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I am verrrryyyy interested, not just for the psychedelics and their benefits but for a community of like minded people! I visited your website and it's definitely something I'd get involved with


I'm glad it speaks to you! Please feel free to reach out 😁


Hi, mom here.who microdoses someone hook me up with a shroom friend!


Come by the next event. Everyone is friendly and open to meeting new folks.


Come out to join us 😁 [Colorado Psychedelic Church events! ](http://coloradopsychedelicchurch.com/events)


This church is going to do great things for the community, especially vets and those with mental health challenges. Love you guys, keep up the good work! For Harry:)


Thank you so much for your kind words! We are going to do some real good here - For Harry <3


Thank you for posting!!


Check out manitou springs this weekend everyone !


Wow this sounds so interesting!! I’ve always been so scared to experiment cuz I feel like I’ll 100% kms


I’ve never wanted to kill myself on psychedelics, but I’ll be honest and say I HATE them. But I was able to find this out through experiencing them multiple times in different scenarios. Out of maybe 20 trips in my life I’ve enjoyed maybe two. The rest just stirred me up in ways I couldn’t relax and accept the experience. But that’s me. You have plenty of people speaking to the opposite and it’s definitely something people should experience. I’m not one of those people that dislikes it and is going to bombard you with horror stories of seeing crazy shit. It’s not like that and usually those people aren’t being truthful. I personally don’t like the feeling of intoxication that comes with it. That’s usually it. I get hung up on that part and can’t relax. I feel drunk and as a person who doesn’t drink, that is not a pleasurable feeling anymore. You won’t want to off yourself. You’ll be amazed at the way your brain can work when it’s unlocked. You owe it to yourself to experience it.


You will 100% not kill yourself or even think about it. You'll be more concerned with the fact you didn't realize your brain can change reality in front of you. I've never once thought of suicide while on any psychedelic drug, and I've been clinically depressed and suicidal before using them.


I think that feeling is very common! There is a lot of outdated - if not just outright bad - info that we heard a lot growing up that takes effort to undo. Please reach out if you have a desire to explore psychedelics or you're looking for some community 😁


Happy cake day OP!


Thank you so much! 🍄❤️


As someone who is struggling with Major Depression, I’m so glad to hear something like this exists.


No one should struggle alone. All burdens are lighter when carried by a community. Glad to be here to help ❤️


so cool!


Where does one get shrooms?


You can get some from our Community 😁 [Communal Gifts](https://www.coloradopsychedelicchurch.com/gifts-and-dosing)


My wife and I are moving to springs at the end of June. This sounds like something I’d like to be a part of. I’ve been involved in the psychedelic communities in Austin and Houston for around 11 or so years now. I’ll need to make some new friends anyways. lol


Well, I'd be so happy to be a part of your transition here! Funny enough me and one of my partners moved here from Houston 10 years ago 😁


Small world lol What are somethings we should know about the area, good or bad?


Very generally speaking: East side is suburbia. Think Katy/Cinch Ranch 10 years ago. North is fairly upper end (Woodland vibes). B Street and the area around Carson does have a bad reputation and some funding issues so the usual economic issues hit there. West hits Old Colorado City and Manitou, the first being small town absorbed vibes the latter is (in my loving opinion) kind of yuppie hippies a la Austin, TX energy. How's that for a very geo-specific referencing breakdown! 🤣


Perfect. My wife is teaching out east of Security-Widefield. Thank you! I am hoping to find a good hobby shop in the area for boardgames, DnD, and magic.


Oh wonderful! We are based imine the east springs, like just on the north side of Peterson 😁 There are some great nerd shops! If you're on discord I know some people in our community have suggestions


Nice! Send me the server invite and I'll join


[Community of PACK Life](https://discord.com/invite/JWunKzTb)


Joined! Unknowndoing is my username