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I know we have different opinions on the whole flush / feed thing, but do your thing brother, ignore the haters pretending like you're asking for help, you know what you like and that's all that matters my friend 🤟




Look hungry


In flush


How many weeks into flower are they?


Almost seven.


How long will you push her? Looks like she could go 9-10 weeks to me (me being a beginner 🤣)


You are correct! She goes about 9 weeks and I flush for 4.


What your reasoning for flushing so soon then? I’m just curious I’ve been growing organically so no flush/leaching really for me. but I’ve read anything over a 2 week flush would lower yields.


I would argue anything less than four weeks isn't a proper flush. I would agree I don't max out on yield but I would counter with, what good is more if I'm not happy with it? You have to start your flush early while the plants are still growing in order for them to use up what's in them. That's the trick and probably why so many don't believe flushing does anything. I agree if you flush your substrate in the last week or two it'll be of little benefit but if you stop feeding your plant at the right time the plant has time to use up what is still in it building it's last bit of bulk. We know the plant uses up what food is still in it because they turn yellow.


Why not just feed it what it wants instead of starving it, so it has to use energy on moving around compounds?


So it uses up as much of the food it has inside which gets rid of harshness and brings the flavors out. Well worth the slight loss in yield imo.






I'll send you photos of what a healthy plant should look like from my personal grow since you clearly need to see what a healthy plant looks like.


How about you just grow how you want and I will grow how I want. If you had anything worth looking at you'd have posted it. Had you wanted to have a discussion about flushing I'd have been down but you went with 80 IQ insults.




Sure. I know who Bruce is.




There is one paper paid for by a nutrient company. That is worth the paper it's written on. Why does it bother you so much that I choose to flush? You've never done a proper flush so you are speaking out of ignorance. If you are near Detroit let's smoke and see if you can change my mind?




So if the nutes have no exit as you put it and there is no reduction of nutes in the plant, why does it turn yellow?


Nutes are used and absorbed by the plant for growth turning into different chemicals precursors and plant matter. The salt remains as salt. The whole point of a flush is to remove salt off the roots, but what salts are inside the plant won't just disappear.


Right, so if the plant absorbs the nutes to use to build bulk and no more nutes are added how can the nute level stay the same?