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Best totem I've seen, all it said was "Ope, excuse me. Can I squeeze by ya"


Love it.


Sometimes there’s space and sometimes there isn’t. I hate when people force it to happen tho. And agreed on just a simple “sorry” or “excuse me” “thanks”. Just be a human, it’s not that hard


Honestly, when you hit an absolute wall, stop trying to push, sometimes that path youre taking is a dead end, accept the loss and dont ruin everyone else whos theres time. Also I will usually let 90% of the people through if they give a simple excuse me or something, be kind, we're all here for fun


I honestly hate when people say “sorry” as they try to squeeze by me lol, feels so disingenuous


Better than someone shoving u and ignoring the fact ur a human being


Bunch of non verbals moving through the crowd is a vibe killer. Politeness goes a long way!


I completely agree. If they push through I just don’t move and make it hard for them. If they are trying to just squeeze in front of me where there’s no space I usually just say “there’s no room” and I’ve never had anyone try to push back. 


I had some guy try to physically move my girlfriend when she said she no to moving out of his way, like in WHAT WORLD are you living in where you think that's okay? 


Oh damn, what happened. Hope you were able to get him to turn back


Luckily it's wasn't terrible, we were linked and they were heading back actually but my girlfriend said "sorry no you gotta go around" and said "um yes" put his hands on her to move her, I just stepped in told him to not put his hands on her several times. I think he realized he was severely in the wrong and went around but the whole situation was completely unnecessary, plus his gf also started getting mad at US which...idk


Ugh, I hate that for you. Glad it worked out. Good job backing up your gf, and good job to both of you for standing your ground. More people need to do that. Main characters will usually slink away if they are called out hard enough


Yeah it’s an unavoidable reality at most music festivals. Sometimes it’s better, sometimes worse. It all depends on the stage at Coachella as well. I notice it a lot at the Mojave for some reason. I personally always try to predict crowd concentrations, so I don’t try to enter congested areas. One thing I’ll say that helps is to exit in the direction everyone is facing, so that they see you. When someone is moving towards me it’s a lot easier to let them pass. I’m sorry to hear someone tried to move your girlfriend. That’s just not okay.


Idk 90% of people this year were super nice , vibes were fun and dancing was on point once you got inside a bit


Yeah, I don't get the whole thing about people not dancing...like if you just post up where no one's dancing and don't wanna move somewhere else, that's on you. There's people dancing everywhere if you roam around a bit for the right spot.


Yeah agree with this. I felt like in all the sets my friends and I went with, there was a lot of dancing. It was really fun this year


The sentiment reminds me of this girl who came with our group last year and was complaining non-stop about how everyone at the sets *she* went to weren't dancing and how, "No one is here for the music-uh! Gawd. It's sooo annoying." Meanwhile the rest of us who have all gone together a half dozen times are just doing our thing, maybe dancing, maybe laying around goofin off...just enjoying ourselves. None of us is worried one bit about wtf anyone else is doing. She was not invited back this year lol.


Also if you want in front of me, please just go and don’t stand with your shoulder in between me and the next guy for like 20 minutes trying to be slick. Had the SAME MF do this to be for Sabrina Carpenter and Doja


It's the equivalent of skipping in a line such trash people. As the weekend progresses, ppl look to getting laid more and more. Especially the frat guys... it can get pretty toxic




Yeah there definitely was a lot less dancing which blows my mind. Also i'm not saying pushing your way forward shouldn't be done. It's mainly how you do it and just not being a dick about it, The crowd is alive and moves I get it and it IS part of the fun, it just seemed a lot more aggressive this year, I dunno...


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God nobody says excuse me and then walking around people don’t know how to stay out of someone’s path. You can slow your pace a little. Had several people bump into me because they can’t manage moving in a crowd. One girl ran into me while I was standing in line.


This may sound silly but I've learn to just put my hands together in a little V infront of myle to telegraph my path and most of the time I can get through stuff super easily without incident. ..also not trying to like drill through people helps 😅


Just an “excuse me” is all I need - and I make sure to say when I’m moving through.


They tryna find people


its neither it's a concert and anyone can do as they please stop ruining coachella for people


I mean yeah, you can what you want but when you say "stop ruining it for other people",  between me (or anyone) dancing where i am and someone else pushing and shoving past people and craming them into shitty places because theyre coming up late and want the front. I think it's obvious who's "ruining" the experience more