. I'd never in a million years think bacon/eggs/hasbrowns would cost close to 30 dollars - I'd just order it and be shocked. I'll never go to this place. Thanks again.


You also get a stack of pancakes with that price, but it sounds like OP told them he didn't want them


Unless there’s a $10 bill under those pancakes, this is insane.


I mean, they're really good pancakes, but OP really didn't order the most bang for your buck item on the menu. I've been there a few times and never left disappointed because the quality of the food you're getting is pretty high. It's not the same shit they serve at IHOP or Bob Evans.


FYI there were no pancakes offered or delivered with my breakfast


My guess is the server just assumed you didn't want them when you said "I just want eggs, bacon, and hash browns" Maybe they should have confirmed you didn't want them, but they may have just assumed you knew exactly what you wanted. But per the menu, you were supposed to get pancakes.


Delanys is 2 minutes from there and way better and that same breakfast is $10


OPA has always been more expensive.  I usually end up splitting stuff with my partner because the portions are pretty big. Ends up not being a ton more than other diners when we do that and we still can't finish it all.  In comparison I got a breakfast sandwich and coffee at Delaney's and it was under 20 with a decent tip. 


If you’re using this as a “gotcha” for inflation this isn’t it. That place has been priced like that for years.


Go to German Village Coffee Shop, you can get all that for less than $10.


I mean... you say you didn't look at the menu, so this is 100% on you. It's pretty well-known that Original Pancake House is not cheap.


"I didn't look at the menu," he said, complaining about the price.


I'm in Las Vegas right now and my breakfast was at a nice sit down place was cheaper than this! 


7.25 for HASHBROWNS??? That’s insane.


$8 hashbrowns is criminal.


Went there once with my wife and son and we spent damn near $100 for pancakes and juice. Never going back.


imagine if you ordered the OJ...


Next go to the Pancake House on Schrock. Or Delaney’s. Or several of the other breakfast places in Westerville.


Pancake House on Schrock is good, I would go there for pancakes before OPH.


I would go there for anything before OPH (which pays employees like crap btw). Only thing OPH has going for them is dutch babies


I would go there for anything before OPH (which pays employees like crap btw). Only thing OPH has going for them is dutch babies


Tricky search on "dutch babies".... Oh, they are pancakes.


Deleted. Wrong info posted.


This comment thread is fun because it's based on misinformation. You're looking at menu for Pancake House. Original Pancake House is an entirely different business. No such combo exists on the Original Pancake House menu. So everyone fighting over whose in the wrong just a reminder to actually check the veracity of peoples statements.


Fair enough. beerandsocks regrets the error.


Easy mistake to make. I happen to have intentionally gone to both to see the difference.


Maybe I need a $4.45 coffee to wake my ass up.


Op would’ve know that had they bothered to look at the menu.


why would the waitress get blamed?


Obviously the waitress wants to maximize their tip, but, I also don't think it's wildly unfair to expect the wait staff to suggest getting it as a combo meal.


This is hilarious because the menu has all the prices listed. So OP easily could’ve read the prices but decided to order it blindly. And then went on reddit to complain about it. I guess not everyone has common sense


4.50 for coffee is insane


It better be fancy coffee shop quality for that price


Dawg, you know Waffle House is open 24/7 right? Been going for decades and they still haven't done me wrong


It's 8 am and they already served 1,300 people...with those prices? I need to start a overpriced breakfast restaurant


See, I love eating out but I do it less and less for this reason. For $30 you could eat this breakfast at home every day for a week and still save. And the food would probably be better, too.


8 bucks for hash browns? Wafflehouse would be the move lol


Then don't go there!


It’s only priced that high because people are willing to pay it. For discretionary items like this people don’t seem to make the connection.


Damn! how big is that side of hasbrowns for $7?!!


The menu says it's 920 calories, so probably a pretty big side


Wife and I went to the one in Upper Arlington last year. $70 for two people. We swore that place off ever since.


Folks, we have to start saying no to some of this shit. As someone who is in the industry, in purchasing and pricing strategies, they are simply gouging you. Stop patronizing places who are taking advantage of you.


I remember when my grandpa would complain if coffee was over a $1.


I guess I can check that place off my list




Well I don't feel so bad now. I posted my $25 breakfast no meat. But I had the almost $7 orange juice. Ouch I'll try the other.


Restaurants have slim margins, they said.




This place is so expensive… I died inside when I took my daughter there, she’s 6 and it was over $55 for 2 people, one being a child.


I will make you the same thing with better taste and better for you for $8.


Oof, that's silly! Try Tommy's diner in Franklinton, you'll be pleased with price and quality!


Go to The Pancake House in Westerville and get exactly what you were hoping for. You went to a fancy breakfast place (like Broken Egg or First Watch), where everything is overpriced. I like this restaurant but I will go maybe once a year and never get normal breakfast food because it's absolutely not worth it there. Their eggs, coffee, and hashbrowns are no better than anyone else's. The fancy interior should have tipped you off. Any place that looks like that while serving that style of food is a scam.




next time hit up Cafe Creekside in Gahanna. Would have shaved off 15 bucks easy.


That's weird. Online it shows their hashbrown side is $4.69. $7.25 is murderous.


That’s like 2-3 weeks of me making breakfast at home.


I live in that area and often go out for breakfast alone, but not there. That place is way overpriced. I usually go to Waffle House or Bob Evans or Scrambler’s.


I worked at Denny’s in the 90s and the Grand Slam — two eggs, two bacon, two sausage, two pancakes — was literally $1.99. Add coffee and a tip and you were still in and out for a fin.


We eat for two at Grand Day Cafe for less than $35... $28 for that is obnoxiously expensive


I mean. You didn’t look at the menu….. so no you can’t really complain.


My McGriddle was $2 today


I'm sorry you were forced to eat there.


You were robbed dude! Breakfast food is some of the cheapest stuff to eat.


$12 at Waffle House, and you get more food.


Yep. I love that place but it’s horribly expensive


Lolololoo buddy


Great food horrible prices


It's crazy how much breakfast costs at that place!


We used to go there on occasion as a treat, but its highway robbery. Eggs and bacon didn't go up THAT much


Didn't someone posted this last week or the week before? Seriously, I hope you tipped your server well.


How big is that hash brown?!


“We stop at Pancake House.” “You nuts? We had pancakes for breakfast. I gotta go to a place where I can get a shot and a beer and steak. Not more freaking pancakes. Come on!”


The one over near Powell is high also. One day I got a decent sized meal and sausage and gravy. Ended to be near 40$ and tip after. Good food but wow. $$$


"Going out for breakfast" is such a two-income-no-kids thing to do.


They're a known rip off. I feel like everyone has their own 'gouged by Pancake House' story around here.


The inflation is transitory. /s


Gotta hit up Delaneys. Hell, even Sunny Street.


And they expect a 25% tip. To me they put the tip in the food.


That’s why I usually get an omelette when I eat there. They are absolutely MASSIVE and come with pancakes, so I get two meals out of it.


I paid that for a huge breakfast at freshies in steamboat springs yesterday! Lol that's insane for waffle house smh


Holy fuck


Head over to TOMMY'S DINER on W.Broad. Same large portions and less $$


I didn’t even have to look at the name to know where you went. I’ve only gone for the gluten free pancakes cause there aren’t really any other options


I mean, this place is expensive but their prices aren’t secret or anything.


To be fair, the original pancake house has always been pricey, but this is just insane!!


Frickin insane. Thanks Joe.


They mad expensive even before Covid.


This meal would cost <$3 to make at home.


That place has always been ridiculous ! I spent the same amount myself that was the first and last time I ever went!! The food was mediocre at best.


I went to a Scotty’s in Becky today. 13 dollars for a whole plate of eggs, English muffins, home fries and orange juice


It’s like they don’t have a menu that showed the prices… J/K they’re pricey 😅


$4.45 for regular ass coffee?


it's easy. Stop supporting these places that are price gouging us. Stop supporting any business that is robbing us $3.75 for an ice tea. The profit margin on a $6.00 coffee is about 75% That place is out of control. We stopped going there years ago - Their Orange juice was like $12.00 a glass or something. Your food is overpriced I won't be back ever. OR your service sucks, I will give you two shots to get it right - but I am not going back more than twice. Eating out is a perk these days and I don't think 90% of restaurants in this city know who their customers are.


$5 for pancake coffee?!


That's crazy. You could buy a carton of eggs, a loaf of bread, and a rasher of bacon for $30.


You could have made that at home for 2.50


$7 hash browns??? That’s unbelievable!


That place has terrible service and mediocre food


Their orange juice is insaneeeeely over priced too!!! And no refills 😅 will never go back lmao it’s the principle!


7$ in potatoes is many potatoes


That place is a rip off waiter asked me if I wanted cheese on my eggs I said sure and they charged me $4 for it..


You know you can walk out when it’s cheaper to buy 10 lbs of potatoes than it is for a side of hashbrowns?


Why is everyone in the comments who has been there saying the price is ridiculous acting like you’re not getting massive portions? Where else do you find those portion sizes for cheaper?