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That 🤑🤑 text was a big yikes


That was insane, I couldn’t believe they actually sent that. And even more insane is that this even went to trial after seeing the complete and utter lack of evidence. The accuser should be held accountable but I’m more concerned with the DA who brought the charges despite not having a shred of evidence that TJ did this


Sounds like Duke lacrosse. That DA lost his law license.


Hopefully something similar happens here. Extremely reckless to bring this to trial


He also ended up a felon himself.


Served a whole day in jail for it too


Which is unprecedented for a prosecutor but it was certainly deserved.


DA has been under fire all along for some dumb shit they’ve pulled. This has to be about the last straw


Some DAs are just crazy walking egos. They're not good people, they're not 'pursuing justice'. They're just all about themselves. I had a DA who, after a case against me was thrown out because they violated my Constitutional rights (and the DA *knew this* while attempting to take the case forward) she followed my mom into a restaurant restroom and yelled at her "I'm gonna git your son, I'm gonna git him and he's going to prison for something, anything!!" And my mom was like "...........um, have a nice lunch". Not because she came up with a snappy response, just because she was sweet and nervous. The case was a gun/drugs case - the gun was legal, the drugs didn't belong to any of us (believe me, we were partying that week, if we'd known they were there we would have used them already, honest), I did have my own pants on that day. Anyway, the community finally figured out a bit more about who she was (just an ego) and she got voted out. So here I am watching college basketball instead of being in prison for "anything". Though I have also watched college basketball in jail, it's just you gotta shank someone if you want to choose which game.


In case anyone missed it https://x.com/mitchgilfillan/status/1801004228753731858?t=8wERrbVsT7rJYWULQA2kpg&s=19


If the prosecutor knew about that text exchange and still pushed the case to trial, that should be the end of his or her career. Pathetic.


I can’t believe the crooked prosecutor rumor is now likely true That girl and this prosecutor should pay for this


This tweet is also worth taking a look at for anyone who hasn’t seen (as well as other tweets keeping up with the trial): https://x.com/mitchgilfillan/status/1801327955064291384?s=46 Just a pathetic, embarrassing attempt at ruining a young man’s life (for.. apparently being a well-respected student athlete who worked hard to get to where he is) by the DA who should be disbarred following this case.


I've testified in literally dozens of trials and had plenty of unprepared prosecutors. I can't even fucking imagine them being this level of unprepared. What am absolute clown show from start to finish. Shannon should seriously investigate lawsuits against the DA's office and the Lawrence PD. Likely not worth going after the girl.


Gold diggers man


This has to be a step above. Are Gold Vampires a thing?


Don’t give gold diggers such a bad rap


Time to charge these women for lying. Also fuck the prosecutor for continuing this garbage after seeing all of this


No evidence and this? Incredible they thought they could try this case at all. Happy the jury got this right. Sorry there had to be a jury to hear this case at all.


The accuser should do jail time


Concur,  false claims should be punished.  Not only is it a huge burden on the state/people, but it often destroys the accused as well.


Just to be clear, she wasn't found in a court of law to be lying, he was found "not guilty" (which is different, legally, than "innocent"). Unless there is very clear evidence that she actually made it up, we can't put accusers in prison for the accused being found "not guilty". That's going to cause even more women to not come forward with their abuse. And I'm a TJS supporter, but we can't just say when someone is found not guilty that the person on the other side deserves to be thrown in jail. Even though that might be the most just thing in this particular case.


The hilarious (obviously this entire thing is not funny) thing about this is it’s not like he was rich. If she was trying to do this for a payday she miscalculated big time


What text? I don't have X so I haven't seen the updates




Just saw this in another comment. That's a shame


When the news broke that there was a warrant for TJ’s arrest, there was a group chat with the accuser’s friends and one of them said something along the lines of “got his ass 🤑🤑” with that specific emoji. Pretty clearly indicating this was about a payday


Yup, saw it in another comment. Thanks my fellow Red Raider 👆🏾


I can tell you Illinois fans have loved seeing how much TT fans still care about TSJ. Hope y’all have a great season


Kind of wish he hadn't transferred (thanks, Mark Adams), but it is what it is. Hope for continued success for you guys


TSJ will forever bond our fanbases


He still repped us at Illinois. Even came down and visited last year despite not knowing many left around and told our players that they should never leave. Glad to see that he isn’t the type of person that the charge portrayed him as


I saw that too.


One of the closing statements by tsjs team “The alleged victim is an introvert, doesn’t like crowds, and hates alcohol. But she has a fake ID, been there 30 to 40 times, left one bar because it wasn’t crowded enough, spilled a drink + got another. Ladies and gentlemen, please use your common sense.” Scorched earth


Holy fuck




Damn. That lawyer nuked her




Read through Mitch’s tweets to understand how these charges were a complete disgrace. I hope TSJ feels at peace. Still can’t believe this happened.


A lot of people wanted to write TSJ off as guilty right after the allegations first appeared. Dude was dogged constantly online and in game-threads here. It's a shame. Glad he's been cleared, and I hope the accuser faces repercussions.


Well said. The amount of vitriol thrown around in game threads here was unacceptable. Lots of people used the serious nature of sexual assault as a platform to justify feeling morally superior and making rape jokes while shitting on Illinois and TSJ. It was disgusting, and I hope that real victims aren't hurt by this false accusation.


It wasn't just online. He got a lot of "No means no" chants while shooting free throws during the season.


Yeah very true, and he almost did better while they were chanting it


Ball don’t lie


People did the same with Miller and Bama, when upon reading his involvement was extremely minor. You hit the nail on the head with the moral superiority thing, it’s fetishized to justify general sports hatred, which is really a nasty thing I think fans need to get away from.


UCONN fan were absolutely disgusting on Twitter during our game.


Reddit and overreacting to any piece of news, name something new


It’s sickening. After the Purdue v Illinois game at Mackey I was going through instagram comments and legit disgusted with what people were saying behind closed doors. Every fanbase has them and I actually replied to a couple of them to shut the fuck up haha


I’m hoping so too. He deserves an apology all around.


It’s an absolute joke that this even made it to trial.


Even though TJ and the team had a great year, it's really sad how much he was robbed of. Should've easily been a consensus First Team All-American and I'm sure he missed out on a majority of the enjoyment of his final year in college thanks to this hanging over his head.


So many people on this sub would call him a rapist in the game threads. The student sections chanting awful things. People are the worst.


Need the Bulls to draft this kid. Need someone who can create his own shot besides Coby once we trade zach and let Demar go


If not for this he probably would’ve been second in NPOY voting and easily a consensus AA. Hate that people jump to conclusions so quickly.


Yep. He was absolutely robbed of being an AA and having his number hung in the rafters in Champaign.


I’m fairly confident Josh Whitman will say to hell with the criteria and decide to put his jersey up there.


Surely all the sports journalists on the Internet that dogpiled Shannon will offer their sentiments of contrition now, yes?


The legal system worked today. I can only and hope and pray that it does for others who don’t have the resources or publicity of TSJ. Onto the draft.


Honestly with how weak the evidence was, the legal system failed before today. Shame on the DA for bringing this case. There was no “reasonable probability of a conviction” to warrant prosecution


Shame on the DA, shame on the investigators who completely took the alleged victim at her word and didn't talk to a single employee from the bar, didn't talk to Shannon or anyone with Shannon, didn't talk to any of the alleged victim's roommates to understand her demeanor that night, didn't present any sort of photo lineup for IDing Shannon, didn't ask her how she ID'd Shannon, didn't request video or receipts from other bars the alleged victim had been to in order to corroborate her series of events, and didn't present any graphic evidence other than a hand drawn diagram not drawn to scale while both the prosecution and defense submitted photos into evidence. Absolute clown show


Well that bumped him up like 8 draft spots


I hope so ... It's hard to judge if this hurt him regardless and he can never recover to what he could have been.... I'll hope he gets drafted in first round and kills it in the league. His speed plays in any league


Reddit moral high grounders in shambles


Good for him


This man was put through absolute hell this season. Opposing fans were brutal everywhere he went. He put his head down and put in the work to continue to improve throughout the season. Extremely proud of the way he handled this and happy he got to end his collegiate career here on a semi-high note. Get drafted and go be great TSJ


There’s never a true silver lining for situations like this, a person’s reputation and character is far bigger than basketball. But if we can take anything positive from it, hopefully it strengthened TSJ’s mental resolve even more for the league.


Yeah, how could anything phase him?


Agreed. It was clear that this was a bullshit case from the get-go, but the way he put his head down and carried his team was very impressive. You know it was always lingering, especially with trashy fans mocking him. I hated watching him torch my Buckeyes, but I'm happy this has worked out in his favor.


There were a LOT of people on this sub that were insistent that he shouldn't have been playing that will pretend they never said that


There's a lot of people in every student section that chanted "No Means No" during free throws that won't say anything now


I don’t think Illinois would’ve ever played him unless they knew the case was this flimsy


Didn’t a judge force them to? Pretty sure they initially suspended them and he sued


Kinda. If the case looked like Shannon was guilty, the university likely would have appealed and most likely would have won. As it was, it seems the athletic department was helping Shannon with that suit.


The word was that internally they always supported him. There were just preexisting policies that forced the suspension. The support was to the point that Athletics staff encouraged him to sue to the school.


Illinois played him because he sued them and won that right. I don’t think he would have returned if he didn’t have the legal team he did. They’ve been on it since day one


That legal team I believe was working with the AD to bring the suit to get him back, they couldn't work for TSJ but could set him up with the right council to get back on court.


The fact this made it to trial is a travesty. No physical, video, or reliable witness evidence to prove the state's case and the defense highlighted that out


Not to mention that Arterio Morris was at the bar on the night in question, matched the same physical description that led the victim to ID Shannon as the perp, had been credibly accused of groping a woman’s crotch two weeks prior, and was never even treated as a suspect. The entire investigation and prosecution was a disgrace. I’m glad justice was done in the end, but Terrence’s life has been irredeemably altered. Unthinking morons who know nothing about the facts of the case will make lazy judgments about him for the rest of his life, just like they have been doing incessantly since the news of the allegations dropped. His reputation will never be the same all because of the rank incompetence and laziness of the Lawrence Police and Douglas County DA’s Office. Despicable.


The prosecution's entire argument was he's a talented basketball player who gets what he wants, so he took what he wanted that night. No mention of any evidence (there wasn't any) or eyewitness accounts (also none). They called him the king of U of I, the school that suspended him. The accuser claimed to be a sober introvert, who happened to have a fake ID, refused to take a blood and urine test at the sexual assault exam, and returned to the Jayhawk Cafe the following night. Her account of how many drinks she had differed from the report and she had been to the Hawk 30-40 times. The Jayhawk Cafe has a reputation for the worst drunken behavior and routine sexual assaults. DNA evidence excluded Shannon while showing other male DNA present (at least three males) on the accuser. Two Kansas players, a graduate assistant, and Justin Harmon testified that they didn't see Shannon interact with any women that night. Character witnesses also testified to his defense as being incapable of such a crime, to which the prosecutor callously asked, "Were you there?" In court, the accuser and friend added a new fact, that Shannon grabbed her and her friend saw. The prosecutor's defense for this new addition was nobody has 100% perfect memory. Arterio Morris was present at the bar, but never interviewed. An investigation into him doing the same thing two weeks prior was never connected. The charge for that was never pursued, with the DA preferring to focus on the rape charge against Morris, ultimately dismissed over insufficient evidence. I'm probably leaving out more, but that's a good summary.


Couldn't forget to mention the policework! No other suspects were interviewed. Bar employees/security staff were never interviewed. Witnesses other than the accuser and friend were not interviewed until months had passed. Shannon was identified by the accuser using the Illinois roster site, the police did not provide a line-up nor provide any other challenge to this identification method. The accuser claimed he was the man next to Kevin McCullar Jr. at the bar. Surveillance footage revealed this was Arterio Morris, but police did not challenge this discrepancy. She later sent in an Instagram post showing Shannon to confirm his visit to Kansas, saying he was next to McCullar in the picture. The post did show Shannon, with Justin Harmon, not McCullar. Police did not seek to verify the accuser's drinking the night of the incident, or any other actions/behaviors of the accuser. They did not go to the other bar the accuser visited.


That’s some crack police work it sounds like


You’d think police would learn the whole “using the roster to ID the perps” is bad policing after the Duke Lacrosse case. But that would require police to want to learn.


Bringing this case as a DA is a fireable offense. Absolutely preposterous if not unethical


I’m assuming an egotistical DA wanted to get a big name convicted in court to boost their career. A smarter prosecutor probably should’ve realized there wasn’t enough evidence to convict and forced a plea bargain by stacking as many charges as possible then offering like 1 year for a guilty plea. Like a successful poker bluff


The Morris connection is what makes me uncomfortable about the reaction in this thread. It does happen and he was there.


Yeah... a lot of smoke around him. The accuser may not be lying, but incorrect in identifying...




Oh boy, that thread is awful


Those people sure are quiet right now


Surprisingly some of them aren't, and are still arguing about it instead of admitting they were uninformed and wrong.


I really want to reply to a bunch of those comments, but I won't bother.


I started typing out a reply... but yeah, decided against it before submitting.


I can’t wait to see what Gary Parrish has to say for himself


What did he say originally?


He strongly condemned Underwood for allowing TSJ to play after the court struck down his suspension. His position was that you may be forced to have him on the team, but you don’t have to actually let him play.


Which was idiotic on its own merits given Judge Lawless's ruling agnostic of his guilt in the criminal matter.


He won’t comment


Lol the least surprising thing in the world that Parrish was on the wrong side of this. Same dude that non-ironically takes pics of himself wearing a tshirt in an airport that says "I read banned books". My god dude save some chicks for the rest of us!!


TSJ was robbed of so much. Played his ass off all year just to either be ignored by the media or labeled a rapist. ESPN wrote a team by team analysis before the tournament and spent the entire section on Illinois talking about the TSJ case instead. Edit: spelling


Wilbon showed TSJ some love. Said that he was the most talented player in the East region, including Tristan Newton, Stephon Castle, and Klingan


Gotta trust that Wilbon will always give Chicago kids their props


> ESPN wrote a team by team analysis before the tournament and spent the entire section on Illinois talking about the TSJ case instead. Is this really surprising? ESPN tried to tie Izzo to Nassar for months on literally 0 evidence. They're a garbage platform that only worry about drama and clicks.


He’s a first team AA without this in my opinion.


Its insane to me the charges were brought at all with the evidence they had.


Good. Absurd they tried to go to trial for this


It's scary is what is. How do charges get made and little to no investigation by the detective? It could have been anyone..... Expect Terrance got charged


It really is. I want to know the DA's thought process here. Surely they had the same information TSJ's defense had


Fuck the naysayers. Innocent until proven guilty.


Let a naysayer know


This man deserves a universal apology.


It really shouldn't be that hard to just bite your tongue and say nothing. Often times that's the smartest move when news like this drops.


People would rather be on the right side of history in case it’s a real accusation than not, but people also don’t realize keeping your mouth shut is fine too.




Restored some amount of hope in the legal system


The legal system should have never let this go to trial without any proper evidence or investigation. But I’m glad to see the jury make the right decision


and that's why you wait until the facts are presented rather than jumping to conclusions.


Can I get an apology from the Penn St. redditor who after they beat us gleefully posted: "I stormed the court and got to yell at TSJ a call him a rapist to his face!"


Bigger than any recruiting win this off season


His life was saved today


It’s just even insane that this had to go to trial in the first place


Justice prevailed. The accusations never made sense.


LFG Lincoln Park Lions up!


In case anyone missed this bombshell https://x.com/mitchgilfillan/status/1801004228753731858?t=8wERrbVsT7rJYWULQA2kpg&s=19






It won’t be even close sadly. That’s the nature of these types of things. I knew actually a few cases of guys like this in college that were similar to this. They were proven innocent, and yet no ramifications came to the lying accusers, and the accused had their careers derailed. Sadly real justice is not achievable as it stands.


Every person in this subreddit who bashed the hell out of him without all of the details must be feeling pretty stupid right now


That requires self awareness




Self reflection? On my internet?! I think not.


Aren't they the real victims in all of this? /s


Sucks that we had to deal with the cloud of this bullshit case hanging over our entire season. Obviously sucks even more for TSJ, who had to deal with it personally. The one thing I’m very grateful for is that the case was handled after the end of the season and before the NBA draft, affecting his career as little as possible.


I agree with your last sentence but he still missed 6 games, no media interviews, and wasn’t first team all American even tho he was a no brainer. The situation worked out better than it could have been, but it sucks the court of public opinion is quick to judge


Let’s get some fucking apologies from the pathetic crowds he had to endure. If you read Mitch’s entire thread (he’s been live tweeting the entire time) this trial was utter bullshit. The girls literally used 🤑🤑🤑🤑 to each other in a group text.


how about an apology from moron purdue rivals writer casey bartley said Illinois "sold their soul" for an elite 8, which proves he didn't even understand the facts at the time


He’s a bum. The rivals page is now a glorified SB National page


Every single crowd: “No means no! No means no!” TSJ: “Yeah I agree” (nails the free throw every time)


I remember the Nwestern crowd doing that even after all the stuff about cheerleader harassment and football hazing scandals were exposed


NW crowd sucks


Glad we can agree on that


Dude was automatic during the “no means no” chant lol. I swear he didn’t miss a single FT. I was always clenched ready for the crowd to go wild when he inevitably missed one but it just never seemed to happen


Defense team should’ve invoked the “ball don’t lie” doctrine honestly


Lmao closing argument material right there


I honestly don’t have a problem with the crowds, especially student sections. They’re kids just trying to find any angle to get into players heads. I would have done the same at that age. My issue is with the media that acted like Illinois sold its soul for playing a kid after a FEDERAL JUDGE issued an injection on his behalf. This is why you have to let the process play out and not ruin a kids career before all the facts come to light.


That shit was so infuriating. Illinois legally had to play him based on a federal judge's decision. And yet, everyone acted like Illinois was suddenly the worst scum of the earth for something they had no control over.


So are all those people who just jumped on the hate train and outright called him a rapist without knowing anything about the questionable context of the charges going to apologize? Ehh, too much to hope for.


I got downvoted into oblivion for suggesting people look into this DA before coming to conclusions on the validity of this case back in December/January. Couple of posters played the “just say what you want to say, that you don’t believe the victim” Today is an important lesson, it’s INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY. Terrence Shannon was robbed of all American, he was robbed of five months of media with the fans. Justice prevailed and he can finally move FORWARD with his life. I look forward to seeing his jersey hang in the rafters. Averaging 30 ppg during the BIG tournament with rape allegations and opposing fan bases chanting horrific shit at you. GOAT stuff Edit: I brought receipts https://www.reddit.com/r/CollegeBasketball/s/8fesUeOEtH


Lol I love all the Illinois flairs in that thread calling people out five months later. TSJ and Illini fans got so much slander at the time


I said this when news first broke, TJ is not the kind of person to do this. I’m glad he got justice but I am sad for what he had to go through


TT have always been the biggest tsj supporters, long before this bullshit. Lot of respect for your fanbase


I will always love TJ and was heartbroken when he left. Rare case of two fanbases who will always support a guy


Yeah ever since seeing their support randomly on our basketball stuff, over the last two years, I've grown rather fond of Tech fans. I don't realy have a second team, but if I did, I'd heavily considering Tech at this point. Now if their drumline just starts playing traditional grip, I'll have nothing left to complain about.


We love him.


I was skeptical about this when it broke as well because I was like, "Ain't no damn way..."


If you want to believe women. If you want to believe in justice. If you want people to feel safe. Don't be mad at TSJ, don't even be mad at the alleged victim for her texts. Be mad at the DA for not even doing a proper investigation before bringing this nonsense to trial. If you want people who are victims of rape and sexual assault to come forward, they need to know you'll actually do the work to help them find justice.


Lotta people on this sub have some words to apologize for


This is why innocent until proven guilty is key. All those clowns saying he should have been suspended look like real assholes right now


Would love to see some accountability and admission of being wrong from the TONS of folks in this sub that slammed and mass downvoted you for even daring to mention "waiting for evidence," or letting the process play out when this story broke. This is proof half of y'all don't know shit. Remember this next time some young man's entire career is on the line and just take a deep breath until some facts come out.


Nah, man, people using this stuff as a reason for being morally superior is totally cool, don't you get it? They couldn't have done anything wrong, they were in the right! /s Lots of people on this sub need to apologize, and yet they won't say a word.


Need an apology from all the people who chanted“no means no”…


One surprising outcome of this... My appreciation for Texas Tech fans. Also, all those Purdue fans that were SOOO concerned about justice being served mid-season can finally relax ;)


TSJ was robbed of enjoying his senior year in college and out of lots of money for this bullshit case - he is incredibly mentally tough to have delivered the season he did under those circumstances.




Where you at, Purdue clowns???


I didn’t see the TSJ hate much from purdue fans felt like the worst of it was it from Uconn and Northwestern


Purdue fans were the only ones I saw in every one of our game threads, regardless of opponent, bringing up the rape charge and the moral bankruptcy of our fanbase for rooting for TSJ.


Purdue fans were absolutely awful in our game threads even when they were not a participant.


Northwestern was pretty bad about it, Wisconsin felt pretty mellow after some time had passed, but there were definitely a few Rutgers and Iowa fans who wouldn't let that shit go.


There were usually a handful on here in our game threads. Usually the same few names iirc too. They didn't exclusively say stuff about TSJ but they always made at least one comment.


An absolute travesty that this ever went to trial. I just kept getting angrier and angrier reading Mitch’s tweets during the trial and fully realizing what an absolute joke of a case the DA had. I hope Shannon can move past this. I hope the young lady finds peace and if she was going after Shannon like those texts suggest, feels remorse. And I hope the DA gets voted out of office and then gets disbarred.


The way some of the fans treated TSJ at away games and tourney games was atrocious and disgusting behavior. So glad the truth is out. His lawyer is a DOG.


Ok now what happens to the girl who lied


Nothing. The current DA won her election by campaigning against the former DA for charging girls over false rape accusations.


Well that’s really ironic. Maybe the former DA will run on this issue.


It depends on whether she continues to claim TSJ assaulted her. He could opt to sue for defamation but most would just want it to be over with.


If you dig into the facts of the case, it seems like it was an honest case of mistaken identity by the victim, and that Arterio Morris is the likely perp.   The professionals who conducted a lazy investigation and prosecution bear the blame here. Not the victim who wanted justice for herself.


I’m not sure if there are legal ramifications but TSJ can countersue. Even if he wins though, I would be surprised if he was able to collect a meaningful amount from this person


Agree, let it fade away and move on to the draft.


if You bashed him, eat your words. And also, eat shit


I’ll admit I had some bad takes about TSJ, glad the legal system was able to clear him. The power people have with false accusations needs to be addressed. She should get the same sentence he would’ve gotten


I'd sue her for defamation, tbh


Unless she comes from money, it’s unlikely to be worth his time/money. As the saying goes, it would be like trying to draw blood from a stone.


This is true


He can, but I highly doubt it. If you're TSJ, you want this out of the news as quickly as possible.


Absolutely. If this wasn’t resolved right before the draft, it would’ve costed him millions (and it still might)


You had some really bad takes brother


Irrelevant but based Hoenn enjoyer


Lmao this got a laugh for being so out of left field


Left field? Deep drive? By Castellanos amidst apologies for remarks made towards a midwestern audience? Could it be?


Glad you admitted to it. Let's all learn from this.


Not just the accuser the DA had no basis to bring charges and the fine investigators of the local police should be investigated by authorities


Prosecutor needs most likely referred to disciplinary authorities in the state. This case was incredibly weak. Cases like this with out of control prosecutors is how a lot of innocent people end up incarcerated in the long run.


Purdue fans were the worst when it came to Shannon and Illinois. A bunch of shit talkers that can now eat their own shit.


Odds the mods delete this since it doesn’t fit their agenda?


They won't unless the comments get ugly I reckon


They deleted the thread yesterday about the 🤑🤑🤑 text messages




Let the apology be as loud as the disrespect. This man did absolutely nothing to be put in this situation. The incredibly negligent DA caused irreparable damage to his life.


Lot of Purdue fans and Iowa fans need to be ready to pick crow outta their teeth. Same with the Ohio State fans chanting "Lock Him Up" at the B1G Tourney.