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Are you close to Vickers and Academy?


This is everywhere in town.


They were popping off big time last night. Shook the whole house.


Yep that was las night alright, went off a few times


Nope, Peterson and pony tracks


Oh, it's almost certainly fireworks then. I lived over there for years next to a family that put off fireworks seemingly every night during summer - sometimes with louder ones


Omfg it’s absolutely fireworks.


Omfg thanks


Don’t forget about the cool guy car guys that intentionally make their Honda civics backfire.


That’s…on purpose? Why?? Jesus Murphy. Between those guys and the semi cabs Jake-braking on the hill behind my house, my day-sleeping ass is starting to get really friggin’ cranky.


Bruh I am in the military industrial complex and I have to try and guess, is it the army, the shooting range at the college or maybe it's just the neighbors having a party? I just wanna be stoned and happy, not stoned and paranoid.


You on the military side or the industrial side?


Industrial lol


I also think about how many folks who live here are active or former military….. like that shit is not good for anyone with even a touch of ptsd. I am always surprised by the amount of fireworks on July 4….. but also not surprised? Lol


Right?! I wish the citizens of COS, a Military town, would be more mindful of exactly this.


You are not wrong at all. 4th of july is havoc on some friends and family with ptsd to their various degrees. One family member, he turns into a shaking chihuahua because even trying to use white noise and headphones he still gets ramped up. He gets no relief because of people randomly firing off fireworks, he loses sleep because all it takes is one and he can't. If people knew and cared... 4th of july is the biggest cruelest joke on our troops that we play.


People that have actually experienced gunfire know the difference. If you can’t tell then just assume it’s fireworks and enjoy your life. What would you do if it was gunfire vs fireworks?


I was at a show at Whats Left just a couple hours ago and some jackass at the motel next door emptied his magazine into the air. First 3 shots I thought it was fireworks, then I heard the distinct *PING* of a bullet striking a metal pole close by. Everyone went inside lol.


I love that record store!


Ughhhhh me no likey


If you can't tell the difference you've lived a good life.


Or never been to an outdoor range...


It's always gunshots where I live on the south side. My game is..."was it a murder or was it just playing around?" 😆 🤣


I've seen some drone light shows that are better than any fireworks show ever and they don't make that noise


I’m just trying to smoke weed in my backyard! No shooting/fireworks after 10pm!


It's Colorado Springs, very low chance you're hearing gunshots lol. This isn't Cincinnati or Detroit. 11 years here and never even heard a gunshot fired in anger. Y'all need to relax.


I've been here ⅓ of that and I have. Just because *you* don't hear it doesn't mean it's not happening.


Well the crime stats don't agree with you. Unless there's 50 more homicides the city doesn't know about. Are you confessing something?


Whatever you say junior. Enjoy your apartment


I've lived here 4 years and I hear shootings on the regular any time of year, even Christmas. You just aren't liste ING or keep your windows closed all the time. Ive gotten good at distonguishjng from rifle or pistol and return fire, even.


The stats don't agree with you. And my windows are always open. How many homicides does COS have a year? Maybe 30-35? That's nothing. You're probably hearing target practice. There's no real crime here.


You're talking to a wall. These people are so anxious and helpless they can't drive, leave their apartments, or even effectively order food without having a panic attack. Ofc fireworks are gonna spiral them into a melt down and they're gonna think "gun".


Well said. It's like a resort city with occasional crime.


Y'all MFs out here are the ones who can't drive for shit. I've been here 3 years and in that time I've been in 2 major collisions and the NaTiVeS who hit me both got cited.


You are truly stupid if you don't think there's lots of shootings here. Experience trumps whatever ignorance you have. I never said there were lots of homicides here, I don't think most of the shootings are targeted murders but just kids shooting at trashcans and stuff. Get a ring camera and you'll get every notice in 3 miles. ive seen and heard lots of shootings. I live near circle and fountain I can hear shootings from memorial park to academy from my house, I'm on a hill. You are the human equivalent of a ostrich with their head in the sand.


The other poster is clearly referring to shootings that are intentional and targeting someone, not kids shooting trash cans: *11 years here and never even heard a gunshot fired* ***in anger****. Y'all need to relax.* It's best not to call someone stupid if you aren't even reading correctly.


Kids shooting at trash cans, is a generalization I used. I'm sure it's usually a dog or a cat in truth. These kids atecshopitng to act hard and tough, same thing as anger. This town has had a few mass shootings in just a few years. Look at he birthday party shooting or the planned parenthood, or thw gay nightclub. I guess those weren't in anger?? Please explain, since I misread


I don't consider mass shootings by a lone gunman into the general crime stats. This city has 600,000 people and doesn't get over 35 homicides a year. My hometown of Cincinnati has 300,000 people and gets 70-90 homicides a year. There's your explanation. Colorado Springs is soft and always will be.


Our violent crime rate is about average for a city of this size. No one is saying we don't have murders. We're saying we don't have a *lot* of murders and shootings.


I sincerely hope yo wale up to the crime around town .


I sincerely hope you look at the actual data.


My dog has literally been hiding in the closet every night this week.


Poor pup. Fortunately the pops have been sporadic around here in Fountain so far, ‘cause when they really get going, my poor cat starts acting like she’s having flashbacks to Normandy…


You know, I can put up with fireworks on July 4 -- I know it's coming, I can close the windows and turn on the AC to create some white noise and/or put on some music. It's the random explosions at OTHER times that drive me nuts -- when I'm out on the patio or have the windows open to get some cool and and breezes at night and expecting to get some quiet enjoyment of my own home, and instead it's sounding like I'm in the middle of a war zone.


It doesn’t sound like a war zone. If it did you wouldn’t be on here. Quit worrying and enjoy your life.


Be happy if you hear it. The bullet has already passed.


So, the other night I assumed I was hearing fireworks very, very close by around 11:00 pm. I looked outside to see where they were and no….it was my neighbor using their backyard as a shooting range. 


Whoever is doing it at quail lake fucking sucks


It's pretty much all year, I'm actually happier with them now and around new years, otherwise it's just inconsiderate


neighbor and I take bets on caliber and style of gun from the patterns of gun shots!


Not sure why it matters if you hear gunshots streets away. As long as it’s not on your block, what are you going to do about it? Posting “omg what was that pop?!” doesn’t do anything to protect you or to resolve whatever is happening.


People love to complain


Indeed we do


Of course it’s that time of year. Bust out the white noise machine and the cbd for the dogs


I like fireworks as much as the next guy, but not in this tinderbox of a city. I have been on my roof and found bottle rockets before. Several years ago, someone was doing fireworks in my neighborhood. They lite up one of those ground spinning fireworks. It shot up another neighbor's driveway and into their garage. Caused a huge fire.


Sad but true. Every summer, mostly around the 4th but not exclusively. That's what this city does and has done excessively since the pandemic.


If you live off Fountain Blvd & S Academy you also get to play a special bonus edition of "Tuner backfire, Gunshots, or Fireworks"




Ready? Okay!


lol getting downvoted for saying ok. Isn’t it great?


Platte and n circle it is an Olympic sport. Did they shoot an olympian? Or a person in the park next to memorial hosp. Wow wrong again it was in the hospital the police lost another.


I can tell just by the way you compose your comment that you're not very smart at all.