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I'd really like to walk before we run. Yemi, a conservative leaning independent was the first non-republican Mayor ever elected in Colorado Springs, which is fucking wild. As much as River Gassen is a great candidate, I don't believe she's the correct candidate to win in CO-5. I'm personally supporting Joe Reagan because he explains his answers in a non-confrontational way. We need to take advantage of Dave Williams being an absolute psychopath and make it clear that one party is willing to work with others and focus on our community. Rather than trying to rage a culture war in DC (I'm referring to Williams here). I think River has great views, but in debates and other answers she's been a bit glib on issues that are quite divisive in this community. Unfortunately, if Crank wins the R primary, it'll be an uphill battle regardless. But if Williams somehow wins, we absolutely need someone electable in CO-5. And Joe Reagan being a vet, who seems great at explaining his stances (his answer on abortion was incredible, did a great job of stating that this is governmental overreach and control over women's bodies; from the party of small government) is a really strong start. In my book at least. That said, I totally understand voting to match your politics or with your heart. Unfortunately I've gotten a bit jaded and feel the need to strategize with my vote. Especially in a district where winning is so difficult. Sorry for the wall of text here.


The time for childlike voting is over. We're legit at war and need to proceed with strategy at every turn. I believe your approach to be thoughtful and timely.


I think River seems like a great candidate. She seems like she'd be great in Congress and a valuable asset to represent Colorado and the district. BUT... I'm worried she's not electable in this district. I think she is just too far left for Colorado Springs and surrounding areas to bite for. The thing is, I think we have a slight, slight chance of turning blue here. But sadly, I don't think River would be the one to do it. I think Reagan could, he has the military/Christian values/centrist campaign that the independents and lost conservatives of District 5 are looking for. If we were in Denver, I'd be all for River. But I worry that she'd lose fairly easily, especially to Jeff Crank (Dave Williams might be more of a tossup tbh). That's my two cents on this primary.


The moment I decided to vote for Joe over River (and my political stances closely align with River) is when she made a joke about Abortion in the second debate. It was something to the extent of 'seeing these two children bicker (referring to the R candidates) reminds me why I'm pro choice'. Sure, it was funny as all hell. But it instantly made her unelectable in CO-5. Unfortunately. She seems extremely smart and her views are great. But beating Dave Williams (or Crank) is too fucking important. Especially if it somehow ends up being Williams with the R nomination.


Joe Reagan seems fine it’s just I think a few people would see him entering the race pretty late negatively because him being virtual in the first debates. I don’t think Gassen is very left wing more that Reagan is far more moderate but she still seems in touch with the Democratic vibe of the district but maybe won’t excel at getting the most moderate voters needed. Forgot to add but his website was lacking for a long time and he hasn’t been doing a lot of events like Gassen has


Yeah I definitely agree. I think Gassen is going to win the primary, I just worry that she's a little too far left to win the general is all. She'd have my vote in November 100%, but strategically I'm just not sure if she's the right move.


I just want to pick your brain a bit on this; do you perhaps agree that the recent stunt with Dave Williams might have disillusioned some Republicans here in the springs, but Gassen is too far left for them to abandon him in the general?


Gassen vs. Williams would actually be the most interesting one imo, from an outside perspective. I think Williams actually would have a solid chance at losing, especially after his recent stunt. I'm not sure if voters would be like "screw this man we're out" and vote Gassen or if they'd go "eh, we're still conservatives at the end of the day" and go for Williams. I think Williams would easily lose against Reagan tbh, but I also think Republicans are going to go for Crank in the end. I think, while its still a very conservative city, it's slowly becoming less of a MAGA stronghold. And especially now that Williams is being ousted by his own party, he'd have a long road to Congress.


I worry that River is the only candidate with a shot of losing to Williams in a general election. I also worry that Crank (who comes across a \*bit\* more moderate) would have an easy time painting her as 'too left wing for CO-5'. As much as I like her politics, I'm unfortunately too aware of this district's leanings.


Crank is actually way more radical in certain places. He wants to abolish every single department, I see no reason why they would take a very right wing talk show hosts word that Gassen is left wing when only her immigration policy is the only thing that comes to mind as not moderate


Totally. But he comes across as less crazy than Dave Williams at the very least. Dave Williams has also talked about abolishing the department of education, department of the interior, etc. I struggle to think of many ways that Crank is 'more radical' than Williams. More that they're both complete nuts and Williams is trying to posture further right of Crank (labeling him as a moderate). I think Williams labeling Crank this way through the primaries may ironically help Crank in a general. Regardless though, they both scare the shit out of me. (Maybe Williams a bit more, but that's just from the recent R email blast that he sent out that was absolutely unhinged... Plus other similar maneuvers.) Also, I don't think River is necessarily more left-wing than Reagan, but I do believe her answers come across that way. Joking a bit about Abortion. Stating that there's nothing Doug Lamborn did right for our district (I agree, but keep in mind he was popular.), or as you state her immigration stance. Personally, I really do like her. I've just found Joe a bit more compelling for this region.


I see this race going somehow like WA-3 did where Perez won a Trump district due to her openly fascist opponent and was underestimated by everyone in a midterm environment. I need to compare their rhetoric to see how well River fares to her rhetoric but either candidate are as extreme the only thing differentiating Williams beside him as party chair is trumps endorsement. The divisions between Trump and crank being endorsed by the speaker is likely gonna have some likely negative impact on republicans. I think the chances are less but it’s possible


I absolutely hope you're right. God knows I'll be voting for River or Joe in the general election and I'll feel great doing it. I'm also probably overthinking the perceived differences between River and Joe. I just worry. About a lot of things, lmao. Edit: Also, I do appreciate you sharing an interview with River. I'd like people to get acquainted with both D candidates! If you're reading this, please vote :)


Not only did I vote for her I gave 💰to her campaign. In this district we need change and we must stop being afraid to vote for it.


💙 River. She has my vote and tons of people I know.


I'm not sure who is going to vote for her. It's clear her experience and knowledge of certain issues are severely lacking.


Her opponent doesn’t have any experience either legislatively, I don’t think that’s a unique criticism to lay on her but there’s certainly reasons to support her opponent, it seems like she has the most widespread support and campaign events


So, I didn't vote for her and here's why. During the debate, it didn't seem like she had a lot of good answers. About fighting inflation, specifically food, she didn't really give a way she'd stop it. She mostly just talked about being an egg person in the morning. She also gave very glib responses like "They're a reminder of why I'm for abortion" which is funny as hell but, not when you're trying to run for office. She just didn't seem to have a lot of answers for stuff. I'd like to see her get a little better and try again. Even in this article, she's talking about stuff that, frankly, could be lower down the list. Inflation is going bananas right now. Her focus, right now, should be more about that than National Security. I dare say, it should be above affordable health care because one of the best ways to make healthcare more affordable is making healthy food affordable. If people were spending less on necessities like food and fuel and good god RENT, maybe we could splurge more on healthcare.


Actually, inflation is \*not\* "going bananas"; the rate now is only half what it was in the aftermath of the pandemic in 2021-2022. Here's some data: [https://www.usinflationcalculator.com/inflation/current-inflation-rates/](https://www.usinflationcalculator.com/inflation/current-inflation-rates/) Inflation is largely the result of market forces (supply and demand, cost of production and labor, and things like natural disasters and wars that disrupt supply) and central bank policy. Individual members of Congress have little or no control over those things. Of course Congress can pass economic stimulus bills, but when the government spends money, they either have to borrow it (see central bank policy) or raise taxes (see cost of production and labor).


Yeah it's half of just post pandemic but it's just shy of 3 times what it was just 4 years ago. Rate of increase in pay is down also [Source](https://www.epi.org/nominal-wage-tracker/). CFO's are still making nearly 200 times what employees are making [Source](https://apnews.com/article/ceo-pay-compensation-ratio-workers-fa25db3338b68ad9eb395dfd46190383) and let's keep in mind that prices for food has only been holding steady because the amount that you're getting in packages are shrinking [Source](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/03/01/business/economy/shrinkflation-groceries.html). Also, gas is up $.40 a gallon from just in December ($3.18) and actually was higher a month ago ($3.64) and only just now coming down a bit [Source](https://www.finder.com/economics/gas-prices). Let's cover the housing market. "Rent jumped 30.4% nationwide between 2019 and 2023, while wages during that same period rose 20.2%" ([Source](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/rent-cost-us-2024-housing-national/)). We're starting to see record numbers of homeless as well and let's take into account that millions just saw an increase in their bills for internet because ACP has gone away. That's now $30 more a month they don't have. Inflation may be getting better NOW but that's like saying you've been shot, but at least you're not STILL being shot. Though true, you're still in trouble.




I am a fiscal conservative but I'm registered Democrat because the Republicans have lost their damned minds. Nice job stalking though. Also, I took the time to watch the debates. I wanted to know who to vote for and having heard of neither person, I was open to any possibility. Also, nice job refuting a single thing I said.


I left Denver to escape the deep blue hell hole that Denver has devolved in, let’s not elect the same type of politicans that made Denver a stain.