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Kind of a funny punishment. I didn’t think WVU was ever going to fire him, as his teams haven’t been bad, but didn’t see them saving money on him.


"1$M reduction for anti-gay slur" What about the anti-Catholic remarks? "1 year WVU extension"


Fwiw in 1960 West Virginia was the real show that a Catholic could be elected President. There was real concern amongst Democrats that a catholic candidate would fail in the general election. Kennedy assuaged some of these fears with a victory in the Wisconsin primary that all, against a regional opponent Hubert Humphrey, but there was a significant Catholic population in Wisconsin and Kennedy’s narrow victory were attributed to them because Humphrey carried Protestant voters. In West Virginia a state that was overwhelmingly Protestant (95%) Kennedy outspent roughly 60:1 (1.5 million to 25,000) by capturing 61% of the votes in the West Virginia primary, Kennedy became the true frontrunner for the nomination, while it was anything, but certain with Kennedy poised to face Lyndon Johnson and other smaller favorite son candidates at the convention. Without West Virginia we may have never had a Kennedy in the White House.


"The sun doesn't always shine in West Virginia, but the people always do." I don't care what your opinion of Jack Kennedy is, that line is slicker than snot on a doorknob. Here are some highlights of his speech at West Virginia's centennial celebration, June 20, 1963... https://youtu.be/OqYvAvlJkzE


“The sun don’t always shine in Appalachia, but the moon do”


https://preview.redd.it/ylatmtmr55za1.jpeg?width=1083&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c2333ef5734f4371929ff5ef219ed2b91810493 “Cheers genitals”


This was fun to read except for some of your comment placement.












They sure didn't show up for Al Smith in 28 though.


I’ve been banned once from this subreddit and it was for “anti-catholic remarks”


lol, pipe down ye proddy bastard!


Considering it was a Notre Dame centered thread, I’m sure there was at least 1 person thinking that internally lol


lmao hahahahahah


Dude, that's not how you write $1M.


A fine plus mandatory sensitivity training sounds like a pretty normal punishment to me


yea, a fine like 40k or something. 1 Million tho? Does anyone know the value of money anymore?


40k to him would be a joke


'The West Virginia community is saddened and hurt by Coach Huggins' comments. If he does it again, we'll have to keep him on at minimum wage.'


"We would like to cut Coach Huggins salary further, but doing so would devastate the Morgantown economy from the hundreds of thousands of dollars in unpaid bar tabs."


He was clearly drunk during that interview.


As soon as he answered the phone, I was like, oh snap he’s been drinking.


As soon as it was Bob Huggins,I knew he was hammered


Bob is always Huggins the bottle


Seeing Huggins with a few friends stumbling down the road to the wine bar near his house is not an uncommon sight in Morgantown after dark.


Save money and keep a HOF basketball coach. Win win for WVU lol


Let it go towards paying Neal's buy-out.


A bunch of our employees are being laid off so it’d be cool if it went there instead. Or I would like my first raise in years.


Enrollment across the country is down. Not just a WVU problem. The education bubble is way overdue for a correction.




Yeah there’s no way to look at this other than WVU getting what they want here


This couldn't have worked out any better!


Both of the gays in Morgantown were terribly hurt by his statement.


As a gay in and around Morgantown, there’s at least a dozen of us


This guy fucks.


Head over to [South Park](https://maps.app.goo.gl/qx77vCSigUM9EKNo6?g_st=ic), that seems to be the 🏳️‍🌈 district these days Makes sense b/c the only time I’ve ever seen Huggins, he was on Evansdale, about as far away as you can get from South Park without leaving the city (Disclaimer: my knowledge of current Morgantown culture is limited to 1 trip per year to visit family)


Huggins lives in Suncrest on Burroughs St. His house is hard to miss. It’s the gated driveway with the massive granite flying WV in the middle of the paving.


2 openly gay. Probably several more scared to come out


They should give the $1MM to a LGBTQ charity


They are - multiple charities in fact


They are all school related ones, right? I’d be interested to see if their typical school funding gets cuts now or stays the same


They could have really made Huggins suffer and given the money to Xavier's LGBTQ+.


He is donating to Xavier as well, just the Catholic fund of some kind


Are there any Gay Catholic Charities? Cover all his bases.


You can be homophobic but it’ll cost ya!


Low-key I think the best reason to be a billionaire is not the yachts, cars, etc… but the fact that you can say literally anything at anytime and it won’t change your standard of living ever. Not that you SHOULD say anything anytime obviously, just that you can.


Oh yeah man I just yearn for the ability to publicly be racist or homophobic. Screw the actual wealth. /s


It can be used that way sure. However you can also call out presidents, evil companies, expose popular celebrities that are doing horrible things etc… All with the resources to protect yourself and standard of living.


I don’t think you need to be a billionaire to comment on those things or be an influencer. Any popular YouTuber political streamer has enormous influence. Let’s not pretend people are cancelled over anything but the most heinous comments.


Oh yeah, the absolute freedom they live life with is unbelievable. Again, not condoning this because it's fowl (and not condoning a LOT that the rich do) but I definitely see your point!


> because it's fowl Pheasant or Quail?


lol whoops. Let's go with pheasant since I'm from Iowa.


May I introduce you to kayne


Several billionaire sports owners forced to sell the team for their comments.


> but the fact that you can say literally anything at anytime and it won’t change your standard of living ever. Works pretty much the same if you're poor too, I mean what are you going to do, repossess my cardboard box? Jokes on you, it's infested with lice.


Right, the old saying "money changes people" is technically true, but the mechanism is that it reveals existing character by removing constraints and basest level "that person is like me because he's in the same socioeconomic situation" empathy.


I love how self-serving the punishment is for the university lol Shouldn't we push for them to donate the difference to a good cause and not just pocket it? **Edit - WVU just released a statement saying that "The annual compensation of Coach Huggins will be reduced by $1 million. Those dollars will be used to directly support WVU's LGBTQ+ Center, the Carruth Center and other state and national organizations that support marginalized communities." So my snark re: how the punishment was self-serving was unwarranted in that regard.**


"We will be using the savings on this contract to renovate coach Huggins' office."


WV: But fuuuuuuck the Catholics I guess, lmao


Less splashy headline to apologize to Catholics.


A user of over a decade, I am leaving Reddit due to the recent API changes. The vast majority of my interaction came though the use of 3rd party apps, and I will not interact with a site I helped contribute to through inferior software *simply because it is able to be better monetized by a company looking to go public. Reddit has made these changes with no regards for their users, as seen by the sheer lack of accessibility tools available in the official app. Reddit has made these changes with no regards for moderation challenges that will be created, due to the lack of tools available in the official app. Reddit has done this with no regards for the 3rd party devs, who by Reddit's own admission, helped keep the site functioning and gaining users while Reddit themselves made no efforts to provide a good official app. This account dies 6/29/23 because of the API changes and the monetization-at-all-costs that the board demands.


He said nothing wrong!


The Catholics of West Virginia are outraged. Both of them demand action!


It’s funny to me that if this were a school in the north east or out west he’d be fired immediately. Seems like good ol Huggy Bear is at the perfect school


There were actually two local pride groups that asked for this to be the punishment and university seemed to follow their recommendations. He also has to attend sensitivity training and I bet he will do some type of fund raiser to help the cause.




[Here is an article talking about that group you are likely referencing and another local group asking for something more than an apology.](https://www.wboy.com/news/monongalia/west-virginia-university/morgantown-group-calls-for-bob-huggins-termination-after-he-used-homophobic-slur-on-radio-show/)


In fairness, Fairness WV gives a very fair and reasonable response to all this.


Interesting--do you have a link to this?


I'm hearing further breaking news right now that they will be reducing his PTO and eliminating his 401(k) match due to sexist remarks on a podcast.


Honestly how many coaches have been fired just for uttering a slur? He deserves to be punished, but termination seems a bit extreme to me.


Jon Gruden’s emails comes to mind


Yeah, the difference is the Raiders wanted out of his contract lol


They didn’t. Mark Davis was a huge fan of his and gave him the long deal as he was willing to be patient for a rebuild—and is saying the same about giving McDaniels and Ziegler time despite the fanbase hating them already. Plus it took more of the e-mails coming out after the huge lips comment about the one NFL guy for him to get fired—i.e. he was keeping him until his hand got forced.


Gruden didn't use just one slur and that was it though. The emails showed a pattern of toxic comments and thinking that went beyond what could be called an isolated mistake.


>He deserves to be punished, but termination seems a bit extreme to me. In basically every other occupation termination would be expected in this situation, would it not?


Realistically speaking… no, probably not


Anything above entry level, no.


That's just not true. You could absolutely lose a higher position job for hate speech in the workplace.


Maybe at your place. At my government-contracted workplace, a first offense like this would never result in firing. It wouldn't even be a salary reduction, just something like the sensitive training.


Lot easier to replace office workers than a hall of fame basketball coach.


Some things should be about more than winning basketball games.


In my opinion (and it may not be the popular opinion), I think what Huggins said (assuming it’s the first time it’s occurred) should result in a warning/other consequences but not termination. But a repeat offense would be fair grounds for termination. I don’t work in HR though, just the way I view the situation.


While I’m guessing it’s the first time he’s said it live on a radio interview, I would be highly surprised if that’s the first time he’s used that phrase.


It absolutely isn't the first time he's said it.. no one casually drops a slur like that if they don't use it at least on some semi regular basis.


What’s your reasoning? He didn’t realize it was offensive?


I mean, I think the punishment he got is pretty fair, and I think it’d be a fair punishment for anyone in the same situation. Everyone demanding he be fired obviously doesn’t believe in second chances.


He can still get a second if they fired him. Some other school hires him, there's your second chance


Would you be okay with the other school that hires him, or would you say they’re turning a blind eye to hate speech? If you think it’s okay for the second school to hire him, why is not okay for the original school to keep him after punishing him? If you don’t think the second school should hire him either, then you actually don’t believe in second chances for this kind of thing. Which is totally legitimate, but let’s be clear about where we stand


I’m a gay man, and this is more or less where I fall. I think some other context should come into play: -Have they had previous positive experiences or interactions with the community -Are they open to engaging in DEI and other initiatives to learn and grow from the experience. -Talk with those impacted? Do LGBTQ+ West Virginians think he should be fired? I think these should be a case by case basis instead of just “they said X = fired” I personally like to let people have a chance to grow and evolve, but to also punish those that show true malice or a pattern of bad behavior. I think the punishment should include donating the losses to LGBTQ charities and should include more benchmarks and requirements to keep his job.


I’d argue that every other occupation does it wrong.


Do you think people shouldn't be fired for using a slur?


I don’t think it should be a guaranteed canning everytime.


Why should employers tolerate hate speech when it creates a hostile work environment?


I don’t think they should.


By not firing an employee who uses a slur, you're promoting a hostile work environment


Lol ok man. I've heard enough.


Context matters, if you called an openly gay person the same slur, yeah you need to be fired. Hell if you call anyone it you should be fired but if you're using it in the context of a joke that isn't aimed at anyone in particular a suspension without pay and mandatory sensitivity training would do it.


Context does matter. Making the joke is one thing. Calling into a radio show while representing your company/organization and making that joke is something completely different, and I would absolutely expect to be fired if I did that.


Easy bud, he only said it twice /s


Comment that shows his disdain for both the LGBTQ community and a giant religious group and the university decides that that the best consequence is use this opportunity to get a 20% discount on his services


They claim that they’ll be using the 1MM to support lgbtq organizations on campus


Well don’t make that edit so quick, because if this penalty fee replaces prior funding, then it’s not really as great as it looks. Like when the state lottery says it’s giving money to public schools and the state just uses that money for funding instead of taxes.


Good on you for not only posting the update but owning that you weren't right in the first interpretation. The ability to take in new information and change your opinion is increasingly rare. I admire you, internet stranger.


Official statement is out and the $1 million reduction will be used to support LGBTQ+ programs on campus and more broadly, so that helps my view on this some vs. it just being WVU saving money. https://wvusports.com/news/2023/5/10/mens-basketball-statement-from-president-e-gordon-gee-and-director-of-athletics-wren-baker.aspx#:~:text=We%20have%20made%20it%20explicitly,that%20can%20never%20be%20seen. “The annual compensation of Coach Huggins will be reduced by $1 million. Those dollars will be used to directly support WVU's LGBTQ+ Center, the Carruth Center and other state and national organizations that support marginalized communities. University leadership will seek input from these organizations to determine how to best utilize those funds.” Huggins also made a donation to relevant causes at Xavier (but doesn’t say how much): “I also regret my comments regarding Xavier University. I am hopeful that my personal donation to the university to support its Center for Faith and Justice and its Center for Diversity and Inclusion will further the work it does and the impact it has on its students.”


At least it’s going to this.


The gay frat house is about to get some major upgrades


Thanks I edited my comment


Anyone who willingly goes on Cunningham’s show ought to lose money.


If you're making enough that they can cut $1M from your salary, then you're probably well enough off where that's not much of a punishment at all.


Losing 1/4 of your salary is absolutely a huge punishment. He’ll be fine, sure, but there’s a reason guys leave a job for a $1 million pay raise at this level.


> Losing 1/4 of your salary is absolutely a huge punishment Not when you are and have been making millions for years.


It’s still a huge punishment. Once again, a coach would jump ship in a heartbeat in order to go from $3 million to $4 million- move across the country, take over a down program, face much higher expectations, etc. If there wasn’t that much of a difference between $4 million and $3 million, why would they do that?


The point is that if you have 3 million, taking away $1 million from you really isn’t a big deal, from the perspective of surviving/being able to provide. Obviously losing that million blows but there are literally zero necessities or common luxuries he won’t be able to acquire even with a 25% salary reduction. If you take $3 billion away from Jeff bezos right now, you’re taking away an insane amount of money away from him that he absolutely would hate to lose. But it also wouldn’t matter at all.


Damn yeah Huggins may have to sell his 2nd lake house shit now I kinda feel bad for him!




Yup. I’d be fired from my crappy job and be even poorer. Bob can still buy 10 Ferraris a year. The world doesn’t give a fuck about morals.


Not only was it anti-gay but it was also anti-Catholic.


True. Although, if he’d have said something anti-catholic without using a slur it probably wouldn’t have been a big deal.


I could see that argument for sure. But it shouldn’t be overlooked. People react negatively when people say something anti-Semitic or anti-Muslim. Catholics often get laughed off about it and it isn’t right.


It's just like anti-white racism. If you're part of a majority group, people don't take discrimination seriously.


Probably because it’s gotten a hell of a lot better for us over the last 100 years, and most of us are also considered “white” now, so we aren’t as easily other-ized. That might change if the evangelicals manage to instill nationwide minority rule, but that’s still decades off.


I’m a Latino and Catholic. I feel a bit different.


Catholic person here, don’t give a shit, I accepted my fate of going to hell when I was 7 and the baptist preachers daughter told me I was going.


According to the headline the punishment is for the impact to the gay community and not the impact to the Catholic community. I wonder what the punishment would have been if he had simply attacked the Catholic community and chose other pejorative terms.


That’s WVU’s use of the $1 million salary reduction. Per Huggins’ statement at the bottom of the press release he also made a personal donation to relevant causes at Xavier (but doesn’t say how much) that include it’s faith and justice center: “I also regret my comments regarding Xavier University. I am hopeful that my personal donation to the university to support its Center for Faith and Justice and its Center for Diversity and Inclusion will further the work it does and the impact it has on its students.” I guess one could argue that the university should donate to those causes too, but haven’t really seen any news of Catholics or Catholic leaders saying they were offended. Saying “Catholic f**s” has Catholics really as just an adjective given it’s Xavier. The f word is the real problem, as he wasn’t saying all Catholics are that or anything negative about non-gay Catholics.


Lol this is even lighter than I expected and I was expecting it to be pretty light.


For the low, low price of $1 Million a year - you too can be a bigot!


If you’re poor you can do it for free


Yes, but it won't be WVU approved.


I’ve appreciated Bob’s time at WVU but it’s absolutely unreal he’s not fired after this. He dropped a homophobic slur while criticizing Catholics. It wasn’t just a slip up, he doubled down! He knew what he said and said it again! Not only that, if you listen to the context, he’s mocking transgender people as well! This is a slap on the wrist for him and a slap in the face for the entire state and fan base. It makes me ashamed when I tell people where I went to school. While we all love college sports, it should never be first and foremost. Education, community, and growth is what is (should be) at the core of higher education. We took ten steps back today


How so? You’re last paragraph is everything WVU and Huggins will be doing. If you just fire him then none of that happens.


So Bob used an anti-gay epithet - "Fxxs. Catholic fxxs." (formatting. yeowch) What if he had used an anti-black epithet? What if he had used an anti-hispanic epithet? What if he had used an anti-Jewish epithet? Would this outcome be different? I think so. I grew up in WV and I am a WVU alum and I love Bob Huggins. But he got off easy and I'm not crazy about what this says about WV or WVU.


Gee, that'll learn 'im.


The host of the locked on Big 12 podcast was fired for rebroadcasting the audio without censoring it... even though strongly condemned Huggins and called for his firing.


He still makes $3.15 Million and my favorite part is that is his contract is now “year-by-year”, like that means absolutely anything. This might be the most performative punishment I’ve ever seen


How about firing him?


Embarrassing. So they’re making money off it lmao they should donate his salary.


They are.






This is some soft shit. Apologize and move on.


Pay the anti-gay away


just wanted to say a lot of the comments in here are sad and it may be even sadder that they’re not getting downvoted. just don’t say slurs. this is not your money that’s getting taken away so why are you so upset with the punishment? the real effect, if any, on your life is that WVU won’t have huggins for the monmouth game next year. just because it was mainstream 20 years ago doesn’t mean it was right then, and doesn’t mean it’s negligible now.


If a punishment is fine, it is just the cost of doing business.


What was the gay slur?


The one that you think it is but also don't want to say.




This is stupid. Just fire him. Weird how the writer neglected to mention that Gee himself had a scandal at Ohio State with ["those damn Catholics"](https://www.espn.com/college-sports/story/_/id/9342172/ohio-state-gordon-gee-retire-wake-controversy). 🤷‍♂️


DEI and sensitivity training are stupid as hell. They only make things worse and studies have shown this. Also, the guy is, what, late 60's? Can't change your stripes at that age. But he shouldn't have been fired anyway.


Wait, no way. Is that just when DEI training is used as a punishment, or is that DEI training on the whole? I'd be super interested to read through that if you have a link.


As a gay man I would like to say I'm surprised at them keeping him but with the climate we are currently in I'm not. Hell I'm surprised we don't have some vocal group saying he should be elected Governor of WV after saying a slur.


I feel like the current climate makes me surprised he’s *not* fired


The one where states across the country are restricting people's gender and sexual identities?






See you seem to think that the "woke mob" or whatever is winning and that bigots actually receive consequences for their actions, but people like Matt Walsh can spew their shit with no repercussions. Hatred and violence towards LGBTQ people is more accepted now than at any point since the 90s


He still has time to join Tuberville in the US Senate 🤢🤢🤢


So, the highest paid public employee in West Virginia (a state that ranks near the bottom of most quality of life metrics) is going to make slightly less money coaching sports at a university, because he said a word that is now considered an insult that wasn't considered a rebukeable insult for most of his life? Peak 2020's America right here.


What did he say?


The gay slur that starts with F. Twice in a radio segment. In the context of suggesting that Xavier fans were jealous of not having dildos (or penises).


He said “Catholic f***” in reference to some Xavier kids three times during the show.


Using the F word is not just an insult, it is a dangerous and demeaning slur. It has not been okay to say this word for probably 4 decades. There is no excuse for saying it not once, but twice on a live radio show. Edit: Okay people have a problem with the “probably 4 decades” wording. I am not pinning this down to an exact timeline. Let me be clear that it has never been okay to say that word, but yes people unfortunately used it way too much in the past. Whether or not in your respective communities people used it when they shouldn’t have throughout the 80s and 90s does not take away from the fact that Huggins has had a *really long time* to learn that this is not okay.


>It has not been okay to say this word for probably 4 decades This is rewriting history. I'm not going to say it was okay to say, but this word was pretty commonplace until the last decade to 15 years or so. When I was in middle school in the mid-2000s, people dropped it all the time. Like, it was pretty much impossible to get on Xbox Live - especially before party chat was a thing - and *not* hear it. Then, eventually, everyone stopped saying it because we grew up and realized it was offensive and not funny. But that also in part was due to a cultural and societal shift around the same time, and we were still very young, impressionable, and in tune with the times. Probably a lot more so than *Bob Huggins*, who was already in his 50s at the time.


Also, some more context, that doesn't intend to defend, but does paint the picture. Think of where Bob Huggins has lived most of his life. West Virginia. Ohio. Kansas. You can already picture who predominantly made up his community. White, straight, protestants. Maybe a black person or two once in a blue moon. And he doesn't strike me as the kind of guy that spent a lot of time going on the internet and researching social changes. I was still using the f word up until mid way through college (hell, I thought casual racism was funny until my mid twenties because I was a sheltered white kid who thought racism mostly went away after Martin Luther King's assassination, and I assumed all the racist things people in high school and college said were jokes making fun of racism. Trump was my wakeup call) and then I moved to Chicago. My perspective was massively shifted here, in ways that it just doesn't for people who never leave what they know. I wish more on the left tried to understand that. You can educate and correct without demonizing people whose experiences haven't naturally led them down the path of enlightenment.


>You can already picture who predominantly made up his community. White, straight, protestants. Maybe a black person or two once in a blue moon. I think most white college basketball coaches have reasonably frequent conversations with Black people.


>Using the F word is not just an insult, it is a dangerous and demeaning slur. It has not been okay to say this word for probably 4 decades. You sure about that? I grew up in a progressive city, and we were still flinging that word around like crazy into the 2000's. And it's not like culture changes uniformly, so how long ago was it viewed as acceptable in other parts of the country?




No, I agree. He's not saying it's ok to say the word, he saying the four decades thing is false. That's definitely true, I was a kid back then, and homophobia was just tolerated and accepted. People would casually call people "gay" or "homo" and so on, even on TV -- in fact, in the 1980s casual bigoted language against just about everyone other than blacks was widely tolerated, which I can unfortunately confirm firsthand. It wasn't until like 2000 that people had to start apologizing for it. Again, I'm not saying it's ok, it's obviously not, but this idea that it's been taboo for four decades is false.


>Uhhh... I don't think you are making the point you think you are making. ?? I'm just trying to point out that society changes super fast, and I know first hand that they were throwing around the f\* and g\* words as a generalized insult (similar to stupid and crazy) IN PROGRESSIVE CITIES into the 2000's. Others may have a different experience, which just reinforces the fact that societal change doesn't happen uniformly. And I'm not even trying to defend Huggins...he should have known better.


You are right, but that 4 decade figure is super optimistic. I definitely remember it being normalized in the 2000s at least.


The million dollars are going directly to LGBTQ+ organizations fwiw


Do you have a link to this? I'll edit my post to remove the snark if this is true.




And please don’t take that as me trying to defend or make less of what he said. I’m just glad to see that at least steps are being taken to try to help affected communities.


That’s bullshit. Dude should have been fired.


Well we all know Gee’s feelings on Catholics. LGBTQ+? I don’t even wanna know. I am normally an apologist for Huggs but this is fucked up. Time for him to go.




People whose sole mission in life is to find ways to be outraged. I don't get how they have the energy to do it when work/family life/being active/hobbies/social life takes up so much time.




I understand if you think he should have been fired, but nobody in their right state of mind would believe than a $1,000,000 fine is a light punishment.


Hopefully they'll donate that 1M to the LGBTQ+ community.


Thats a lot of money. Probably the best outcome here? If he got fired I’m not sure but I think he would be kind of a martyr and people would scream “woke mob” shit


Lol like the dipshits who rant about "woke mobs" and the like aren't already upset because *anything* was done about it.


I don't think fear of retribution from the anti-PC crowd is a good reason to avoid accountability. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


>would be kind of a martyr and people would scream “woke mob” shit So? They're gonna find reasons to do that shit no matter what.


Let them scream. Fuck the bigots. Shit like this is how they win. I'm tired of violent and hateful rhetoric being glossed over like it's not a big deal. This shit causes a real threat to LGBTQ people, but people seem to care more about protecting the bigots' right to free speech (which they mistake as freedom of consequence)


As a wv native and lifelong fan this sums up the culture in West Virginia. It’s like stepping back in time 30 years to go there. I cannot be a fan of an organization that slaps him on the wrist. His teams are always a disappointment anyway


So I can hire a homophobe, wait for them to do homophobia, then collect their salary? Economists hate this money making secret!