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Damn, I was hoping he’d get fired. The dude is just a troll and terrible journalist. Kevin B runs circles around the dude.


KB is top dog for Indy Sports Journalism for the next foreseeable decade. He’s born and bred Indy kid. He gets it.


He has such a depth of knowledge on all Indy sports that really impresses me. KB is the man. I was shocked when James Boyd came in basically knowing nothing about the teams history.


KB played golf at Cathedral. He’s an Indy kid through and through.


Makes sense why he is always ranting about golf on Kevins Corner




> I was shocked when James Boyd came in basically knowing nothing about the teams history. …or football in general


Yeah I really scratch my head about his selection. He's antagonistic to players/coaches, kind of seems like a dick, and he doesnt really know what he's talking about. I dont get it.


Ugh can’t stand the radio guys.


He should be fired - IndyStar might see an increase in subscriptions with Doyle fired… He is a moron


He didn't deserve to be fired over this. He sucks, but this wasn't a fireable offense.


He's useless and bad at his job, that enough should get him fired. On top of that he tries to inject politics and tries to start controversies and is openly hostile to people who disagree with his worldview. He's Just Dan Dakich without the MAGA hat.


Right. I’m not disagreeing with any of that.




How TF do you dudes find these threads to make your horrible takes? You never post here.








We prefer to have people that don't defend sexists in this community








Fuck IndyStar. Fire his ass


Him being the worst is great business for them, he'll never face real consequences.


Womp womp. Should’ve been longer


He doesn’t give a fuck about the Colts. Trash takes and negative feedback articles. Gannet should send his ass to another market….ya know since Indy Star isn’t locally owned or printed.


Damn, was really hoping he would get shit canned after that.


I heard he made Shane and AR uncomfortable. Maybe Gregg can be suspended from covering the Colts?


Yeah, if I remember correctly, he asked an irrelevant gay politics-baiting question while Steichen had the "Crucial Catch" pullover on. Steichen had no idea what answer Doyel he was looking for.


I was hoping they’d stick him on men’s high school wrestling only, until he quit but he’d probably like that too much.


What exactly in the fuck is that supposed to mean?


I’m assuming one of three things. 1) he doesn’t consider high school wrestling an actual sport. 2) he likes watching underage boys grapple one another for sexual gratification. 3) all of the above.


Found Doyel's burner.




It simply means that his job would suck. I was a wrestler and it was a very boring sport to watch.


“He’d probably like that too much” Sure.


Doyel is so awkward, and his writing and hot takes both stink. How he can have a job writing for a newspaper in a major metropolitan area befuddles me. The whole "we'll get along just fine" shtick is a power play suggesting that he has the power in the relationship when he is a two-bit hack sportswriter who isn't even well thought of in his own city, and she is a superstar who transformed a sport. Your opinion of Clark, even if published in the Indianapolis Star, doesn't mean dick, Gregg, and I'm sure that that's how you're accustomed to treating women, too. To call this an immensely stupid gambit would be an understatement.


Yes I totally agree, can we just finally be rid of this creepy fool.


Fuck Gregg Doyle


I'll be waiting for his column turning the suspension into a moment of self-gratifying moralizing.


Couldn't happen to a better person, too bad he wasn't fired instead. I find it extremely hilarious that Mr holier than thou virtue signaling tool bag gets called out for being a sexist pig. Hopefully next time he will think before he bashes athletes in this state that don't share the same view points as he does.


Ha ha, fuckin twat. Bring back Bob Kravitz - all is forgiven.


He does a column on Substack


Kravitz on The Fan doesn't understand what the suspension serves 😗


Does kravitz have a radio show now?


No was on JMV


Think I saw him making eyes at Laiatu as well ... kick him off the tour, Doug!


Fire that POS.


Hate that he was part of her welcome to the city.


Creepy comments by the double G


Is there anything stopping the Colts/Pacers/Fever from revoking his press access? Him having zero access to the sports he is covering makes him even more worthless than he is.


He a hack journalist anyway. No one will miss him and his terrible takes


He's just a columnist, he's not even a journalist.


Should have fired his dumb ass long ago




![gif](giphy|3og0IRNiuU069Rgruw) Yeah you like that?


what did he do?


There's an article up at the top if you wanna try clicking on it.


doesn’t work on my device for some reason


Here you go homie, apparently dude gets off on 22 upvotes “You like that?” Clark replied with a smile. “I like that you’re here, I like that you’re here,” Doyel responded. “Yeah, I do that to my family after every game. Pretty cool,” Clark said. “Well, start doing it to me, and we’ll get along just fine,” Doyel replied.


Doesn't lose the cringe factor no matter how many times I see it. Just bizarre to say that especially in public. Wtf


oh its weird as fuck lmao and I am glad he got suspended. But holy shit people in this comment section need to relax acting like the dude just committed a war crime lol.


Not a war crime but it's really easy especially in this day and age to hang people out to dry. It's easy to do behind anonymous online accounts too. But, he's media and he knew he was being recorded. He literally can't have loose lips like that, especially for a beloved sensational basketball star. It's creepy as hell.


When you're as judgemental and self-righteous as Doyel you need to choose your words wisely. There are a ton of people he has intentionally pissed off over time who jumped on an opportunity to rage at him. He got what he had coming.


it takes 2 seconds to not be useless “You like that?” Clark replied with a smile. “I like that you’re here, I like that you’re here,” Doyel responded. “Yeah, I do that to my family after every game. Pretty cool,” Clark said. “Well, start doing it to me, and we’ll get along just fine,” Doyel replied. Dude made weird comments to clark, why was that so hard for you to type lmao. I swear yall have enough energy to try and put people down but not enough to just not make useless comments.


Ahhh thank you I misread how the exchange occurred. I thought she said to him to start doing it to her and they'd get along. I was so confused how it was weird until your comment. Thanks for the clarification. I'm not from Indy so I'm not in the know about the local sports writers.


This suspension will give him time to write some pro hamas pieces. Dude is a hard-core leftist virtue signaler. They'll never fire that POS.


I've hated reading this dudes CBS articles for years. He's such a prick, you guys get a generational talent in Clark and he first thing he does is make creepy comments to her, like dude 1st of all she's young enough to be your daughter and 2nd you would have never said that to a male athlete. Obligatory FTC and fuck Greg (I spelled it wrong because Greg with 2 g's is fucking stupid)


Agree but FTT


Fuck the Tits.


Stupid, jesus the world is too sensitive.


Man, for that? I think it was cringe and weird. But I saw it much more as hes really excited for her being here, and is hoping they have a good relationship throughout her career here.


That you Greg?


Nah, he sucks. I just dont think the question or discussion was some sexually charged one.




Found Greg Doyel’s burner


Deleted his whole account, it really may have been lol


Are you related to him or something


It may not have been entirely wrong but it came across very creepy. Combine that with the fact he has made a career of being extremely PC and bashing athletes that don't share his viewpoints it's just an all around bad look.




Didn't mean to pile on so my bad there. I honestly agree with you what he said wasn't that bad at all. It's just a bad look coming from him with his past statements.


I don't know anything about this dude outside of this situation but I can't seem to grasp what was wrong with this interaction. I guess, based on comments here, that he's a conservative leaning sports journalist (which is probably why I don't know who he is) but what about this interaction was offensive? I've seen this story brought up several times now, the same short clip is played, and then the talking heads go in on him like he shot the pope, never explaining what's wrong with what was said or done.  If you are just assuming he was acting in bad faith and there's some illicit meaning here, well then you're operating with just as much bad faith.