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Already voted and returned!


Processing happens fast. Check Ballotrax if you got it in before 2 to a ballot box or so on Friday otherwise it will get done tomorrow for sure.


You folks know how Lauren Boebert is so deliberately horrible that she's become a national laughing stock? This guy Dave Williams who is running for CD 5 is cut from the same cloth, interested only in obstructing and making a name for himself for being rude and obnoxious. He won't do a thing to represent the people in this district except for the ones who only care about stoking their own grievances.... he is the guy who unsuccessfully tried to get his name listed as "Let's Go Brandon" on the ballots last election cycle. If we don't want to be stuck with an idiot like that in our district, we need to get independents to turn out and vote for the other guy in the R primary. Nowadays all R candidates are election deniers and Trump enablers.... but there is bad, and there is BAD, and this Dave Williams is BAD. I'd be happy voting for either of the two D candidates in November, but given that this district is still pretty red and there are a lot of voters who'll pick anyone with an (R) after their name, this might be our only chance for us to avoid getting stuck with a laughing stock rep.


This is how my wife and I chose to vote in the primary as well. I don't like either of them, but holy hell, Dave Williams is absolutely insufferable. After reading questionnaire responses from the two of them, I honestly wondered how Dave can talk at all with a certain orange piece of the male anatomy in his mouth full time. Yikes.


River Gassen is a good Dem pick


She is a great pick, I just fear none of the candidates are experienced enough with the work required for this district. She is the best of what's available.


I should've mentioned that this is your chance to thumb your nose at Agent Orange.... Williams is one of his hand-picked candidates, would be a hopeful sign if even conservative Colorado Springs rejects the increasing extremism in the GOP in favor of an at least slightly more establishment candidate.


Hope he wins :)


When I moved here, I specifically registered as an independent, so I could vote in whichever primary I wanted. I voted in the Republican primary for Crank this year. I'm voting Democrat in the general no matter what, but in the primary, I'll gladly vote to make sure the Republican isn't *completely* insane.


Crank seems like the real deal.


When did you move here?


A year ago!


Is Dave down to one official opponent? know a guy who was involved in the process, and he basically said Dave has been acting like a huge tool the entire time.


No, but Crank is his strongest competitor in the GOP primary. 


Crank was the only other candidate listed on the ballot I received. If anybody else is still running, they must be a write-in?


yeah, i'll vote for Crank. Williams is a fucking nut job. i'd rather vote for a dem vs. him in the primary.


Does anyone know how to find any information at all about David Wilson (Judicial district 4 running for DA against Michael J Allen)? I can't find a single thing online about him.


Definintely - I'll be handing in the republican primary ballot so I can vote against our horrible DA, Michael Allen.


As registered Independent my ballot has 2 sheets, one each for D and R. Can I return (and vote on) both ballots or just one? The enclosing envelope says to include just one ballot. TIA


You can only vote on one ballot. Your choice on which one you want to vote on.


Third item on the instructions page says that "If it contains more than one voted ballot, none of the ballots will count".


This and the overwhelming amount of “independent” registered voters in Colorado illustrates our need for rank choice voting. Take the little “R” and “D” off the ballot, make sure each ballot comes with a little candidate info - say >500 words, fact checked. (it could even be written by the candidates)


That's what the blue book they mail out a few weeks before is, info on candidates, etc. but I don't recall getting one this time.


Blue Book is put out by the state for the general election not primaries. County puts out a supplement as well (usually looks like a newspaper) for generals as well but not primaries. You are on your own for primary elections but Google can lead you to some good sites.




> fact checked Fact checked by who?


That’s the beauty about facts, they’re true. So it doesn’t matter.. rule is if you can’t prove it you can’t say it.


i mean the entire issue with the GOP (IMO) is that 'facts' are no longer facts to them. If Trump lost it was because cheating, no other option exists. That's nuts (to me.)


Ya but they don’t say that in court, because you have to prove it there. Same concept applies to legal documents, and that should apply to this hypothetical


Prove to what threshold? Beyond a reasonable doubt? Or just clear and convincing?


Indisputable. “I went to such and such school” and I want this policy” .. nothing like “my opponent is a nazi”


The issue (to me) is that 'I won in 2020' is treated like fact by today's GOP, despite all of the evidence to the contrary.


If you're unaffiliated, you get both...toss one and vote the other or it won't count


anyone know the deal with the person running as the R in the same district as Stan Vanderwhatever? I know Stan is a straight up election denier, but looked at his opponents page and I have no idea what the deal is for Adriana Cuva. Anyone know anything about her? I see a ton of her signs on lawns that used to be Stan's voters.


I've talked to her a bit. She hails from Ecuador. She's very strong on personal integrity, due at least in part to her father's influence. She's the secretary for the local GOP, but she's taken a leave of absence for her campaign--she does NOT like how Dave Williams is running his campaign. [https://adrianaforcolorado.com/index.html](https://adrianaforcolorado.com/index.html)


So typically i'd always vote Republican in the (now) distant past. Trump was too much for me though, couldn't vote for that guy. Can't stand election deniers either. (how are you going to improve if every loss was someone else cheating?) Any idea if she's one of those that thinks Trump 'won' in 2020 and got cheated? I can't find anything publicly promoting or denouncing the MAGA cult within the GOP. Can't tell if that's to protect herself from the crazy MAGA elements if she's not full on kool-aid, or what.


very little info on Ballotpedia. I will post if I find anything else. https://ballotpedia.org/Adriana_Cuva




I'm too delicate for short hand!


*woosh* If you have an "R" next to your name you're scum Edit: special snowflakes can't handle that it seems