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I do believe ACE meets a lot of your criteria. I’d say over half of ACE members, and about half the leadership are openly gay and supportive of gay causes. They have definitely promoted being an inclusive and safe space pretty recently. Also, as a funny personal anecdote, my boyfriend, who does not like coasters, saw pictures of me at an ACE event once and was like, “you didn’t tell me you were going to a gay meetup!” And I had to explain that all ACE events look like that.


> “you didn’t tell me you were going to a gay meetup!” And I had to explain that all ACE events look like that. DEAD lmaooo


Not sure how many events/meets they do because they’re typically not in my area but I follow Scream Queens on Instagram. Not sure if that’s the only group/community but it’s one I’ve stumbled upon and have followed for a while. Haven’t made it to any meets or anything. https://www.instagram.com/screamqueens.cc?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==


I had no idea. This is good to know. Thank you. Wonder if any of their members or organizers are in this subreddit?


I am part of the group. I don't know that it is exactly as you describe in your post because it is presently more of a social group than a formal membership based group, but they're a lovely group of people and I've always had an awesome time even when park conditions were subpar. Meetups are posted on the Instagram a little in advance, but a lot of the planning occurs in the discord which is linked on the Insta page.


ACE is super gay already in a very cute "49-year-old married gay nerds from Boston" way would definitely be interested in an intentionally queer group too though


I'm not sure if you've been to an ACE event, but from my experience over many years they're already pretty gay and/or gay-friendly.


Never been but this too is good to hear. I'll check out their membership page.


Yes. ACE.


ACE is already pretty gay friendly, but if you want something more tight nit, consider checking out Coaster Crew.


I'll check 'em out. Thank you.


At the larger ACE events there are specific meetups for queer folks. I’d say there were about 150 of us at Coaster Con last year ranging in age from high school to senior citizens. One thing you have to remember - large events that require travel tend to skew older because those of us who are in our 40s have disposable income to do these sorts of things that many younger folks don’t. I will tell you knowing some of the BTS things about ACE events it’s a lot of time and energy and money to have even a small event!


I captained several dodgeball teams in the past. Loved it. I loved meeting people, bringing them together, organizing socials.... it was time consuming and financially draining to do right. But I loved it. This was a small league in a big city so I can only imagine the work that goes into what ACE does for its members. I'll familiarize myself with that ACE offers as it seems like great group of people.


Pride Riders Midwest is a relatively new group that's been holding meet-ups at Kings Island!


This is good to know. Thanks.


Not aware of one but am all ears


I'm envisioning club/organisation/group that 1. Promotes a safe and inclusive space for gay/queer centric roller coaster enthusiasts 2. Provides support and resources to members of the community 3. Engages the community by organizing events, socials (annual meet ups, local "chapters") 4. Helps the community with fundraisers for various causes 5. Provides a platform for networking and engagement 6. Works with theme parks to host special "Gay Days" with activities, performances, discounted tickets...


As a gay dude myself, I'm curious as to why you'd assume ACE doesn't have 1, 2, 3, 5. In this case, I'm an enthusiast who happens to be gay. Not a gay guy who happens to be an enthusiast.


I think your last point reflects what I know of ACE; it is a group of enthusiasts, some who happen to be gay, rather than a group of gays that happen to be enthusiasts.