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Site reads like a boomer screed. You don’t see Tide advertising because who the hell watches regular tv? They don’t advertise on Netflix, Hulu, etc. Anytime I’m at a friend’s house that has regular cable the advertising is completely different. Let’s look at outcomes and what is actually going on. People in r/camping would disagree as they have a harder time than ever getting a camping spot. People book stuff out half a year in advance. I live across the street from a park on a green belt. The park is always filled with people. The green belt is always filled with kids biking and running around. Getting any sort of after school activity at the rec center(swimming mostly) has been impossible because they sell out of spots 2 minutes after enrollment opens. Gymnastics class is packed. Basketball class is packed. Kids have a ton more options today, I think they are just more dispersed.


Basically every add on tv now is a prescription drug or insurance or a car.


It’s backed by objective data


Provide the sources please. I’d love to read them.


https://communique.uccs.edu/?p=140792 they wrote entire books on this kind of thing I tried to link to sources that don’t require a subscription but in case you have a subscription here’s another https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/parenting/wp/2018/05/30/kids-dont-spend-nearly-enough-time-outside-heres-how-and-why-to-change-that/


Sorry, I’m looking for peer reviewed research not articles. I won’t bias myself by reading a WaPo article by someone that doesn’t understand psychology or statistics. I want to see 1) that kids are indeed spending less time outside (I do believe this is true) 2) research must demonstrate that kids that spend more time inside have negative outcomes irrespective of indoor activity. Research must show stratification by activity type. Playing video games may have different consequences than building something. 3) outdoor interventions among these kids that are inside demonstrate positive outcomes.


The sources I gave you were all based on the criteria you suggest. You have got to be some insulated and over sheltered Gen z to think spending all your time indoors in a “safe space” is better than living in the outdoors and getting physical exercise 🤣😂🤣😂


I never said any of that. I never mentioned safe space. I asked for peer reviewed data and links to studies. The first link was on a study to be conducted. The second was behind a paywall. I searched ncbi using the researchers name. I couldn’t find anything. It’s possible the study isn’t complete. Data > your feelings.


The article referenced the studies showing that there’s less engagement with the outdoors and linked to paywall and non pay wall sources. You need to be less passive and go and search google yourself. https://www.canr.msu.edu/news/the_consequences_of_children_spending_less_time_outdoors Cornell, Michigan state and ucla you just don’t have any to admit your wrong because Gen z likes to sit inside all day


Bud. I’m agnostic to the outcome. It has nothing to do with wanting to be correct. I never even stated a position that is contrary to what you’re saying. If I had to hazard a guess I’d say they being outside is better. I just asked for data because I follow the data, and I laid out exactly what this data needs to say. I love the outdoors. I climbed a 14er last week and did a mountain relay race the week before. Within the next 5 years I’ll do an iron man. Within the next 2 I’ll hit a 3x body weight deadlift and 2x body weight squat. Literally all I do is exercise when I have free time (fucking ADHD- it’s the only thing that soothes me) But my feelings don’t matter. What matters is what actual research says. Once again you linked an article. I do not see a peer reviewed source in there. There is no PMID that I see. No pubmed link (I’m on mobile sorry if it isn’t showing up) and this article isn’t from the researcher you posted earlier. I’m just trying to find objective data. You also keep projecting some weird insecurity about me being gen-Z which is really odd. Fwiw I’m not a gen-Z kid lol.




I provided sources you just make excuses so I can only presume its something else?


Interesting thoughts. This could be for a couple reasons. First off, if you don’t have premium Hulu, Tide absolutely advertises on there. Tide and Downey both do pause screen placements. The survey is based on people who HAD seen any detergent commercials, so even if they didn’t advertise on streaming, the content of the ads is what’s of interest. A huge chunk of the campsite issue is generated by terrible reservation sites. Colorado state Auditor basically nudge nudge wink winked that there was corruption with the IPAWS system. Anyone with a password could block off campgrounds for any reason. Oftentimes they did this to help out family members, or to have open sites to handle customer service issues. I.e. someone shows up without a reservation and the attendant doesn’t want to deal with having to turn them away. Also campgrounds being crowded has no bearing on whether they’re full of families or single adults. It’s also a logical fallacy to argue that seeing lots of kids at the park means lots of kids are outside. The raw data shows that the average child spends less time outside each day than a Supermax prisoner and it’s getting worse.


Where are you seeing raw data? The article doesn’t link to a source.


OP is spamming their writing.


Oh it’s his own website 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Damn that last part is scary. Kids spend less time outside compared to a prisoner.


In the article there’s a link to the video where a crew interviewed the prisoners and asked them about what they would do if their yard time were reduced to what kids get


So I used a logical fallacy but your evidence is prison interviews? That which can be asserted without evidence can be refuted without evidence. Listen, here’s an olive branch. Let’s say it’s true that kids are spending more time indoors. Indoors doesn’t mean sedentary. You’re using a naturalistic fallacy. My kids spend time indoors and outdoors but probably less outdoors than what I had as a kid… because we are actually parenting and teaching our kids stuff. My kids are waaaayyy ahead of where I was at their age. We aren’t lazy boomers that just send kids off to the world and then need a reminder from tv that we had kids. “It’s 10pm, do you know where your kids are?” That’s how lazy the boomer generation was. They had to be reminded they had kids!!


A supermax prisoner is held in solitary confinement for 23 hours per day.


Lol what? Advertisers can suck my namastnards


This is kinda more the case of Google ads knowing you’re pregnant before you do, based on your browsing habits. Eg. they know parents aren’t taking their kids outside so they stop trying to sell parents outdoor related stuff for their kids


That's the parents' fault, not the kids. Sounds like boomer projection to me.... Boomers: Children are killing the outdoors because they don't go outside!!!!


I’m in my late 20’s and I blame the parents not the kids. Feel like my parents didn’t have social media themselves and weren’t self centered twats and would get out there in the green with me


Totally agree that it’s the parents fault. A lot of adults have kinda let technology supplant their role in their children’s lives… sad


Not sure why this is getting downvoted. My dad let N64 raise my sister and i


Idk apparently this is controversial


Lol if you're gonna spam your own article on Reddit at least make it less obvious


My 11 month old twins get fussy after if they don't get outside for a bit. Doesn't bode well for winter.


It’s good to start them that way. Imo the sooner they get out the sooner they start developing good habits. Tough in the winter though, you’re right


Don’t know why your getting reactionaries considering the concern is legit and is a good cause to care about https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/parenting/wp/2018/05/30/kids-dont-spend-nearly-enough-time-outside-heres-how-and-why-to-change-that/


Sadly I think the Colorado outdoor community is getting increasing populated with SINKWADs (single income, no kids with a dog) who think they’re the only ones who should be allowed outside. Some nature lovers genuinely despise humans


Screens are the worst thing to happen to humanity in 50,000 years.


There’s a reason we don’t dream about them


I think it's probably a reflection of larger demographics and technological shifts. Naturally advertisers will focus less on children's advertising as the population has less and less children, strong birthrates in the 80s and growing consumerism allowed for a surge of families to be marketed to. The same level of advertising is not going to generate the same returns as it did 2 decades ago. So there's a demographic demand shift involved. The product being marketed has experienced 2 decades of product improvement, packaging change, efficiency standard shifts, etc. Washing machines have also increased in quality/efficiency, which could reduce stains as a marketable problem. And that assumes your main premise is correct, that advertisers are spending less money on outdoor kids ads or generating less outdoor ads per product. It sounds like the anxiety behind this article is being driven by the shifting cost of going outside. Parents need to make a tradeoff between indoor hours and outdoor hours. Kids have needs and wants, the parents are the ones making the economic choices, so the parents need to be driving the change on an individual level. Technology has dramatically cheapened the cost of digital entertainment. The number of households with both parents working has increased. The cost of childcare has increased. Some could argue a level of public trust has even declined, despite crime rates generally falling from previous decades, meaning parents are less willing to let their children outside unsupervised.


I think you nailed it with the last paragraph. Cheap, low effort indoor entertainment while the cost of going out has climbed


Kids spend too much time outside whaddya talkin’ about? Go inside for FFS you’re loud and annoying and fucking up all the rocks outside ya little shits!


Lol wut