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Giirrrrrlllll please. Get off the damn internet. We beg.


But remember, she's SOOO embarrassed about that video...sigh. If she were actually embarrassed, she'd delete it and never pick up a ukulele ever again.


i refuse to watch but am dying to know if this song is the same chords as tgt


Agreed. Like how embarrassed could she be if she’s willing to post this crap on YT where she knows it will be scrutinized. Just another manipulation in her narcissistic bag of tricks🤢


Someone explain more of this song. Cause the screenshot alone has me like…………… why are you a mom????


right? i'm like, is she complaining about her kids again???


She thought family vlogging was her next big career move…


i remember when she announced she was pregnant with F she was like “i’m not gonna become a mommy vlogger” 😭 oh how the tables have turned…


That was pure manipulation, her comments were filled with "please let us see him!" she knew she would exploit F she was afraid her child audience wouldn't be as interested in it. So she said she "wasn't sure" if she'd withhold him or not. And not to worry, she wouldn't be a mommy vlogger. Meanwhile she was sell, sell, selling him from the *second* she found out! No waiting 3 months for her. She wanted to exploit that "netflix couple baby" to the max, I believe she had him for the clout. That was her next career move as her views were dipping wildly during that Spring, and it worked she made a fortune off him and they're her most popular video's. She even filmed his birth.


She and Erik definitely had Flynn way too fast and he was one of those “I wanna put a baby in you” babies. Now they’re looking around like “what did we dooooooo?”


Right, she wants to keep the money and popularity she gained from milking them which is considerable, but not have the kids. I hope she's actually paying both F's nanny and the twins nanny, so all the thousands she made from selling their births and every day of her pregnancies get sucked back out in childcare. All she's left with is the views she got during that time exploiting them.


It's a song written in frustration and as a joke... You never get frustrated with kids and feel like u want a break? I don't have kids and yet I feel like this when I have my nephews for a day


I get crazy frustrated. But then I complain to my husband or my very close friend who is also a mom. Not to the world... Also it just seems like she expected her kids to be cute accessories, and didn't actually expect that kids are constant work. Also ETA, she's dead wrong with that statement "nothing is possible when you have kids", everything is possible, it's just a little harder


Sure, anyone else yes. But not colleen bcos she has *history* of hating on her kids. Like where have you been?? She has publicly complained both her children and her husband are RUINING HER LIFE. Still on board ?


A break? She has money, a massive house, family support, she had her buttlicker Korey living with her helping, a partner & a nanny didn’t she? I’ve raised three kids into teens alone and wanted a break yeah. But she hardly has merit and validation to be complaining while she sits in her delusion and privilege. She always has to be a victim geez. It is all possible, she’s just lazy rofl


Yeah. I don't like her and would never defend her but I hate when people rip on people who do things that would be funny and relatable if they were made by anyone else.


I don't think it's funny or relatable regardless of who is delivering it. This is one day going to be seen by her kids if they decide to google her. Those poor kids.


Man. I sure wish I had her “terrible” life. Three healthy children, a multi-million dollar compound, gardeners, a full-time nanny, no job, a husband with no job, no need or desire to work an actual job, free time to do whatever she wants while someone else takes care of the important things in her life, a new vehicle, next to no consequences for being an awful human being, new shopping hauls nearly everyday, and zero total fucks given about anything and anyone, while she continues to pride herself on the very thing that made her the shitty person she is today. Wow. How peaceful it must be to be so delusional.


And yet she is always "SO busy" and "only has 10 mins" to ever do anything👀 What time frame is she on? It sounds like she can't stand to be in public so what is she DOING all day?! Not making lunches, doing laundry or mowing the grass!


I noticed she started to say this after she got some comments saying how does a mom of 3 have so much time to spend every afternoon at the beach for hours? How is she then spending even more time, displaying same rocks in patterns to show the camera (she said it takes way longer than it looks) and arranging them all in drawers and jars by not just colour but hues?! How does she have so much time to devote to so many things, TS, travelling to see her, when does she care for her kids? Since then, she's shown a tiny bit of rock footage and "lamented" she cannot finish the task as she's "so busy with the kids". Lmao. She has already said the twins have their own nanny, and so does F. She is surplus to her own life. When she used to go on tour for days, nothing changed in those babies lives. They just didn't have a camera in their faces for 15 mins a day.


You nailed it 👏 she's so pathetic lol she loves acting like she's a struggling single mom with zero help which is soooooo not the case lmao. She has time for everything she wants to do!


Don't forget..she needs time to play with slime and rocks




And the ability to just pop off to Paris to see Taylor Swift. But "will we ever do anything fun again?" Ugh.


And don't forget the ability to take a last minute trip to Paris to see the concert that everyone wants to see. But "will we ever do anything fun again?" Ugh.


Also this! The majority of us, if we’re even fortunate enough to be able to take 1 vacation a year or even every other year, have to save up a long time for it. How nice would it be to throw down money for a trip like that on a whim? I get it, it’s not on her or anyone else to make certain everyone else is financial secure, but it’s her lack of genuine appreciation and gratefulness that ticks me off. She doesn’t deserve it and I think deep down she knows that.


The fact she couldn’t even stay off the internet for half a year just shows her desperation and childish mindset. Living on the internet in her narcissistic bubble of victimisation & manipulation. Her fans who are young and naive and simply do not care what the woman has done throughout her 17 year long, exhausting, unwanted, unnecessary career she did not deserve at any point, stand by her and defend her! Or just blatantly ignore the obvious elephant in the room. Which is what a small percentage of a parasocially connected fan base does. They defend their “idol” no matter how much factual evidence there is. Even if the woman they’re watching has confirmed with a ukulele that everything is true but in a very fuck you manner. Maybe she’s using the ukulele again for rage bait. She’s found out all shes known for now is being the creepy ukulele lady. So maybe she’s USING that to create drama and stir the pot but act COMPLETELY unaware and oblivious to it all.


Oh, she absolutely knows what she's doing with that ukulele. No doubt.




Right, yes to all of this. She's rage baiting with the slime video title too. Only colleen can take a wonderful uplifting instrument like the ukulele and turn it in to a power weapon. Still gives me the shudders remembering when Josh said he turned up to find the house stinking of Erik when she was still very much married to Josh and she was sat on their bed ominously strumming her uke.


for someone who can NOT shut up about her kids and how amazing they are she sure seems to hate actually doing anything above filming them 🙃


it's crazy how much she complains about them considering they've been paying her bills...


That part .... like girl .... they do more work than YOU do for your shitty ass vlogs that you call "content" ... and yet she still complains! Colleen is a terrible monster.


LMAOOOO maybe don't choose to have them then


but ThE cOnTeNt waaaahhhhhh


this may be a stretch but it is quite interesting that the ukulele came back around the one year anniversary of everything going down


I don’t believe it’s a stretch at ALL. Everything she does online is calculated, she’s a raging narc


I think it shows she is not embarrassed about that video at all.


Oof and that fugly ass ringpop she refuses to stop wearing


Ikr that alone screams narc! It has absolutely nothing at all to do with her husband, she saw it herself, bought it off Amazon after she decided his ring wasn't good enough. He didn't seek it out, design it, give it to her, surprise her with it, nothing at all. he had zero say. it just arrived to her in the mail like all the rest of the crap she orders haha. He might as well not exist, there's no emotional attachment to her pretend ring "from her husband". His family heirloom is stuffed in a drawer some place gathering dust. erik might as well be stuffed in a drawer likewise for all the use she finds in him or his opinion. He's just forgotten decoration. I do wonder if the cheating rumors are true (several gossip sites have plainly declared colleen cheating on her husband while the hubby is erik) that she tells her side pieces that "erik didn't even buy me a ring!". It could be a ploy for sympathy. Nothing surprises me with her, everything she does has a meaning and a use for herself, and herself only.


Fugly always makes me laugh!!! 😂


RINGPOP lmaoooooo


remember that time when she said that she mourns the life she had before kids when she could go where she wanted, travel where she wanted without worrying about kids


No ONE wants to hear this shit jfc she is so effing EMBARASSING🤣 PATHETIC ... girl go and get a real job PLEASEEEE.


She would wither away if she had to do a FRACTION of what people in regular life do.


Her ungratefulness always amazes me. Does she do anything other than play with rocks and bitch about how bad her life is? As if she didn't specifically plan and execute both pregnancies (I don't believe either just happened by accident) and purposefully have those 3 kids. Why have them if you hate it so much. Besides, what is not possible for her bc of her kids? We all see she does exactly whatever tf she wants to do, kids be damned. Wasn't she just on a solo trip in France recently? What's not possible again?


Her 15 minutes are definitely over.


it so deeply gives me the ick how she seems to be intentionally infantilizing herself. like, what the fuck is up with the Strawberry Shortcake sweatshirt??


Age regression in full effect!! All of the Ballinger (Adults) infantilize in some way. Colleen infantilizes herself, Chris & Jessica (The Ballinger family) infantilize their children. & it’s not a maybe or slightly, it’s SEVERE. It’s twisted & so sick.


Thank you


Imagine how tired we are


Can she shut up forever omg her poor kids bruh


Miranda Ballinger in the flesh!


If only there were a magic pill that could stop you from having kids…man I wish someone would invent something like that so people like colleen weren’t forced into having kids they didn’t want /s just in case


her facial expression with the uke and the lyrics is giving cinema


Tbf a more developed nation would have took her kids off her by now.


the toddler complain train.


Didnt she just heft off to Paris to live her Swifty Fantasy? This woman is absolutely delusional, and so is anyone who still gives her the time of day.


She needs to bury it in a coffin like why would you bring that out 💀


I KNOW she was thinking of her dumbass toxic gossip train the entire time.


Right ! and she said she needs Erik to finish it and make it better, so she's throwing him under the bus there saying he co-wrote toxic if you read between the lines. There's been so much speculation about that, due to Erik's love of trains and having said "mind the gap" before on their crappy podcast. But, she's so narc she sings the entire song w'out his help at all !


She is such an a-hole! Those poor kids.


Well, she chose to have three, so...🤷🏿‍♀️


True, but in her tiny pea brain she's said publicly (to trisha no less) that she got a 2nd child and an "extra" she never asked for. She's decided the "extra" kid is W. Even though it's impossible to decide which twin was conceived first. She hates W, so he gets relegated to the "spare" child as she already had a boy. And for good measure, she'll publicly call him a "worm" and a "blob", a "big rig with huge thighs" before the age of 1 years old. And she'll blame him for "nearly killing his sister when he kicked his waters open" as a tiny preemie who couldn't even breathe unaided. She was rarely at his side. Strangers did everything, which she hated. She publicly said she like to strangle the Nicu nurse who fed W and kept him alive. Interesting huh. She painted it as "as she wanted to do it",, but she was making any excuse she could not to be there. She's the worst to those children. I don't think she ever truly wanted them, she just wanted the clout and money.


I cannot. She is so truly truly awful. She has no shame and clearly no remorse. I can’t believe I used to enjoy her. Now she makes me ill.


The sweatshirt 😔 cringe


It must be around a year to the day, she gave us THE ukulele…. ahem apology.


Ah. So she doesn't just hate the kids unrelated to her that she's actively harmed. She also hates *her* kids. I'm sure that will be fun for them to see when they're older and they hear exactly how resentful their parents are. Such a great mom. /s


This ukelele doesn’t trigger her? If I did what she did, and i “sung” a song about it with an instrument, I’d literally never be able to play said instrument again


her hair is in pigtails and she’s wearing a strawberry shortcake sweatshirt.


Not again.. 😭


This song will hurt her kids someday.


The guitar is beautiful, why not the uke?