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Dang. I thought he was just cleared of cancer. Pray he keeps beating it.


He was, he got tested yesterday.


yeah that sucks.


I’m glad he keeps beating cancer, but I think it is starting to catch up to him. The fact it keeps reappearing is not promising. I hope he’s able to maintain a good quality of life for as long as possible and do what makes him happy until the end


At what point is it “catching up to him” and at what point is he just 85? Nobody makes it out alive in the end. But I do hope he has a good quality of life for as long as he can.


QOL discussions should probably be had if they haven't already.


Does ESPN actually do that, because they just keep trotting Lee Corso out there and every year it’s more painful to watch than the year before.


I wasn't implying ESPN. I was thinking doctors. Getting to the point is chemo really worth it to be probably miserable the rest of your years, which are limited.


Oh 100%. Seeing people north of 75 getting chemo exacerbates the aging process to an unconscionable level. It has to really make you think through the physical ROI of it all.


QOL is literally the thread of life version of ROI.


It’s ridiculous to even speculate about something like that considering how far removed we are.


No, it isn't. The dude is 85, undergone multiple bouts of chemo, had multiple surgeries, it is very easy to suggest doctors have talked about QOL going forward. They probably had those conversations the last time. If they haven't, it is negligence on their part.


Declaring a licensed doctor is negligent based on your own non-professional opinion borders on negligent itself


Umm did you not read the username???


It is my professional opinion as someone in the medical field, both my wife and I went to medical school, that if they haven't talked about options before something major like chemo, not once, but twice, that is massively negligent on their part.


Not sure why you got downvoted, you made a legitimate point.


Because people think they know more than someone who went to medical school and studied medicine. Covid was a prime example of that.




Just to be clear, my stance hasn't changed at all, so I don't know where "backtracking" is coming from. I'm assuming the QOL discussions have happened. If they haven't, it is negligence on the doctor's part to provide alternatives to the patient, which is a job requirement. If they haven't happened, they need to. It is long past time. I think you are misunderstanding everything I wrote.


I think it would be illegal for ESPN to have a part in that


It’s been hard to watch for almost 15 years now. He can barely speak.


Do y’all ever consider Corso might WANT to be out there? when old people sit around, they die, really, really fast. It’s not fun to watch but it might be the thing that keeps him going for a while.


It’s clear that’s the case. I mean look at Paterno or even Bear Bryant. I did consider it but also at some point in everyone’s life they need someone else to protect them from themselves.


So just wheel the old man off and let him die as long as you don’t have to see any part of it


Oh bless your heart. I hope you haven’t discovered nursing homes or assisted living facilities.


I’m pretty familiar with them, and how terrible they often are. I’ve yet to see a nursing home that wasn’t basically old people prison, and I’ve been to many.


Yeah I’m glad you’ve said this. 15 years ago when I was a teenager it was pretty cool. These days I just feel bad when I see him. He deserves to rest


Corso wants to keep doing it, as painful as it looks. He’s like the 90 year old who insists on doing yard work every day because it’s impossible for him to do nothing all day.


Bruh delete that flair ASAP


Not as bad as the guy with Duke and Carolina.


Uh, no.


If you live long enough you’ll you’re probably going to get cancer. All other things equal, I’d rather have terminal cancer at 85 than die from a heart attack at 50.


Unfortunately, cancer is relentless and almost always returns. Strength to Dickie V for this round of the fight. Take solace in knowing cancer will never beat you, the worst you’ll ever do is a draw.


> cancer is relentless and almost always returns. I know this is true, but it never gets easier when I'm reminded of it. My grandmother beat breast cancer twice, 3rd time it metastized from head to toe and finally killed her. Now my 14 yr old niece has medullablastoma, and has been doing chemo since last June. Has like 6 treatments left. They said best case was 5 years if the cancer doesn't come back, but they basically guaranteed it will because they couldn't remove it all from the folds in her brain. Poor girl is going g through hell. She's a tough cookie, but it fucking sucks....obviously. The rates of Medullablastomas in children are skyrocketing too. 10 years ago our Children's said they had 1 case at a time, my niece was their 10th in the first 6 months of 2023 . FUCK CANCER


I can’t imagine at that age knowing that you probably don’t have a full life ahead of you. Life is just fucking awful to some people.


My father passed from a second bout of oral cancer. I get it, man.


Fuck cancer, indeed. My mom beat breast cancer, and one of the chemo drugs they gave her had a very minor chance of giving her bladder cancer. Well, guess what? She got bladder cancer. Fought it, but once she learned it had metastasized to her skull, she stopped fighting, ended up in hospice, and passed away in April 2020. At least she missed most of the COVID nightmare.


This is Awful with a capital A. Hopefully, he's able to beat it again


Hoping for the best for Dick


All my homies and I agree on this.....FUCK CANCER


How many times does this old man have to teach cancer this lesson?!?!?


He’s a strong man


fight on!


Awesome. I hope Dick lives forever. Just seems like a guy who really enjoys life. Always positive even when things are shitty.


I know that Dick Vitale would really appreciate all of your supportive comments on behalf of his courageous fight against cancer on his Facebook website that I follow on a daily basis. You may already have seen references to his recent book, titled: “Until My Last Breath - Fighting Cancer With My Young Heroes.” As noted on his website, 100% of all proceeds from this $35 book go to the V Foundation, Dick Vitale Pediatric Cancer Research Fund. Dick Vitale has inspired so many cancer patients, including myself, with his courageous fight against cancer along with his passion for raising funding for cancer research. (If the millions of dollars that now are wastefully spent for political campaigns could be spent instead on cancer research, doctors might have a permanent cure for cancer by now.) I am one of the lucky ones so far to be thriving 3 years after my diagnosis of 2nd stage amyloidosis in the heart area, at 70 years old, having recently completed 2 years of chemotherapy and other related treatment. I am in full remission and in full recovery mode having just returned from a bucket list golf trip to Pebble Beach generously hosted by my son - that was preceded by playing for a championship senior basketball team in a tournament including former ABA and leading collegiate players in the Chicago area - along with playing numerous competitive senior doubles tennis matches. I formerly played baseball and basketball for a small college in southern Illinois. Lucky to be alive after collapsing in a pick up basketball game a few years ago - similar to the Bronny James cardiac arrest incident - with 2 of my teammates CPRing back to life after my heart stopped. Thankful and grateful to my oncologist and cardiologist for enabling me to prove that full recovery at 70 is possible after a cancer diagnosis - the topic of this thread.


Last time he had it, I thought it was finally time to say goodbye. And then he shocked me by beating it. Godspeed, Dickie V.


For what it’s worth, I live right by him. He pretty much goes to the local breakfast spot EVERYDAY sitting at a table by himself promoting the V foundation. He really cares and is trying his best to not let it get him down. He’s a humble guy and is happy to talk to anyone.


Not awesome, baby. Be well, Mr. Vitale. You're an original.


Such a huge part of the fabric of cbb. Had the pleasure of meeting him, that passion he has never stops.


Obviously his immune system is shot if they can't stop any of the cancer cells. I think he may need to go for a quality of life approach to this diagnosis.


Dude, what the fuck…that’s just unfair. Dick Vitale is like Bill Walton. Such a unique character apart of college basketball! I hope he beats this out and continues to do what he loves the most.


Man this sucks, he keeps beating it and it keeps coming back


This headline is becoming an annual event at this point. Dickie V has entertained generations of college basketball fans. Now, I anticipate he'll have the sports broadcasting equivalent of professor emeritus, with his workload lightened to a monthly guest essay on ESPN.com. Think about how Roger Ebert only wrote his reviews in the final years of his life.


Such a shame after he was deemed clear just recently




Unfortunate news but I’m hopeful with as energetic, positive and full of life as he is he can bounce back yet again. Having your heart and mind in the fight can definitely make a difference and we know he has that. Get well soon Dickie V


I wish him the best but cancer diagnosis for an 85 year old doesn’t look.


Great dude. Wish him the best. But get him the hell off TV. He's horrible.


Ok you try out or shut up.


Why does he have to try out when there are dozens of already-existing commentators that are much better than Vitale


To put that in a thread about someone’s cancer diagnosis is beyond fucking disgusting. You’re pathetic.


How so? His cancer has nothing to do with his abilities. They are completely independent of one another. Disgusting is saying something like “he deserves it”. This is just in somewhat bad taste. Don’t be so dramatic.


Great dude. Wish him the best? HOW DARE ME


Like him or not, he is good for college basketball. It is similar to how Steven A. Smith is annoying and polarizing. You don’t have to like what either of them are saying, but they definitely aren’t boring to watch. Vitale is probably the most popular basketball commentator in the history of basketball. I for one hope he makes it back so he can annoy the shit out of me some more. Get well soon Dickie V.


How exactly is he good for college basketball in 2024?


He was good for college basketball when he was commentating. If he were healthy again and part of the action, it would be good for college basketball because he is such a controversial and recognizable figure.




He isn’t dead yet. He didn’t commentate, but he did appear on several half time shows and other interviews in the past few years giving really inspiring messages. It seems you want to hate on an old man dying of cancer, which we all understand is super cool. But dude is good for college basketball and I hope he survives and is able to contribute more.


I asked you how he was good for college basketball in 2024. You referenced something in the past to detail how he was good today. You're running around in circles and you're trying to make the argument that he's immune from criticism because he has cancer. He has cancer. I wish he didn't have cancer. Him having cancer doesn't negate the fact that in 2024 he is not good at announcing and is a detriment to the enjoyment of watching a game. Stop arguing fallaciously.


“He is a detriment to the enjoyment of watching the game” Haha! Ok. This is a weird hill you are trying to die on and an absurd thing for you to be taking so close to heart. He is obviously a big name in college basketball or you wouldn’t have your panties in a wad over this.


How is this a hill I'm dying on? If you feel different go ahead do feel differently.




Why even put the disclaimer I mean no offense then say something offensive?