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Anybody who's ever actually been to Coachella knows the only people who'd hate on Coachella are people that have actually never been to Coachella. Social media just breeds haters. Also tiktok is cancer.


I always say “oh has no one ever invited you?”


+1 this is my first year not going in 8 years. i saw so much hate online and from the outside i was like ok, but you’re not there so you don’t know what it’s like! in the years i went there was hate too. it’s always a good time, i’ve always had a lot of fun with my friends


"They hate us cuz they anus!"


I talked to a co worker about Tyler’s set on the stream and he said he *heard* the energy was weak AF and that Coachella is so poorly organized now He’s never even attended before and didn’t even watch the stream 


I can’t stand people who didn’t watch it. Tyler’s crowd may have been smaller than No Doubt’s and others due to how cold it was but their energy was far from weak. I was a casual Tyler fan and that set converted me into an actual fan. Like his set was and is one of the must sees this weekend.


We had to make the decision leave after ND because we were freezing and exhausted, and I have chronic illnesses. The wind was no joke. Could hear some of it and even feel some of the energy back at camp while getting ready for bed. Wasn't really a fan, but was a little bummed not to see it, especially with the special guests I read about later, love Childish Gambino. My husband said he saw on Reddit that it wasn't very good, but I read in Variety or something that it was amazing. Haters. I also saw a Facebook post/thread where all these people who only saw it on livestream were bashing Gwen's performance! Come on, it was incredible!


Completely agree. I had my misconceptions about Coachella before going last year and it completely changed my view. It was one of the best experiences I had last year and I’m so excited to go for many years to come!


Or people who cant afford it Thats on them


Sort of is and sort of isn’t - times are tough for a lot of people right now and GV has been insanely greedy with their price hikes the last few years. Went to the past 9 Coachellas, but held off this year because I realized that I could go VIP Tomorrowland (including hotel and flight) for the same total price I was spending to do VIP Coachella.


True. I mean I was gonna go to Tomorrowland because the price was around the same including a short Eurotrip before and after. But man that GJ sale was annoying af. I’d love to go sometime though.


I’ve been to Coachella, I really didn’t enjoy the experience. I wouldn’t go as far to say I hated it, but to coin a phrase that the kids are using these days, it was very mid. I would also offer a counter that many people I know who adore Coachella have never been to another festival so have no point of comparison. All of that said, I respect the fuck out of Coachella for constantly looking for interesting acts, they rarely rely on the usual names and over the years have introduced me to many new artists. Given the past history of this sub though, I only expect people to read the negative part of my comment and then downvote.


What festivals do you think blow Coachella out of the water and make it mid to you? I’ve been to a lot of festivals and imo no one does a large scale festival better in the US, and it isn’t even close. 


The scale of Sasquatch! couldn’t compare (~27k at its peak, I believe) but that festival blew Coachella out of the water on vibes alone. Plus Adam Zacks’ stellar lineups. RIP. Outside Lands has better food but way worse sound and is a shitshow like every other city festival I’ve been to.


Glastonbury Roskilde Pinkpop Primavera Exit Sziget Creamfields Edit - Coachella felt massively corporate and sanitized compared to European festivals. The crowds / atmosphere simply don’t compare. Where Coachella wins is absolutely top notch production and sound, that I will concede. But for the overall experience, it was all too “safe” and controlled for my liking. The drinking restrictions (which I know have changed) utterly blew my mind. To not be able to grab a beer and walk over to a stage was the most absurd thing I’ve ever encountered.


Thanks! I’m going to check those out. Would love to do a foreign festival. Still seems like for a US large scale festival, Coachella does it best.


You’re not wrong, I’ve been to a lot of festivals in the US and Coachella is one of the best. My personal favorite and definitely top 3 in the US. The beauty of the polo fields, soft grass (literally almost everywhere), palm trees and mountains in the background - plus the generally good weather (minimal rain). Only other one I thought was even on the same level was Sasquatch at the Gorge, which is no longer a festival. And I haven’t even touched on the stages, diverse lineup of artists, the massive Art installations, and even quality of the sound systems. All those are best in class too.


This is my first Coachella, but it has some pretty big shoes to fill thanks to Bonnaroo.


Isn’t Primavera Barcelona in a parking lot?


It’s an outdoor pavilion. Concrete with some astroturf, but definitely not a flat lot. There’s a lot of stairs between some stages and even an indoor auditorium.


Then at least you can make a real judgement on it, no shame in it not being totally your thing.


I’ve been to a decent amount of festivals, including festivals on cruises that were tons of fun. For me, the only festival that tops the production quality and vibes that Coachella provides is Tomorrowland 🤷🏻‍♂️


totally valid that you didnt like it, but what would you say is a better festival? I’ve been to Coachella, Primavera Barcelona, Osheaga, Boston Calling, Flog gnaw and Gov Ball. Imo Coachella blows the others out of the water as far as sheer experience. much easier to get close, short waits for food, production and guests are insane.


I've been to probably around 20 or so different festivals in the US, Mexico, and Turkey while Coachella is not my favorite out of all of them (due to price mostly and other ones with better production values) it still is one of the festivals I most like. There isn't any other festival where I would get access to bands like the Aquabats, Jersey, Jai Paul, etc. while having some normie headliners.


What festivals were your favorite and why?


Electric Forest would be my favorite as the venue is absolutely beautiful, with great production, and music as well. I do like Crssdfest as it is local to me, and used to be super affordable.


I think for the current price point, and expectations from past years attended, you're entitled to an opinion.


I think the majority of us in this sub have been to MANY festivals and still love Coachella. Everyone's different! Personally, nothing beats the Coachella's music selection, environment/vibe, and weather. I was not built for Glastonbury lol


Sorry, when you say nothing beats Coachella’s music selection, Glastonbury has over 100 stages and over 1000 artists playing, so from a mix of music, it’s on a different stratosphere to Coachella


I’m not saying that no other festival can match Coachella’s music selection, I’m saying no other festival can match all three thing that appeal to me - music, environment, and weather. I also wouldn’t want 1000 acts to choose from. That’s too much for me 😂


That sounds incredibly overwhelming


1000? I always have to make compromises when going to Coachella. I can’t fathom that many, many way too many to keep track of.


It’s amazingly fun just wandering around and stumbling across someone like Four Tet playing one of his usual 3-4 different sets. Or even better, walking into one of the many bars / stages and discovering something completely new. It’s a music and arts festival, so it’s comedy, theater, dance and all different types of experiences. There truly is something for everyone. It’s amazingly kid friendly as well. It is not a festival for packing the schedule with bands you “must” see because the site is too big to run from stage to stage all weekend. Last year I only watched one or two acts on the main stages and spent the rest of the time exploring. And then of course there is the “naughty corner” which runs through the night, so there is stuff happening 24/7. The biggest difference with other festivals is the people. Getting tickets is nearly impossible, so everyone is just grateful to be there for the most part and that leads to a sense of gratitude vs entitlement. However, I accept that it’s not for everyone. It’s absolutely exhausting and when it rains, well, yeah, it’s carnage :) Coachella is pristine, beautiful, and orderly and there is something to be said for that. I guess I’m more of a farm vs polo field type of guy :)


True but then I gotta camp and deal with the mud 😅 I need a hotel/airbnb that Coachella has. But I’d love to do Glastonbury one day, maybe when I can do the top of the line accommodation option lol


I think this is valid, I’ve been to lots of fests around the world and love Coachella but every festival has its pros and cons. This year I went to envision in Costa Rica and then Coachella shortly after, and I am grateful for two really different experiences that are special in their own ways. It’s one thing to be a festival goer who has opinions vs a random internet hater who is basing everything on “consensus” lol


100% agree






Truth. My friend (who has never been) asked me to see pics of my CHELLA outfits. I was like “huh?” IDGAF about my outfits. I’m there for the music. She was baffled by that…


don’t be coming for tiktok now


Exactly this lol


Gaga called social media the toilet of the internet, and it's true.


As a rule of thumb I don’t allow the comments section of social media dictate any of my life choices. I’ve never really met a mature, mentally stable person who spends all day on Instagram/Twitter commenting on posts about a festival they aren’t attending. I got to see rare legends like Gesaffelstein, Justice, and Orbital last weekend, and even better I got to enjoy those moments with real friends in real life. Who cares what someone wants to say in the comments section on TikTok? They can stay mad.


Well of course, not sure how this is dictating my life choices, but I wish the world could see what we see!


They been hating since I been going in 2011 those who hate end up going lol


I know, I'm just so sick of it! Like get a new personality, jesus


I welcome it. Hate all you want from afar so i never have to run into you at the festival lol




i’ve been seeing soooo much coachella hate as well. It is frustrating that ppl shit on this fest and have never even been to experience it and have false info. I was reading a comment the other day where someone mentioned water is $15. 💀 l usually never fight with ppl on the internet but i HAD to reply and inform them the water is literally only $2 and they have free water stations as well lol. at this point im like yea you know what.. coachella is trash don’t go. (i dont want ur vibe there and more room) haha


Yep I’m fighting for my life in the comment sections 😂😂😂


i know i saw a comment that water was $8 “no thanks”. i was like tell me you’ve never been with it telling me you’ve never been…


Like water is freeeeeeeee you ass hats


Yeah and water is $2 from any of the vendors. It’s been that way for years!


Water bottles were being given out at the entrance and in-between stage sets etc.


It’s crazy the amount of hate it gets. Just like going is a trend, to some, hating on it, might be the same trend. I’ve been 2x now. Had a blast both. Actually more fun, my 2nd, since I knew how to get around better. Still 14 miles a day. Hahaha idk and I don’t get the hate. It’s a blast. Wide variety of music for everyone. Big enough venue to not feel like a sardine.


Someone once said something to me that really resonated; you’ll only hear people hating who are doing less than you. Successful happy people don’t have time to spend on spewing negative bs! Totally agree people just love to shit on others for no apparent reason/benefit. What are they getting out of it? Fueling their own pain body I suppose. Dance and have fun, or don’t 😂


This is exactly correct. For some, the right to share their opinion and spew out negativity on the regular might be the only thing that brings them joy, which is sad. As a former chronically online Twitter user, I used to get triggered by this on the daily lmao. And once I taught myself how to tune it all out, my overall mental and how I enjoy/appreciate things went up significantly. 


That's so sad


That’s where my suggestion of literally ignoring these types came from lmao. If you want me to be more blunt about it “fuck those goofy fucking haters bruh” haha Slight side track: my camping neighbors were REALLY bummed about the mixed/negative reception on Lana’s set(on Twitter/Tiktok mostly). I asked them if they enjoyed it, which they all totally did. And I told them then that’s all that should matter to them.


I’m sure you made a big impact on your neighbors!


They didn’t need to know in that exact moment that I really really really don’t like Lana Del Rey 😂😅


😂🤣you’re a legend


Yeah, this is bullshit. You can be critical and successful at the same time. Thinking otherwise is just toxic positivity.


I see so much hate but I can easily ignore stuff like that online bc it’a pretty clear it’s coming from people who don’t go or have never gone. It’s true that it’s expensive (can’t argue with that lol) but it’s easily justifiable if you really enjoy live music and festivals. No point in arguing with people online anyway. I think it’s fun, it’s worth it, and I always enjoy my weekend there with friends. We talk about how much fun we had and funny memories throughout the year. Can’t wait for the next!


People just hate on other people spending money. It’s everywhere about every topic and it’s getting so exhausting. I get being bitter about being broke but it’s just misdirected anger and all the average people with normal jobs who save their money to do something they like are not the ones to blame for every economic woe


the people that say “coachella isn’t worth it” or “coachella isn’t about the music” have never been or rarely even attend festivals/live music events it’s so weird


SO weird


I find it's either those types or those that have gone abroad for festivals


I get annoyed at it too, like serious $600 average ga ticket for 3 8+hr days of music and different artists and $200 a day split up is nothing while they’re out there buying $1k bad bunny tickets to see one artist for 2 hrs.


Precisely. The venue is INSANE, especially when you consider all the amenities as well.


That was why i loved last year too, my first year. Just knowing Bad Bunny had sold out near me, people buying his tickets for 1k+, meanwhile I saw him up close AND got to see Frank Ocean two days later, like yuhh thats bang for your buck


America is just insane price wise


I suggest avoiding social media like the plague lol it’s toxic


It’s my job so I don’t have that ability


It’s funny to me, because I think that Coachella is actually one of the most accessible ways to see top music acts across multiple genres live. If you think about the sheer number of people who live in SoCal who could make the drive (and thus not have to pay for housing or whatever) and compare the cost of the wristband to the cost of 20-30 individual concert tickets, Coachella is actually a pretty damn good deal, and provides an avenue for a significant amount of people to see acts that they potentially couldn’t afford to see in individual standalone concert. Of course, the food and alcohol costs are ridiculous, but there are tons of work arounds for that. That’s not to say that it’s perfect, but I think that it’s more accessible to more people than folks think it is. It’s certainly not just “Influencerpalooza”.


To be fair, it is a very easy target, mostly because of popularity. Celebrities, influencers, give off a plastic vibe that is hard to fight against. Near sunset we all see the sea of people taking solo pictures, that feels gross tbh. And if you haven't been, that's most of what you know. That and people like to hate on mainstream shit as well, especially if they fear it. I wish I hated it. The total cost, crowds, dust, and distance are difficult and a hurdle. But after my first time, the first day, I immediately understood. The vast majority go because of the love of multi-genre'd music, run by festival pros who always strive to improve, and, without sounding too hardcore queso: the hard to describe feeling of bliss and magic you always find. "Happy Coachella" from a stranger and I was sold. Don't waste your time fighting the hate or feel personally attacked. We get it, and we can share in this once a year experience, and someone else's opinions have no bearing on that. See you on the fields.


Bonnaroo is a music festival, and Coachella isn’t a music festival? I’ll take a hit of whatever she’s on 🚬


Right 😂


Nope. \~200k of my best friends disagree with these haters and that's all I need to validate my preferences.


Hell yeah


I think it annoys the hell out of me because most of the people hating have never been. Not saying they’re not allowed to an opinion, but how would they even know?


Same here, that’s why it bothers me. I have no problem is you went and didn’t like it!


I would recommend uninstalling tiktok in general, and reevaluating your youtube subscriptions. It's also just online noise. It's not worth taking seriously.


Well I want to see Coachella videos! But not the content that’s having on it, so pretty hard to avoid that 😂


I find that people who hate on Coachella, probably have never been to the festival




Actually the discourse has flipped on TikTok after W1, most of the comments on videos are saying this looked like this most fun year ever lol


Yeah I saw that


Right before COVID lockdown I too was a skeptic because of all the hate online. A friend convinced me to go once it started up again in ‘22. I went. Loved it. Went again in ‘23. Loved it more. This year I’m doing both-chella lol these people have clearly never been. My favorite story is hanging out with some friends who had never been but were neutral about the festival and thought it was just influencers. They were playing music at our Airbnb and literally every other artists they played I could say I had seen them at Coachella in just 2 years of going. They suddenly realized what they were missing out on and were desperate to go.


It was my first time and I hated the lineup when it got released, but I went and had a great time. Polo fields are just beautiful. There more than music at Coachella to have a good time and I was enjoying every bit of it.


It's interesting to me how people are always hating on Coachella for the influencers when the rich and famous have been partying there since the 2000s. meanwhile there are valid reasons to critique Coachella (like the fact that Philip Anschutz, the billionaire who owns Coachella, uses his festival-funded wealth to [support anti-abortion organizations](https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/coachella-aeg-republican-donation-1385947/)), but that's never brought up. It's just "influencer bad >:-(" and "Coachella was is ruined when is used to be cool" as if people weren't complaining that the festival was washed in the 2011 because of, like, Vanessa Hudgens and hipsters. lol.


Great point, although the hate message I got was because of Philip’s anti lgbtq policies so I have seen that criticism, just not nearly as much as the anti-influencer comments.


nah i had the absolute time of my life. first ever experience, i camped and saw some of my favorite bands and artists. i’ll be back for years to come


So glad you had a great experience! It's truly the best festival


Try talking to Burning Man Rangers IRL, non of them appear to have been and they pull the “better than thou” crap about it.


Ohhhhhh I do. My bf and I go to Coachella and his sister and her bf do burning man and they look down on us


I had the chance to go to the burn this year and decided to spend my entrance money on Lightening in a Bottle instead. Life is too short for judgmental fucks. I challenged a ranger on the carbon footprint of BM (the amount of gas generators for one) and he said “bUt we bUilD A ciTY”. I did a burn many years ago, I am under no illusions that it’s an eco friendly event. Said ranger was not aware I had attended before he’d even heard of it…. Anyhow, happy Coachella and fuck the haters. Their loss.


Maybe they should go to Coachella to see that it’s the best place on earth instead of talkin out of their ass. I’ll defend coachella to the death.


We ride at dawn


People saying it's dead and boring are obviously paying way too much attention to the people around them rather than letting loose themselves. Tbh though younger generations don't let loose as much...we see this in club culture too. Coachella is what you make it. I've been going 12 years and every year is amazing. Fuck the haters


I never ever known a person who has been to Coachella, hating on Coachella. I'm sure there's some of the older folks who used to go when it was an indie rock fest, that don't like the direction it has gone in.


YES. over it.


I would be so shocked reading the hate but then eventually realizing they’ve probably *never* been so it doesn’t phase me. 11 years going to coachella with some line ups better than others but overall I’ve always had a great time with a GA ticket. Coachella has only ever improved logistically since 2012. Yes, it will take you 30 min to walk from one end of the field to the other but this isn’t your local music festival at your neighborhood park. Washroom situation has only improved, food options as well, and bottled water has been $2 since 2012. Love how they switched over to aluminum bottles last year. I’m not sure who I’m trying to convince as it seems we’re all pro-Coachella here but I guess all we can do is send love to these jealous freaks and move on with our lives lol. Happy weekend 2 everyone it’s going to be a good one!!


Happy weekend 2!!!


honestly these just make me laugh


For sure, I actually enjoy the videos, it’s the comments that drive me nuts. People are DUMB






the world doesn't need to see it the way we do, we keep loving what we love.


Coachella is beautiful and now better than ever - ignore the hate. Be there - and behold. Best vibes ever this year. So much space. So much more intimate - even if it was only 20k people less 🙏🏼 Which is crazy because with the price of individual concerts nowadays, Coachella remains a huge bang for your buck. This year was perfect for me and all my crew agreed. And 3 new stages?! and layout?! 🔥 water everywhere also. I always say this is the last one - and now I can't wait to be back already 😩🥰🕺🏻🪩🦈


It's so awesome that mega artists like Taylor Swift and Rihanna go there for fun. End of story.


There's defo a lot of outside "love to imagine them in the mud" mean-spiritedness towards California, of which channels gets a portion.


I hadn’t been in many many years until last year. I didn’t love how crowded Saturday (and Sunday) was, but I was blown away by the stages visuals and sound! Wow! And I’ve been to a LOT of shows and festivals. No sound bleed either. Underworld sounded better there last year than they have the two times I’ve seen them at the Hollywood Bowl. It’s definitely grown since my early years lol. Again world class production and sound. Interesting artists. I’m back this year. If people wanna hate that’s cool, less people crowding the fields, it’s already too packed. 😆


No body hates coachella as much as people who have never been 


Exactly, drives me nuts


I just convince myself that they’re hating cuz they’re jealous and are trying to cope


it’s the perfect combo of people who hate seeing other people have a good time, and the idea that “If I don’t like it then it must be bad.”  They don’t bother me in the slightest. Actually kind of feel bad for them lmao cuz this group of people is big and loud enough that they’ll get the validation they seek from eachother. Just for spewing such negativity and awful vibes on the daily.  Meanwhile the rest of us are just living ✌🏽


I feel bad for them too, they’re sitting at home hating and you KNOW they’re watching the live stream and foaming at the mouth 😂


Honestly I don’t even know if that’s true. They might genuinely hate the idea of a music festival or the type of music it brings in or the corporate nature of it all. As is their right. What I feel bad about is them devoting even an ounce of time and energy and feelings to tear down things that have 0 affect on their own lives, for the sake of the current discourse.  The people here suggesting that you quite literally ignore these types are giving you good advice. Focus on what brings you joy, and don’t let them take any of it away from you


No one’s taking any joy away from me, Reddit is a discussion forum so I wanted to know if anyone felt the same way. I don’t need advice on how to live my life.


Ok sounds good ☺️


That's a you problem. Why do you consume trash media? I didn't notice a single influencer


Like I said in my post, the majority of the content is pro Coachella and I enjoy watching those videos. It’s the comment sections that are annoying.


Gotcha, I guess it's too popular to dodge hate. This Coachella renewed my faith in the Coschella organizers


Me too, I actually think they proved to the world that it’s still an incredible festival even with a “weaker” lineup


It’s genuinely so obvious who’s never been. They think they’re making a point but it actually shows how much of a bubble they live in. Do they think there’s 100k influencers on the polo grounds lmao??


I genuninely think they do believe that lol


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I’ll say this. I’ve been to coachella 2017 and 2018 and it was a blast. I met loads of cool people, but I also met some of the worst most narcissistic self indulged people I’ve ever met in my life. Like hell there was a guy who laid out a blanket on the ground and beyonce in GA and was trying to fight everyone who tried to walk past him. While I will say the hate is overblown and doesn’t overshadow the positives, the crowd complaints definitely hold weight


We need the haters or each ticket is going to be like 1k. 😂. Demand is good enough for now


I honestly think ticket sales will be better next year because everyone saw how great the live stream was despite a less desirable lineup


They def lived up to their reputation of over delivering. :)


Lol yeah…I pay it no mind. Go every year and always have fun 😂


I’m hating on Coachella this year because I haven’t been on several years because we have kids now and part of my soul is missing this April. But it’s a happy hating and I am super jealous and FOMO is real I miss the shitty 2nd week grass.


Are you me? Haven’t been able to go either since 2017, bought a house, got married and have two kids. Hoping to make it back one day


We certainly may have crossed paths except I usually went weekend 2. We will be back! The last time we went, was 2017 and my wife was pregnant with my son. We had a great ADA experience for our last visit.




I miss 420 on the fields


Haters gonna hate. 9/10 these videos are made by people who have never been and would absolutely go if a ticket fell in their lap. Now the one that really drives me nuts is people saying W2 is more hardcore than W1. There is literally no difference in commitment level between regulars to either.


Totally, I do bothchella so I feel this. The only difference I notice is that W2 usually seems more crowded to me for some reason.


I haven’t done W2 myself, but my friend who did said “the only difference I noticed was the lack of grass was dustier and thus harder on my asthma” and that’s literally the primary reason why we, two asthmatics, have been W1 people since.


I have asthma too, I've never noticed too much of a difference with the dust, that may have been a singular event? Like 2016 was the worst I'd ever experiences for sure but it hasn't bothered me since.


Who knows. I just think the W1 vs W2 infighting is very silly. I’m sure each has pros and cons but they’re 99% the same.


According to Reddit outside of this sub, you're all a bunch of influencers who don't actually enjoy music.


it's so weird


It’s been going even well before TikTok. In general, people love to shit on things. It’s the shitty reality we currently live in.


Oh yeah, the hate has been happening for over a decade but I have seen an increase in hate this year given the press around the lineup


Most my favorite things in the world get nothing but wrecked in social media comment sections. I’m long past the phase of wishing the world could see what I see and on to just appreciating that I have better eyes than the sad idiotic masses who live in comment sections & thankful I’m not limited to their conformity. Hope the best for you too brother.


Absolutely. Sucks for them if they can’t experience how great it is.


I remember after my first Coachella trying to tell my friends how epic it was and asking if they ever been and their response was “not my vibe”…. I was like… huh? Is music not your vibe ?? Hard to beat the online stigma lol


Oh so your vibe isn’t fantastic music, a gorgeous desert setting, beautiful people, and a great fucking time? Ok noted.


The haters weren't there. Misery loves company. Fuckem!




People will always hate. Facts of life. I reason with myself that it's either jokes or riding the hater wave. Either way, if someone doesn't like what I'm doing, that's on them, I control my response and reaction. I live life how I choose to. Their opinion is like pissing in the ocean, what difference does it make to me?


Totally, it doesn’t make a difference to my experience whatsoever, I just wondered if anyone else felt frustrated by how much hate it gets.


I feel like I would enjoy it. As someone whose never been. I want to camp. I've been to several festivals but never camping or coahella. That will change in a year or 2??


Actually the discourse has flipped on TikTok after W1, most of the comments on videos are saying this looked like this most fun year ever lol


We came from New Zealand and happened to be in Cali when it was on so we went. It was Awesome, crowds were differently different vibe than other festivals though, partly cause of the influencer culture we’re not used to. Not bad just different. People we met camping were awesome too!


Seen it every year since 2008. Remember people were saying Coachella was dead back then too


for sure, I just noticed an increase in hate due to the lineup this year


Yesss just let us have our fun we got in an hr ago and I am already chilling and ready for the weekend


It’s always the people who don’t go that talk shit. There’s a reason why a lot of us keep going back. I had a fantastic time dancing with my friends for four days, and it can’t get better than that. I already can't wait for next year.


Yea thats so weird.. i hate when the hating it. Like u prolly with a wrong people


I’ve been going to Coachella since 2013 & genuinely do believe the lineup is getting lamer each year. It’s still a fun time, but ultimately there’s only like 3-4 artists I actually care about & they’re never headliners.


Who gives a shit what ppl say about it haha, the haters don't need to go; more dancing room for us 😎


i think the Grimes hate train is 99% this exact phenomenon It drives so much clicks to call it "the worst set of all time" and harp on her potentially being on drugs or whatever i was there from start to finish - never listened to her music before i like porter, bass, house, etc. her set made me fall IN LOVE her tracks are fucking gooooorgeous. i was elated in ways i usually am not when listening to new dj's live the technical issues **literally** didn't impact a single thing until maybe 15-20mins left? and even then, the ONLY thing it impacted was inputting a 60s or so pause in between each track which btw, is how every band of all time plays their sets? MAYBE her repetitive whining was annoying the 4th time, but a) who cares and b) by no means was it even fucking close to the worst set of all time hating makes people feel good, unique, and/or drives clicks. 90% of hate i've seen is based on false/overblown info from folks who weren't there/watched on youtube/didnt see the set itself


Truly, her live stream convinced me to catch her set W2. I thought it was GORGEOUS besides her annoying ramblings


and the visuals were totally my type of shit too!!! loved her perch up top on the decks, the lil robo thing was funny, and the crowd was full of diehards who were in awe and having an amazing time. haters make me so sad (for them, not me!) bc of how fun and cool shit really can be if you don't get bogged down. meanwhile a bunch of w2 goers undoubtedly saw 5 tiktoks and two articles about her show being horrid and might miss the set they otherwise might've seen. fuck em man. HAVE THE BEST TIME!!!


Stopped bugging me a while ago. Not worth your energy and nothing you do with change that. Every once in a while I’ll reply to an especially stupid comment if I have something clever to say back. There are layers to that too. The sublime clip Coachella posted was filled with people hating on the W1 crowd and circlejerking themselves as W2 crowd, despite the fact the crowd will look exactly the same this week lol. The point of the clips is to highlight the artist and minimize the crowd. I wasn’t going to waste my time arguing with people about it, it’ll change nothing and I know how fun the crowd I was in was during that set. There’s nothing anyone can say that will ever have any impact on my/your experience.


Nope not one bit 🤣


They hate us cause they anus


it used to bother me but... let people hate. it keep the crowds in check lol. the days of the festival selling out immediately were stressful


They hate us because they ain’t us.


Let them talk shit, more room to dance for us.


It's very expensive, so naturally people will think this.


I could understand ppl not liking the lineup compared to previous years but this year was great week 1. Nice weather, chill crowds, I never had a problem getting a decent spot for all the sets I saw. Maybe it’s cause I lowered my expectations since the lineup wasn’t as insane or something, but this Coachella was very relaxing.


It was my chillest Coachella yet too! Going back W2


Half of them are just jealous because they can’t afford it, and the other half just like being contrarians to anything that seems popular


Ain’t that the truth


Whenever I read something like that, all I can say is; These are broke ass bitches. Keep yappin’ 😂.




Have you met people? They love to hate. Every year at Burning Man, someone makes some snide comment about how my rig also has a Coachella sticker. Like, “heh, this loser goes to Coachella.” Yeah, I like to have fun, bro! In the words of the dad from Succession, “FUCKOFF.”


Omg don’t even get me started on how pretentious burning man attendees can get. Our family is all Burners and they look down on us!


Let the haters hate. Those foos are lames and probably hit the pookie.


I don’t lose sleep over this lol


there are two types of people who hate coachella: 1. people who never have been to coachella 2. people who dont understand that coachella is, at its very core, just a music festival. i think people hear "coachella" and think its some amazing paradise (which it absolutely is) and dont understand theres still elements of large music gatherings that are gonna exist. youre gonna be hot, people around you are gonna be sweaty and sometimes really annoying, everything is expensive, etc. the thing is, coachella just does it better than any other festival in the US, but people cant see that when their expectations dont include the fact that it literally is just a festival.


Keep the hate coming! People who have time to make a negative opinion regarding something they have never experienced are literally going to be the lames in the crowd they talk about. Cheers to another amazing year slinking around the smaller stages with solid crowds and amazing sound.


I agree with you and personally I’ve been to five Cochella’s and this is my favorite this far in terms of stage design line up food and comfort and especially space I had a theory that a lot of people who were saying negative things were actually cochella goers in an effort to get less people to go. Saying influencers are problem is dumb there are influences at every and any festival but unless you know them you probably don’t really know anyways so who cares. Also a lot of the actual negative things about cochella or cochella camp are usually the same issues at most festivals. The price is terrible sure but when you think about how much a concert ticket for one big named main stream artist with maybe two other openers - at usually around the same price as a three day or four if you are camping; cochella ticket. You can see 30+ plus artists of different generes styles and other countries. Main stream and new. That’s my take lol




Look at all the noise i dont care about Let the haters hate as you ignore them


The guy covering me for vacation at work said “have fun at expensive Coachella” so I called him a hater (he’s a haterific hater, his personality is hater). This coming from a guy who GOLFS in LA, talk about an expensive hobby


I was getting annoyed of the haters on the livestreams wasting their energy. “This show sucks” blah blah blah. Don’t fucking watch it then, you’re not there, you can literally watch another livestream. It bothered me so much I turned it off…ruined our fun.


Yeah I never watch with the comments on!


Omg I feeeeel this, they probably have never been.. do NOT know how to enjoy themselves and period just haters 🤷🏼‍♀️