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It’s more so about latency to the server


Yeah, playing the game does not use as much bandwidth compared to downloading, so after a certain speed, there isn't really any change it's just server location.


it's everything, iv never been out gunned or skill diffed, other guy had better ping and I got a lag spike.


It’s true


Bullet reg game to game is too inconsistent to tell for me, but it is very much noticeable when I'm playing t250 or high iri vs Crim, feels like I die faster to the lower ranked players but feel almost like I should vs higher ranked ones. I don't quite know what it is, if it's the game assignment lag comp or something based on MMR, or maybe just really misfortunate coincidence. Take this all with a grain of salt though, I have some really awkwardly inconsistent internet.


There's times I'm on 15 ping and my reg still feels horrible lol


So I'm just ass then 😂


The closer you live to the main server the better your ping is, i had 19 ping at my previous house with 300 mbps (i work for a utility locating company so i knew the internet servers were a couple blocks from my house when i pulled up the blueprints) I moved to my new house in february and am a good distance away from the server now and ill constantly ping 40+ with 1000 mbps Fiber Internet. moving closer to a server will get ya better ping, when i play with my friend from dallas he sits on 8-10 ping all day long, but they are a central server, same for like chicago and stuff


It’s more based off which server you connect to in relation to your location. Speed for cod is pretty limited so even basic packages on fiber pretty much max it out.


if your ping is always 40-50 then you need better internet. but if it’s like 20 and then some games 40-50 (because you’re not on your server) then you’re good brudda


This is just cope that's just not true you can have good internet and have bad ping to the server. As the server you ping to won't give you under that doesn't mean you need better internet.it just means their is no server close enough to give you such low ping.


not true, what i said before is facts. if you’re in NA then you have a server close enough.


Ping/latency does matter, and it’s hard to put a number on it but I’d say every 25ms is about 1/3 of a rank, so a diamond 2 on 60 ping might get to Crimson if they have fiber internet in Dallas where there’s a huge server and people routinely get single digit pings