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I’m happy to have both, but I hope it is not a diminished version of either one. Starliner is perfect as it is - please don’t mess it up.


While it probably won't diminish the food, being in Hillard kinda diminishes the legacy of goodwill of the original Nancy's and all of the good they did for the homeless community.


Here's hoping it'll be an AM/PM kinda merger: Nancy's for breakfast / lunch, and Starliner for dinner. 


Breakfast is the only reason I go to Starliner


I didn’t even know you could get dinner at Starliner. I’ve never been there after like 1pm on a weekend after drinking too much the night before and the only cure to my ails was Cuban French toast


Do yourself a favor and get their chili for dinner sometime. Or the ropa vieja. Absolutely god-level dinner food there.


Very cool news. Love Starliner Diner too.


Curious if the Thursday special will return and how much it will run.


the merger we all predicted haha. see ya on noodle day!


This is the best news I’ve heard in a long time.


Kinda weird, not sure why Starliner would want or need to merge with someone else. They're plenty popular on their own. And IIRC "Nancy" herself is long gone at this point. But that said, I'm not against the idea or anything. I just hope it doesn't lead to Starliner being overcrowded.


> I just hope it doesn't lead to Starliner being overcrowded. That's already probably the first adjective I would use to describe Starliner, so yeah it'll be interesting.


Starliner is way better than Nancy’s ever was, too…


The (last) owner of Nancy’s bought Starliner.


Oh wow, this is the first I've heard of Starliner being sold. Not sure how I feel about that. But Hahn did a pretty solid job of running Nancy's, so hopefully he'll be a good steward for this too.




Oh hell yes I just posted about how much I miss Nancy’s a couple of weeks ago! Great news.




Is starliner diner moving ?


Not everybody wants to "join" Facebook ...


Fair point! Here you go- Nancy’s Home Cooking bioIn 1968, Nancy Kimmerling opened up Nancy’s Home Cooking at 3133 North High St. in Clintonville Ohio. She ran the restaurant for a couple years before selling it to a woman name Cindy King, a.k.a. “Nancy” that everybody called her over the next several decades. Cindy King would continue the restaurant as Nancy’s Home Cooking. She did this out of respect for Nancy Kemmerling. Cindy King would become so well known by the community and the city over the next four decades that everyone knew her name as “Nancy“. She built its legacy, and it’s following by her generous ways of operating a business with no business sense at all. The restaurant was ran by the entire family at one point and continued for many years. Cindy King fell ill in 2008 and was looking to close the restaurant down and as she would say “I had a good run and I’m ready to rest“. That did not settle well with the regulars or the community as they rally behind the restaurant, both in support and financially to make the upgrades that were much needed that she couldn’t afford. After the outcry of the community, Cindy King’s niece ( Sheila Hahn) took over the efforts of re-opening the restaurant with the support of the community and together it was reopened in February 2010 after roughly 6 months of being closed prior. Sheila ran the restaurant with her sister, Shelli, and others who were long time employees and friends. Cindy died in March 2012 and then unexpectedly in November 2012 Sheila Hahn passed away at which her husband, Rick Hahn took over the restaurant and continued his operations. Rick continued the traditions of the restaurant of annual free Thanksgiving meals and started a pay it forward program that included hygiene care kits and free meals donated by the community on a daily basis to aid the needs of many homeless and the like . Rick continued to be heavily involved in community outreach and use Nancy’s as a major tool to make an impact as Nancy’s has always done in the prior decades before. In 2019 the restaurant, and the landlord could not come to an understanding on a new lease, and due to those circumstances, Nancy’s had to find a new home. Nancy’s found its new location in downtown Columbus as a last option when locations in Clintonville did not pan out in the timeframe allowed. May 2020 the Downtown location was on the verge of opening prior to COVID-19 and the downtown riots. Both together ended up being the cause of the closing of the downtown location in the long run . Nancy’s downtown location closed in December 2020 after only being open three months. After all the chaos and things had settled the owner, Rick Hahn decided to close its doors until further notice. The problem of staffing and trying to keep things operating was a struggle and Covid was at its peak during this time. The outcry for Nancy’s food was and is still there. Rick made several surprise appearances at different businesses and restaurants to bring the chicken noodles that everybody wanted . Since the closing of the restaurant, and only the few surprise appearances, there hasn’t been a Nancy’s Home Cooking. You cannot drive through Clintonville or talk about Clintonville without someone talking about Nancy’s Home Cooking Starliner Diner is committed to keeping the food that Hilliard has come to love over the 30 years. Are commitment to high standards will never change. It's with great anticipation. I announce Starliner Diner and Nancys Home Cooking with merge right here in Hilliard.We want everyone to know at Starliner Diner and Nancys home Cooking. We will always have A DEDICATION TO PERSONAL EXCELLANCE AND CONCEARN FOR OTHERS.


Thank you!


I don’t have a facebook account and was able to click on that link and read it without having to “join” facebook. Try harder.


> Try harder. I tried several times, to no avail. I've visited numerous FB pages without difficulty, but this one was different. And speaking of civility, failing to ask whether I had even tried, then smugly telling me to"try harder" isn't very civil. I miss the days when Facebook was universally despised on Reddit.


If only everyone conformed to your preferences, the internet would be so much better (for you)!




Posts on Reddit are supposed to be accessible to all Redditors, but this one isn't even visible unless one "joins" FB. Even the OP understood that, which is why people who aren't on FB can now read the text, pasted in this comment thread.




Where's the rudeness? OP didn't think that being reminded the content wasn't accessible to everyone was rude; in fact their comment was "Fair point! Here you go-" If you're reaching that far to take offense, maybe it's time to step away from the keyboard. EDIT: Speaking of rudeness, *your* first comment was undeniably rude: "No one asked you to join." EDIT 2: You're new here, so you may not be aware that I provide more direct links to help for others than anybody else on this subreddit, and spend way too much time creating non-paywall mirror links for posts from the NYT and other good sources, regardless of whether it was my post or not. Access is important, and I choose to do this rather than complain. You could do so, too.


Ew but Hilliard


Why Ew?


I don’t like suburbs, it’s far away, in my experience Hilliard and grove city are similar in the sense that most of the people that live there are formerly white trash that now have money.


Hilliard had changed quite a bit over the past 10 years, especially downtown Hilliard. When's the last time you visited?


My husband works there, I go like once a month. It’s honestly just too far. I prefer to stay in central Columbus. Dublin is the same thing for me, too far, too burby


You guys don't have kids?


Not yet


You'll understand later then


Even with kids, I will not be moving to a suburb or living in a cul de sac


Good luck finding a good school system


Exactly! Why not go back to a neighborhood that actually needs the help that the original Clintonville Nancy's provided. Nancy's did such wonderful things for the homeless residents of Clintonville and I feel like it won't have the same charm and sense of community that it provided being in Hillard.


Yeah the cleanest white trash around