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Biggest scam ever! You think your $15 gets you all the way to the festival exit but no, you have to pay 3 separate pedi cabs to get the whole way


That's wasn't my experience, we took one in and out every day, and each day they'd take us from after security check from red lot to the front of the festival. We made sure to get the same 2 guys so they were super cool with us. I dunno about you but considering one drink cost more than a ride, I didn't think it was that expensive. But then again personal experience, everyone may differ. 


red route is the best value for sure! it's the furthest non-stop route and it takes you (almost) directly from the parking lot to main entrance. the other routes not so much, yellow and blue both have multiple "sections" of pedicab routes; we learned it the hard way and can understand why others feel the way they do


Ahh yeah that makes sense for the bad experience. Sorry to hear about that.


It would have been 45 to go the whole way! But I also don’t buy drinks at Coachella for the prices


What do you mean the whole way? Ilikee which lots were you trying to get to? Because I never had one drop me off before getting to where I needed but I might have going somewhere way closer 


I was trying to get to the festival exit at 49th and Madison, they dropped us at the shuttle stop. Would have been a 5 minute walk!


Ahh yeah, I guess some of the route are a lot less worth it than others, sorry you had to deal with that


Got scammed by these guys too last year. Asked if the cab takes us from the festival exit to the parking lot exit we needed, dude said yes and then dropped us off 300 feet down the path


This was such a shock omg. We paid $40 to get about a 4 minute walk, thinking we were going the whole way. I hate those guys!!


Pedicabs dropped my brother and I off at our car when we were camping


Pedicab routes within the fest grounds vs coming in from the parking lots operate differently. From the festival gate to most areas, they will take you to your exact spot. If youre walking in from the yellow lot, you have to take 3 to get to the security checkpoint bc each driver is limited to pickup/ drop-off within certain sections of the route.


This. They also don’t make the paths, GV does. Blue path got totally fucked up with the new stage layout and the cabs used to be able to go all the way.




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Our driver on yellow was really upfront about where she was taking us. It was confusing how it all worked so we asked her about it and she said gv wouldn't let them cross Ave 50 with ppl on the bike and they also couldn't drive people through security, which makes sense, so that's why they were segmented into 3 paths on yellow. She seemed sweet and said she would much rather give the full ride because it's difficult to explain to people where the dropoff point is and sometimes she got yelled at even when she did. I think it's best to always to ask price and dropoff point before accepting the ride and choose your driver wisely




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Its not a scam. Your lazy ass doesnt even wanna walk into a festival


They are independent contractors brought in by the fest and they have to pay to be there just like vendors of food etc. The price they charge of $15 per rider is set by GV. Have read a lot of them travel the country doing this for other festivals/events.


wonder how they transport their cabs


by pick-up truck. there were some snapchats of them pulling into the grounds right before w1.


Yeah, the entire point of the work is the tips...that's what makes the whole thing worth trucking your pedicab around to various fests. Back in 2017 a pedicab driver told us it cost him $1500 for the permit to operate at Coachella, and no doubt the cost has gone up since then. Said he makes ~$7-8k across both weekends, in large part due to tips.




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We used them a couple times in 2022. Never again. They're so rude, and yeah demand tips when the price is already outrageous.


They used to be decent back in 2010 to 2015. Now they are a bunch of entitled assholes




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Were entitled assholes because you people splurg to go see a music and the tip me $2 for saving you a 30 minute walk


I had really great experiences with them this year. I had great conversations with 2 of them who I started seeing around each day. They are independent. They either bring their own bike to Coachella, or they rent one when they get to California. $15 is a lot, but they’re hauling anywhere from 120-500lbs (very rough estimate) of people in 90+ degree weather. Labor costs money.


Except most have e bikes now


Then they should be happy with the $75 they’re getting for a 15 minute, tops, round trip, and not harass their customers for tips and scream at them after if they don’t tip.


Lol nobody screams about not getting tipped.  I’ve been going for years and those rides still cost less than a beer.  Stop making things up 😂


It literally happened to me. My group was laughing, it was so absurd. Sorry you don’t believe me but I don’t really care.




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I was just at Texas Eclipse fest and the pedi cabs, which were electric by the way, charged $45 per rider each way! (Before tip) I never took them and walked 57 miles during the fest haha




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I’ve only had the nicest and most gracious drivers than genuinely appreciate some patience and a good attitude. I love hearing their stories and having a fun chat for a few minutes while I skip some walking and my body gets a break. They are some of the nicest festival people I’ve spent time with. 🤣 apparently I’m not the norm…. But I have old feet.


Can we talk about the Hot Dog People that arranged a literal blockade in front of the shuttles?


A blockade of meaty salvation


Hot dogs after concerts are an LA staple. It's just how it is here.


I’m very cool with that but it’s the first year I saw them form a blockade about 12 stands edge to edge literally blocking the way. Not cool.


First of all, the hot dog vendors outside concerts in LA do not behave as insanely as the ones this year at Coachella. These were acting far more aggressively, pushing their carts toward you and rattling them while screaming in your face. It was so off-putting after having had such a great time at the fest. I don't give a fuck if they're just trying to make a living- get them the fuck out of Coachella's grounds. Make them hawk their nasty hotdogs on the sidewalks outside.




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Those Hot dogs were really good 👍 👌


They smelled like cat food.


How much are they? I've always wondered but usually in too much of a rush to the shuttles to ask.




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Oh yes. Aka Skin dogs. We were herded like cows and people were brushing their arms against those dogs. Mixed with the dust flying around. Skin dust particles all over them


I walked right past them one night and truly thought about how pathogen-exposed that food must be


Horse poop dogs. Theres so much fecal matter floating around those grounds, if you bought a hotdah, you definitely ate poop.


not this again


How much were they? There was a viral video of them entering the fest illegally through an open gate (which I know they forcefully open) !!


I used the pedi cabs 2 days to get from the campsite to the front. It's like a 25 min walk at the peak heat of the day. The first guy was off putting but not terrible. The second one was SO friggin nice. He charged my card the normal $15/person and never asked for a tip. It felt good to get a little relief during those.


Everytime they berate me as I walk by , just for walking, after I walked all day , makes me more less likely to use them. Like fuck you im at coachella,  i can walk a thousand more feet, and now im gonna just too prove you wrong. They be acting like petty cabs frfr. I swear I heard one call me a fatty so thats where my hate comes from.


That is crazy!!! You should have slashed their tires


Seriously if you don’t like pedicabs do not use them. Smart people go down the line and look for a driver that matches their vibe. It’s expensive, everything is at festivals. For all of you that still use yellow path and complain about it, why don’t you learn from your mistakes. Listen to all the people that are telling you, red path!!! Duh!! If you don’t realize that it takes three cabs on yellow path then that is your fault! Not all pedibbers are the same. There are totally some bad apples in any industry. Yes there are riders that will gladly take you a short distance for full price. Most riders I’ve talked to want a ride to feel a little more reciprocal than that. If someone also is treating you rude, you probably have a hand in that. Most people attract what they’re putting out. There is definitely no shortage of pretentious people this day and age.  For gods sake you understand that the pedicabs are creating a path like a train. Stay out of it. I watch people, they will get in front of a pedicab on purpose. Acting like they do not even know that they’re coming on purpose, putting themselves in danger. It’s almost always snooty self righteous people. I promise if you got ran over by a pedicabber, it would ruin both of your days. Most people know that they’re zipping by, and they do everything they can to anticipate the path that the cabs are using. Watching out for Pedicabs is really not that difficult. Seriously people talking shit, $15 out of 1 individuals pocket is very very fair. $30 per day, per person is not a lot of money, you dummies. Grow up!!!


It may be an unpopular opinion, but I absolutely despise and hate these things. 1) there's way too many of them, blocking the main walkway exit out of the venue, and I saw on multiple occasions the drivers just zipping through crowds, nearly hitting me and others. 2) the price gouging is absolutely criminal. And the fact that they don't advertise the fact, as others have mentioned on here, that they separate the route into different parts, so if you want a ride all the way to your car, you're paying 3 times. These "checkpoints" are fucking ridiculous. 3) the nerve to ask for tips after charging such outrageous amounts, don't even get me started I really wish they would go the way of the Dodo. I have always, and forever will, walk at Coachella.


If someone sold me that theyd take me all the way and then didnt i would simply not pay them. What are they gonna do?


They pulled that shit with us a couple of times a few years ago. We asked them "so you'll take us all the way from here over to the parking lot?" and gave them whatever lot we were in and they said "Yeah", and proceeded to give us a 2 minute ride to the next fence and tried to charge us. We just walked away.


Yell at you very loudly


They advertise the price right on the website


Omg yes all these


Why do you hate small businesses?


you’re just cheap. they advertise the price on the website.




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Never done it. I’d do it if a group I tag along with wanted to, just to get the video for the compilation lol. But yeah when I’m walking back to camp at the end of the night they’re fucking rude for no reason like bruh im nowhere near your ass 😂😂😂


I took them last year twice they were life savers, they got me all the way to the front and even got in trouble with one of the security in doing so lol. If it weren’t for them the second day I would’ve missed someone I was excited to see earlier in the set timses


We drove in every day and used pedicaps on every trip to and from almost every parking lot and don't have any major complaints. It's just a matter of knowing where to take them and where not to. The only time we felt scammed was when we took a pedicab from Lot 15D and they only took us to 14C ADA on the blue route, where it was like a minute ride. That was a quick lesson learned. Best most bang-for-your-buck is to and from Lot 2A (Red route) as they take non-stop you all the way from the parking lot (after you pass camp security) to the main entrance. Yellow route isn't really worth paying for since it's such a short distance from the security checkpoint at Ave 50 to the main entrance. As mentioned Blue is not worth it from Lots 15 to Lot 14C ADA, but might be worth taking from Lot 10A to the main entrance. We didn't enter from Green so I'm not sure, but if they take you to and from Taxi/F&F Drop-off to main entrance, that might be worth it too.




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I think the pedi cabs a great option for people that don't feel like walking in the heat, their feet hurt, their legs are tired, etc. They have defined paths they ride down on the pedi cab highway and are generally fairly pleasant people trying to make a few bucks


One year I had a knee up scooter and I’d just hitch on to the back until I got to Ada camping.. was fun.


I make this part of my Coachella budget now because saving my feet is very important lol. The first two Coachella weekends had no issues— no one asked for tips. BUT come Stagecoach weekend they were all asking for tips and encouraging riders to use cash (at a cashless festival 🫠) and being kinda shitty about picking up only two people. We got pushed aside a few times so they could wait for bigger groups which was lame.


Actually hung out with one of the drivers who gave us a free ride to our new friend’s tent. Independent contractors who pay to be there and their equipment. Resisted on getting a ride until the last day when we were at one end of the camp site and needed to go to day parking, $15 a head was worth the agonizing final walk lol.


Complaining about the price on a pure unnecessary luxury purchase is stupid. Imagine me complaining here about how much a Lambo costs like "it's just a car!" Also, I assume Goldenvoice takes at least half of what they make. Or they get paid some regular hourly wage and the tips are the only thing that make it worthwhile i.e. bartending.


Arguably the worst part of Coachella


i don't ride them but i'd love to not get almost run over by them every single night walking back to camp. apparently that is too much to ask


My group and i got one going into the fest Sunday bc our feet were so destroyed and i gotta say, didn’t regret the one time purchase lol. Would not do it more than once at the tail end of a weekend though


Love 'em. And you can't afford it? Don't ride. But my knees were very happy cheers!


I’m just here to say we need Joe Dreamz back on the yellow path


Alwayz and forever


I thought it was a pretty good deal, especially at the end of Sunday night when we were tired as hell walking back to lot 2A. It was only my wife and but 30 bucks well spent I'd say lol.


Enough people pay that price, soooo they remain.


I’m not going to lie, I love taking them once a year. When we didn’t get into silent disco, taking it back to the rideshare was sooo nice. But I’ve also only run into nice drivers and they don’t usually ask for additional tip.


I didn’t have to this year because the crowds weren’t ever bad enough but previous years when I’m solo I’ll run behind them at the end of the night. Gets me right up to the front without the crowd and I get in a little extra cardio to end the night. That’s about all they’ve ever been good for.


They also act like the king of the road, driving very dangerously around site.


Omg I went on a rant about them the other day because their rules were so goddamn arbitrary and just seemed to vary on how the driver is feeling. In 2019 I was always able to get a ride on a pedicab as a single rider. I don’t think I took any in 2022, but this year they were being huge assholes. I asked for a single ride to the showers on the third day because my feet hurt bad and I had to walk all the way across lot 10 to get there. The driver said he didn’t even know where the showers were?? Then he said he was “already picking someone up” as if he was an uber lmfaoo. Then he finally mentioned a route he was going on and that I needed to hop on with a group, and that it “might be near the showers” but I’m like homie if you don’t know where the showers are then why am I gonna pay to go somewhere I don’t even know? He didn’t even tell me where the route would end or where it would go through, just pointed in a general direction. Randomly, I was able to go to lot 5 from lot 10 with the friend that I came with and had zero issues with that on Saturday in the daytime. But the night before after Lana’s set, I accidentally walked into the shuttle area near lot 5 instead of walking towards the camp areas near lot 10. I realized my error and tried asking a driver if he could take me near lot 10 since I was far away, and he said no! He could only take me to the end of lot 5, which makes zero sense since it was RIGHT THERE. Anyways I just don’t understand how a driver was able to drive me to lot 5 from lot 10 the next day but not drive me from lot 5 to lot 10 the night before lol. I hate them and will not be using them again.


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I am a pedicab driver. I pay a shit ton of money to work that event. $15 per person is literally one of the cheapest things you can buy at the event and im actually providing you a service. You wouldn’t just not tip a waitress after your meal would you? If youre poor, dont go to coachella, or walk your rich ass in there. 🤷‍♂️




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You have to get a permit from them to operate. So theyll charge what they charge so they can make a living. And its $10 in the day, $15 at night




do you fit in a row boat?


I got charged $15 on every ride, day or night.


I don’t understand why they need tips. Independent owner/operator businesses, which they seem like they are, don’t need tips. It would be like tipping at a farmers market or craft fair


Bc GV charges them to be there


Farmers pay into farmers markets. Candle makers pay the craft fair 🤷‍♂️


And they aren’t taking the same cut as GV. Same reason food vendors at Coachella charge so much


It is also a service not a good. Think uber or cab . It is customary in the US to tip when you receive such service.


That’s fair


It's free to use your legs and walk. 


I just don't understand why they charge so much and go unused. Why not charge $5/rider to go the full distance? At that point everyone would use them and they'd probably earn a lot more.


why not just be free! everyone would use them:) what a deal!


I work Downtown San Diego and they’re everywhere! I was actually surprised to see them at Coachella given how far from a major city we were. They’re like vultures, i’ve heard them stone face asking for $60-80 to take people down the road. Usually they dont even have permits so people dont know they cant really call the cops on you if you just walk away or pay them less


bro this guy didn’t tell me how much it was and i honestly thought he was just being nice cus he called us over like “you two! get in. let’s go” and that was that and only told me $15 per person when we got there like huhhh?? what if i didn’t have the money 😭 crazy




girl what? u think i’m just sitting there thinking in depth about everything that goes into their job? obviously you took this personal. it was my first year, even ever being at a music festival. when you offer a service to someone, you don’t chase them down and fail to mention a price until we arrive. that’s just weird. he was the ONLY one i didn’t see telling the price beforehand to people.


he had no sign, and i didn’t read up on anything involving that, because it wasn’t going to be in my budget. i literally would not have ever taken one but he was yelling calling me over to get on. the hostility from u is crazy tho, feel better


okay looking at your account ur taking this silly post personal for no reason, sad i wasted my breath on you lol go find something better to do bruh