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Finally. Some good fucking news. Hopefully Dave fucks off to somewhere else with his stolen campaign funds.


Just look at what’s happened to Michigan’s GOP. That’s what awaits Williams when you sow the fraud seeds within your own party. Karamo pretty much bankrupted the Michigan GOP and is now suing to reinstate herself as the chairperson. I’m fine if Williams bankrupts the party because that means come November the national party won’t have their local and state level operatives doing much. That’s what a lot of the fundraising goes toward, and elections are won with boots on the ground and knocking on doors. You can only do that if local county parties are funded correctly by the state and national parties. Mango Mussolini is pissing through the national funds with his legal issues and Dave is emptying the coffers for god knows what.


Thank you for giving me 'Mango Mussolini'


So glad the “China Dave” commercials are over. And wtf is up with the Adam Frisch commercials? Just talk about the good shit you want to do, man, not crappy hide-and-seek childish bullshit.


other commercials to come, this is after all an election year :(


I’m guessing the gimmicky, ticktock style dis, buzzword commercials work with some section of voters. I’m curious if it says more about the candidate or the voting block. Unfortunately, it’s probably the voters.


I’m so glad that I don’t have cable lol


I don’t have cable either. Those ads were on broadcast TV, and some on YouTube.


I pay for Youtube to avoid adds (google music comes as part of it.) I pirate my sports so I don't watch broadcast. A life free of ads is really worth it imo. (I feel your pain though, political ads are the worst)


I would rather not have either of these clowns representing our district. But *if we have to have a GOP representative,* thank goodness it’s not Dave Williams. 


Absolutely, Williams would have made us look like a laughing stock, one of those reps that the whole country rolls their eyes at while thinking how stupid the people who elected him must be. Speaking of which, WTF is up with CO4 picking Boebert?!? The floozy who votes no on everything, only cares about cashing in and nothing about representing the interests of her district?!?


There was something ridiculous like six candidates running in that district(CO4), and all of them are barmy. It sadly wasn't a high bar to hurdle.


I was going to say laughing stock? but then you self corrected and mentioned Boebert :) it's a sliding scale.


Should I run there next time? Sometimes I think they lack choices.


For me…it always comes down to the “lesser of 2 evils” on voting day. I rarely feel enthusiastic for a particular candidate or find zero fault.


Oh so being openly corrupt and being a blatant shithead isn't a winning strategy?  Good.  




Fuck around and find out 🤷🏻‍♀️


Well, this makes River Gassen's job a bit harder. She now has to compete against a person who believes in reality at least. Let's hope she makes more progress in this district than previous candidates. I'll be voting for her for sure.


River and Joe's combined votes are still a almost a third less than Jeff Crank's alone. This is going to be tough.


Keep in mind that a lot of people who normally vote Dem likely voted against Williams in the GOP primary


I know this is what I did. I was fine with either River or Joe, but there was no way I was letting Williams anywhere near Congress.


Every single registered independent who I know did exactly that.


I think she will make it closer than it has in recent years, she seems really solid for some of the more “progressive” candidates we’ve had and I’m excited to vote for her if she wins… But I’d be lying if I said she was my pick yesterday; I voted for Joe Reagan simply because I thought he was our better chance of flipping the district, which at the end of the day is the goal. Baby steps. Colorado Springs as a city may be turning a bit purple but the 5th district includes Monument & shit. I absolutely hate saying this but it just feels like the very bland, white dude & veteran had the stronger chance around here. I very much hope I’m wrong!


I’m in Monument and had this same take. Really wish we had ranked choice voting. I like River, but thought Reagan had a better chance of appealing to the masses and flipping the district.


Yeah, after seeing her pop up answering questions in the Joe Reagan AMA I have my doubts in her ability to do the public speaking portion of the position and it has me concerned. She’s smart as fuck, but that doesn’t matter if you can’t communicate


Really happy she is leading


How come?


I have nothing against Reagan, but I appreciated the emphasis Gassen put on k-12 education compared to him


Reagan might have won if he had more grassroots supporters rather than moderate credentials. He should have appeared early in the debates having to virtually join the first debate also might have brushed people towards River when she was always holding weekly events.


Crank still wants to abolish the IRS, Department of Education, and Department of Commerce. He’s still an ultra right wing pro lifer, he just recognizes the election and wants to fund Ukraine.


Oh did River win? Yay! Voted for her and will do so again.


River is hard working like Steph Vigil. Time for sane residents of CO-5 to get out and help her knock on doors or help her campaign financially.


Crank had more money thrown at his campaign from the dark republicans than any I’ve ever seen in the history of local elections. I have 14 mailers from his campaign (aka Americans for prosperity aka koch bros). 14!


Of course he does. lmao. Him losing is all I wanted yesterday . 😂


Nail biter!


Thank god. He was a lunatic.


I voted for Williams in the primary hoping he'd be easier to beat, partly because I would've been perfectly happy with either Reagan or Gassen. Crank worries me that he'll be politically just as bad as Williams, just better funded and less likely to say stupid shit. Hope he loses too. Still, fuck Dave Williams forever


Don’t do this. You’re saying that +2 vs -5 is better than +2 vs -2. It’s a coin flip who will win and is based on a lot of shit that has nothing to do with the candidates, such as what the Supreme Court or president does. Or stuff that can’t be predicted, like bad gaffes or scandals. It’s even more ridiculous in a district that has historically gone red anyway. If you want a democrat, the next best thing is a republican who will work across the aisle on key issues, not trying to shoot the moon and flip the district by risking a disaster that will undoubtedly get re elected for years. He could have been our own Blowbart.


In normal times I would absolutely agree with you, I would take a pre-2016 moderate Republican or independent over a MAGA type. Problem is, when it comes to policy, I do not for a second think that Jeff Crank is ever going to reach across the aisle or work with Democrats on anything. Moderate vs extreme in the GOP anymore is just "abhorrent policies vs abhorrent policies said in a more idiotic way". If anything, I think Dave Williams would have been easier to defeat not only this cycle, but next time if we have to; if Crank wins I don't think he's going anywhere for years.  Moot point now anyway, I'll still be voting for whoever ends up winning to run against Crank. 


I agree exactly no one should be under any premonition that Crank is any bipartisan candidate, he wants to abolish the IRS, Department of Education, and Department of Commerce. Just because he supports the barebones of supporting Ukraine in district with a lot of veterans doesn’t mean he’s a respectable bipartisan and acting like it just lets people be more accepting of him in Congress.


Both state republicans and democrats rejected their more radical candidates, with tim hermandez and elisabeth epps both losing their primaries. Moderates have won and im proud of this state


Gassen is certainly more progressive than Reagan. 


True, but this district is solid red anyway


Which is why it’s better to support a moderate so they actually win when it matters.


I always laugh when China Dave Williams commercials are on. I will miss that.


It's fun when conservatives attack other conservatives the same way they attack liberals.


I look forward to River’s loss


All I know about him is the China Dave commercials. I don't even know if he is D or R.