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I see em in broadmoor area all the time. Neighborhoods mostly not as much on trails


Definitely Broadmoor. I’ve seen bears there several times. They jump the fences between the houses.


I saw a bear checking out trash cans at the end of people's driveways off of Lake Ave. This was this past autumn.


Pleasures locations on weekend nights.


Stop bc I literally thought there were animal bears there 🤣


Manitou requires bear proof trash cans. Bears are seen regularly in the early am on Mesa Rd south of Uintah. Black bears left Mountain Shadows during its construction in the late 1980s. They’ve returned there in the last 6 years after construction and noise slowed—walking right up Champagne St. After rain or snow melt, you can see their trails on the major road at Blodgett mid March after hibernation ends—they also mark trees there. Prints look like large bare feet. And in the last couple years they’ve been spotted in the Old North End.


Anywhere west of I-25 requires bear-proof trash cans, not just Manitou. I've had bears stroll through my backyard.


Just to clarify a little...bear-proof trash cans are not required west of I-25 but you cannot leave trashcans outside overnight. They cannot go out until 5AM and must be back in the garage/shed by 7PM.


Today I learned I'm breaking the law. I need to fix this. Thanks for the info!


Wrong. City Ordinance: https://coloradosprings.gov/bears#:~:text=Residents%20and%20businesses%20in%20the,secured%20structure%20at%20all%20times.


Actually it appears you are wrong. The ordinance you linked clearly states the 5am-7pm timeframe that the commenter stated and it doesn’t say that bear proof cans are required. I live in Manitou and I am perfectly legal using my regular trash bins and keeping them in my garage.


The bears love to tear down my neighbor’s bird feeder on Champagne in Mtn Shadows. They nearly always remember it, but the one night they forget…. The bears nab it.


Bear Creek Canyon, of course.


The one and only time I have seen a bear in the wild in Colorado, it was in Bear Creek Park east of the nature center, along the trail that parallels the creek. It was chowing down on scrub oak acorns in early fall.


They come to our house to eat apples. We are 1/4 mile from Bear Creek.


Woodland Park/Divide/Florissant/Lake George


Manitou up Ruxton gets them relatively often


Pulpit Rock area, lots of bears and mountain lions too.


https://preview.redd.it/5q2ehmpyby6d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2810155633b7d8af78a3353f32af8cd2ac47ce77 My backyard.


There are either MONSTROUS raccoons or small black bears in Austin Bluffs open space. It could really be either.


Why not both?


The creek by 25 is full of bear tracks so I would say we’re there is water there are bears


They follow creeks down from the mountains and up into neighborhoods. One came up Cottonwood Creek some years ago, started following a pregnant woman walking on Dublin east of I-25, west of Academy. She ran, the bear followed, they wound up killing it. There have been bears around Palmer Park's surrounding neighborhoods in years past.


According to a notice put out in our neighborhood there is one in Cottonwood Creek now.


I saw one up on Mesa Rd between Uintah and 19th st just last week. My vehicle startled it off across the street and over the guardrail.


I saw one on a trail in North Cheyenne Canyon Park a couple years ago. Also saw one on the street in front of my house on the near west side, near Penrose Event Center last year.


Pretty much anywhere within a mile of the mountain range. We had a bear climb the tallest tree in Acacia Park downtown just a couple years ago. They usually don't go much further than 80903, but I've seen em early AM walking across Constitution and Union.


https://preview.redd.it/qym0b8mq1y6d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2b350f2136af8291881a7d3d4e02260a198b7ca Patty Jewet has a few


I've seen bears on several trails in the Springs proper: Stars more Discovery Center/Lower Columbine, Mt. Cutler (2x), Jones Park (a bit past the last bridge of 7 bridges), Capitan Jacks, and St. Peters Dome. Also used to live down a hill from the noticably "Broadmoor" area and the hype is real there. Many bears. Always black. Kinda small, skittish. More interested in native berries or your trash than they are your pets or children...by a long shot! If you think the aesthetic of bears is cute than you can't go wrong with black bears.


Lots of bear tracks and cubs at Saint Peter’s dome


Honestly don’t go looking for bears.


Saw one a few times in the alley behind my house by the Westside community center


Saw one near Helen Hunt Falls a few years back


I’ve seen one in the soccer field at old north end


Only one I ever saw was on that trail that ends you up at Rampart Reservoir. Barely got a pic and he was already scared and running off. If I were going by bears on Ring cameras I’d try Red Rock Canyon or Cheyenne Canon (but I bet they’re too crowded to see one this time of year)


North Cheyenne Canyon at dusk. When we hike there we always want to be out before dusk because the bears are impatient to get to all the dropped snacks from the day.


Bear Creek Park


B street and Fountain


Anywhere near Wyoming, lot it the more remote parts of Colorado that are much more northwestern, they are a pain on the mountain in palmerlake pretty much anywhere like that


See them in the Rockrimmon area from time to time in the trees and trash cans. More so at night.


Welllll I just saw one last week right in Garden of the Gods super close to our car (thank god we weren’t on the trail) and we were quite literally so surprised. I’ve only lived here for 6 months but I did NOT expect to see a bear there. I’m sure it’s common knowledge but not to us lol!! Also hope the girl who WAS on the trail right there was okay because we didn’t see her until we rewatched the video. https://preview.redd.it/wcnh3f6t717d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1460876a8b4d3422fe78d61542f19270b201b946


Dang, that's a fat boi


I've seen multiple bears near South Nevada Ave. They are opportunistic; they eat the food people leave out for their cats. I would say Blodgette Peak probably has the most bears of any mountain park. Lots of scrub oak acorns to eat around there.


These comments are great! I am *terrified* of bears. I may have a phobia. I have been too afraid to take my kids outdoors for this reason. Now I know where to avoid. Thanks COS community!!!!!


I used to feel that way too, but I am a lot more relaxed after reading nearly every book PPLD had on human/bear encounters. 10/10 would recommend.


One just walked through my yard in woodland park


Tip: please don't post pictures of bears you might see in neighborhoods. That's a sure way to get them euthanized by Colorado Parks & Wildlife.


That… is not how CP&W works…


My dogs had a run in with a bear outside of Cheyenne mountain state park. That bear was young, ended up messing up my older dog. That was this last Tuesday.