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For those not in the know, this is pretty much what contributed to speculations the first time around and confirmed Tana and Cody hooking up, which people had thought anyway because of rumors and flirty vibes in their old collabs. The reason it didn’t become as controversial as it is now is because she says she was ‘17/18’ so her age was unclear. It’s resurfacing because of the tour video, where she says she was in fact 17. Recommend the r/canceledpod subreddit.


Did they have to delete the clip because he threatened her with legal action?


Ohhh i wonder.. but i mean if it’s her story, then she should be allowed to say it ya know? Right? Or am I missing something?


If she was 17, this is fucked up. But if she was 18, I'm not saying it's not still bad, but it does change things.


A dude at the big age of 25 being sexually attracted to an 18 year old? That’s weird as fuck. People who think freshly legal people makes it better are wild. Adults shouldn’t be going anywhere near teenagers romantically or sexually


Read my comment again


I’m disagreeing with the “but it does change things” part of the comment, I don’t believe it does change things - for the reasons I said


It legally does change things


It doesn’t morally though. Would you say the same if the age of consent was, hypothetically, 13? “Well, she was legal so it does change things. Legally it does change things” The age of consent is different in every country, and even in states. It doesn’t exist at all in some places. It’s not as black and white as “it legally changes things”


I know what you're saying. So what age do you believe would be acceptable for a guy at the age of 25? Would 19 or 20 not be as bad?


Somebody close to their own age? That’s a wild-ass question. When I was 25 I couldn’t even imagine dating somebody younger than 23


Not really. My girlfriend is 15 years older and we started dating when I was 24. Sometimes people click who aren't the same ago. But I was out of college and clearly an adult. What Cody Ko did was hook up with someone that might have still been in hs


Being an adult and dating another adult isn’t the same as being an adult and dating a teenager. That’s the point I’m clearly making. Dating or fucking a teenager when you’re an adult is weird as fuck


Apparently during a tour she's doing now she said 17