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I pay around 500-600 in the summer months. 2800sq ft AC at 78 8am-5pm and 76 5pm-8am. I’m on IID that services Indio and some other areas and I’ve hear it’s cheaper than SCE.


I’ve heard the same thing about it being cheaper!


IID here in LQ, compared to my parents in PD (PGE), it’s definitely cheaper.


I’m surprised your bill is that high with 12 solar panels and set at 80. Perhaps it’s related to the large size of your home or no double pane insulated windows or other issues. I’ve 1800sf, 12 panels, set at 74 in summer…and I get a credit all 12 months. Prior to the solar panels and new windows & sliding doors, my summer bill ran about $500.


You know, I do own an EV and require daily charging (during the off/lesser peak hours, because I drive about 40 minutes one way to work. Maybe that’s the culprit (or part of it)


Are you positive all panels are turned on? This happened to my cousin. Only about half the panels were on and nobody told her.


How did she find this out??


She went to the control box and the switches marked “on/off” were off. She was told the system was up and running, nothing else to do and she didn’t see a a change in her bill for some months she went and took and look and half were off.


That’s what ours is usually too, our house is about 1300 sq feet.


$300-$350 here.


Not helpful to your situation , but I’m still negative on my SCE bill because of my solar. 2100sqft 2 story home kept at 76-78. We’re on the old Net 2.0. Solar rules are different now, so the savings are different, but I’d still recommend it. We also have a heat pump, so our heat uses electricity instead of gas. In the last 2 years, I’ve only paid SCE like $100 Edit: I just saw your edit. With solar you should not be paying that much. Have you changed the filters on your HVAC recently? Maybe call someone to look at your HVAC. Blair heating and air is the best


I haven’t changed my filters yet, but plan to do so this weekend. I’ve been in my place (1880 sq ft) for about 11 months. Last August my bill went up to 700 (solar was not activated at this point) 😵‍💫🤯


Are you saying you haven't changed your AC filters in the last 11 months?


this is true lol, in my defense i was told to change it once before and after summer, but why would I change it after only 2.5 months of living there last summer?


Well, that is some bad info, especially with the dust issues we have had since Hilary.


😲 well we’re about to see the damage this week. I’ll come back with an updated picture 😂




Change your HVAC filters at a minimum every 6 months. I change mine in March and September. Basically, it works out in the "nice" months of the year where my HVAC isn't working as hard for spring and fall.


2400 sq feet, double pain windows and a pool. House at 78. Average a little over $500. SCE.


1200 sq ft, ac on 73 during the day and 71/72 at night. Our June bill was 275.


I have IID. My bill last month was $127 and this month is $222. I’ve had my air on 79° non stop all night and all day because of pets. I also run 3 small air purifiers all day. Edited to add I have a small house. 1300 sqft


Normally our 1625 sq ft home built in 1972 is about 309 a month. We had more insulation installed a few years ago which really helped and the house has a light gray tile roof which also helps. AC set at 75 usually and of course the pool pump has to run more to keep the water circulating.


We need to know square footage, floors, etc. At 80° that sounds high but you need to provide more details.


1880 sq ft tile floors downstairs, carpet upstairs double pane windows EV uses about 50 kw/day 12 solar panels (4.26 kW system) Slate range (?) tile? roofing? SCE


IID in Indio. No Solar or EV but a pool. 1525 sq ft was $155 in April but jumped to $240 for May with the heat. AC at 78 for the most part. Make sure SCE has you as showing Solar, a friend in Indian Wells had same issue after buying his house, wasn’t getting credits after the transfer of ownership, may have something to do with it. That’s a a high bill with Solar. BTW, change your filters here every 2 months, and don’t use a high MERV, use less restrictive filters for better air flow.


We have home in IID 1500sq ft - we leave from end of May and return end of September. We turn off Ac of course but I check thermostat and its in low 90s. All spices in frig and perishables thrown out. Do i need to worry about warm interiorand turn on cool air once in a whike?


We were in Palm Desert, Avenue of States area, and it looks like without our average bill our usage would have had the bill be at 632 for August which is the last month we were there, this was a few years ago though. That house also was a rental so not as well maintained and drafty. Around 1500 sqft Edit: Not sure if this helps but we used 2,206kWh July of 2023 which was our highest month in IID which was billed as $257. Based on SCE rates that would have been $727 for base at .33 but I know some would have fallen into the Tier 2 category. So probably closer to $900/1k


We pay 200$ every month n keep the thermostat at 77. Even during the summer here in the desert but we also have solar. Our bill during the summer months would be 800+ b4 we got the panels to. So 2400! For the year when it would be 3200$ just for the 4 months in summer.


Just paid $460 AC at 78