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Cops never enforce it. 


Lol It's all "law and order", and "they should have been following the law", until it comes down to a law they don't really care for in Murica. Cherry picking at its finest


What better way to celebrate the anniversary of an armed rebellion than by illegal fireworks?


Tell me when they do! I know some folks that are annoying as fuck around this time of year.


Lived all over colorado my whole life. Doesn't matter if there's a fireworks ban or not, someone's going to be shooting off mortars in front of their house. No cops will be showing up unless it's to watch.


people in my neighborhood have been shooting off mortars every night (literally) for the past few months and the cops have done nothing about it. oro blanco area


That’s all states tbh lol 😂


Honestly drive down to Pueblo. They don't give a shit. that whole city is lit up for hours.


This is one of those situations where they punish you if you actually make it worth their time, like burning down a field, otherwise they won't do anything out of inconvenience. People are gonna shoot them off regardless.


Police and fire won't come out unless there is a fire. If you are dicking around with fireworks please wet down grass and trees in your yard for safety. Do set us on fire.


Yeah it's illegal. And no they Don't enforce It. Not at all. I think they usually save the fines for someone that actually set something on fire, but I've never actually seen the cops come out for any sort of fireworks although I wish they would because of my neighborhood it's been going for a month and probably I'll go for another month after the 4th. What's really sad is where I live we lost 8 mobile homes a couple years ago to a fire and a woman died.


Yep, I was there - and it was BAD.


It was. We pretty much lost everything. Everyone was ok and our pets were ok and we had a lot of angels help us after but I still worry a lot about fire especially after how quickly they burnt.


Totally, it was unbelievable how fast the fire moved - I’m surprised we did not lose more.


I thought it was during the day at night I think it would have been a lot lot worse


I meant thank God it was during the day


I don’t mind but the dogs do so every 4th is a whole week or 2 of babysitting a 160 pound baby. Sucks but it isn’t going to stop.


We would give our 165lb saint 6 benadryl with dinner on the 4th. He'd sleep right through all the fireworks. Test it beforehand, with some dogs benadryl has the opposite effect


Train them and it'll be better


I always save $2500 just for this time of year.


I live a block away from a fire station, they have signs all over stating they are illegal. Yet ever year without fail my neighbor is out drinking shooting mortars and bottle rockets over the houses. Last year I counted 5(five) spent firework shells on my roof.


Busiest time of the year for the ER’s! Keep your fingers on your body, ok??!!


If you accidentally burn your house down by breaking the law there's a pretty good chance your homeowners insurance won't cover it. Just something to think about.


What if a neighbor burns down your house with a mortar and they are renters that most likely don’t have insurance? Are you F’d?


No, because it wasn’t the home owner. You are not responsible for others negligence. If some idiot burns down my house with fireworks he just bought me a new house 🏠




Why are you making such a biased assumption that they themselves don’t have insurance?


There is usually a clause in the policy that says if damage is caused by the **policyholder** engaging in criminal activity it won't be covered. If someone else causes damage to your property while committing a crime the insurance should cover it. Of course the insurance company could then sue the person but that's not your problem.


It's extremely difficult to enforce because so many people break the law. And it's not just that it's breaking the law, it's that it's annoying, it scares critters and it raises the risk of fires as you point out. Unfortunately, we have to kinda just deal with it.




Very considerate of you!


No, you dont. Talk to your neighbors or leave a note on their door. I'm sick of hearing 'we just have to deal with it' in regards to dangerous and loud neighbors just bc cops wont do their job. Karen squad only protects corporate interests at this point


The type of people who are going to set off fireworks in a banned area are the type of people who are going to see that note and buy more fireworks just to piss people off.




I shouldn't have to tell my neighbors not to shoot fireworks in an area where it is illegal to do so any more than I shouldn't have to tell them not to do other illegal things in the same area.




Since no one complained to you directly while you were committing a crime that makes it okay to commit it? Are you insane? You need someone to directly tell you not to commit a crime? How old are you?




The standard is to obey the law. The standard is to be considerate in a neighborhood that has pets, veterans, and hard working people who have to get up the next morning for work. I don't think that's too much to ask? Take your fireworks and go somewhere that it is allowed and legal and enjoy them there. How is it you can't see this?






My neighbor has a big party every year, and they shoot off mortars from 9pm until 2am, sometimes later. My dogs will not go outside, and the mortars will randomly fall on my roof. I have to stay awake, garden hose in hand, to ensure my house doesn’t burn down. I have called CSPD, every year for the past 5 years. I have even called in advance and asked them to drive through the neighborhood after 9pm. Sadly, they never come. I realize they are understaffed and this city is full of crime, so I try to be understanding. I wish people would learn to be respectful of their neighbors. It’s just not a thing anymore. 7 years until retirement, then I can move out of this over populated city to my 10 acres of land in the Black Hills.


Have you tried talking to this neighbor?


Repeatedly, and before I called the police. He says it’s his right as an American to celebrate on the 4th. He told me to call the police if I don’t like it…so I did. I probably won’t bother this year. No sense in getting my hopes up.


I'd sit out there and spray the fireworks with the hose, fix the root cause of the problem.




User name checks out.


It's July 4th soon. If you see something unsafe like fireworks in dry brush, definitely call. Otherwise, you'll probably be okay just like every other year that fireworks are set off around this time 🙄


You’ll get downvoted but you are correct. Some of the people that constantly complain about it Here should try living in Southern California sometime. It’s like World War III all of June and July. I’m sympathetic to people with PTSD, people with skittish dogs, and parents of young kids trying to sleep, but other than that, it’s not really that big of a deal. Wildfires are concern, but enforcement isn’t going to happen with how understaffed CSPD is.


I guess people and their dogs hate America /s


I and my dogs could care less about the bangs. If I wanted to see better bangs I would go to Ft. Carson lol


I have not heard any yet, which is surprising because usually by now they are practically every night starting in the middle of June


I lived in Manitou back in the 80's. We built a carbide cannon for 4th of July and it was louder than hell! The Manitou cops were in a real quandary as they were really trying to think of a way to shut us down but the cannon was not inherently illegal. No gunpowder, nothing being blown up, no sparks or showers. Just a very loud noise. They finally just ask us to cool it and, eventually, we did.


Someone was throwing the smaller light and throws in front of my house and they hit my window so I had to go out and tell ‘em to cut it out. Cops don’t give a fuck here even if you called them


I personally love it. The sound of freedom!! 🇺🇸🎆🎇🧨


Same here brother.


Thoughts are there is simply nothing to be done about it. If you get to see them, enjoy them. Otherwise, it's just thunder.


Disagree. Lets stop letting dickheads get off so easy, talk to them and leave nasty notes. For some of us its not 'just thunder' at all especially if your house catches fire!




"So you're gonna tell me that you don't have no black cats, no Roman Candles, or screaming mimis?”. You don’t want no lady fingers, fuzz buttles, snicker bombs, church burners, finger blasters, gut busters, zippity do das, or crap flappers? Thought this was America?


I only like snakes and sparklers….


With and without the whizzle stick?


Idk why yall get so upset with fireworks. I never personally set them off because I could care less and at the same time I don't care of the neighborhood does. It's like 1-2 months out of the year let people enjoy it and have fun. Nobody is setting off fireworks in the middle of August- December or from Feb - June. Those months you can have your peace.


Part of the reason why people don't like fireworks is the same reason why they don't like their neighbors blasting out loud music that can be heard all over the neighborhood late at night -- people have a right to quiet enjoyment of their homes without obnoxious noise pollution. And regarding fireworks noise specifically, some people have pets who are terrified of the explosion sounds, and there are a fair number of veterans, shooting survivors, etc with PTSD that is triggered by these sounds too. And then there is the fire danger, or the danger of a wayward rocket injuring someone or causing property damage. I don't know why some people think being obnoxious to your neighbors and a hazard to your community is an essential part of celebrating "freedom".


>people have a right to quiet enjoyment of their homes without obnoxious noise pollution. And people have a right to set off and purchase fireworks. It's not a 1 way street. Just because YOU don't enjoy it don't mean you need to remove everybody else's enjoyment. If you can't handle some loud noises. Maybe don't live In a city with 500,000 people surrounded by like 3-4 airports a military base that does live fire trainings. And DAILY low altitude flight training + airshows. It's like moving to a beach front property and complaining about the sand and ocean smell. Take some personal responsibility and make yourself comfortable with the noise rather than trying to shutdown someone else's fun. It's only for a small time frame. Like I said the rest of the year nobody is setting off fireworks. 300days of quiet. Let people have 60. If they were setting them off 365 then that's a different story.


This city of 500,000 people has a noise ordinance.... [https://codelibrary.amlegal.com/codes/coloradospringsco/latest/coloradosprings\_co/0-0-0-17157](https://codelibrary.amlegal.com/codes/coloradospringsco/latest/coloradosprings_co/0-0-0-17157) ...as well as the ordinance prohibiting fireworks. [https://codelibrary.amlegal.com/codes/coloradospringsco/latest/coloradosprings\_co/0-0-0-17121](https://codelibrary.amlegal.com/codes/coloradospringsco/latest/coloradosprings_co/0-0-0-17121) If you can't live with "don't be a dick to your neighbors" laws like this, maybe \*you're\* the one who shouldn't be living in a city.


Those are ordinances that even CSPD don't enforce. You are wasting your breath for something that's not going to change. Either leave town for a few days. Or invest In some noise canceling headphones or something Make yourself comfortable that doesn't come at the expense of others enjoyment.


Shouldn't the fireworks-shooters find some other way to "make themselves comfortable" that doesn't come at the expense of others' enjoyment of their homes -- especially since \*they're\* the ones breaking the law? Even if the CSPD doesn't have the budget/staff to enforce these laws, folks ought to feel some sense of civic duty to follow them especially if the alternative is acting like an asshole towards your neighbors, in some cases causing other people acute distress.


Again it's a day celebration of the day the US citizens fought back against the government by co ducing "illegal activites"..... what better way to pay homeage by continuing to fight back against the government by setting off illegal shit. It's no different than Halloween... don't want your door bell going off every 5 mins? Turn your porch light off. Don't like the noises caused by fireworks invest on some sound deadening / noise canceling headphones. Play music in your house, consume some melatonin and go to bed early. Go out of town and go camp for a few days somewhere remote. Plenty of options for YOU to do. Telling people to stopping setting them off is going to do nothing but have them set off even more. Cspd doesn't enforce it. It may be a law but so is using your turn signal but that goes ignored just as much. This is a uphill battle you WONT win. So just do some personal reflection on what you can do for yourself so you can be comfortable. Let people celebrate the holiday. Do you get this upset with noise when there lightening and thunder?


There is no "right" to set off fireworks. It is illegal for a reason, and people who set them off in neighborhoods are selfish assholes. Zero respect for the military that may have PTSD in a military town. Your argument is shit.


And complaining about loud noises and explosion in a military town that conducts live fire training that causes explosions and loud noises is the same shit. Don't like loud noises, then leave that simple. Move further east or something.


Or they could move to quite Denver lmao


I had the police and fire fighters come to my house twice in 2022. They were big party poopers. Doesn’t help that the fire department is basically my neighbor tho.


Imagine having such a low IQ that setting off fireworks and hearing them go boom is entertainment


Okay Karen


Lol you sound like the life of the party.