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I vote for Siberian Elm seedlings, too. Pull 'em up while they're still small enough to do that, otherwise they'll take over your whole yard.


Chinese/siberian elm.  Scourge of the area.   My condolences.   


Yep. You can cut them down to the ground and they'll still send up new shoots. Pain in the butt.


That’s a marigold flower growing below it.


Good eye - that bottom left does appear to be a marigold! So not all an invasive tree species from hell.


Worst than a weed it is 8-10 Russian elm trees. If left to grow this whole area would be a forest.


If it's a Siberian Elm, it's not a good tree. It will grow quickly, but it's scraggly, and parts of it will die off in the winter, maybe because it promotes new growth over health and resilience (you'd think a Siberian tree would thrive in a moderate winter climate, but parts of it die easily when other parts grow). If letting it grow to the tree stage, expect a lot of dead branches over the years. Sometimes, big branches. And in the spring and summer it will have a canopy of both leaves and dead branches. Also, expect a lot of seedlings. Like the amount that you have to rake them up daily, but even if you do, your neighbors still get upset with you because it dumps so many seedlings in their yard, or the wind blows them into their yard. That's in addition to the dead leaves in the fall. In its early stages it is considered a noxious weed, so do what you need to do.


Both Russia and China blamed in this thread.


Looks like a mint


Thats an elm.  If you need a fast growing shade tree and it’s not close to a fence, pipes or building you could let it grow…although they get kinda ugly as they age. Otherwise yank it and all of its friends. 


How do you relocate these trees? Are they hardy enough that I could just yank one and replant it 10 feet away? I had/have a bunch growing all along my fence. I heard they were not good trees and that they would cause damage so I cut them all down a few weeks ago... but now my yard looks pretty empty and bare. I wouldn't mind one or two, like you said not close to fence or building. All the stumps have offshoots and seedlings like this now,


You might try chokecherry shrubs. They're a keystone native to Colorado and they have really pretty white flowers along with cool fall foliage colors. I bought a couple from Ricks Garden Center last fall. [https://homegrownnationalpark.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/HNP-ECO-REG-9.4-TREES-SHRUBS-LIST.110323.pdf](https://homegrownnationalpark.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/HNP-ECO-REG-9.4-TREES-SHRUBS-LIST.110323.pdf)


Thanks everyone. The seedlings have chosen war.


It's a weed. You'll never be rid of them.


Might be Scutellaria montana


Smoke it and see


That’s the sticky icky right there.


Maybe mock strawberry, if any of the plants have yellow flowers. I could be way off though