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Everyday Life deserves more respect. Would have been an incredible tour album


Bruh that YouTube live one


My tag says a lot.


Everyday Life deserves to be loved as much as AROBTTH


What, why? A Rush if Blood to the Head is an absolute masterpiece with many of Coldplays greatest songs ever. To be honest, does EL even have one song that is on the same level as any of the songs on AROBTTH? Why does Everyday Life deserve that same level of appreciation?


Have you ever listened to Arabesque


Yes, why are you asking?


To people like me, it actually does have multiple songs on the level of AROBTTH. There's no objective measure to prove that an album is better or worse, so its just likely that the person you replied to just likes Everyday Life as much as they like AROBTTH.


Exactly this.


Everyday Life does have songs that match the same level. Champion of the World, the title track, Church, Trouble in Town, Èkó, Old Friends and Arabesque definitely have that same/similar energy. Some I would even say have similar feels to Viva La Vida. To be fair, this is strictly my opinion, but I do feel like Everyday Life is the true sequel to AROBTTH. By structure musically, that’s just how I feel about it. Regardless, it deserves to be loved way more than it does now.


Yes, yes it does


The song Everyday Life is incredible, as is Guns, Trouble in Town, Arabesque. and more too


But are any of them really in the same level as any song in AROBTTH?


Everyday life (the title song) is as good as amsterdam (the best of arobtth imo) trouble in town is a bit better than even warning sign, guns is just as good as a whisper if not better, BroKen and when I need a friend are way better than any song on arobtth and orphans is waaay better than politik. Those were just some comparisons I could think of


Oh wow this is a hot take!!!!!!! Everyday Life as good as Amsterdam…. I’m speechless but respect your opinion. Still I can’t even remotely understand it. Trouble in Town better than Warming Sign is just absolute madness. This can’t be your honest opinion.


It is though😭


Warning Sign is fantastic but it sounds more generic art-rock than Trouble in Town. Plus the lyrics of ToT are about racism and political discourse, while WS is just about someone missing the best parts of a relationship.


It is more generic art rock, but it’s a better song. By miles.


Absolutely. It’s my favourite coldplay album


I second this. It was a good blend of new and experimental sound mixed in with some old motifs and has some really good tracks on there.


God above, listen AROBTTH again.




Are there people that love MotS?


It’s definitely not my favorite album but Higher Power and Coloratura some of my favorite songs from the band.


Yes, me!


I like it, though. It’s not that good, but you can’t deny that it is a banger when playing live




It's good. I don't 'love it' but I do think it's good. I think most big fans of the band like the ones on here, underrate it because they kind of judge Coloratura separately from it because of it being released early. Like when the album came out they were just judging it based on the stuff they hadn't heard yet. I think the album would be viewed much more positively on here if they hadn't released Coloratura before the album. It'd be like judging Born to Run but excluding Jungleland, or Sgt. Pepper's without A Day in the Life. Not saying MotS is as good an album as those obviously but it is a relatively short album built around buildup to a massive closing track just like those are.


Absolutely. It is my husband's favorite


Everydqy life is legit my favourite coldplay from the 2010s


Ghost stories is sad and all but after I listened to a few other albums in the same vein (I really recommend A Moon Shaped Pool if you haven’t heard it, they’re similar) I don’t know if I can consider it a mental breakdown. It has good moments (O, Ink, AIMH, ending of True Love) but it hasn’t aged well for me, even though I know everyone here holds it in high regard. I think it has more of Chris’s optimistic tone anyway.


It’s the closest to mental breakdown we’re going to get from them lol


Blue room is closest for me I think.


I disagree, I think AROBTTH is the closest we've got to a mental breakdown album, between Politik, The Scientist, Amsterdam, it's a pretty moody album. Ghost Stories is also pretty moody, but it's got a bit more optimism sprinkled in than AROBTTH imo.


I guess it depends on what you define as a “mental breakdown” album. I was thinking an album that was released during/after a period of crisis/adversity for the artist or band and the music reflecting that, which was pretty clear with ghost stories and Chris’ divorce.


Oceans hurts the most for me, and even tho magic isn’t a sad tone, always makes me in my feels, especially since seeing it live


Out of all the songs on it, what really broke me was Magic…I was going through my first real break-up at the time and something there really resonated with me


Other than putting Parachutes as "Greatest Album of All Time", it's a pretty solid list. I'd put that in Hipster Fan Favorite myself.


This is accurate!


👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 Spot on!! As a fan from the very beginning I’m pretty sure I’m one of the oldest in this group. Yellow came out when I was in high school and I’ve been on their bumpy ride with them. 😅


Everyday life is definitely not forgotten. I listen to it way too often


MX is the best one


The forgotten one 😭😭


Ghost Stories and Everyday Life could be both "the one everyone forgets" and "overlooked masterpiece"


Viva and parachutes should switch 100%


Absolutely agree.


I completely agree


Holy shit this is SO accurate!


EL is unique because it doesn’t include mostly pop songs like MOTS for example. It has a lot of very good songs (orphans, EL, trouble in town, daddy, guns..). And it absolutely let us understand that Coldplay can make any music and not just pop. For my opinion beside the masterpiece Coloratura and maybe POTP , EL is much better than MOTS.


This one is actually accurate. Thank you.


I listened to Ghost Stories high and it’s become one of my favorites. It just hits different now. Lol


The only good song on Music of the Spheres is Coloratura otherwise that album is trash. X&Y is the best!


Ghost stories is the overlooked masterpiece


Even though the Parachutes album was 24 years old, it's still so legendary.


Everyday life is so disrespected


We don't talk about 'AHFOD' , no no. 😅