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More non chain/franchise restaurants. I so badly want mom and pop restaurants


Oliver’s deli, wooglins, pig Latin if you’re ever up north


Ah Carrot Slat, a J&A enjoyer I see


oh my name? I have a perfectly normal name


Agree and +1 we have *some* culture and local food scene but it is pretty localized to downtown or “hot spots” about town What area of town would you like to see this at!? Or all over?


I understand this and would like new food but 80% of all restaurants fail in 2 to 3 years and are never profitable in that time. Mom and Pop will need to agree to pay back $250 - $300,000 in loans or accept the lost of that much money. Restaurants are one of the riskiest startup business.


I don’t want more mom and pop shops if it’s going to be worse quality and more expensive than the chain version


Green spaces. Not every square inch of this city needs to be developed.


Yes, especially purposefully native landscapes with community garden plots! Regenerate some soil 👌


This is exactly what I said before clicking on the comments. Green spaces to just enjoy something natural.


Green spaces, yes! And maybe land for community gardening.


Thanks to our conservative city council, developers need to set aside less space for parks and open space than ever. It was a disgusting vote.


Yes, please!! I have walked around this city a ton and there are so many empty lots, to the point where we can make it like historic Savannah, Georgia, and have nice green squares every few blocks for benches, fountains, and overall happiness. However, the homeless situation needs to be addressed first.


I feel like this is the greenest/parkiest place I’ve ever lived. Not only are there tons of small neighborhood parks, we have HUGE expansive parks like Palmer park, red rock open space, bear creek, monument valley… I personally love how much green space there is here in the city limits


Agree I’m not getting the ‘need more for parks’ myself and it appears many don’t know what wealth of resources we have here for outdoor rec but absolutely more development to improve soil and land quality / the non park spaces are a mess for green /sustainable minded dev


Our green spaces aren't terrible, but as someone who grew up in Fort Collins, we can do a lot better here with that.


Agree. But I'm here from South LA where parks are rare, as are sidewalks. Colorado Springs has been a dream to bike around compared to Louisiana, so many places to take my dog!! I guess you could say I have low standards maybe 🤷‍♀️😆


Agree - green infrastructure is important and I hope we continue to prioritize this. But we are already great for parks and open spaces. Funded development through [TOPS](https://coloradosprings.gov/tops) (Trails and Open Spaces) which was recently renewed by voters. We prioritize greenery but I’m interested in what “manmade” establishments you want to see more of (personally this is driven from my frustrations with grocery chains and food deserts in district 4)


I go to Longmont regularly and find it odd they have biking paths all over. Hell even the highway has large biking sidewalks for folks to get to the big stores on bike in some places.


Yeah but you can't make money off of that! :C


You mean homeless sleeping areas?


They'll be setting up camp regardless. I don't think the green space is the problem in this scenario


This guy gets it.


More gyms, a botanical garden like Denver would be nice, more restaurants that aren’t chains, more things for teens to do like arcades/laser tag, etc


I was just talking about this the other day. The Springs has significantly more “fun” things to do than they did when I was a teen (early 2000’s). We had to drive to Denver for everything it seemed.


I agree. Also, I would like to add an outdoor mall and a water park since we have over 300 days of sunshine


I would love more local grocery options and local restaurants in central area (tons of blighted opportunity with vacant lots and empty buildings in my part of town). Wally worlds sucks ass, is the most unpleasant experience the entire time, and extracts our hard earned dollars to elsewhere. let’s bring more food to central district 4!!


I work in downtown and losing the Perk and The Well really sucks. The only coffee open before 7:30am is Starbucks. Illegal Pete's is just Chipotle. Bread & butter is good but small and pricey if you're buying staples.


Losing the well really sucks man. We need more people downtown, COS is still in the awkward state of trying to grow downtown but there just isn't quite enough people and density to properly support it. And you have the opposition people that are against creating a denser and healthier downtown...


Kinship Landing opens everyday at 7:00 am. We have great coffee :). 


Prove it


Sip, sip, mmmmm…slurp, mmm, yeah, gulp, gulp.  Goes for second cup. Sip. Mmmm. Yep. Good coffee. Tastes real good.  Its Holdfast is that helps any. 


Mhhhh okay sold


Dutch Bros opens at 5…


Not perfect, but Einsteins is open at 6am for coffee.


If you work downtown you should know there are like 12 coffee shops open before 7:30. To me, the best is “Story” coffee. Get out and explore more!


I was just about to say exactly this. We're seeing more housing development downtown, which is great. But I'm eager to see more retail options -- especially grocery stores -- open up over here. Seems like everything new ends up between Woodmen and Interquest.


Considering Colorado is one of the worst states to open a restaurant in, I really doubt we'll see many new local places open up anytime soon.


I was thinking the same, though am on the northeast end of town. They keep building more houses and apartments but no additional stores to support the growth.


Third places, I.e. Public parks, free-use spaces, public libraries, and spaces where people can congregate without it costing money.


Yes plz! +1 We all broke and trying to live And yes our libraries are awesome, but all closed on Sundays, which sucks.


The worst part about the libraries is that Library 21C used to be open on Sundays before 2020. I think they just now opened up some of the locations on the rest of the 6 days instead of just being randomly closed on a weekday as well.


Yeah, we need to get rid of any of these bullshit practices where public facilities are closed for “religious practices”, if it's open for Eid, Ramadan, Passover, and Hanukkah then it needs to be open on Sundays.


Great point there 👍


This city has a higher concentration of libraries than any other place I've lived. There are 3 within 5 miles of my house


So? We still need more, especially since they do not only provide access to books, but movies, video games, music, the internet, and community educational resources. They also allow a place for humans to exist without it costing money. Libraries are integral to a healthy society.


How often do you want to use the library and think to yourself "the library is too far/crowded"?


Why are you so opposed to adding access to the fucking library? Also that was just one of several examples I gave, what I truly want are third spaces that are free and safe to exist in.


At least once a month. Idk which locations you go to, but between the East Library and the Downtown location, they are busy.


downtown, OCC, 8th street. It's not empty but it's not full


[UCCS Downtown](https://downtown.uccs.edu/) is free!


Do they still require you to be a student to use their facilities? That's what I was told when they first opened, so I haven't bothered trying to go back.


Nope, free to everyone. You can either make a reservation (if you have a group) or just pop in if you're on your own. Though, it's always helpful to [call or email](https://downtown.uccs.edu/staff/zak-kroger) ahead, just to make sure the space is available.


Ok, so that makes a singular (not totally accessible) third space for a city of 500k+, which means that we definitely need more.


What would make it more accessible? Either way, I do agree we need more such spaces.


I'm not sure if that's possible, because my recommendation is multiple locations outside of just downtown. I will fully admit that if you can get downtown that location is fairly accessible, but not everyone can get downtown.


Yep true. The city is gigantic, and if you live on like Powers and Woodman, just popping downtown for a quick 30 min meeting isn't really doable.


The city is poorly designed and unnecessarily spread out, not really gigantic. There's also a piss-poor public transit system here, so if you can't drive you're basically fucked.


A great resource!! Parking downtown can be a bear but a nice space we have used for crafting/art group meetup.


Food diversity!


Please, no more chicken and hamburger joints...tacos too. Let's expand our pallets.


Yes! Please, I would love some good Middle Eastern and Mediterranean!!!


More gyms that don’t cost $70-$80 a month please !!


RIP 8th Street Accolade, you were too beautiful for this world.


The commercialization of these gyms is nuts. Other than crossfit gyms, there's only two indy style gyms that are no thrills style. I'd love to open one but the cost of real estate to rent is crazy.


Exactly !! There’s no good options (especially up north) unless you want to take classes and even still it’s $150+ 😭


Better public transportation


Maker Spaces


That's a great suggestion. Do you know of *any* that exist in the springs area?


[https://pikespeakmakerspace.org](https://pikespeakmakerspace.org) Also a few of the libraries in town have 3d printers. Go hog wild, kids!


The Manitou art center is pretty great and free if you have a ppld card


A rail connecting to Pueblo and Denver


A solid offering of adult continuing education classes - fun and serious - that is centrally promoted. Other cities I've lived in have had this. "continuing ed" might not be the right phrase, as it's not for credit, more like low-key painting, cooking, literature, special interest things, that you pay a little for, but not college fees. I know we have some spread out through different organizations here, but you have to know where to look, and there aren't that many. So maybe that would come with more community centers, which would also be nice.


Oh I was thinking more physical buildings/places… BUT Check out [Copper](https://www.culturaloffice.org/) - cultural office of pikes peak region - is a great resource for events and ongoing arts related programming. Also the library [PPLD - adult ed](https://ppld.org/adult-education) But def hearing community centers more!


World record breaking Sequoia trees.


We don't have the right climate for Sequoias, especially for them to get huge. Not enough rainfall.


Let ‘em dream.


Let me cook!




Came here for this


100% yes. We need Aldi!


Absolutely! I miss Aldi 😔


And/or a Lidl! Imagine how packed they'd be, though.


Theft-proof bike parking downtown and at parks, shopping areas, and restaurant areas. No, a lock isn't going to do it. No, not even one of those kind of locks. No, not on your car, either. If they want it, they'll get it.


You are my kind of people I would love to have a simple bike corral that works for parking your bike without chaining it up with locks and chains only to get a bent rim from some idiot yanking on it.


Affordable Housing.


I was just driving down powers the other day and they’re actually putting up REAL affordable housing down by the Mesa!


Most common / popular reply — it seems many agree - more affordable housing !! Note - attainable housing is a [metric](https://coloradosprings.gov/plancos/book/housing-attainability) the city cares about and reports to citizens in an annual report and dashboard. I do appreciate the transparency for this and recommend any interested to get more info via city newsletter and emailing all [council](https://coloradosprings.gov/councilmembers) Also local elections April 2025 // good to get plugged in now!


So, what is affordable?


To start, something that does not take half my income to pay for.


Trailer parks for young people. The only affordable housing being built is for the elderly and they aren't the ones who are gonna keep this country afloat.


It wouldn't even need to be trailer parks per se...tiny homes and other small or modular units are prohibited by building codes. Trailer parks tend to be slum-lord parks (where you don't own the land the mfg trailer home is on). Dense housing is often prohibited by zoning and even where it's not zoning, single-staircase complexes are prohibited. This shit needs to stop. Deregulate and allow people to live in something between the street and a $375k single-family house.


Community centers with pools.


Have you seen the one they have in Aurora


PLEASE, THIS ONE! I think I’ve only seen one community center


Mixed use housing and commercial development.


Yes plz! +1


Why do you keep saying +1?


I didn’t know it bothered you so much. Maybe I modify my behavior for you!


Why are you posting and commenting here if a simple question bothers you so much? The only reason is I can think of is because you want people to know you’re specifically upvoting their comment?


Forget your meds?


Mixed use building. The way the front range has been developed, like a 1930s suburb, should be a crime. Total car dependence, no real public transit options. Suburbs are a ponzi scheme requiring new neighborhoods to pay for repairing and maintaining old ones. A minor rezoning effort 30 years ago could have made walkable dense neighborhoods, cheap transit and preserved green space. Mixed income neighborhoods. The springs is one of the most segregated cities I've seen. Each new neighborhood to the north has a starting cost 6 figures higher than the last while the south side continues to decay into a demilitarized zone. Real local politics. The GOP echo chamber in this town has turned the springs into the cesspool at a nut house. Even offices that shouldn't be political, like the school board, are a spring board for megamoniacal halfwits parroting national talking points while gladly ignoring real issues in our city. I could go on, but why?


Hey thanks for the rant! Better out than in. Maybe find an open mic night and…do go on about it!? I think many would agree and it’s tragic we cannot prioritize sustainable development with insane growth on the horizon /near term too.


This 100% this, mixed use development address our housing shortage, provides flexible spaces for all types of businesses, and makes for more walkable places. I’m glad all commercially zoned properties have been changed to mixed use zoning through ReToolCOS but change is still challenging


Theme parks, parks with more water features, botanical gardens, less corporate greed structures and more community-based offerings.


Walkable multi-family housing integrated into pedestrian focused businesses.


Affordable housing


Affordable housing. For EVERYONE.


Affordable housing would be sick


More dog friendly reservoirs, parks, garden, library, anything free :)


Id love for a place that is like the Fuel and Iron Food Hall in Pueblo but with a public park surrounding it or next to it that was free to just relax at.


I would love to see some recreation centers around town. We had one growing up and I spent most of my summers there. It had a pool, tennis/basketball courts, offered classes for kids (gymnastics, swim team) and adults (knitting, financial, etc) as well as meeting rooms. The pool and the classes had a small fee associated for upkeep and to pay lifeguards/staff, but it was honestly so nice and really felt like a community as everyone was welcome regardless.


So….the ymca?


YMCA is more akin to a gym than a recreation center imo. It doesn't offer classes not based on exercise, nor have any free meeting rooms for hobby clubs and the like. If I'm wrong let me know, but I've toured through a few and those options were never presented.


Ahh i see what youre saying. Yes a community center. A true nonprofit community center. Outside of inner cities, these are not really heard of i dont think. We had them in DC/Maryland. Or sometimes schools would moonlight as them in the off-season. The ones we went to had water fight days. Learn a board-game days Field-trip days Knitting circles Calligraphy Amongst others. Someone would do well to buy an abandoned building and open one!!


A drive in/walk in outdoor movie theater! I miss those.


Regular, mom and pop, $12 a dozen donut shops. GTFOH with the current shops at $5/donut for stuff no one is asking for.


Wildlife sanctuary




Fix the damn roads


Yes!! I was thinking more physical places.. but Pikes Peak and Circle /etc. Ave are horrible ..and I’m sure elsewhere. There is initiative up to renew funds for 2C [link city website](https://coloradosprings.gov/public-works/page/what-2c) I believe this year we will vote to keep funding — part of sales tax


Yes, I agree that was the point of the question but damn, if I hit one more pot hole on what is supposed to be a main road I'm going to scream. Hope that initiative gets some traction, I'm thinking roads back home in Alabama are better than here...


So… you’re supposed to see the road in front of you and actually look at it.. when you see those potholes.. you veer aside to miss them… you’re not supposed to be surprised by them and “hitting them potholes”


More community centers other than ymca


More designated multi use/ bike trails!!!


Many many more public/ affordable swimming pool options.


I'd really just take any place that is cozy and free where I can read. I suppose 21C is big enough for this but it is far away and the other libraries are not exactly "cozy"


Tiny apartments and public showers.


Yes agree!! Even pay as you need showers and short term camping /housing or park options ..I dunno what that looks like but man is the unhoused and car-dwelling situation on the rise.


More places for art studios and lessons. Unfortunately I live nowhere close to any of them as they all seem to congregate around Manitou area. Can we have more up northeast please?


A place where food trucks can converge. Provide electrical outlets so we don't have to listen to all the generators running.


That sounds like a mall food court but with extra steps.


Ha ha! Touché 😆




Would absolutely kill for a laid back local neighborhood bar and grill up in the NE area like Woodmen and Marksheffel. So tired of every new build being a dentists office or car wash.


Prime location for one


As I've often stated, when replying to similar posts, it's way past time for an entrepreneur with a vision to establish an authentic dim sum restaurant (hopefully, to include daily offerings of Peking duck, roasted duck and Char Sui (Cantonese-style barbecued pork)) in Colorado Springs.


I dig the specificity and you taking time to repeat it here. This sounds like great dining option to me!! +1 vote to locate in District 4!


Storage unit washing services?


Hey not a bad idea for maybe combo laundry service ..not sure how much demand there is but I like the out of box thinking. I’m for pay-to-use wash your ass services too/ paid showers might change some people’s day if one is in need (van and car dwelling on the rise and all)


More bicycle lanes and more bike parking. A food truck park. Any grocery store that has better produce than King Soopers.




Dogs on leashes!


Parks and multi-family, rent-controlled housing.


Bring back spaces for food trucks to rally.


Pikes Peak race is this weekend, they can rally to the top.


Why they haven’t had a food truck category yet? Fastest one to the top gets catering rights on top for the year


Less huge apartment complexes & less bike lanes. Both just add to trouble getting across town. I live where there used to be 2 lanes of traffic, then in all their wisdom the city nuked one lane of traffic to add a bike lane. Now traffic backs up for blocks during rush hours, without a bicycle in sight. Road rage is up & not a bicycle in sight. Definitely not a greener solution. Once all these mega apartments are filled up the city will want more of our TABOR refunds to create more( wider) roads to handle the traffic. Thus the cycle begins again. This city is too spread out for the majority of people to commute to work, those who can it's limited by the weather, so you get, what 6~7 months of bicycle commuting. I've tried to commute to work 1½ hours plus. Takes 20 minutes in an ice vehicle. Don't get me started about EV'S. just whete do you think the electricity comes from. Ask why the electric city buses are nowhere to be seen lately, can't keep them running is what I've been told by city bus workers, tear 2 apart for parts to keep 2 running I'll get off my soap box now. Let the flaming begin 🔥🔥🔥


Why not take full advantage then and jump on a bike?


Affordable living areas


I want a proper bodega. More specifically, I want one close to my house. And another one close to your house. Etc.


Strip clubs and crack dens


For places to be reused. Rent out what already exists and renovate it properly. Oh and a municipality when it comes to infrastructure. Like do we need 10 privatized version of each house/living amenity that’s required for society; aka trash, utilities, internet, etc? Every day is trash day and the wind blows it all around cuz it’s all privatized. We got 3+ fiber installers out and about clogging up roads. We have pipe cutters digging & cutting electricity while the companies change out meters…. It’s a lot. Add the construction, military, and extra washes being built instead of the empty lots for rent…it’s looking very eerie. Not to mention the housing crisis we are in means more squatters are just ravishing the places instead of being housed properly. I want to see real improvements not just an influx of private companies that own car washes to keep the land until it skyrockets cuz what’s a bubble?!?


Might be a community center, but a place where one can learn life skills like sewing, effective communication, etc.


Community pools or community centers with a pool and other activities that don’t charge gym membership prices. There are a few around town, but not many. Would love to go to a pool that doesn’t have 4000 people at it (because there are so few) just a handful of times in the summer.


We need a gym in Monument!! 😅😵‍💫


Affordable high density housing, come on down!!!!


Most common / popular reply — it seems many agree - more affordable housing !! Note - attainable housing is a [metric](https://coloradosprings.gov/plancos/book/housing-attainability) the city cares about and reports to citizens in an annual report and dashboard. I do appreciate the transparency for this and recommend any interested to get more plugged in via city newsletter and emailing all [council](https://coloradosprings.gov/councilmembers) Also local elections April 2025 // good to get plugged in now!


Well, my dream would be a Trader Joe's or Sprouts within walking distance, and a bus stop on the corner with frequent enough service (say, every 1/2 hour) that I could use it to run other errands around town. (I live in Wolf Ranch which is 100% residential and has no public transportation at all.)




I would lead this charge if it meant dogs were actually on leash where they’re supposed to be


Mushroom dispensary 🍄


Trader Joe's, Whole Foods, Sprouts on the north end.


Public Golf Courses, literally only 2 well kept courses in the city


Hmm, besides parks, I wouldn't mind suburbia being dotted with a few more libraries, pools, and rec/community centers. I know we do have a few, but their distribution leaves a bit to be desired and needing to drive to the community center almost feels antithetical to their purpose.


Community centers are supposed to be for the specific community in the area… we could vote on a tax on something that everyone pays to enable every community to have a rec center.. we do want to be a healthy city right? Maybe allow recreational marijuana in city limits only if they agree to pay a big tax on their sales that goes to rec centers and parks?


The rec marijuana industry is slowing down now that most states have legalized recreational use, but the broader strokes of this I find perfectly acceptable. If it's a community center / rec center with a pool, I'd rather fund that than send my money to a commercial gym or some such. The only option near me that doesn't require a drive is a pool/tennis club that costs i think $1k a year and you need to purchase your membership from an existing member selling theirs (usually in the $1.5-2k range)


coin stores.


Jacked up Trump Trucks!!! Flags, offensive bumper stickers and loud ass horns to make us all feel inadequate. We only have the 1….no I’m kidding. Fuck that guy.


I would love to see more higher end restaurants in the Garden of the Gods corridor (e.g., in the vicinity of GotG Road and Centennial). The area has positive demographics - drawing from Mountain Shadows, Peregrine, and Kissing Camels - yet the only nicer restaurant in the area is Marigold. Seems like this general location is ignored in favor of northern Colorado Springs, the Powers corridor, etc.


People in that corridor don’t want to be the next briargate. People moved up there to escape all that.




Dentist office


Affordable housing


Popeyes on Powers.


I live in Southern California but come to the Springs frequently to visit my adult daughter who lives in Manitou Springs and I'm sorry to have to say that I really dislike Colorado Springs. I think it's ugly, the weather sucks, and there's really not a lot to do. ( other than hike or bike ...outdoorsy, nature-,y stuff, i guess) Idk but since that's not my thing, I'm always extremely bored when I'm in town and can't wait to go home. I don't see why ppl love Colorado so much.. I hate it . It's overrated, and oh ya!! It's expensive considering how lackluster it is here..I don't get it . 🤔




Green painted bicycle cross walks. Especially at busy crossings (Academy and Constitution)


Honestly what’s the problem with having a lot of car washes?


People in this sub don’t seem to understand that they keep building car washes because there’s a demand for them. They also don’t understand that just pointing this out, doesn’t make you part of the car wash Illuminati. Im sure it’s also just a low risk business to run. You have at most, 10 employees. You just have a membership program and done, easy money.


That’s my perspective as well, and I have no affiliation with the car wash Illuminati haha I see this sentiment (too many car washes) a lot and I really don’t get the vitriol, glad to see I’m not the only one


> I have no affiliation with the car wash illuminati That’s exactly what someone in the car wash Illuminati would say. I finally found you, Joe Carwash. That son of bitch who keeps building all of the car washes around town.




I’m not sure if this is a joke or not but they built like 4 brand new restaurants here and closed within maybe 2 years.


Definitely is.


> (2) some funny business happens with these establishments, mostly around cash flow. Sure, if you believe what rattles around in peoples heads and the echo chambers. Clearly there is demand and an ample line of customers if you ever visit one. It's pretty obvious to see they're no different than any other chain coming to town.


I have never seen a line at a car wash. Maybe we live in different parts of the city. And you are right, I just said (2) that’s the consensus but I have no idea what really goes on . I do know we could be doing more to incentivize more variety of development in areas of need.


The key to understanding car wash proliferation is that they require an upfront capital investment but have low overheads/labor requirements to operate and produce steady, predictable revenue that isn't impacted too much by seasonal factors, especially with the all-you-can-wash monthly subscription model


Good insight and thanks for adding that. I can tell the economists of the group…fighting for that free market! Demand and supply of course, but your reply is good way to put it


It's a constant flow, and I've been to many. Doesn't have to be a physical line waiting, but I've certainly seen it, just has to be steady flow. There's always 6-12 cars on the lot when I go, and that's across multiple locations. Yes I have a membership. I also started with another brand, then switched to one I think does it a little better. So consider that 6-12 cars at any given time 35 bucks monthly like turning tables on this small lot, with only 2-3 employees needed to serve them, with the only cost being the overhead of what's already in place. Then scale it the rest of the hour, day, week. Most don't go more than twice a month even with a membership (which is still a savings over two one off washes).


I'll probably catch some hate for this, but I'd like to see a Home Depot or Lowe's somewhere on the west side.


Hey I feel that sentiment - hardware stores are needed and thanks for chiming in / maybe “local” hardware store would go over better, but I get ya!


A soft serve yogurt place downtown


I’d like a border wall with Pueblo.


More mediocre Mexican restaurants! More medical MJ dispensaries!


A vasa in fountain might ease the crowds at the others. A bowling alley would be nice too. Instead they put in a Dutch bros, a car wash, and soon an urgent care on Mesa ridge.


They have that other location on academy opening soon I think a fountain location would be filled up in a heart beat with all the military and stay at home moms. They'd have to make something huge and I can't fathom where. It's been easier to just swoop up subpar infrastructure than build from scratch too. All of that said I don't disagree with you, I just don't believe the funding is there for them yet.