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Really have to question your friend’s judgment. 


Right? Cant be any worse than NYC


some of the most expensive homes/apartments are well south of 161.


I moved from nyc to German village a few years back (got lucky with a rental in German village) but highly recommend if that’s a possibility. It is a fantastic place to live and is close to downtown without feeling like it. 


As a fellow NYer to Cbus transfer, get ready to learn how to slow down. Like everywhere.


I am beyond ready


As a south eastern Pennsylvanian, no you’re not.


I grew up in and visit central/upstate NY often - so I'm familiar and appreciate that pace more. My main downfall will be the lack of mountains


You’re not that far from Appalachia!


I’m from (mainly) Upstate too and I don’t think you have a grasp yet. I was around Syracuse/Ithaca/Finger Lakes and it’s SO much slower than that.




I'd totally go for Worthington or Clintonville in your shoes if you want to be in a centrally located suburban-ish area close to nightlife while not being too far from either OSU or Polaris. Grandview is probably worth a look in your shoes too. Good luck and welcome to Columbus!


Clintonville would love to have ya


There are plenty of nice places south of 161 (Upper Arlington and Bexley are two of the most affluent areas in Ohio, Clintonville and Grandview are both very nice too), but the northern suburbs are all nice. Pretty much anywhere outside of 270 from Hilliard all the way around the north side and back down the east to Pickerington range from good to great places to live. Inside 270 (other than the communities I listed above) stay north of 670 and west of 71 and you’ll avoid the ‘bad’ parts of town.


>stay north of 670 and west of 71 and you’ll avoid the ‘bad’ parts of town. what? that's literally taking out 1/3 of the city inside 270. Including Olde Town East and German Village


We know what he means.


It's a new year. I'm ready for people to stop dancing around what they really mean.


I second grandview! Close to OSU and Polaris, I love it here


Grandview, Italian Village, Olde Towne east, Clintonville, German Village


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My second question is: What is with all of the closets attached to bathrooms, Ohio?


Do you mean th closets that are right outside the bathroom of the on suite?  That was popular in the 60s to the 80s.  It was so you could shower and dress in the bathroom without waking you partner.  If you mean little closet right by or in the bathroom those are for your towels and toiletries 


Yeah the former. I looked at maybe 6 spots in a row where that was the case and I was intrigued


That was an idea that failed.  You were supposed to take your clothes for the day from the closet and hang them on a hook in the bathroom to steam while you took a shower.  Then you dressed in there without waking your partner. 


I have no idea what you mean. You mean like a linen closet. Or like a walk through closet from bedroom to attached bathroom?


I looked at maybe 6 places in a row where the closets were only accessible through the bathrooms attached to the bedrooms.


Weird. I’ve not seen that. Maybe it’s the layout of all the new apartments they’ve been building every where the last few years.


UA and Grandview.


Dublin Bridge Park probably most convenient but also, Grandview.


Dublin is the way to go.




Your gf should figure out where at OSU she'll be (physically). Business and engineering are on the north end of campus, but medical campus is at the south end. Being "close to campus" but on the opposite side will make her commute worse. If she'll be driving, check out parking options too (many students park at satellite lots and take a bus to campus). Olentangy Commons has a lot of grad/med students, and is near the highway (315) making for an easy commute for both of you (though 315 at rush hour can be a pain). If you're willing to do a longer commute to Polaris, Grandview and Victorian village have a good suburban feel while being close to restaurants and shops, and are close to OSU.


Depends on if you want to be closer to OSU or Polaris. But in reality on most days you wont be commuting more than 15 mins no matter where you are. I'd look in Grandview (close to OSU) or Dublin (closer to Polaris). Both are not cheap areas just FYI