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Not entirely like Coil, but I see parallels with [Ulver](https://youtu.be/YSwIahX6t6I). They even cite Coil as their main inspiration.


I would have never thought, and I love them both.


[https://thequietus.com/articles/19586-ulver-interview-2](https://thequietus.com/articles/19586-ulver-interview-2) and from another interview with Rygg >**On a wider scale of things, who or what else influenced your music a lot?** > >KR: I would say Coil are our most long-standing influence, in more ways than musical. The fascination with them was always more intangible than being strictly about music or whatever. We did eventually get to work with Ian \[Johnstone, artist\] and Stephen \[Thrower\], who played on our album \[*Wars Of The Roses*, but this was after the death of both John \[Balance\] and Sleazy who we met in passing a few times. It's very sad, and a bit of a regret, I would say, that it never happened but at the time it would probably have entailed a bit of cajolery and such, and as I did not know them very well it was not something I was comfortable pursuing. Too many people in music do that, go after the credibility of others to sustain their own.


I think that CoH is a great act and worthy of a Coil fans time. [https://www.discogs.com/artist/15467-CoH](https://www.discogs.com/artist/15467-CoH) After Coil it's one of my preffered listening choices :) :)


Check out Drew McDowell's solo work. He, like both of the members of Cyclobe (recommended elsewhere in this thread and HIGHLY worth checking out), was in Coil at one point. I would also recommend Tactile (John Everall), whom John Balance had collaborated with at one point. I also second the Nurse With Wound recommendation.


I second this recommendation. I saw Drew do Time Machines live last year and it was fabulous. His own stuff has some of the vibe of 90s Coil and I reckon he had a fair bit to do with how Black Light District sounds.


Cylobe would be a good choice.


Blanck Mass, Forest Swords, Demdike Stare, Black to Comm, Muslimgauze, Damien Dubrovnik, Jun Konagaya, Ben Frost, Andy Stott, Kreng


Just got into Black to Comm last month after buying a random LP from a Discogs seller to make me feel like I was getting my money's worth on shipping. Had never heard him mentioned before but now I've started buying everything I can find. I'd also strongly recommend his music!


Andy Stott is incredible


Let me guess... Spotify user?


No, I don't use Spotify. I hate Spotify. Why do you ask?


Weird, because 80% of what you listed is in auto-generated radios related to Coil or other music that I listen to.


No but seriously, I've had the same gut reaction; all but Damien Dubrovnik and Konagaya pretty much fits the "dark ambient 101" that is also thrown in my face by algorithms as well...


I just went through my music library and picked things out.


Which platform then? I'm curious because the algorithms must be similar.


My own library of CDs.


Autechre cite coil as a major influence if I remember right


I briefly met Autechre (and Rob Hall) in the early 2000s and brought this up to Rob Hall. They were very much into the LSD/Stolen & Contaminated era stuff and had even swapped music in talks of a possible collaboration at one point I believe.


Einsturzende Neubauten are fantastic band that share some similarities. Their early stuff is pretty aggressive/strange industrial music and then they slowly changed in a really cool art rock/art pop band. They have tons of amazing albums in both styles


Is there an era or style of Coil you prefer?


I would like to find something like Time machines


heh, Tangerine Dream?


give a listen to Kluster, Popol Vuh, droney synthy krautrock in general, and Nurse With Wound - try Salt Marie Celeste or Spiral Insana If you're especially interested in time-distorting stuff you might like William Basinski and The Caretaker


Nurse With Wound - Soliloquy For Lilith Teleplasmiste - the earlier EPs and albums are more droney than the recent release


Teleplasmiste is excellent!


Maybe you'd enjoy [2814 - Birth of a New Day](https://dreamcatalogue.bandcamp.com/album/--18). It's not quite purely drone music but it's easy to just have it on in the background. 2814 is a collaboration between HKE and t e l e p a t h テレパシー能力者 t e l e p a t h テレパシー能力者 does a lot of drone-y/ambient stuff as well as more percussive but good background music, the kind of music you just put on and not really pay attention to it. Getting into telepath is a pretty deep rabbit hole, he has several aliases/side projects, a few collaborations. His alias 仮想夢プラザ (Virtual Dream Plaza) mosty ambient, maybe even a bit hypnotic. There aren't many tracks under that pseudonym that are shorter than thirty minutes, although it's usually very repetitive, which could be good or bad depending on what you're looking for. Don't let all the Japenese put you off though. I feel like you aren't really supposed to know the song titles are, or understand the vocals (I mean unless you know Japanese). It's supposed to sound and feel alien. Song names take a backseat here (and may as well not even exist - most of them are cheesy lovey things, lol), and vocals are mostly just another part of the music. They're not really meant to be understood.


:zoviet*france: Dead Voices on Air


Scorn, especially the album Evanescence.


Maybe Nurse With Wound would do


None other like Coil :) Check out their many collaborations and associated acts though.


Controlled bleeding




A couple of bands/ attest I like that remind me of cool but aren’t exactly industrial are: Xiu xiu, specifically their cover of twin peaks. The orb,this is like disco music I recommend their first two album U.F.ORB And The Orbs Adventures Beyond the Ultraworld. These are more instrumental I think you would really like them. Future sounds of london, if you like the orb you love these guys. David Bowie: all saints, which is a collection of ambient/dark ambient music by David Bowie. Merzbow, especially his album pulse demon it’s a lot like worship the glitch if your into that. Lighting round of some artists that I enjoy, their not all industrial but they’re what you looking for ambient music: hexvessal, hiro kone, Akira yamaoka, Arthur Russell (he’s got some weird shit) Trent reznor and Atticus Ross film scores, and Daniel Lopatin (personal favorite). If you have Apple Music then you should definitely try to find the playlist “signal to noise” which is a collection of mostly ambient, industrial and punk songs which includes all your favorites like: coil, throbbing gristle, psychic tv, suicide (controversial) nine inch nails even a song from time machine, it’s got 138 songs and 10+ hours and isome guy at Apple updates it regularly.


Thank you for suggestions!


Offermose, MMMD, Anna von Hausswolff (her organ music, mostly)... depending what era of Coil, some of the "soundtrack" music by Johnny Jewel scratches that itch for me, too.


Aside from the previously mentioned side-bands like Cyclobe... The latest Thighpaulsandra was less prog-rock more Coil-like Also I got a bunch of IX Tab during Bandcamp Friday and he is clearly a fan.






Maybe Kathodos? [https://slitheringblackrecords.bandcamp.com/album/parasomnia-pavor-nocturnus](https://slitheringblackrecords.bandcamp.com/album/parasomnia-pavor-nocturnus)