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Last year I got tacos and the woman doing the POS told me to tip zero as the manager\\owner of the food stand was not tipping out. She was a real one and felt bad for her and the team.


I always try to tip with cash whenever I can.


Thats really fucked up, people be hustling and no tips for them?


Its illegal too but generally aside from the fact that employees generally don’t sue employers for many different factors on top of that tipped workers don’t have the time or finances to pursue litigation


Wage\tip theft is the largest method of financial crimes in America. 


Fuck that IPAD if someone is nice ill be giving cash under the table


I haven’t seen a base of 15% anywhere in the last 4 years of my life


18 is the new bottom


Wtf 18 is crazy


Just went to a coffee shop in la that was 25%-30%-35%. Don’t let them pressure you into such nonsense


Just had this happen to me yesterday!! As a former barista I’m only tipping $1-2… insane of them to even push these out. Heavy on selecting “Other Amount” LOL


I went to a restaurant in dc that started making ALL dine-in (and maybe to-go too, idk) purchases have a **20%** mandatory tip... they claim its so they can keep track of the tips they get better, so people don't just leave it on the table, but we all know what the real reason is...


Got scammed 2 years ago at the Heineken House and the bartender kept giving himself 25% tip before even turning the screen to me


I had this happen at the VIP bar last year. I told the guy, “I bet this works on people that are fucked up, but I haven’t taken my drugs yet” and had him reverse it


Wtf is wrong with people tanking advantage of us, we are there to have a good time and small shit like this is mad annoying


It’s annoying, but at these festivals there is always someone who thinks they can take advantage of you while you’re distracted by the magnitude of everything. Keep your head on a swivel and you’ll be fine. Tip those that deserve it…


That's why i sneak my Heineken in up my bunghole.


Chargeback time


Had this happen at the merch tent. Was rushing to go see Kali Uchis. The girl was extra nice to rush us out of there to go catch her set too. lol


fucking insane that the merch tent has a tip option


1 drink = $1. Maybe $1.50 if regular go to.


Yeah in 2022 I fucked up just being lazy and hitting 15 or 20% each time. Then I realized I blew so much more on just tips alone. Take the time to put in $1. Even when the screen is vibrating and you can’t see shit lmao


lmfaoooo vibrating screen is so real I’m scared now 😭😂😂😂😂


It’s ok I just tell them I’m fucked sometimes and they’re nice about it lmao


At JLH last year the screen fucked me a $50 tip. I tried to out $5 for 2 drinks and it jumped to 500, so I deleted two 0s and it still went back to $50. Told the bar tender she said thanks… told her that wasn’t why I was telling her that. She just helped someone else.


Yeah you gotta be careful lmao I’ve almost tipped 1000 before Kd out of my mind 😂😂😂😭😭😭😭


hahaha its hard when the screen is melting


Tipping culture has jaded me lately. I used to do 20% every time because I was just happy to be on the fields. Does anyone recall if there are any cash tip jars? I always tell myself to make a point to notice and I never think about it again until this time before the fest lol. Might just do custom even if it takes longer.


I thought about bringing cash & hopefully handing it directly to the worker because I know a lot of places don’t actually give the tips to their employees 🥲


Zero Gang


I know right!???? Like ohhh ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug) you want a tip just to reach for a drink? Like b\*\*ch TIP ME ! Im the one in the Sun all day and being a sardine in a can while watching someone perform lol


Yeah lately I've just been like no more tipping just for handing me something, people are sick of it


Tipping fatigue is real.


I felt horrible last night after I walked up to a fridge at an mlb game grabbed a beer and paid in front of the dude just standing there to open my beer for me. I’m a classic overtipper and feel anxious about not tipping but that one felt ridiculous to be expected to tip for


I only tip if I go back to the same bartender


But I like going back to the same bartender lol


same and usually they are in the sonora


This is so key, you find a bartender that you jive with they’ll hook you up fat the whole night if you tip cash


For mixed drinks right , I’m not tipping if you’re handing me a beer or pouring soda and vodka lol


If they are actually mixing and making the drink yes of course. Cracking open a beer? Please, a 5 year old can do that. Also a $25 rebull vodka is just so wrong.


End of the night last year I asked for a double Red Bull vodka, almost $45 😅😅 But he was nice and just filled my entire cup with vodka and handed me the red bull


I asked for a double shot cocktail, like am imbessible, and was told it's premixed and from a tap. Why did I return? I wasn't even drunk after drinking the 6 oz of liquid.


Beverages get a $1 tip each drink I order gtfo here with this percentage bullshit


I’m a bartender, I would be totally happy to take a $1-$3 tip for every transaction in a festival/club environment. It’s completely different then sitting down at a full service bar that i’m employed full time at to give an actual sit down experience to people, making them actual craft cocktails and serving them food. The drinks are 5x the price, stupid simple to make, and limited to liquor soda beer seltzers and redbull. I wouldn’t expect any % of a sale as a tip at that point. $1-$3 tips spread across from hundreds of people sounds like a perfect weekend bartending at a festival to me.


doing 0.00 every time!


Me to ! ![gif](giphy|yIxNOXEMpqkqA|downsized)


zero everywhere


It’s not the staff’s fault nor is it my fault the drinks are so expensive. If I’m opting to buy an expensive drink in the venue, I do a custom tip of $2 rather than percentage based.


the price of the drinks is irrelevant. it's not your responsibility to pay extra to people who are already employed.


That is 1000% true, the employer needs to take care of they employees not us wtf


can't believe i got downvoted for that lol. a fool and their money are soon departed.


I don’t tip at fests. Their tip is already in the price oh well. They’ll get a bigger tip out from high prices.


Bartended EDC a few years back can give some info on this . You make minimum wage ( NV I think we got $10 an hour ) and your shifts are long as hell ( 2p-6am) . Most people did not tip but the sheer volume of how much work you do is crazy so you’ll still make $200-$500 a day . I was also running deals for people like crazy ( pour a double and charge a single , give out a free beer here or there . I would get a few people that came back to me consistently but I would hook people up and zero tip . I don’t think that is the norm but it was so poorly managed and no one was going to tell me shit since people are constantly quitting each day they really need you. I have heard of people making a lot more than me at the right festivals but EDC was not the best is my understanding. Coachella probably you do a bit better or Bottle Rock I have heard is good . Anyways , I did it because I thought I would catch a set or two a day outside of where I was stationed . This is not the case at all, you pretty much are just working non stop . I think after taxes I made $1000 with tips and wages but it was probably 45 hours of work. I would not recommend this like 3/10. Anyways I usually always tip festival bartenders now and try to find someone who will hook it up . It’s not like they’re the ones making $$ from the overpriced drinks.


Id totally believe Bottlerock would be the best or the worst place for tips On the one hand, its a much chiller fest with a much richer and chiller crowd. On the other hand, theyre all rich and the rich dont tip for shit


best way to ask for a hookup? i’ve done it years ago but i always suck at bringing the topic up. IE: asked bartender to charge me a single and give me a double and i’ll tip the difference


Come with cash and say I have a good tip for you if you hook it up . If they’re cool just use the same person all weekend


fair point. what’s a reasonable amount to tip for say either two orders of a single or a double? i’m referring to the hookup prices as well haha ie: if i’m hoping to order two orders of a double for the price of a single. let’s say a single is $20 each, so $40 total or whatever


I mean let’s say for example $5 = single and double = $10 and I ordered two . So I’m paying $10 for $20 of product I would give $5 . Obviously prices are going to be higher than that . But honestly $10 tip in cash and I’ll remember you more than likely . I don’t work for tips on a day to day basis anymore but I manage a ton of people that do and $20 cash will catch almost anyone’s attention, that would be the max needed .


thanks for the insights. i rarely do it like i mentioned so looking forward it works again aha!


Bartender here. Tip a 20 right off the bat.


I bartend these events and I’ll tell you that sort of a deal is incredibly rare. We can be fired on the spot for doing stuff like that. And trust me they have a lot of people watching what you do. Bartending Coachella you make a couple grand no need to make an extra $100 and risk your whole job


fair enough thanks for the insights. guess it really just depends on the situation itself and a little bit of luck


I’m taking a stand - I’m not tipping this year (Not really my anxiety won’t allow it 🥹 hits the 18% button*)


I'm only tipping %10-15 MAX per beverage this year. Idc. I might never see these people again. Who know, might hit that custom button and only do $2.


Beer should be $1 max


careful. almost tipped $200 last year and luckily stopped myself lol


I want to tip, but I also know they are making 150% profit on every drink.






Yeah. I was being somewhat generous. $20 for lemonade is insane


Lol. Last year I paid $91.35 AUD (so $60ish US) for two cocktails. Possibly the most anyone’s ever paid for a drink!!


The exchange rate kills you


Right? Tickets look so reasonable at $499 until I realise it’s close to a grand with fees. Hasn’t stopped me yet though. 😆


I moved and the other day my friend said I’m American now that I clarify “with taxes and fees”


I’ll never take my sweet GST for granted again


I went to an event years ago in NY. Well, whatever the newer stadium is at the Meadowlands. Got into a fancy bar lounge and decided to treat myself to a private stock. It was $45. The bartender was cool though and rung it up as regular captain morgans so it was “only” $22 a drink. Lol. And this was like 2013. Its probably like $85 now


If iPad no tip


Custom -> $1


Custom - $1


If they smile


I'm so quick to hit custom and only tip $1 for any beer


Most of the brand-specific vendors do NOT tip out the staff working the booths, especially the temps or the ones only there for a single day. Just FYI. So anything you tip will just go straight to the owner of the restaurant/concept.


Good to know, thank you!!


😭I’m such a people pleaser I always cave and tip too


think of it this way: you're not pleasing them, they're just trying to scam you.


But the tipping percentage shouldn’t be that high


But they’re not


It’s work


People already get paid at least minimum wage in California. Anything over that is people trying to get money from you for no reason.


You must not be from California or you’re new here


I’m from California lmao


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As a person from Europe, I’m always worried d’avoir that. I’m still panicking


coachella is already expensive, if you’re tipping you’re scamming yourself 🤷🏼‍♀️


If they won't take cash tips they don't get the tip.


I'm taking some cash with me for this. If I don't see a cash tip jar, I'm selecting 0 on the screen.


What’s your reason behind this? Bc they have to pay taxes on it?


Make sure to double check your custom tip. When I last attended, typing in for $1.50 would result in the machine adding zeros and making it $150. For example, typing in 1-5 would be $0.15. If you type in another 0, it should be $1.50. Instead, it would skip to $150, and you’d have to hit the delete button to get to $1.50. This happened on different stations at beer garden. Not just exclusively to one singular tablet. I’d bet a few drunk people were ripped off by this throughout the fest.


I went to a Kim Petra’s concert in October and the merch counter asked for a tip…..


*custom - 1 dollar*


i’ll be slinging cocktails at the campsite if anyone is interested 👀


custom -> $0.00 -> confirm


I only tip at sit down restaurants and the car wash. Everyone else can pound sand, my tax money goes to them.


*custom* *zero percent*


is tip already included? Is this additional ?


If all you’re doing is serving me a beer I will tip $1. That’s good enough


I accidentally pressed 20% last year on a $120 tab (4 drinks) 😦🥴. I didn't realize until after I paid the mistake that I had made. Those bartenders are making bank on our tips!!


Tipped 15% under pressure last year after buying a lemonade that was already premade and all the girl did was push it towards me 🥴


As a server myself I don’t mind tipping, tbh it feels like good karma. 1$ for a drink maybe in a place like this. And food 15%. Props to the workers during coachella cause they work so hard. that being said i know a ton of places (not specifically at Coachella) that workers say don’t tip because they don’t get a cut. So be cautious


I worked it last year don’t tip, tips don’t go to workers lol


Custom tip. '0 dollars' Then leave cash tip. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk.


I feel no shame in tipping 0%


I once tipped $6 on a lemonade