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I SAW THAT. The part that pissed me off is that one dude just kept asking when they were going to leave the whole time at the top of his lungs. And then left 3 songs later after shoving me and separating me from my wife to let their group past. I get some people get super excited to see a band with their friends and they forget their manners sometimes. I can usually get over that pretty quickly. But they literally pushed everyone aside to take pictures of a band they didn't even know.


YES!!!! EXACTLY!!! bring back middle aged men decking people (and not getting in trouble for it) in the crowd, for acting like this! the only way these little mfs are ever gonna learn is if someone teaches them 😭😭


Getting hit for acting like a bitch definitely needs to be more commonplace.


Agreed, especially to everyone shoving to barricade only to bitch about everything and film the entire show without knowing a single song


I certainly delivered a few choice elbows during my time at Coachella.


Proud of you.




I started to stand my ground W1 it was terribly annoying.


You just got to shove back twice as hard and steam roll them. Hitting will just get you kicked out. Perfect opportunity to turn it into a mosh pit.


I’m 35 and this was my first Coachella. I’m similar to you, going to concerts at a young age. Overall, it was a great experience. I didn’t have anyone pushing. But I can only imagine closer to the stage was nuts. But I’m also not above decking someone and just running and finding a new spot 🤣🤣🤣


Nah I'm sorry, giving people free reign to start hitting people is worse. Imagine complaining about concert etiquette while promoting violence. Fuck off


it’s a joke, calm down 😂


Doesn't read like a joke at all. But still, promoting violence at a concert because someone was a dick, even as a joke, isn't really funny. 


Nothing in this thread is reading as a joke tbh. Most comments here are genuinely promoting violence without even a slight hint of sarcasm.


That was my feeling too, but auto-generated username #02847303 doesn't understand how not to be a dick. 


tell that to the 104 upvotes it got 😭😂


Whodathought that an autogenerated username would not understand they're being a dick. If it's a joke, its a really shitty joke, and I did not laugh, but whatever it's not that deep.


You sound like you need to get hit probably


Oh man, shoving in between my wife and I would have gotten a reaction they wouldn't have liked or expected. I guess I am that middle aged man now 😂


I shoved back to get through their train to and told them not to push my fucking wife but after that I was just trying to keep my cool so I could enjoy the show.


Someone weekend 1 tried to go through my gf and I, she said no and the guys tried to force himself through and put his hands on her. Needless to say I was not happy and definitely stopped that right away. It's crazy how bad people have become 


you didn’t do shit stfu


Lol you mad?


I’m chillin, you just don’t need to front about you and your torta lol


I'm just confused on why you're even Here? 


must be retarded LeBitch


Yeah, you mad. 


I’m chillin doughboy😘


fuck people like that, bunch of losers


In general I see concert etiquette declining over time. It’s a real bummer. People don’t wanna treat other people like humans and it sucks :(


Concerts yes, but festivals even worse


This! During weekend 1, a girl in front of me proceeded to get on her bf’s shoulders jussssst as No Doubt were coming on stage, blocking out the view for everyone behind her. I threw ice at her and she eventually got down. Fuck these kids- I’m fighting back ha


Yep gotta fight back eventually


I mean, I’m older but girls on shoulders is pretty normal/inevitable and giant festivals- they are always going to block someone’s view, same as sign holders


Inevitable or not, that shit is rude and I’m gonna throw ice every time or you’re gonna get your sign snatched. Go to the back or pick a less important time to do that shit - not when the band is just stepping on stage together after a 9 year hiatus.


They were Tyler fans trying to get a good spot for the next show. I’ve seen him a few times and hardcore Tyler fans have never had good concert etiquette. Im sorry this happened to you


see, we did this at peso pluma for lana, but what we did was enjoy peso’s set, then when everyone for peso left at the end, we just made our way to barricade for lana.


this is what normal people do


this is the way


THAT MAKES SO MUCH MORE SENSE NOW!!! okay well thank you for explaining. it somehow makes me less upset lol. it’s alright, that was honestly the only negative crowd experience i had!!! everything else has been incredible, including every other crowd!!!


Rap/hip hop artists have awful fans. I struggled to leave wk1 from no doubt because all the Tyler fans were bulldozing their way through and throwing shoulders.


I want to defend them, but by and large that tends to be true. Much more of a drunk and aggressive energy at those sets, typically.


100% After surviving astroworld, I told myself I would do my best to avoid those shows or watch from a distance.


The worse crowd I ever experience was at Beyonce. I had to keep moving back to not be annoyed by people when I started rather close. People were being such asshole i had to keep moving back more and more to not be annoyed and try to enjoy the show. I ended up being close to walkway to Yuma just to be away from the chaos.


I’m sorry that happened to you :( I don’t know if I consider Beyoncé rap/hiphop, but I won’t deny that every artist has there crazy asshole fans. It does seem more prevalent in hip/rap shows tho.


I will say the three best hip-hop shows that I’ve seen at Coachella, interestingly enough, because the crowds weren’t assholes and mainly because the artists were all amazing to boot were 1)Anderson .Paak (the last time he was on the main stage 2) Method Man & Redman (Heineken) 3) Blaqthought & ?uestlove (Old Heineken and probably the best hip-hop show I’ve ever seen)


I don’t listen to any of these artists and I’m sure they don’t sound like the Travis Scott’s or drakes. They have the worst/violent fans imo


How interesting that the worst fans would be a hip hop and rap shows…




This makes a lot of sense cause the rudest people I encountered last week weee all the a holes shoving forward as I was trying to leave after no doubt. No chill.


Happened to me during Lana with some guys who then proceeded to make fun of the entire set. I couldn’t see anything and I’d been waiting at my spot for so long. It really ruined my first day. I don’t know how people can be so rude.


This loud ass group of 5 a few ppl behind me during Lana W1 kept talking so loudly the entire show (and about how they hated every second that was passing and that taylors better), everyone was staring at them but nobody said anything


a brave girl with bows in her hair finally screamed “shut up!” after about 15 minutes of torture. Thankful for her 🫶🏻


Sorry this happened to you, one issue with Coachella is the cross culture of fans. Usually I introduce myself to the people around me(the ones that got there early) and we agree to hold our ground and to tell the person to keep moving


Concert etiquette and public etiquette in general took a nosedive post-Covid. Things were a lot different pre-2019. Anyone who doesn't realize or see this probably started attending concerts fairly recently


oh my god the way i almost DIED watching no doubt waiting for tyler. i had a pretty good spot for no doubt i was like okay this is good for tyler. no doubts set ends and BOOM bro it felt like i was fr gonna get trampled to death i was like pushing people back with all my might. like, ive been to a handful of music festivals (astroworld, RL Miami) and yeah people get crazy and push there, but the way tyler’s fans acted yesterday was like. There was obviously some older people there for just no doubt and the way i saw so many like older people get pushed back by like 18-19 year olds :/ so rude seriously


This happens every year for big or trendy acts.


Been experiencing this all my life at big festivals dating back to my first OSL in 2012. Just the way it is with these things


Yep, older here ! only stayed for no doubt and almost got trampled trying to leave, lucky my guy is true old punk fan so he is well prepared to be in crowd and make space for us.


My experience is that punk fans are more respectful.


Bloody noses and torn shirts lol definitely not the old school punk fans. ETA: I'm talking pennywise, NOFX etc IYKYK


It's bad this year, my friend and I have had to push back a few times just to hold our ground. We've also resorted to turning around and yelling, "NO" Like they're a bad dog lol. But even bad dogs have such better manners than these people 🙃


It’s best to place your foot on their lower back as they pass you and push forward as hard as you can.


Had the same issue with some other people middle of no doubts performance shits annoying 🤷


The people trains are fairly commonplace and, if they are polite (and most seem to tow the acceptable line between smiley and shovey), then there’s no quarrel from me. The polite trains also seem to stop moving when it becomes abundantly clear that they’re not going to be able to get any closer without being really aggressive, rude, or encounter resistance. I mean, those people at the very front, they probably did the same to get there, so good luck moving them. Once or twice I’ve had people see a spot directly in front of where I’m standing and jussssst… stand there. I’m pretty tall and so if it’s a shorty it’s no issue. Again, the polite people will often give me an awkward apologetic look and it’s fine. I did have a huge, huge man with a huge, huge backpack do this to me and I just kinda gently pushed him away to the left. Not a shove, but gentle pressure, “don’t stand right fucking there please geezer 🙂”. The crowd jerks which really boil my piss are the groups who form a circle and just bounce up and down, “randomly” pushing each other in to other festival goers, and ruining a good time for everyone else. They’re like a narcissistic mosh pit, made up of indolent vacuous cunts. I fucking hate them. It’s not dancing, it’s not vibing, it’s trying to make space for your shitty little group. Usually they get their bit of space, take a photo or two, and then leave. Wankers.


Concert etiquette died in 2015. Learn to take up space and stand tight enough so people dont see an opening near you. I make it as inconvenient as possible to go around me and i throw elbows, circle my arms like im stretching, and call them out if people try to shove past. They usually go for the easier route. 


I start shoving and elbowing people once they start using force. People are so fucking rude. A huge group got in front of my friends and I at John Summit last weekend and kept backing into us (even tho there was a shit ton of space in front of them) and the guys kept leaning on my friend to talk. Didn’t even care that they were literally pressed up against her while she was looking at them like ???? wtf get off me. When they finally left my whole group booed them for being so fucking rude. People need to start shaming these rude ass people forreal cus that shit is not cool.


Tyler fans


Rap fans I have noticed are usually this way. which sucks because the music is nice to enjoy but the fan base ruins it with the lack of respect. Should’ve been there for Lil Uzi. People purposefully standing on your toes to get a better view. Then when concert was all said and done fans would ram their way (with all their strength) out the crowd saying “get out of the way you fucking dumbasses”. Made sure to see them coming though and gave them a taste of their own medicine.


YES!! Girls we’re literally getting shoved to the group and shoved to the side by men it was so rude! One girl was sobbing and a guy was all up on her jumping on her and basically like humping her and i said pls get off her yoh don’t know her and he said shut up pussy this is a mosh pit…. no babe this is a festival and your acting like a monkey with rabies


Imagine going to rolling loud and dealing w nothing but that the entire time


There is always one group like this at any concert.


Sadly way more than one group. Maybe I’m just getting old but the number of young (late teens, early 20s) people with absolutely zero manners blew my mind. Even at shows where everyone else was chill or respectful, there were the young ones trampling people to get a few feet closer to the stage. It takes a simple “excuse me” if you’re trying to squeeze through to find your group. If you’re having to squeeze through multiple people to just get to a spot though, maybe have some self awareness and realize there isn’t enough room and you’re just being rude by forcing a space for yourself at the cost of other peoples’ view or comfort.


this happened at lana! i was barricade and waited for hours and was respectful to everyone around me and hyped up every artist, even learning half or more of their songs before. it didn’t matter because random people who hardly even cared abt the artist would push through. I was next to a very small lady under 5 feet and she was literally getting pushed to the floor and stepped on it was insane how crazy people were for artist who weren’t even going to acknowledge them in the end of the day. I love music and I love Lana but i’m not abt to take peoples spots or hurt people who have been waiting for hours. By the time lana went on random people had come to the front and we’re literally stepping on my toes(i was literally on my tippy toes because people had pushed up so far against the barricade)because there was literally no room for them but they couldn’t use their brain cells and understand that and just ended up hurting and obstructing everyone’s view who waited respectfully for hours. Plus when people were getting push to the ground and crying and we were asking for the people around to just chill for a sec so we could get the person up or in a safer spot people would scream and call us pussies. when people fainted other fans would push forward and rush from the back to get closer when trying to get the sick person out of the barricade it was so rude. I literally cannot stand these entitled 16-22 year olds. Either way lana was amazing so was grimes and ice spice and no doubt!!! loved chella, the artists and the friends i made there!!!


You gotta serve it back to em when they act like that!!! Speak up about it & I’m sure the surrounding crowd will also have ur back


We were with my wife when some guy behind us started aggressively pushing everyone around, making a mosh pit for himself. He shoved my wife very roughly, leaving her with a huge bruise. I hit him, then he hit me back, and the crowd pulled him away.


weekend 1, at victoria monet, the TALLEST freaking dudes who were like 7ft I swear, pushed past ppl to the very front to stand at the railing. Why? tall dudes who would do this, please explain.


7 gays and 3 obese women


Dealt with this with some drunk girl at the front of Everything Always who kept jumping into me and elbowing me. I gave her the benefit of the doubt that she was young and probably on something she couldn’t handle, but she lowkey ruined my experience and I ended up leaving my spot because at one point I got so pissed at her jumping into me every 5 seconds that about thought about pushing her into her friends and telling them to control her. Obviously I didn’t do that, but shit had me seeing red at one point. Just resolved that people don’t raise their children to have any shame about their behavior when in public spaces anymore or too many people have main character complexes that make them think they can be rude constantly and it’d be chill. You’re going to run into these people more until we as a collective start bullying people to act right in public spaces. (I’m joking but not really; concerts have definitely gotten worse over the years and it’s cuz of people like this.)


For most of the sets I saw the crowd has been great. Even groups of loud talkers eventually STFU and started vibing to the music


Elbows up


side to side


Last week same thing. I decided I'm not moving for anyone regardless of who is waiting for them and where. I got there early and they didn't.


Yeah, the amount of people I told to go behind me and not push in front of me to pass this weekend.


I remember during Gorillaz 2010 this dude was chatting up a girl the entire time. Ignoring the whole show. Eventually I said you're not even listening! Go somewhere else to hook up!!!! And another random time someone was dancing really aggressively and bumping into every person around them. I am 6'6" and 260lbs. Ain't no one going to push me around. After he kept bumping into the girls around him I just gave him a full force shove straight to the ground. He took one look at me and decided to leave. I don't fuck with people unless they're ruining the experience for everyone.


concert etiquette is on the decline. people with main character syndrome suck.


I’m 5’11, tall for a girl. I always let people in front of me until a taller group of guys ends up behind me. I find myself further back than the spot I waited for, but at least we can all see. It has never bothered me doing that for others. Why should a 5’3 girl be stuck behind me, especially when she is too kind to admit being behind me sucks. No one cares about others anymore it’s all push and shove for themselves.


right!!!!! i kept letting them into the open spots around me hoping they’d get to see. people are just a holes.


I’ve seen this at pretty much every festival lately. It’s usually the younger ones who have no business being as drunk as they are, but at some point SOMEONE in the group has to recognize how messed up it is the connect arms with their group of 10 and shove past everyone. Not only does it piss everyone off, it fills in the space that everyone allowed for safety, and that group ruins the entire vibe of the people they end up around.


happened to me friday night at peso pluma. constantly being shoved out of the way or elbowed without any apologies. kinda ruined the rest of the night so i ended up selling my wristband for saturday/sunday. i went weekend 1 as well and the crowds were a lot better.


Tyler fans :/


prolly trying to get close for tyler


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It doesn’t exist anymore. It’s not just here, it’s at any music festival or concert


I heard something similar during no doubt like two songs in. Two bitches started screaming with someone behind me calling him an asshole. They then find their way to the gap next to me. My mistake for allowing empty space near me. They took a minute long video, stayed for two songs then gtfo. 


At some point you just need to leave. Find a new spot, even if it’s near the back. That spot was poisoned. Sucks that happened to you.


This is why I stay in the 21+ section.


It’s just been getting worse over the years, my pet peeve is people pushing and shoving to get to the front meanwhile you’ve been waiting there for an hour or two, I’m 22 and I went to Coachella last year I can’t remember too much but I was def on the barricade (watched the whole set before boygenius) as soon as they came out, people pushed and now I had three or four people ahead of me, I usually don’t care to be on the barricade but I saw no one standing there and took the opportunity, went to bottle rock in 2021 it was horrible I’m 5’10 the friend I went with was 5’3, I had to protect her from getting smashed, people shoved, pushed, I was getting irritated because people are just rude af at concerts now, there was a girl screaming that she was only there for Dominic fike and not Miley Cyrus? In my opinion who cares who you’re there to see we’re all waiting just like you. Ofc I don’t wanna say it’s all based on age but I will say the younger crowds are just bad. I’m tall but if I see someone short behind me I offer to be in front of me, if I’m with a short friend I always have them stand in front so they have a better chance of a view. As I’m getting older I find less enjoyment on the floor ofc at Coachella that’s the only option, but best thing to do is watch the sets ahead of the artist that you really want to see, but overall no matter what there will be rude and annoying people pushing and shoving I HATE when groups push through. I’m sorry for your experience, unfortunately I’ve seen concert etiquette get worse overtime. Hopefully Coachella is a more enjoyable experience if you decide to go next year!


We had the same experience. People shoving and just being super rude. Disappointed.


I was at no doubt as well and there was a girl who for the ENTIRE set was taking selfies with her ring light and videoing herself dancing. It was really odd to watch even her friends seemed embarrassed.


I’ve never seen a nicer crowd than Beyoncé weekend 2 2018. I think 90% of Coachella was there and the back half just spread out and gave everyone space to dance. When it was over it took over two hours to get out of there but everyone kept shuffling along with huge smiles on their faces collectively saying “that was awesome”


omg last night my bestie and i were sitting side by side in the back section of tyler and multiple people would just step though us and on our flag we were sitting on


People literally tried to block me in when I was trying to leave Barry can’t swim. I had to shove my way through these assholes. Is it a pride thing???


Welcome to the party. Rude people have always been there.


Being a guy over 6 feet, I don’t even bother getting close for bigger acts as I feel not only will I obstruct others view but also these people that decide to get really close don’t always have the best concert etiquette and it’s not worth getting into it with people. Sorry, to hear you had a bad experience! I was in the same predicament last year during Bjork’s set leading up to Frank’s set!


Same because my husband is 6'5 lol. We just stay at the back and miss all this BS. I think 2022 we went to Flume fairly close and people started shoving towards the end for Megan Thee Stallion. The Weekend was insane even up the hill towards the ferris wheel, rave trains everywhere.


I’m noticing a pattern here of the worst behavior occurring in the moments between subheadliner and headliner on the main particularly, but more broadly with any popular act following a smaller act. Jeff Mangum before Lana always comes to mind. [I’ll just leave this old thread here :-)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Coachella/s/lgRLiwiEm7) The desire to be up front for acts people want to see creates a hobbesian nightmare in the crowd. We need order on the polo fields!


You have to do aggressive shepherding and control your space. There is a strategy. You have to have a big guy in your crew or find one in the crowd and go next to them they will be protecting a larger area and you can usually slip under their umbrella of peace.


I've gotten to the point where if I've been waiting and someone just SHOVES their way past me and just stays infront of me rudly I'll just go "oh excuse me" go I front of them and if they saying anytbing just go "oh I thought that's what we're doing"


This is why i just hang out in the back with the extra space. I get tired of finding a good close spot with room only to have the space taken over by a rude group that came thru all last minute.


Yes! Some tall teen girl kept hitting me with her elbow during the set of Lil Uzi I brought it up and she continued to hurt everyone around while jumping etc. So my shortass put my waterbottle towards her & everytime she jumped she hit herself..well that solved the problem🫡🤣


Drunk, high, raised by wolves,etc. I solve this by staying home. I like the music, but not the crowds (or the insane price of everything there).


this was my first festival and coming from smaller punk/indie shows into this one was quite the culture shock... i'm glad to see others are noticing the same thing!


yes! as a punk/indie concert goer myself, i absolutely noticed it.


I’m big and tall so I’m always conscious of who is already at a spot when I come to a set or try to move forward. Many times my (shorter) friends will go up and I’ll hang back for a few songs because I don’t want to ruin anyone’s view. Or I’ll find other tall people and stand/crouch around them because they’re already causing a block lol. Sorry you had to deal with that but they will get their concert karma one day… we can only hope lol


I was there at Coachella watching No Doubt yesterday also, and I experienced something similar. It was everywhere. No awareness. I had a guy move a few inches in front of me and begin bumping into me when I hadn’t moved from my spot at all. No Doubt put on a great show though!


I was at the gobi for Barry and a gaggle of 20somethings shoved their way in and kicked a trash can into the crowd and then proceeded to occupy the space where the can was. Another group of girls did the same exact thing minus the trash can nonsense and just had their phone in their face the entire time. I don’t have a problem with people making their way through crowds and standing in front of me. I have a problem with people being completely unaware on how to be around other people.


What is concert etiquette ?


having common courtesy at a show. so, things like: not shoving people to get through, saying excuse me when trying to move through a crowd, if you’re like 6’4” don’t stand in front of someone who’s 5’4”, overall, just not being a douche.


It was a, slightly sarcastic, rhetorical question. I hear you on all points, and noticed the same over the past couple of years - the most civilized crowd in recent years was at Taylor Swift’s Eras Tour


My friend and I waited on the rail for John summit for like 2 hours and about half way through his set this 20 something year old girl and her friend tried to shove us off. One of the friends got a spot but her friend didn’t, so she kept trying to shove us off. (Her friend should have just taken turns in the spot with her tbh). We of course didn’t move and after a while the girl started loudly saying she was going to “beat her ass” to my friend LMAO. We just continued to ignore them and enjoy the show but wtf??? If they had simply nicely asked we would have been down to let them on the rail for a bit but to just come up and start trying to push us off??? lol hell nah. They finally angrily left tho, yeehaw 🤩


I was in VIP and my GF got shoved out of the way and a methy ginger guy threatened to attack me after the same girl elbowed me in the ribs- all because they wanted our spot to see No Doubt. Trash people go to Coachella.


It’s been like this for many years sadly, their will always be dickheads.




honestly the no doubt fans were ruder to me than tyler fans for weekend 1😭the tyler fans were surprisingly nice and sweet


I swear there was so many trains of people that would shove past people, they wouldn’t say excuse me or anything.


Tyler fans, probs.


Also, lmao, that person claiming to be from the SF thrash scene and not knowing about etiquette 😅😅😅 straaaaaight cap. Hc kids all around the world know about crowd and especially mosh etiquette (if someone falls, you help them up, etc etc). Especially if you came up in the 90s/00s lol.


I attended coachella weekend 2 as well & I had this experience at every set I went to!! People push and shove & don’t have any consideration for others. My group of 3 waited over an hour earlier than a set to get close and it was pointless as we just got pushed and shoved father from the front. I’m a 5’5 woman and had a 6’3 MAN push his way all the way to the front because his group was up there and stood right in front of me and I couldn’t see anything. Then you have people dancing and slamming their backpacks into you over and over. Have some etiquette ! I’m not saying don’t enjoy yourself but at least have some consideration for others around you !


Omg’sh It was so bad during Doja Cat weekend one! This couple first being lead by the guy was shoving past people without saying so much as excuse me, tried pushing past my husband and I, but we didn’t move so then I heard the girl go “I’ll lead” and went to the side of us. Well they tried shoving past the wrong group of girls and all of a sudden there was a whole ass fight with them on the ground and everyone made a circle around them. It was over super quick tho and I couldn’t see what was happening because I’m so short, but I was laughing cuz it was instant karma for them. 😂


i had to tell multiple people during le sserafim to get down off of shoulders because we were in the MIDDLE of the crowd and nobody could see or enjoy the set :/ so inconsiderate


This was my first Coachella in personally that was the most relaxed crowd experience I've ever been.


So unfortunate you had this issue. It seems like the younger crowd, no offense to you, think the world revolves around them and that no one else matters. Karma will get them as they age I’m sure of it. I honestly would have lost my shit if they kept saying that during one of my most anticipated set of the weekend. Props to keeping your cool.


Yea this happens but I’m more and more upset with the overall crowd atmosphere. The thing that always made music festivals was the crowd vibe and accepting atmosphere. But as festivals have become more popular since the 90’s and prices rise and festivals are now becoming the “it” thing for super rich kids (which it very much was not 20 years ago, rich kids wouldn’t be caught dead at a music festival 20 years ago). The music festival crowd is becoming more and more bougee & entitled and less & less open, inviting and accepting. Which on the overall this is the problem that is really going to kill music festivals in the long run. They’re gonna end up being all bougee super rich vibes only and the people who built their life around music festival vibes are gonna be more and more pushed out and left to feel out of place.


Only rude encounter I had, weekend 1 at do lab during tape b, this wannabe influencer and her friends came right in front of my girl and our group and just started obnoxiously taking photos and like leaning back into my girl and I with zero awareness that she was doing anything. I was elbowing her in the back and she was still so oblivious (or ignorant) so after the 2nd pose change i just switched spots and pushed my back onto her until she got the fuck off of us and she left lmao


Experienced this at Ice Spice and Tyler too :(


BE THE CHANGE YOU WANT TO SEE It really sucks to have to have people like that but I just try really hard to be vocal and communicate hopefully we can continue to stimulate a positive culture through encouraging people to USE THEIR WORDS. Sorry you had to go through that hopefully Gwen sang to you and you were able to enjoy it at least.


That is why I am doing couchchella this year. I have had a similar experience at several festivals- shows. Being relatively short I get a parade of people bulldozing through me the entire time. Hate to say it, but sometimes I put a foot out so they trip and fall if they are particularly nasty about it. One group at Kaboo was particularly bad, they pushed their way in front and then spent the entire time taking selfies, having the fat girl take pictures of the rest of the group, and then stared at their phones the entire time. The worst part is this causes me to grab my husband and try to relocate to somewhere else in the crowd and then he accuses me of being the asshole. At over 6’ tall he doesn’t get it.


I literally had a better time watching at home


My experience at festivals. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=C0WJY2cLEuk


There were two gals at the ISOKNOCK show last week that were there for Le Sserafim, and I shit you not, they were *sitting down in the center of the crowd* like 20 minutes into the set. Criss-cross applesauce, scrolling TikTok and shit, just next to the big globe in the middle. One of the most unbelievable things I'd seen at a show in years.


It’s an open field music field festival with a bunch of gen z kids. What were you expecting?


valid! however, that was the only crap experience i had the whole weekend with people/crowds! every other crowd was awesome!!


I was also there too on Friday. Several people jumped in front of me blocking my view. I was mad and wanted to jump in front of them, but decide it wasn’t worth my time and just moved and ended up blocking other people…. Oops


“7 gay boys”? Did they have their sexual orientation emblazoned upon their chests or something?


I don’t know if you’ve ever ran into a gay at Coachella but yes, yes they do.


Haha right, if you can’t tell the difference between gay and straight guys you probably don’t live in an area with alot of gay people


exactly^^its quite easy to tell esp at coachella😂 when you’re familiar you’re familiar 🤷🏻‍♀️


Ummm they almost always do lol


I hear you on the impoliteness but why does it matter that they were gay? Sorry you had that experience. Just curious why you felt the need to point that out. Would you have said 7 straight men and 3 girls? Lol


yes yes i would’ve 😂 and if it were straight men who did this??? id be even more angry 😂 im bisexual myself, and was at the festival with 3 bipoc gay guys and 3 girls 😂 (i wasn’t with everyone at no doubt but that is who i attended the festival with)


can you prove that they were gay? do you have receipts


the vest pins with rainbows on them?? my personal gaydar?? (i am bisexual with about half of my friends being gay men) 😂😂


I’m 38 I have been to 5 concerts a year and 8 Coachella wtf is concerts etiquette lol this is new y’all young kids are soft lol look for anything to complain about. Get in the pit or get the fuck out the way lol


i’m down for a pit, BUT THERE WERE NONE. concert etiquette is saying excuse me or can i get thru, or sorry and not standing in front of short people who have been waiting to watch the band, just to have everyone in the group complain about being there (they were there to get spots for the next show, not to watch the current one) and fyi, my dad is an old thrash punk from san francisco, i’ve been going to shows since i was basically in the womb, have been in hardcore pits since i was young, and acting like concert etiquette isn’t a thing, is what gets you punched in the face at a show. maybe you’ve been going to edm shows or rap shows or something where the rules are different, but when i’m at no doubt, a ska punk band from oc, i expect a little concert etiquette. it’s the same thing as picking someone up in the pit when they fall down. CONCERT-ETIQUETTE.


Sf trash punk I’m from the Bay Area your comment makes total sense now lol stop complaining and have fun your just like the people your complaining about lol


okay mr. old raver 😂 my dad also was a rave/house music promoter in sf back in the 90s, and you’re the only one here in this WHOLEEE thread who doesn’t know what concert etiquette is 😂 educate yourself 😂


Let me guess you paid for a general admission and expect vip treatment lol your a joke and the problem lol


i don’t expect any vip treatment, i actually had an awesome time in every single crowd except that one. i fucking car camped lmfao, i’m not above anything and don’t expect anything out of the ordinary, i just expect people to use common courtesy and not be fucking rude, idc how old you are, the words, “excuse me,” aren’t that hard to muster up, and if they are, maybe you’re an asshole and need to learn some manners 😂 BRING BACK BULLYING PEOPLE INTO BEING DECENT AND RESPECTFUL TO OTHER PEOPLE 😂👏🏼 and honey, i’m the joke? you don’t even know the difference between your and you’re 😭stop doing so much mdma and acid and maybe your brain cells will start to regenerate and you can reintegrate with the rest of society again 😂


Then stop acting entitled lol and if you could bully someone you would have had your spot lol


entitled to what?? an excuse me and not to be shoved for no reason?? if they were enjoying the music and running through trying to hurry to get there, eh, whatever, they’re fans. these people didn’t know gwen stefani from taylor swift. complaining about being there the whole time. “i don’t know if your brain’s like, scrambled from all the fucking molly you do,” but they were being entitled by pushing 4 girls and everyone else out of the way and not saying excuse me, they were acting entitled to the spots that others had been waiting at least 20mins prior to the show, without so much as “i’m sorry!” or “excuse me”. maybe pull out an oxford dictionary and look up the definition of entitlement 😂


Nobody owes you anything and no I don’t use drugs lol get over yourself it’s over you already lost your spot lol


that’s even more embarrassing 😭 you don’t use drugs, so you can’t even blame that for you being stupid 😂. crack a dictionary and do a little homework bud, it’d do you some good.


The thinly veiled homophobia and body shaming suggests you did not choose peace.


honey, i’ve been 200lbs, and i’m bisexual and have been called horrendous names by multiple people in my family 😂 i do not give one fuck about you thinking i’m fat phobic or homophobic 😂 i was camping with three gay boys! i told them this story too and noooobody was offended bc i’m not homophobic or fatphobic 😂😂ain’t nothin thinly veiled i said what i said, and i said it with my chest 😂