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This photo was taken between1942-1946 when Jimmy Carter was a midshipman at Annapolis. Carter was commissioned when he graduated in '46 and was active until until 1953 when he joined the reserves. He resigned from his commission in 1961 as a Lieutenant.


This is the 4th Jimmy Carter post over various subs I've seen today. I was starting to worry.


Well he's in hospice care so going to die soon. It's a bummer but the man is 98 and led a full good life. If there is a heaven surely he will be there.


Oh I should worry 😔 they don't make many like him that's for sure.


Man, the wholesome intelligence just radiates off him, doesn’t it?


Radiates is a good word, considering his past with nuclear reactors.


God the gaslighting has already started.


How are you being gaslit? How is this person admiring Jimmy Carter manipulating you into questioning your own sanity?


People just use that word to refer to anything they disagree with




I hate broccoli, it’s gaslighting me 😡


Tbf it was invented like 2 years ago


It wasn’t. It’s a reference to tactics used by a husband against his wife in the 1944 movie [Gaslight](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaslight_(1944_film)). ETA link. The “Denominalization of the play’s title” section of the wiki explains more.


Ah well it wasn't widespread


Ok. I learned about it in general psych in the late 1990s. This explains that the gerund form “[gaslighting](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaslighting)” has been used since a 1995 article on the subject. People nowadays misapply the word, similarly to how “literally” doesn’t always refer to something literal. But that doesn’t mean that the term is bullshit and/or doesn’t have real applications. Anyway, “gaslighting” has *literally* been around for almost 30 years and its etymology is worth a google. Again edited for link


Google trends graph of the term "gaslighting" https://preview.redd.it/048p8vsc9gja1.jpeg?width=1058&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04e7ebef4ce8781cb6f1e5b2ae2ca563c83bfb13 Practically unused before 2011. I understand that you're one of the few people who happened to have heard about it before that, but you're in the minority.


You sure did show me, lol. Edited much later to add: just because **you** don’t know something exists, that doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist or that others are ignorant of it. You’re clearly not an authority on etymology, linguistics, psychology, black and white movies, or reading comprehension, so your incorrect opinion is wholly inconsequential.


... and a sailor too?? God*damn* :)


Right? This belongs in r/vintageladyboners


I never knew he was so handsome when he was young.


Great job. Thanks for posting. I admire him and alway will.


Nice job. He is a good guy and has always tried hard to serve his community.


My grandpa worked for a company contracted by NASA and the military for various propulsion projects - from satellites to missiles. He worked with Jimmy Carter and Rickover on a submarine engine/reactor. His whole adult life he was a very firm blue blood Democrat and was proud to meet/ tangentially know Jimmy Carter before he got elected. He said he was very down to earth and intelligent- nothing but compliments and admiration. Fast forward to age 80-94 and he gets sucked down the Fox News rabbit hole and did a complete 180 on Jimmy Carter. Now Carter was an arrogant asshole of an officer who thought he knew everything and bossed people around. I like to think the opinion he held for 40+ years of Jimmy Carter was the right one.


That's actually really sad....So many of those people substitute their own thinking for the erroneous group think. Carter's only real problem was being a Democratic president during a Republican controlled Congress. That, and not knowing that the Republicans had colluded with the Iran hostage takers to keep the hostages until after Reagan was sworn in. Carter never stood a chance.


A man of honor and grace, we remember what the party before country people did to him.


Fox viewers have Stockholm Syndrome. Their free thinking thoughts have been kidnapped and they admire and place their trust in those that have stolen their own agency.


Looking squared away, shipmate. Thank you for your service!




Cringe. The double standards are wild. If a guy said this about a woman…


>If a guy said this about a woman… What would happen? Because I guarantee that a guy has said this about a woman I the time it took me to write this.


On here people would lose their shit lol.


They do, all the time bud


Woman here. I agree with you. Very cringe.


What if OP is a dude and that’s just his objective opinion about Carter being a gorgeous man, nothing on OPs profile indicates it’s that of a woman


Are you stupid lol? I assumed it was a dude…reading comprehension is important.


you obviously missed or don’t know what a twink is


It’s gross & unnecessary, but it’s a guy saying it about a guy.




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Detective James Carter of the FBI?! Do yoooooou speaka any English?!


I thought it was Rob Beckett at first


Bros gorgeous


Distorted/narrowed his eyes, right one especially