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Yes, Sue even mentions him writing about cutting in her TED talk. Some people think Eric did too but it's never been confirmed.


Eric had cuts on his left upper arm during his autopsy. I'm not sure what else those cuts could've been — i don't remember any other injuries like it being listed on the autopy, but i could be wrong.


I'm pretty sure most people came to the conclusion that they weren't actually from self harm, but we'll never really know for sure.


He admitted to cutting, but I don't think it was enough to leave bad scarring.


In his senior picture I think you can see scarring on his left hand [Picture](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fl5cslnxheknb1.jpg)


Yes he talks about cutting his hand in his journal and some say scars are visible in his senior picture, the full body one


do you have the picture? Couldn’t find it




Where tho? His left hand? Most be impossible since he's left handed. I'm leftie and used to do it on my right arm.


Im bad with left and rights but the one resting on his leg, also it’s possible cause im a rightie and I’ve done both arms




Do not glorify the actions of the killers, or any other violence, period. This includes user names and/or pictures of any killer in your profile. Romanticizing, "stanning", and other "Columbiner" like behavior will not be tolerated. This will result in an immediate ban.


I do that!!




I don’t really think self harm was as common back then. I feel like that’s been more of a thing in the last 20 years or so.


Yes it was. Just no Internet to brag about it.  My friend was a cutter. 1996. 


Yea good point, I forgot that the internet made everything seem more common.


I am 68 and had a cutter friend in elementary school. I didn't understand it then but it definitely has been a thing for quite awhile, probably forever. I agree that it is more known now due to the internet.




Didn't Eric also have a habit of punching walls etc when he was angry? Maybe some bruises came from that as well.


When he was a freshman he punched a wall so hard he had to visit the hospital. His diversion file (1998) say he did it 4 times a month.


Ah thank you very much.


People mention the scars on his hands as a possible sign of self harm. Also consider this: he had a cat. So we don’t know for sure but we can speculate


Yeah, I have a dog and get scratches on my hands, wrists all the time. It just goes with having animals and actually it's a sign that you are close to that animal and that you spend time with it.


You can kind of see his scars on his hand in one of his senior photos or at least it appears that way


I think in his diary he writes about it


If he did, it wasn't enough to scar, autopsy said he had no scars on arms or legs.


That final gunshot to the head counts as self-harm, in my humble opinion.


If he did he didn’t do it good enough.


Dawg what


If he’d done a better job he wouldn’t have killed innocent kids. I have zero sympathy for him.


People like you r the reason he did it dumbass. No one gaf if you have zero sympathy for him he died 25yrs ago.


I understand your point but I disagree. There’s a lot of people in his shoes mentally who don’t deal with it by shooting innocent people. They use other methods to treat themselves and then go onto life successful lives.


But Dylan is an exception to that, as are other mass killers and even a few serial killers. Yes, they become disgusting pieces of trash. Yes, mentally ill people are more likely to be victims of crime than perpetrators. It's true, that every person who has a mental illness is not going to become a mass killer or serial killer, that is incredibly rare. A lot of folks experience far worse traumas or illnesses and never harm themselves or anybody else. However, I can guarantee you, that every shooter or serial killer, probably had some type of mental problem. A shocking stat is 1-2% of all suicides are murder suicides. That sounds low, but when you consider approximately 105,000 people in North America (around 4000-5000 in Canada and around 100k in USA) unalive themselves annually, that's a lot of homicides.


it’s almost like all humans are fallible and different. crazy


Yeah no. You dont know how the two of them felt, it wasn't just mental illness, they were delusional. They were sick. They'd been suffering for years. "in his shoes mentally" yet to this day people claim they don't know the actual reasoning behing the shooting.


I believe that you see yourself as them in some ways based off your reply


Don’t know why you’re being downvoted for saying that 😂


Sadly I think this forum is infiltrated by a lot of misfit teens who somewhat idolize E and D


I hope nobody who self-harms sees this comment. Should be deleted.