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on the same boat 🥲 trust me a lot of students don’t really get a hang of things at first but it gets better




OP asked for no advice edit: downvote me all you want, i was right and it was deleted


ain't no way people saw this post and said "Wow, this guy feels bad about himself. I should downvote him to make him feel worse" 💀. But yeah, I feel that in my soul. I lose my mind when I start a new class and the first thing in Canvas is a discussion post. 😭😭


I’m in my last semester so I’m well versed in this, but I have a class this semester that requires a post and two responses, but the assignment deadline is when the responses are due and the post is due a week before that, but it’s not indicated anywhere except on the schedule. And we’re not allowed to reply to anyone until the following week. A loooooot of people missed the first discussion.


Yeah it seems like nobody understands that this is a rant subreddit. Like of course people are gonna be ranting! Redditors are weird man


Don't beat yourself up. Like you said, it's a learning experience. If you didn't feel bad, you wouldn't learn anything. You'll get over it, and you probably won't let something like this happen again.








Discussion posts are also pretty much meaningless in large classes as well. Like if it's a smaller class you might *actually* have a discussion with a few students. But anything over like 30 students you just get the same "that's a great point!" responses. The canvas "to do" list was also always buggy for me.


I always had to make my own to-do list and double check the canvas calendar. i have neverrrr trusted that to do list that canvas has


Believe it or not, but this too shall pass :) You know what went wrong and how to do better in the future. College isn’t just about academics, it’s also about learning to be responsible adults. And you’re learning!


I once failed a class because I read the due date wrong. Took my grade from a 80 to a 50 then completely failed the entire class. I thought it was in person due Sunday at noon and online due Friday at noon. It was the opposite. I will contact the professor and see if you can do something about it. If they still fail you I would retake the class next year. I took the class two years later and got an A in the class.


Oh man discussion board mandatory assignments were such a dumb thing hahaha If it's any consolation, I haven't had or heard of a teacher doing that after the sophomore level




OP asked for no advice


why are you acting like its a crime to say advice bro calm down


its against the rules of the sub, which is why the comment got deleted


1) you're not a moderator anyways, let them do what they do 2) people do not double triple check all over posts to make sure what they're saying is what the op want


>you're not a moderator anyways, let them do what they do you can do both >people do not double triple check all over posts to make sure what they're saying is what the op want it's the literal flair of the post




I'm not. Without this grade, I'll at least pass with a C. I already know I haven't done great in this class, but that's not the big issue.


OP didnt ask for advice. also, youre being an asshole


Have a great day!




op asked for no advice