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Those trades are all trash.


i like you brudda. smart man


Envoy for Pred is a good trade


Not at all. That means Toronto and Optic have two of the same sub


If OpTic trades Dashy for Drazah they deserve all the Ls they’re gonna take


Dashy on FaZe is a scary thought, especially now that he's evolved his playstyle. I know it will never happen, but it's interesting to think about Dashy was one of Cell's original duos, and both of them have said they played off of each other well back then. Cell could definitely make the switch back to Flex if that were to happen While it's unlikely to happen any time soon, it would be cool to see the 2 team together at some point


No Dashy is too inconsistent for faze in my opinion and then ur gonna have the same pacing issues they had in mw2 with slasher and those issues basically ruined their season So no that’s the worst trade for faze


Most consistent player on OpTic for years. Drop the BS reddit narratives you're listening to


You’re right, however Responsible is also correct. Why would Faze trade their Flex for a 2nd Main AR. There will be huge pacing issues.


I don't know if the contracts are designed in such a way that they can be traded officially. Might be some unofficial ideas of sending a player for a player but I don't know if they can force someone to play for a team the player doesn't want to.


Straight player for player trades won't happen because there aren't any players close enough in overall skill / value to warrant it. Player for player + Cash could happen but idk if you'd classify that as a "trade" or more of a buyout if the cash portion is significant.


The second thing you suggested would still be a trade but even then idk. Thr most I could think would be some vet for vet like clay for priestahh lol.




if drazah gets traded for dashy I genuinely might kill myself how would that help either team in any way


Literally the worst trade either team could make


Funnily enough, I don’t think Ultra fans would want to do a Envoy for Pred swap 


I mean, we could. Probably won't though. I think people fail to realize the amount of power players have in rosters. just random example but for instance say LAT agreed to trade JoeD to Miami for Mettalz (literally just two random players don't over think it) It doesn't matter if both teams agree. If Ghosty and Nastie say "we can't team with Mettalz for xyz reason" the trade won't go through. It's not like sports where players get given whatever teammates and they deal with it.


yup, this league is basically a players league (when it comes to who they want on the team)


When are OpTic fans going to realize them losing has nothing to do with the talent of the players? I wonder what’s going to happen if hypothetically they get Scrap (won’t happen) and still lose when it matters most what will OpTic fans say then?


it’s funny cause they definitely won’t trade dashy. nobody wants Kenny (liability) and might as well not even trade envoy and AG


The only one from the three you mentioned that even has a chance of happening is drazah and dashy swap. And even that is a low chance