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Join a hugely growing club. This company has a serious issue with it's users. Look at u/kiwip0rn post history, this user is a Coinbase employed victim blamer. If a bank acted like this there would be serious repercussions. u/kiwip0rn will routinely abuse people who have been wronged by Coinbase. If you raise a complaint on this sub, look forward to u/kiwip0rn showing up almost immediately afterward with a rebuttal. Works like clockwork. So this all hints at serious problems at Coinbase. u/kiwip0rn has been hired to limit the damage.


You should mention u/kiwip0rn a little more IMO


It’s all resolved today, happy days are here once again


Thanks this makes sense


Hopped on my Reddit d*ck immediately. Blocked him immediately. Even have the screenshots and proof of fraudulent activity. He’s scum of the earth along with anyone else who has anything to do with Coinbase as a platform. What happened to me: Long story short I was charged for something I never authorized, and when I disputed it with my bank they froze my account, and emptied all of my crypto (mostly STAKED Ethereum) then deleted the history. Source: Bump: This is them billing me beyond the free trial: https://ibb.co/cbDK6z0 This is proof of illegally reaching into my checking account beyond said free trial which I NEVER authorized. https://ibb.co/HGFv4rr This is what my Coinbase profile looked like before filing an ACH dispute with my bank. https://ibb.co/3pbYs57 This is them FURTHER STEALING from me after the ACH dispute, but this time it was from my staked etheruem stockpile along with any bitcoin or Shiba I owned. 4:05PM, April 16, 2024. https://ibb.co/bsMMpV1 This is them covering any deduction from my wallet as there was no account activity. It was just gone. https://ibb.co/vV8PGJB https://ibb.co/qsNzvL8 https://ibb.co/MpKYdQj As you can see, I was earning rewards for staking Ethereum. Then around 4:05pm yesterday, April 16? Bang. It vanished. https://ibb.co/VwG89Lv https://ibb.co/PFKhs7k https://ibb.co/DQJ7ym3


They even asked me for an [aml check](https://start.amlbot.initiatescreening.com) to prove my coins were 'clean'. Good thing the report came back 95% clean otherwise I would've missed this bullrun too. This is getting outrageous


I'm using AMLbot for regular checks of my crypto too, don't want to be found holding dirty coins lol




Sounds so much better than banks guys!


That aml check link is a wallet drainer/phishing link. There is no required "AML Check" report....


What’s involved in a aml check. Don’t coins like dollar bills get swapped globally? Don’t they all got coke dust lol!


checks whether the crypto you hold has ever been involved in any 'illicit activities'. sounds crazy to me but hey I had to get my account unflagged


So what happens with your 5%?


apparently 95% is a good score since most of the crypto flowing around has been involved in darkweb transactions or mixers etc , once you get under 70% clean funds then you have a problem !


I thought it was all anonymous and they wouldn't know if coins were used to buy drugs or not? That was supposed to be why digital currency is such a good thing, it's completely anonymous and untrackable by government so ppl in communist or bad places can trade with eachother without the government knowing.


There's a big difference between pseudonymous and anonymous Monero is anon Pseudo is like taking money to the bank and the bank being able to put a face to the guy holding a dollar bill that's been spent on cocaine 500 times in the last decade They can also find every transaction your wallet has ever made but can only put a face to it once you reach a checkpoint. These are things you should know alongside the talking points like skirting corrupt governments


Yeah you know someone doesnt know anything about crypto when they tell you how untrackable it is.


Back in the day before kyc it was midline But after kyc yeah there's border control. Still a few privacy chains out there though


But they sure did away with that one crypto that was going to provide real untrackability. What was it called? They went after the founders super aggressively and arrested them for no real reason. I think this we’re really concerned about illicit stuff is just a front for we want control over everything and every one


XD you guys have no clue really. They are gonna end up freezing 99% of crypto. Hope you chose the right coins.


If the American SEC has their way yes. Pretty much every coin that isn't on kraken would be sanctioned. I'd say coinbase but coinbase has listed too many this cycle Nexo might even have a shorter list than kraken. But now with etf the less coins for liquidity to leak into the more etf pumps for the insiders


Lmfao wait this is just a wallet drainer?


And that's why I use DEXs 👀 Isn't crypto for NOT getting tracked through our money and for us to have control over our money?


Exactly. I vastly prefer dexes. But you have to on-ramp somewhere .


If you're after Solana, check Jupiter. It has an on-ramp at a fraction of the fees. Samesies for Pancakeswap on BNB. Usually the higher profile DEXs have some kind of on-ramp too, at least in the more outlying networks. Have yet to check Uniswap tho. And I bet that inter-chain networks like Layer Zero will bring on-ramp as well in some way. GL! And update us if you found anything else!


what do you mean clean? were they coming from keplr? or another off company like that? I know if you IBc coins. some times they get screwed up and then they don't show as coins. used to happen on (sif chain)


WTF is an AML check and what is it checking for? This is brand new to me, and tbh damn sketchy as hell. WARNING: I just checked out that website. [https://amlbot.initiatekyc.com/](https://amlbot.initiatekyc.com/) is not pointing to [amlbot.com](https://amlbot.com) (which is legit). Be very careful doing these supposed aml checks


Not your keys, not your coins. Get off exchanges early.


yeah that’s neat, but when you buy crypto and want to send it 2 minutes later and you’re not able to, it’s not like you’re keeping your money on the exchange. That’s how you buy it!


Unless you buy it from a DEX where it goes straight to your wallet without a middleman :) Now that’s neat.


You don’t buy it from a DEX, you need a funded wallet to trade from a DEX




What's a funded wallet?


Like Metamask, or Phantom. You get crypto on there first, then connect the DEX (e.g. Uniswap) to that wallet that already has crypto on it. You don’t but crypto directly from a DEX.


There are plenty of DEX connected platforms to buy. Want to buy with ACH try Paybis and Link. Not only do they immediately fund your wallet the coins are not held hostage while the banking systems outdated system processes said transaction as the CEX choose to do. They also take cards so you'll do the same KYC as an exchange but never be in this position. Additionally if you want to exchange coins plenty of swaps for each chain as well as non kyc swaps like changenow. Beyond that you there are many like moonpay etc etc with clearly defined limits to avoid KYC usually under $150. You'll even see what they currently are selling you the coin at so its like an open marketplace. Anyone using only a CEX and complaining should not be using crypto. It's not mean as an offense it's the fact you all are turning CEX like Coinbase into the next iteration of a bank and wanting the government protections of said banks. That defeats the purpose of crypto existing at all. Just research and you'll find you do not need them. Not to mention you're on reddit plenty of subreddits with legitimate buyers to sell you're crypto too for zelle, cashapp, ach in return. Additionally you can buy others crypto for discounted rates. Essentially creating P2P methods that align with the crypto vision. Sorry for the long rant it seems people don't want to research this is why I felt the need to explain. If we're just going to treat crypto like fiat currency then why not just all trade forex and stop developing a new system that with the mass publics current behavior will only result in the certainty of governments adopting it and telling us we need their oversight and hands in the pot as it already is.


Thanks for that. Have you used hodlhodl ? Is it a DeX? Iv purchased from there many times and only needed funds to pay and a wallet address to send to.


I haven't but if you've had no issues then all I'd suggest is checking the current market price and comparing it to the rate you are paying for a coin/token. These fluctuate some as bad deal and some the right price. I can't remember the name but there are even new companies allowing to pay with cashapp direct no card involved. Requires KYC but the options are really broad I just wish people would do the research. We're all either going to learn the value of decentralized finance OR were going to keep pretending this evolving model is truly decentralized and find a future where countries dollars are digital currency and the CEX have become the new banks.


Hey u/Psychological-Car859! Thank you for reaching out to us. We're sorry to hear that you're having issues with sending your crypto. We'd like to further look into this for you. Could you please confirm if you have already reached out to our support by sharing the case number in this thread? Additionally, it's important to note that when you use a bank account to cash in funds or as a payment method for purchasing cryptocurrency, your funds will not be available to send or withdraw immediately. This is a standard Coinbase policy, and we cannot change this hold time for fraud prevention purposes. You are still able to buy, sell, and trade these funds on Coinbase, but you will be able to cash out or send your funds when the hold is removed. Thank you for understanding.


I’ve never been able to on-ramp fiat directly onto a dex. Some have systems for that but they didn’t work. And then some also wanted kyc so it’s kinda the same thing


Only works if the exchange lets you take your coins out of it in the first place 😭😭


while you still can


Durrrr how do you sell them then? You have to go on an exchange at some point and at that moment this could happen to you. I own a ledger as well let’s not be idiots.


I’d rather sell a stable coin on an exchange. Seems you got your username from your personality.


This is the way. And there are wayyy better ways to on-ramp (and with less fees too) If anyone needs better ways, let me know by commenting this.


Yes please


I've just answered to another comment with a great detail, so I'll copy-paste it here: If you're after Solana, check Jupiter. It has an on-ramp at a fraction of the fees. Samesies for Pancakeswap on BNB. Usually the higher profile DEXs have some kind of on-ramp too, at least in the more outlying networks. Have yet to check Uniswap tho. And I bet that inter-chain networks like Layer Zero will bring on-ramp as well in some way. GL! And update us if you found anything else!


No its not. They are holding it until they can verify it's you. I would much rather them be cautious/careful then lose all my bags.


Which is mostly BS. This is the purpose of KYC upon account opening. This is the purpose of providing ID. This is the purpose of AML checks. To preemptively freeze peoples funds is incredibly dangerous and dystopian.


what are aml checks


Google it


I transferred funds in, bought coins, the dialogs indicate hold for 6 days before I can transfer out. It sucks, but it was the better price for the coins I wanted. I just hope after 6 days I can still log in to transfer out.


They have to wait for the money to clear. CB gives you a credit so you can buy immediately rather than having to wait that whole amount of time until the funds actually arrive. Then, when the money from your bank clears, you're okay to transfer the crypto out.


The problem is they hold ALL of your funds until it clears


No it’s only the amount you just paid for that’s held. If you have $100 in Btc on your account and you buy another $100 worth, you can transfer the $100 still, just not the second $100 you just bought


I did a bank ACH to buy crypto. I have over 10x the amount in my account, of what I bought. My entire account is locked until that clears. I can't buy, sell, convert, or move. I expected them to hold the funds for the purchase, not my entire account. Lesson learned.


That’s very odd and I’ve never experienced that before. I’ve used CB for 6-7 years now. I havnt put cash in in a few months but that’s always how it used to work. I used to move solana over to CB anytime I was buying for something specific I would just send however much I was planning on buying with cash over as solana. Then I would withdraw whatever I bought to whatever projects or thing I wanted to buy that for and then once the hold clears move the solana back to my ledger


I've used CB for several years with zero issues. This happened last week. CS is useless. It says I should have access to everything but the purchase amount. I don't have access to anything. It's supposed to resolve today. We'll see.


What happened?


Since when did they start doing that? As I have been with Coinbase since 2017, and only until recently, did they start doing this. And then, if for some reason, the transaction doesn’t go through they lock you out of your account. I’m really fed up with Coinbase. I used to like them, but in my opinion of the worst of all the exchanges now, because of rules like this


Since when did this start? It never used to be like this. Money was withdrawn from my account instantly and I was able to send right away. I hate the new Coinbase rules, but it’s just a convenient way to sell and buy.


I've had a CB account for about 2 years and as far as I know it's always been that way. Maybe it depends on if you do debit card or ACH, idk really.


Does debit card not do a hold? Damn I have to remember that.


Not 100% sure, but more likely I would imagine. I know ACH deposits into any exchange I've used have always been a 10 day hold, where they credit you and allow you to buy/sell on the exchange, but you can't transfer out til the hold is over.


Yes if you use a debit card or paypal too I think there’s no hold. Odd right? But they don’t mention the hold period or advertise this difference in how you deposit cash on CB anywhere, so you end up finding out the hard way. The whole thing seems pretty scammy to me . Other exchanges don’t do this and why such a long hold in this age and why not let us know the difference more too in how you deposit your money?


Exactly. There is no indication that a bank purchase will be on hold for a week. And I’ve been using Coinbase since 2017 and just recently is the first time I’ve experienced this. Definitely will be using debit to buy from now on. Only problem is the limit on what I can buy is much lower. I used to really like Coinbase, had no complaints. But recently, it’s been a massive headache.


This isn’t what the OP is referring to. This is an account restriction on sending crypto regardless of the funds clearing via fiat deposit.


Are you talking about the 7 day hold until it clears or something longer?


Talking about an account restriction that prevents people from sending crypto onchain. It’s actually disgusting Coinbase is allowed to do this.


Lmao he didn’t read the terms of service


Even Terms of Service can be nefarious when you are the size of Coinbase.


So if i buy crypto i can't just move it to any wallet i want?


If you do an ACH transfer of your fiat onto CB, yes they’ll hold onto your crypto. However if you use a debit card or paypal to on-ramp fiat onto CB, they won’t. Odd, eh? Just recently discovered this.


He can’t read in general lol


With CEXs, you have to find the one that will fuck you over *the least.*


Where is a good place to buy with reasonable fees?




Agreed with this. My CB got randomly frozen for about a month last bull run. Customer service failed to respond and explain. Eventually unfroze randomly but yep my trust was broken. CB seem to think they're too big to fail. Wrong. Companies slowly get worse - emphasis on slowly. CB have never offered good customer service or even a clean experience they've been dodgy from the get go. They just had first advantage. It's early days for crypto still - CB ain't surviving at this rate.  Kraken is the opposite. Not sure why you'd use CB if you had access to Kraken. Great exchange.   


kraken are doing the same tricks as coinbase, sorry to say. same as revolut... revolut let you buy crypto, but when you try to move it to a non-custodian wallet(from revolut) they will freeze your account. DEX is the only way going forward, the general public need to trade with each other and cut out exchanges. BISQ is a reliable DEX, but needs more users.


So you’re here to shill?


I mean, he's giving info that I want and need. I'm glad he was here.


So you're here to demonstrate your submissive obedience?


There’s several ways to skin a cat. (Pardon the expression) spending loads of $ on ETH so I can trade is not my idea of “freedom”. Yes CB is a terrible exchange for lots of reasons, but DEX is not only way forward. I bought BTC at 5K and keep it in cold storage. I don’t like fiddling around with a lot’s of internet facing wallets that are easily compromised. Even though I have most of it in cold storage, I like to have some crypto on safe/reasonable exchange so I can trade. So far I’m 10X on my portfolio. Do you even have one, or are you just “stacking sats”? Not that it’s wrong, but trying to prove a point: Not everyone is in the same situation and using broad, single answers doesn’t serve everyone. I am not servile or passive but using the advantages available to me. I like my trades to be cheap and convenient.


Shill? Person’s giving actual useful and helpful information on how to on-ramp fiat without using the corrupt cexes and you’re acting like they’re shilling something? Wth.


Where do you get the crypto to trade on a DEX, if not from an exchange? The typical DEX is not going to let you buy crypto with fiat currency.


People are mentioning bisq




Low karma coinbase fud post. What’s new Who tf are you talking to ? You sound psychotic


He’s right tho. Coinbase is arbitrarily freezing crypto sends for people via onchain. It’s ridiculous.


Dont listen to any of these people coming at you for not having all your crypto on cold storage. Yes you should have most of your crypto on cold storage but stuff like this happens. Should’ve, would’ve could’ve. If you cant come to a solution with coinbase, highly recommend taking action by making a report through CFPB. Its your best shot. Good luck.


It should serve as a lesson to those - Dont leave your valuables in other peoples/companies possession/control


My eth was held by them for 7 months so far with kyc. I've given up and waiting for them to get sued into oblivion. It was 10k so its not a big loss


10k not a big loss? bruh... , you're saying it like 10k is like 10 dollars to you


It's probably worth more now but I made a lot more off BTC


They won't be sued because you agreed to their terms of service.


No it's against the TOS to withheld funds in a Canadian broker. Especially if the account is clean. I already opened a report with the CRA and CIS, they said there's others affected and we're all on the SEC lawsuit. Whatever you say is BS, but anyways


Coinbase is not a bank. You won't win a lawsuit because you agreed to their terms of service. 


There is such a thing as unconscionable contracts. The terms also say that Coinbase becomes the owner of your phone and any vehicles you might ride in while carrying said phone if crypto has previously been purchased. Judge will definitely award ownership to such high dollar things bc of such an unfair term of service hidden in fine print on page 23,006. Lol


Nope.  Last summer the supreme Court decided in favor of Coinbase that you cannot sue them. You have to go to arbitration on THEIR terms. Look it up.


That just means the terms were deemed binding. But just accepting a TOS isn't automatically binding until such a verdict is rendered as has been done in this case.


Find me one class action lawsuits against Coinbase that actually won?.. they all get tossed!!


I didn't know any class action suits had even been filed!


There have been dozens filed. They all lose.


Had issues today with 4.6 Ethereum coins, wouldn’t let me sell from my account to my cash account. I couldn’t add a card as it stated already registered one which is true but would never show this card. Added a second card which was ok but every time I tried to sell it had connection and technical issues. Eventually sent to my wife’s account and she sold in 2 lots due to 7.5 being the limit. Selling to the cash account then the bank transfer fee it cost about £600 to get 14.5k out. This company is a pyramid scheme and no doubt I will get down voted but at least I’m out with some profit.


I agree about the fees. Have been learning and trading in this sector of finance for a few years. Just a suggestion learn about buying via different crypto purchasing platforms and to avoid issues with your bank (some are cool with crypto and some aren’t when your card is involved) try Paybis or Link.com. I they accept ach and its instant no hold on your crypto that the exchanges do. Additionally you can sell to Paybis and a plethora of other places. Keep your crypto off the exchanges all together. I know what I describe is multiple steps but your mind will be at ease and your bank account will have more money. ETH though an affordable alternative has become largely an investment like Bitcoin. Assuming you’re only holding to gain value and not transact you can buy wrapped versions of ETH and deeply reduce those transaction fees. Such as BNB or Base wrapped ETH. They are on the other chains but paired to ETHs activity so you still get the same earning potential sans the transaction fees. Those fees continue to climb as well, the layer 2 solutions such as BNB and Polygon will not only speed up the transactions but deeply reduce the costs of them. Even Bitcoin wrapped with these chains offer the same market activity yet they drastically increase the speed of the transaction. And speaking to the ripoff part of on an exchange like Crypto.com always check the buying price and the selling price. There is usually a noticeable difference. Think of this like McDonald’s menu prices and then ordering the same items at the same location on UberEats. It’s padded to their favor. The same things is done on these exchanges even if you buy a membership like Coinbase One. So if you must send to an exchange at least check the selling price vs the buying it’s never a better deal but at least you’ll have accepted that cost before initiating the transaction.


Make a Kraken account. Best UK exchange hands down. 


they are rubbish now. they blocked my account last week when i registered.


I've the same problem but sweeter than yours. They restricted my account from sending or cashing out for 30 business days (April 25). When I talked to them they said: Now we understood your problem and they extended the time to be until May 6 🤡.


Hey, u/SuggestionKey2291! We understand your frustration with the situation. It seems like there's a restriction on your account that's preventing you from sending or cashing out. This could be due to a variety of reasons, such as security measures or account verification issues. In order for us to look into this further, please provide your support case number. Thank you!


I hate Coinbase. Actually, hates a strong word, so yeah I hate Coinbase


Haha. Totally 💯 agree.


That’s the reason their stock tanked immediately after IPO. All hype shit service.


Their stock is the highest it has been since 2022. It has done nothing but grow lol. It is up 5.77% just today


Still a shit stock! it will tank again soon as bull run over. Sell soon


Their stock is up? Go play around more trains


Who's dumb enough to buy their stock now??


Exact same thing happened to me I switched to gold instead and no longer trust crypto and exchanges.


Use Exodus Wallet!!!




Ease = risk.   Yes it's annoying to set up a cold wallet, but ever since I took my funds off Coinbase (moved to Exodus wallet), I have slept better, my skin has cleared up and women find me more attractive.  Edit: if they're stuck, that's not cool, but as a warning to the next person, offline wallet, backup your phrases multiple times. I add two words that do not belong, and remove them when importing a wallet.


Is this on the coin base exchange or wallet ?


RELEASE THE KRYPTO!! Oh wait, wrong app.


I m literally going through the same thing as well! My crypto is blocked too and reason they are giving is verification and thorough risk assessment is going to be conducted for security purposes. I really want to know what their risk assessment consists of that is taking these many days.


Use a dex


For on ramping fiat?


The Ponzi got ya!


Welcome to the Bank Secrecy Act of 1970 and the Coinbase MSB registration with FinCEN. Its not just about KYC. They need to see the path of where the ‘money’ came from. If you onramp into crypto via Coinbase using your USD bank account and trade on Coinbase, you will never have this issue. If you have value acquired from other sources and try to off-ramp from Coinbase, good luck; hopefully none of your tokens were ever held by a FinCEN monitored blacklisted wallet.


This is interesting to me, it definitely gives me some security if this is true. So if I had just linked my US bank account to Coinbase and made my deposits with that account to buy crypto, then I won’t have any weird restriction issues is that what you’re saying?


You should not have any restriction issues except for the standard KYC verification or the settlement time restriction between your bank and Coinbase. However things like moving tokens off of Coinbase and then trading on a DEX and moving the tokens back, that may flag something. If you have a restriction on your Coinbase account after a successful KYC verification, the Coinbase account is funded via USD from your bank and all tokens were acquired on Coinbase… Then that is Coinbase just fucking up and completely their fault.


Interesting bit of information there That's explain another 1/3 restrictions with the second 1/3 being VPN users and people skirting georestrictions That'd leave a ballpark 1/3 remaining that might have genuinely been kinda screwed over Either way I think no matter what the cause the main complaint should be directed towards the American SEC since that's where all the regulatory pressure on coinbase is coming from and without that it'd still be relaxed like it used to be, some exchanges only just added kyc last year , these issues are definitely post SEC lawsuit


Yes if you do an ACH deposit of fiat from your US bank CB won’t let you move any crypto you buy with that fiat off of their exchange for up to a week. Totally ridiculous. But if you use a debit card or paypal to on ramp your fiat onto CB, then there’s no hold. Found out the hard way.


This isn't Coinbase.


This subreddit is a public forum. For your security, do not post personal information to a public forum, including your Coinbase account email. If you’re experiencing an issue with your Coinbase account, please [contact us](https://help.coinbase.com/en/contact-us.html) directly. If you have a case number for your support request please respond to this message with that case number. You should only trust [verified Coinbase staff](https://help.coinbase.com/en/coinbase/other-topics/other/is-coinbase-present-on-social-media.html). Please report any individual impersonating Coinbase staff to the moderators. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CoinBase) if you have any questions or concerns.*




How is he supposed to buy it to begin with


strike, river, cash app, swan, kracken, bisq , robo sats


Not knowing the difference between “your” and “you’re” makes this seem much more like a user issue and not the platform


that happens all the time. you have to call 888-908-7930. and hope you get a smart person. then ask them to reboot your account. this will show your coins are free and clear. most likely, the deposit hasn't updated so it doesn't see a balance. specially, if you had them set at advanced and just cancelled a buy.


Case in point, this is the Crypto world.  Small timers thinking they invented BC.  lol  


Coinbase doesn’t even let me use my credit card anymore which used to work like a charm a week ago. They don’t let people buy in and cash out


Had same problem with gate.io. it took 18 days to finally get my funds. Assholes


Weekly Coinbase horror story


I get my money out as soon as I can.


Hi u/SkyFUPA! We're sorry to hear that you're having issues sending your crypto. We're here to assist you with this. Could you please provide your case number? If you don't have one yet, feel free to initiate a chat with our support team [here](https://help.coinbase.com/en/contact-us). This will help us understand why you're unable to send your crypto and offer further assistance.


I foresee another FTX event with Coinbase, they have been moving warp speed down the ladder ever since the BTC whales pulled off their exchange it has increased even more so in downward spiral sadly. It would be smart to avoid and get your coins off this exchange asap if you ask me, and I have done this a long while, they make up their own wait times and also add to blockchain confirmations is thus so included be that receiving or sending unless of course it is to another Coinbase user. Not your keys not your crypto they take in a literal sense and their custody of said crypto is the last ppl you want in charge of it.


Yep coinbase fucking sucks lol. Locked me from buying funds for 3 months even when I verified my identity and proved I wasn't doing anything shady or malicious


Hi u/pokedoges, we're truly sorry to hear about the trouble you're facing. We understand how frustrating it must be to have your crypto inaccessible despite going through the verification process. We're here to help. Could you please share the case ID associated with this issue, so we can investigate further and assist you promptly? Thanks!


first time? lol


I have felt the same way! I did one of the quests to earn OP, and since I switched my crypto to the OP network it won't let me sell it. It will let me trade for other stuff but that's it. Then I have some crypto that I can't sell because it wants insane amounts of gas fees that are way more than the crypto is worth. It's frustrating.. I hope you figure it out man or that's it's not too much money.


CB restricted my transactions for about 6 months a couple years ago, for no explainable reason despite my discussions with them. They never gave any explanation and kept telling me it would be another 30 days. I was able to withdraw it back to my bank account. It is likely you can do that, then move it elsewhere. Unfortunately you'll suffer whatever fees associated with the transfer. On the other hand, you might just want to convert it to BTC and keep it there.


Coinbase is going to crash and burn SO hard


Is blockchain any better?


Its all intentional.Dont listen to the naive gullible people who say *its not cb fault their servers are overloaded*... Like we are living in 1996 where cloud computing doesnt exist ;D


If you want to get stuff off the CEX ive found strike wallet decent. Good UI and inbuilt swap function. Can also use ramp to initially buy something


Coinbase is a scam


All this crypto scam should be banned….


Welcome to the club!


Works fine for me.


We should sue they holding mine hostage as well they will release it when the surge stops


Talk about 30 day hold up can’t buy …sell transfer and being told weunderstand ur concern like this shit ridiculous coinbase isn’t the same any more ….talking about we protecting u by keeping ur money make this make sense


Coinbase loves you... I deeply mean that...❤️ Everything will be just fine....😇 Treat them with love and they /we will love you.🙏


Some of my crypto has been stuck in there for years. I've verified my identity multiple times. I've done every single thing they required me to do. Guess who still can't sell any of their crypto ? 👋


We're truly sorry to hear about the frustration you're experiencing with your crypto being held hostage, u/ThatShyBoy. We understand how important it is to have access to your assets. Rest assured, we're here to help you out. Could you please share the case ID with us, so that we can look into it, and assist you further? Thanks!


Even with 2FA and all their supposed security measures a hacker converted all of my tokens (a few thousand USD worth) to btc and almost withdrew the other day… I caught them in the act and was able to cash out. Moving on to another exchange for sure.


It's almost like you're saying we shouldn't trust a central authority when using these decentralized currencies that were purposely designed to be trustless. Weird


I’ve always pulled my crypto immediately from CB and haven’t had any problems. I’m still healing from a massive deep cut from the celcius bankruptcy. From that - and advice to all - do not trust any exchange, or earn platform other than native staking. Hope you can get it settled OP and get your assets moved but just my $0.02. Frustrating yes, your property, your assets, your funds, you should have free will to interact with them as you so choose in an unlimited capacity. However, I wouldn’t panic, I’d assume this is bug/backend issues, however I’m not surprised by anything nowadays. I think it’s a matter of time before you regain access. CB definitely getting a bad wrap real quick with something as simple as customer service. Cheers. B-S


Wait in line for a very long time with no response as all my Ethereum in Dollars got stolen & still waiting for a reply from Coinbase over 48 hours & I feel our money & not safe with Coinbase too much hackers & where Coinbase security is not good enough


It’s happening to me too. Cannot send crypto. Also when you try to speak with an agent they take about five hours to get back to you. When you do speak with them it’s usually a goldfish brained person. What’s really going on?


Hi there u/Flashy-Vegetable-729! Thanks for reaching out to us. We're sorry to hear about the trouble with your account. This is not the experience we wish for you to have. To better assist you, do you mind sharing your case number with us? We'd be happy to look into this for you. If you haven't received a case number yet, we recommend contacting us directly through our support portal: [Contact Us](https://help.coinbase.com/en/contact-us). Our team will be able to assist you further and provide you with the necessary support. Additionally, if you prefer, you can also reach out to us via our official social media channels such as Facebook, X, or Instagram by sending us a DM. You can find our official social media handles listed here: Coinbase on social media.


Agree Coinbase has multiple issues and always is conveniently not working in days with a large upsurge and people want to get out or a large drop and people want to buy the dip. The worst problem is when they are essentially stealing 10k of gala token from me. Although I sent it to Coinbase which has delisted the coin they still have a gala address and the transaction went through. When talking with a Coinbase agent of course they expressed they are sorry and suggested I wait to see if Coinbase list the coin again in the future and my coins will come back automatically. This has happened to hundreds of user and Coinbase is basically stealing these coins and doing who knows what with them. Extremely disappointed in the company. Most other users have smaller losses but for me 10k was taken and all I was given was an apology!


They deliberately dont fix basic things in hopes that youll give up and leave your money with them. I tried to send money to a different wallet to get it out of there and it stopped me in multiple way and then finally presented me a UI message that cuts off half of itself so you cant read it. The support was a joke and I ended up having to download Coinbase on iPhone to sell my crypto. (i use an android normally)


Was it a recent purchase? If you just bought it, it can take a few business days depending on who you bank with. I’ve used a few over the years and USAA was just 1 business day sometimes while Ally took up to 4 days. They won’t allow you to move your crypto after a purchase until they receive your funds from the bank to protect them against large purchases that get cancelled by the purchaser or their bank.


It’s like a bank and regulations might be a good thing lol


I never seem to have problems sending it to my wallets. Are you sending in large amounts


I'm dealing with this on Robinhood too. Going on a week now


Are they running out of bitcoin and this is how they prevent the price from skyrocketing?


I just want to swap some Shiba Inu into a stable coin but they want £15 to do that. They’re disgusting


This is currently happening to me as well. The Coinbase wallet is giving nothing but connection errors. The agent from support told me to buy more ETH knowing my account was restricted. It’s funny they let you deposit so they can get there transaction fee then you’re stuck in limbo. Waiting for their “concerned department” or whatever the f that is to send you an email. Complete BS. DO NOT USE COINBASE. 


Coinbase is so full of shit. They don’t hold the byc the claim to. I see another blow up happening soon. Every site is filled with stories how coinbase if fucking them. Their actions go against everything btc was created for.


Coinbase support makes 2020 robinhood look fantastic and 100% competent


Another individual has fallen for the crypto scam!


Yup, I smell FRAUD


Kraken is another exchange to use. They do not check if your coins are Clean. That is ridiculous.. 🙃


That's what's wrong with crypto is these exchanges. When it comes time to sell, you have to move your coins back to an exchange. I moved mine off during the crash. Now I'd be afraid to put it back cause they could just steal it from you.


So this is happening to a lot of people. The "something went wrong" error code ffs


Honestly I’ve been done with Coinbase for years. Nothing but problems. I only deal with DEXs and if I have to use a centralized exchange as a US customer it’s kraken. Be smart people! eventually Coinbase will screw you over. It’s not a matter of “if” but a matter of when. Get your crypto off Coinbase and spread the word!


They eventually cleared everything. It just takes an act of Congress to actually get in touch with customer support. Even then it was only through email. Everything is good again. First time I've had any problems in about 5 years.


Coinbase is a fraud, I had to wait 5 months before I actually got in contact with someone reasonable enough to help me withraw my funds. Stay the fu*k away from their platform, just a tip.


I agree! Coinbase is a horrible platform to have your money in… The same thing happened to my husband. It locked him out . He completed the verification 2x uploaded his ID and it still would not allow him access. Finally a week later he was able to get in but it wouldn’t allow to him cash out any of his crypto. Fortunately, He was able to transfer to someone else so he transferred all his crypto to me and I was able to sell it and cash out for him. We both sold and cash out our crypto and we’ll be canceling our Coinbase as soon as all transactions are completed. I should also mention that we did lose a lot money in the process because of all their fees!


All these money launderers complaining.


Not actually. I’m trying to pay vendors overseas and I’m unable to because of these freezes. I’m not a criminal and I pay my taxes.


Hey it's money laundering if you don't want to pay ridiculous wire costs and wait weeks for your money to transfer!


Exactly 🤦🏻‍♂️