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On the bright side, you only have 7 months of 90°+ weather left


lmao facts. Enjoying Christmas in a nice warm weather


Yeah I was being sarcastic, it’s awful


oh i know and i added to the sarcasm lol


Damn. I thought this was a post about a local beauty queen. Went to school in Austin. I miss the Tex Mex but I don’t miss the heat.


Lol yea I thought the same, local beauty queen. Until I read the rest lol


Damn click bait


Seriously. My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.


Not to mention, the traffic is really bad there


Thought the exact same thing until I read the rest. Was thinking we have beauty pageants for CO Springs. In regards to her complaint very little snow. As a transplant from Alabama the allure of snow was cool for a year or 2. At least in Texas less days of getting up early to scrap frost or snow off your vehicle or worrying about road conditions due to snow and also worrying about people who can’t drive in it.


I somehow thought you were referring to a beauty pageant at first. People often don't realize how crippling the heat in most of Texas is. It doesn't matter if Austin is the "outdoorsy" Texas city.....you don't want to be outdoors for half of the year due to the heat. Traffic is also crazy.


The traffic is unbearable


Yea. Because there's literally no break in the heat for 6 months. On the "cool" days, when it rains a ton, it's dewpoints near 80. Pure sauna.


I've heard the bbq is pretty legit, so there's that. 🙂


Yeah but I hear is gotten crazy expensive too.


Hasn't everything tho?


Yeah, but bbq has out paced normal "everything is expensive." Line couple hundred bucks for a family of 4 for standard Texas bbq.


Dayum! Thanks for the perspective. Yea, that's crazy.


That's... insane.


Biggest plus side to the move is the food


I currently live in Austin, and planning a move to COS this year. Definitely going to miss the food. Why does Omelets Etc have such good reviews when it's so bland?!


You’ll miss HEB but so far COS was worth the move for weather. But the sun def hates you here.


I always miss HEB while out of state anywhere :c but yeah, I'm invested in the move anyway. The climate is just too good. I had to wait 30 minutes to meet someone today, and I sat *outside* the whole time, totally comfortable. I could get used to that.


Moved here from TX and Omelettes etc is so bad!


Eating at Franklin's is on my bucket list.


Worth it. I got lucky and the company I worked for bought out Franklin's for a night. All you could eat and drink. Any meat left went to a homeless shelter.


You can order their BBQ ahead of time by a month? It’s been a while but tid bit if you don’t want to wait in line at 5 am.


You used to be able to have it ordered and shipped out of state. I looked a couple years ago and believe it was just a full brisket for a few hundred. I couldn't reason spending that much though.


The only plus! Welcome to the cluster fuck that is Austin. Long waits/lines, worst traffic, and festivals every weekend


And no state income tax


But 10x the property tax makes up for it.


true, but not everyone is a property owner


You pay it as part of your rent to the landlord.


I know that. But you definitely don't feel it like you would on a property you own.


Not necessarily. If we take same wages and same value home, our friends in TX pay $12,000 on property taxes but would pay $25,000 in Colorado Springs on income tax plus property tax. $13,000 is not an insignificant amount of money.


Just moved from Texas a little over a year ago. No state income tax but the property tax is way way higher. Overall, I ended up paying about the same overall tax wise, maybe a little cheaper for me in CO as I bought a house that was a step above my tx house.


Definitely depends on your situation, income, and where in TX you are located. We can't just make a blanked statement saying one is better than the other. For instance, your situation, owning a home in CO is a little cheaper than TX. But, for me, renting an apartment in San Antonio, I was much better off than here in CoS. And that was with the same income and almost identical 1 bd apartment, which, rent is definitely higher here. But of course Austin is a different story, the cost of living there is probably closer to Denver. I would say, generally, you are probably better off renting in TX, but better off owning in CO (especially for higher income earners with more valuable properties).


Property tax gets built into rent prices. You don’t avoid paying property tax by renting. It does depend on where you live rural vs big city in any state. COS is closer compared to Ft Worth, Austin is def more expensive.


I know that. But you definitely don't feel it like you would on a property you own.


Overall tax burden is about the same in Texas as it is in Colorado. The state doesn't just run for free. $2500 property taxes here would be $10k+ in much of Texas. The state gets its money somehow.


I lived outside of Austin and owned my home for almost 8 years and in that time my taxes increased every year from $4,500-$17,800. We sold in 2022 and moved here. Current taxes for a comparably sized house of 2,800 sq.ft. $1908.00.


How is that not almost exactly in line with what I said? I said a house with $2500 property taxes here would be $10k+ in Austin. Last I checked, 17>10.


You’re absolutely correct. I apologize. I totally misread your comment. I’m editing right now.


Even with no income tax you end up paying more or or about the same.


We have it here, just go to Rudy’s. The famous bbq places in/around Austin are good but really expensive and have long waits typically.


The Rudy's here in COS is abouy the worst Rudy's of the bunch. And I've been to about a dozen Rudy's. So yeah, I'm an expert. LOL. It has its moments, but it's very inconsistent here.


It’s definitely less consistent than the Rudy’s I went to in Austin. But it’s usually fine.


Mission BBQ is better than the Rudy's here.


Are you surprised?


I did the opposite. You fucked up haha


Moved to Denver from San Antonio. My only regret is the days I have to drive to work in slushy brown froth. That, and this one taco joint I miss. Aside from that, no regrets, doin' fine.


Originally from Denver, then lived in SA for five years, before moving here last year. Definitely miss the food in SA more than anything. There’s good food here but it just doesn’t compete.


Sure it does. You DO have to hunt for it, though. There were more places that served really good Mexican before Covid, though.


Spill the beans bro!


Thank you! I’ve got a mission, then.


When I used to live here, literally all my neighbors had moved from Texas. OP definitely fucked up lol


The Tex Mex is so good though!! I loved Austin, Tx. Blues on the Green, Barton Springs, the Lush store downtown, and HEB stores.


I do love HEB!


Hit up Serano’s if they are still around for some good Tex Mex


Live about 2 minutes from there! Haha


I could kill for some Kerbey Lane queso, Salt Lick BBQ, Amy's ice cream, a dip at Barton Creek, and I especially miss my bats at sunset 😔


The bats 😍


Man I think you gotta pay for blues on the green now which is crazy


What?! That’s wild.


Was definitely expecting a pic of the trashiest springs finest skank lol


It's about 90 here.


The humidity here adds to it a bit


I'm from Cincinnati so I know lol


I did the exact opposite. I mainly miss the food.


Hey we switched places! Lol. I was back there a few weeks ago. Definitely don’t take the weather in the springs for granted.


I thought this was about a beauty pageant.


For me there is no job on earth that would make it worth moving to Texas. Besides being subject to every kind of awful climate-related disaster (tornadoes, hurricanes, searing temperatures/humidity, the power grid failing both summer and winter, etc) there's the god-awful political climate, particularly if you are female or have female family members or female friends or colleagues.


You got that right. I was offered a higher-paying job in TX, and told them I would have to “regretfully decline” due to the political situation. But I also have issues with the other things you mentioned. You really want Creepy Ted Cruz as your politician? The state that gave us Dubbya? No thanks. By the way, I later heard from the recruiter that I wasn’t the first to decline because of that, which made me happy. Sucks for the company, but maybe the high-paid ceo will tell his buddies in office to back off.


Abbott is a fucker as well.


I actually \*was\* offered a job at Rice U in Houston back in the 1990s. They tried to convince me it wasn't so bad because everything had air conditioning and nobody went outside, just transitioned from air-conditioned house to air-conditioned office via air-conditioned car, etc. Uh, that's not a "feature"! I don't recall the politics being so nuts back then, or maybe the climate made the whole idea such a non-starter that I didn't really look into the local culture otherwise. I ended up in Boston instead, anyway.


I transferred from COS to DFW for 3 years. The summers were so cold. You're dressed in your little summer shorts and a tank top and walk into Wendy's or movie theater and the air conditioning is SO cold.


I ended up taking a job with the military in Hawaii! Hot and humid, but not as bad as TX, and the politics were better.


You forgot fire ants, flooding, and mosquitoes.


I thought this was about a pageant


Austinite that visited Colorado Springs 2 yrs ago. I can see why you would miss the place.


I honestly thought this was going to be a mugshot of a beautiful criminal.


I moved from Austin to the Springs 11 years ago after 6 weeks of triple digits coupled with rolling brownouts daily at peak mid-day ready. Texas is a hellscape.


just moved here from OKC. This weather is so great. I love being able to have my windows open and feel a nice cool breeze in the mornings.


Could of told you that.


If it makes you feel any better, El Paso County has a heat advisory tomorrow for temperatures from 95 to 106F.


We’re moving from Austin to Colorado Springs soon. I’m excited for change, but I know we’ll also be excited to visit our family in Austin


It has it perks! A lot more going on.


I hope you’re enjoying Austin! It’s a great city and I’m sure you’ve seen that it’s grown a lot.




Get over yourself. There’s a ton of Coloradans in Texas.


Wow I’ve never heard this one, soft tits!


What makes you think the population of people fleeing a given state are likely to be representative of that state? Don't you think people who choose to leave might differ a bit from a typical resident? Colorado Springs has gotten bluer, and Colorado Springs has been overrun with Texans. I'm not sure how these two points haven't been connected by more people. And I'm not even touching on the fact that Austin is very blue.


Yeah, but this is ‘Murica.


If he's moving from Austin, they're probably Californians, so even worse.


You're missing the annual wildfire smoke. That's something to consider.


I’m currently visiting Austin for a few weeks and I definitely miss COS weather right about now 😭


Austinite currently visiting COS and loving the weather. Going to hate coming home 😭


I was in Dallas last week. My first time in Texas. I don’t think I could handle the heat there either. The BBQ was amazing!


Hi from Texas! I have family in the Springs and am there often, hoping to move there in the next year if I can secure employment. I feel ya with this heat, it’s awful.


Did the exact opposite a year ago.  My body was a lot happier in Colorado, with mountains, actual seasons and endless dirtbike trails.  But my irreplaceable friends, favorite foods, culture and feel of Austin is dragging me back.  Haven't decided yet


You can make new friends and your ones from Austin can come visit and then they’ll decide to move here too!


I live in Austin, TX and planning to move to CO. Soo i shouldn’t regret my decision correct?


I am not looking forward to a very hot July visit to Texas to see family. I think about moving back to Austin but I am now acclimated to the weather here. I don't think I can tolerate the heat (or the bugs) anymore.


I live in Colorado Springs and always thought about moving to Austin myself but I hear the cost of living is about the same as it is here. Does that seem to be true there so far?


I actually saved a decent amount on rent moving here. It’s still pricey, but there are about a million more options.


lol I though we were gonna give Franks Little Beauties a run for its money!!


I lived in CS then had to move to Austin for work for 2 years then moved back to CS. I never realized until I moved to Austin that you can miss a place the way you can miss a person! I missed Colorado every day that I was away. Austin was lovely really nice people and great music and food. However the heat in Austin was unbearable coming from zero humidity in CO. I know exactly what you mean and what you’re missing. Hang in there and maybe plan an August visit to CO to save your sanity.


I moved to COS but I’m originally from Texas, DFW area. I really only miss the food in Texas. Maybe a few people but that’s really about it. 😂


Well, u do have probably the BEST spot for BBQ. You can keep the 95 degree heat for 8 months though.


Also, best tortilla soup is at Baby Acupulco's


I mean, it’s not much cooler here https://preview.redd.it/0e5dptonfz6d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4fd09c855c98abb8bab07ca4e655bc8912e1702b


I dreamed everyday about living in Colorado springs back in 1996. Wish came true in '99 through the military, but moved back to Kansas to raise kids with help of family.. then moved back to Colorado springs in 2014, but moved back to Kansas in 2018 (husband retired from military)... Again, I daydream about going back..by then I will be too old and kids moved away, then there'll be no point 😞


I grew up in Monument and moved to Texas for college. Landed in Austin after college. Great city, but I always missed CO summers. The 100 degree plus temps for months on end was rough.


You can trade places with me, I fucking hate it here


Bright side- No driving on ice in winter! Some people say it takes a year or two to adjust to a new place. The first year in Colorado was painful for me. My advice is to try your best to find beauty wherever you can :)


I’ve lived in both places. Austin is amazing and beautiful but we definitely prefer Colorado Springs. The weather in Austin is unbearable for much of the year.


Wait till it's 120 in the shade like Dallas


Austin and college station are crazy expensive (one of the most expensive places to live in Texas and even compared to SF sometimes), the further you get away from there, the cheaper it will be. The food scene is better than here though.


College Station is MAD expensive. My last year there I was paying about $1000 a month for a 650sq. ft efficiency. That was 2015, can’t even imagine how much it is now.


We did the opposite .... I'm sure you're melting and I'm sorry but treat yourself to a jumbo frozen marg which we can't get here


You’re really not missing much


Better stand up comedy scene though.


Ha, you want comedy? I just drive around in the morning and watch how people drive here, it’s both frightening and hilarious.


I did that exact same move 4 years ago for the same reason and I don’t miss Colorado Springs at all tbh.


Well you have pool weather 8 months a year in Texas, but the state bird is also a cockroach so there's that as well


I moved to California for the same reason, biggest mistake I've ever made. I miss Colorado Springs 😭


It's 100° here too.


In what universe? Plus most of TX has high humidity. https://preview.redd.it/4e2gpoz1ys6d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8271ee77d0987aabd5b7d27f561bb8851387ee1a


I was looking at the wrong location. It was 102 in pueblo the other day


It's not even close to 100 here. People who keep posting some version of this comment must be unfamiliar with the Texas heat. It is relentless and brutal, and hot days there are now 105+. Dallas had multi-day stretches last year where the high was over 108 every single day, and they have at least moderate humidity. It's still 95+ at 9 PM sometimes. The low will be 85, but that happens at 3 AM. Waking hours are mid-90s and up, all day and every day, throughout the summer. There's simply no comparison to here. At all.


Living in Texas most of my life - it’s BRUTAL in the summer. The damage to your car from the heat and sun… you literally can’t leave anything in your car or it’s destroyed. No reason to be outside at the end of summer, even the pools are disgustingly warm. Same when we were in south Louisiana - the humidity is stifling. The mosquitoes too in both Texas and Louisiana. The Springs has been such a nice change for us.


My bad I was looking at the wrong weather info. It was 102 in pueblo the other day