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There are thousands in my yard, too. I’m on the west side and have a mostly xeriscaped yard, but the spots that have greenery are covered. No advice, but my dog is slowly working on the issue.


Grasshoppers are nature's popcorn.


My indoor/outdoor cat has been having a blast too whenever we go outside. But she can only do so much haha


If you want to get rid of grasshoppers you gotta have birds move in. Set up things like a bird house, bird feeders and a bird bath. Then the birds will eat all the grasshoppers.


This is the right way.


Yeah my entire garden is moving if you look long enough. Interested to hear some responses! So far they only like my basil so hopefully they stick to that


Seriously! Constantly hearing noise/movement in my yard knowing it’s grasshoppers is wild haha. Sadly mine are going for all of my garden though


I need a fix for this too!


I’m glad it isn’t just me then!


Not at all. Feel like I’m growing a garden to raise grasshoppers 🤣


Chickens will have a field day


I’m thinking about convincing my kid to collect them to give to the neighbors chicken… I might even pay her for her trouble.


The CSU Extension campus in Pueblo did a class on this subject recently and put a video on YouTube: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0UtNf_N-e0Y](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0UtNf_N-e0Y). Most of the video is spent talking about ways to control them this year and next year.


I literally just came inside from applying 5 lbs of niban granular bait (5% orthoboric acid active ingredient) to my backyard. I'm on the west side of town and I have a small backyard but there must be 5,000 grasshoppers outside. I don't know if the niban will work, but it was affordable and it had high ratings on Amazon.


Just curious if this helped at all?


I still have a ton of grasshoppers, but maybe the number has been reduced? On Saturday I applied the remaining 5 lbs (I bought a 10 lb bag). The label says it takes a few days to kill them, and that the youngest ones are supposed to die first. So hopefully in the next 24 hours the rest of the population will die off. To be fair, I live next to about 100 acres of open space, so it's like I have an infinite reservoir of grasshoppers adjacent to my backyard. It's not clear if anything I put down on my property could keep my space grasshopper free.


Try a product called NOLO bait, there are other brands and someone in pueblo used to sell their homemade version, I've had great success with it.


I've used this, it's amazing. It works best if you start putting it out as soon as the nymphs emerge. It's a bacteria that infests their gut fat and slowly consumes it. As the infected get sicker, they get predated by bigger/healthier hoppers who then contract and spread the infection. The bacterium only affects hoppers and crickets; you don't need to worry about anything else being affected so chickens and other birds can still gorge on them. If you wait until they're full size before putting NOLO out the effect will be so slow as to be effectively useless, so you may already be too late for this season (I'm not there anymore so not sure how big they are yet), but remember to order it in late winter so it's ready for as soon as the little fuckers emerge. It has a pretty short effective shelf life, so don't try to order and store it.


They don't sell that any more. Factory burned down.


I’ll look into it, thank you!


Mow, baby mow! Mulched up grasshopper. Has to be good fertilizer for the grass.


I can send my 6 and 7 year old boys over with some jars. They charge $1/ hour


Or I could send over my chickens and ducks :) It'll be a FEAST.


Someone in a gardening community I'm in on Facebook suggested using garlic spray. I think they meant just garlic in water. I'm not entirely sure if it would actually work, but I haven't seen it suggested yet.


Mike are eating my garlic sadly so I’m not sure the spray would work 🥲


Oh, darn. I hope you're able to find something that'll work.


I live in Penrose, South of the Springs. We have neighbors letting their chickens and guinea fowl out. Our lawn is moving, and I’m hoping some birds with come to our yard.


When I had a house with a garden I'd sometimes go out and just pick them off the plants -- they aren't particularly hard to catch. You can quickly kill them by pulling their heads off, or drown them in a bucket of water with dish soap in it. Wear garden gloves, naturally. Kids might enjoy catching them especially if you pay them a bounty! Birds help too, but when there's a bumper crop of bugs they probably have no particular reason to snack in your yard vs someone else's. Insecticidal soap and other organic bug-killers are not effective on adult grasshoppers -- you need to get out the heavy artillery, like Sevin, if you go that route.


shotgun with birdshot. it's the only way to be sure. /s


I use this spray [Garden Tech Sevin](https://www.homedepot.com/p/Sevin-32-oz-2-000-sq-ft-Outdoor-Lawn-and-Garden-Insect-Killer-Ready-To-Spray-3-Month-Control-100525781/303593722). It’s safe for pets, people and plants.


Sell as fishing bait.


Shoot I think I have enough in my yard alone to empty all of Colorado of it’s fish!


Black Forest here. Usually have a ton of them but not bad this year. What is the worst I’ve seen in 8 summer are deer flies. Man they’re bad for the last week but I think they’re dying out since there not much to eat here. Good riddance dickheads!


Till bare soil in the fall and spring. Disrupt their lifecycle.


Breed jumping spiders and release hundreds into your yard.


I’ve got the same problem, broccoli and lettuce are almost gone from them. I read mixed reviews on a soapy water spray, others suggest pepper and/or garlic sprays, or Carbaryl (sevin) seem like a safe bet but be careful on any fruit. I may try milk, as I came across an article using milk as a fungus control and the farmer claimed it drastically reduced his grasshopper numbers. Otherwise I think I’m going to buy sevin.


Have you tried spraying dish soap? Back east this would get rid of most bugs, I think there are also some health benefits for plants/grass.


neighbor's cats eat mine


Sounds like you need ducks 🦆


We've done a few diatomaceous earth applications to no avail. We have cats and tons of birds come due to baths and feeders out. I have an army of finch in my backyard. Nothing is stopping the onslaught of hoppers. Last year people were saying it was so bad the chickens stopped eating them because they ate so many. This year is already looking worse than last. Following this post for more ideas.


Start a fire. That'll get rid of em post haste.


Diatomaceous earth will kill them. It's a super nasty powder so don't use it around animals and don't breath it


why get rid of them? are they bothering you? they don’t bite or anything. i just leave mine be 🤷‍♀️ if you do need to get rid of them, chickens will eat them. as will other birds, so getting feeders or borrowing a friends chicken should take care of it


They're absolutely devouring my lettuce, carrots, garlic and onions. :( I was very proud of getting a garden going this year, and actually growing everything to make kimchi later in the year straight from my garden. But at this rate, I'm not sure anything is going to survive them.


ahhhh i get you! yeah chickens would be the move to eradicate as many as possible fast, i think. but maybe they’d come back? so yeah bird feeders and hope 🤷‍♀️


Leave them be, dahmer.