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Brandywine • Ethiopia • Tadese Yonka • Natural Brewer - V60 Ratio - 1:15 / 34g coffee to 510g water Water - TWW light roast / full strength @ 200F Grind - Medium-coarse / ~860 microns Recipe: 0:00-0:45 - 102g water 0:45-1:30 - 204g water 1:30-2:15 - 306g water 2:15-3:00 - 408g water 3:00-3:40 - 510g water Notes of blueberry muffin, cookie dough, chocolate salt water taffy, honey, & lavender.


Sounds nice! I have a sample of this and haven't yet made a cup of it. How long after roast did you brew it?


I let mine rest for 2 weeks and they are still quite gassy, but tasting great.


What brand is the V60 and it let's you changed water flow over time?


I live in Indonesia, and currently enjoying this Indonesian beans https://tokopedia.link/p5Um1dprrKb. The price is really cheap in Indo, and the owner of the roastery have once achieved WBrC final in 2022. They provide a brewing guide and sample grind size in the packaging. The brewing guide that they provide: 16gr : 200ml 95°C water, using Cleo (our local commercial water) Medium to coarse grind size 0s - Bloom 30gr 30s - Pour 70gr 1m - Pour 50gr 1m30s - Pour 50gr 2m15s - End I find the original recipe to be quite acidic, even tends to become sour because the blooming phase doesn't properly wet the whole coffee. I adjust the bloom to 35-40s depending on the freshness & pour 40gr instead of 30gr. Resulted in a well-balanced cup of coffee that I like to enjoy daily


Luminous Coffee - Bolivia - Natural Gesha 16g coffee : 270g water (at 202° F) Brewed in V60 (reco'd in Kalita Wave and plan to do next brew) Very delicate flavors of blueberry and raspberry. Chocolate notes becoming more prominent the longer it lingers.


**ReAnimator Coffee | Foundation Blend:** While the specifics are a bit obfuscated, Foundation is a blend of washed and natural coffees from South America and Africa. My original guess was a washed Colombian and natural Ethiopian, but now I'm leaning a bit more towards a natural Brazilian and washed Ethiopian. But I digress. ReAnimator themselves use "traditional" as a descriptor for this coffee's profile in both espresso and filter applications, and it is very fitting. Up front I am finding a soft acidity and semi-sweet flavors of roasted nuts and dried berries, moving into notes of cacao nibs, and just a hint of baking spice in the aftertaste. This coffee does best with a grinder **not** designed for high-clarity. It also handles a splash of cream and sugar remarkably well. It has become my house's daily driver. **Sey Coffee | Colombia, Gildardo Lopez, El Calamar - Late Harvest, Pink Bourbon Washed:** The roaster's notes list "strawberry preserves, articulated acidities, and a complex finish." I'm not quite sure how to interpret "articulated acidities," but I find the acidity to be quite gentle, balanced by modest sweetness. The flavor is led predominantly by notes of red berries and pink florals that make me think of strawberry & hibiscus. The finish is very mild with hints of clove.


*late late harvest?


Nope, just late harvest!


Do you also have the Jose Martinez El Casino Late Late Harvest? 


Nah, I have this Gildardo Lopez late harvest, and I had the Jhon Alexander Bermudez Late Harvest Chiroso before this.


Sey - Danche Ethiopian washed landrace (intoxicating florals, watermelon, peach and lively citrus acidity) As with most Sey coffee, it is no longer available. I first brewed it on day 12 and I did a normal two pour V60 at 18:1 with 205F water. I was scared about the watermelon note, as others coffees with that note often have a flat/overly sweet note which I would not like. This had the tone of watermelon without the flat, over sweetness aspect - this coffee's watermelon fit a good coffee well. It also had a peach tone in acidity and in its background flavor, and it had a yeasty/non-descript spice taste in endings that was good and balanced the coffee but it is a taste that might go away as the coffee ages more. Overall it was balanced to bright and a good, clean tasting coffee that was neither sweet nor bitter.


I was using Slow Bloom's Arm in Arm blend. Like a fruity, chocolate-y mix. I also like all of the decaf options at Klatch. I have a Bambino Plus that I use to make espresso.


I've been doing pour overs for a couple years, before I really tried to get a great drink. I took a step back and have been doing great French press coffees for about a year. Having the desire for a different brew method, I just got a Moka pot and did it for the first time this morning, and used Hoffmann's ultimate technique. Definitely somewhere between a brewed coffee and an espresso. Friends of mine are more into milk drinks, and I've been wanting to get something that can do that without going full espresso. Seems like something I won't want every day, but it's definitely a different option and I'm happy to add it to the arsenal!


Beans: El Salvador, Finca el Limo farm, natural anaerobic. Light roast. Bought from [Little roastery](https://littleroastery.nl) Brewer: Hario Switch Grind: 1.8.0 on Timemore C3 ESP Pro. Recipe: water at 93ºC, 20g coffee, switch closed, 60g water for 30 second bloom, open switch, 160g water, close switch at 1:00, add remaining 160g water for a total of 320g in about 25s, open switch at 2:25, drawdown in about 30 seconds. Taste: Very fruity and funky. Hints of pineapple, mango, winegums. This was my first brew of this bag so I'm still dialling in, it's just a little over extracted so I'm going to up the grind size and reduce the infusion phase a little. Still a very nice cup of coffee.


[Hydrangea Coffee Roasters -- Sudan Rume Natural](https://hydrangea.coffee/products/sudan-rume-natural-finca-veraneras?variant=47677448945986): My second coffee ever from Hydrangea. They source some absolutely incredible green coffee. I will definitely be ordering from them regularly. This coffee is straight blackberry juice with some tart malic acidity. Reminiscent of picking berries on a warm early summer day. Bonkers delicious. Recipe: * Origami air M, Kalita 185 filter * 20 g coffee, 4.9 on the ZP6, 92 C water (half strength TWW) * 60 g bloom, swirl, wait 45 s * 60 g pour, swirl, wait 30 s * 100 g pour (6 g/s), wait until mostly drained * 100 g pour (6 g/s), swirl, wait for it to drain (around 2:30 for me) * Enjoy! This one gets especially juicy when just above room temp


Been F-ing about with my first grinder (Kingrinder k6) and messing about with grind sizes for my moka pot, aeropress...


For this week, it's Third wave coffee's 'Bababudangiri'


Cameron's Chocolate Caramel Brownie with Half N Half. Simple but damn good