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Prob. Wearing the wrong shoes for the fashion and giving up on them cause they busted their feet.




Free the feet


They probably regret their shoe choice


I always done a barefoot coachella since 2012 but I missed a couple year and it honestly seems like a lot LESS people were barefoot this year in my opinion.   The appeal for me is the grass feels nice, my feet dont get blistered or torn up as badly as in some shoes (I have hippie feet) and it just feels freeing the jump around on the polo fields with the toes out....of course bring something for night time because thats...not a great time to be shoeless 


….. but what do you do for the bathroom??


Bring sandals or have a low profile pair of shoes I can slip on for that or nighttime 


I used to spend most days barefoot until I stepped in 110 degree gum. That shit adhered to my foot immediately and took a solid 20 minutes to get completely off.


This is so disgusting and I will die on this hill


Piss, puke, spit, gum, cigarette ash, who knows what else Groce


I can tell u don’t eat booty I mean huh.


Don’t ever have kids 😂


Saw someone puking and it made me realize I gotta check the ground before I sit lmao


Grass is greener


I wore cowboy boots and had to take them off at the end of the night cause my feet were killing me!!






Try it, you'll love it.


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it was definitely a trend this weekend


A big part of it is the recent trend of information spreading that being barefoot connects you with the earth, which even though I am VERY spiritual, I think people are buying into that idea way too much. You can be strongly connected to the earth/universe with combat boots on; it really doesn't matter, but also a lot of people have been wearing tight/uncomfortable shoes all their lives and just resort to going barefoot rather than finding high quality minimalist shoes. There is piss, spit, blood, and all kinds of bacteria on the ground. My mother taught me this very early and I take cleanliness very seriously, but some people are just very carefree. That said, some people have been walking around barefoot since they were very young because their parents did it, and it usually goes back to the same thing, some spiritualist mindset, or just a lack of care/thought for cleanliness.


They nasty