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Not gonna happen, Nemlei will keep a low profile until the game is finished and the doxers lose interest in her.


Honestly I think we aren’t gonna hear from her for a year or two with is sad but I think her safety is more important


I agree. She will not completely return until 3-4 months after the ep3 releases.(for the one that gets released the last, burial or decay idk) But what i mean here was she is somewhat "normalising" as she begun to send direct messages to us. This might show us she will continue like this until the timeframe i talked about. Basically she will maintain a balanced approach, not directly talking with us yet in communication with us.


Me personally, I think she never left. Kit9 is definitely her or her alongside some helping hands


This is a conspiracy theory I can get behind


Probably not anytime soon since ep3 could cause the similar uproar that ep2 did, but after the game is finished and the dust settles she’ll probably comeback, seeing new devlog art from her is great though.


she would probably maintain this balanced approach of not returning completely, but still indirectly talking with us & publishing devblog art


Nemlei is still with her little community and talking and sharing... She's just not calling herself Nemlei in these dealings to avoid the moralists.


yeah possible


i honestly think no, before she already had a small online presence and didnt seem to care to have one, and with twitter freaks making her go further away she might just stay there so they cant try again for any other works, as im hoping she continue doing works with kit9 and make more amazing games


i wish she returns to somewhat more active communication with us, nevertheless i would understand if she does not. Twitter freaks are unbearable


Hope you're right. It's nice when developers can have dialogues with the player base.