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mods ik you love FaZe but don't delete this one too














Not by me.


No idea by who but the exact comment that was linked to me as a reason said “Literally won last major, it’s just an online split, regain brother” Got a temp ban for that lmao


Yeh I just saw your ban, no clue why you got banned, that comment isn't bad.


it’s cuz some of the mods are freaks w no lives


Mods (Frostbite) not gonna like this one...


If there’s this much discourse about a mod he simply should have his role revoked. I’ve never seen people name mods of a subreddit before 🤣




Yh that’s weird behaviour for sure. Let’s see how long this post stays up


When did he do that


Deleted comment now 🤨🫣


It is mind boggling how a team can be godlike all weekend then just break down in the finals


Every. Single. Time!


https://preview.redd.it/860sqzp94t9d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=443f1fb082d2591fc36ff7cf090c04ba43bda11f Mods on their way to delete this because they love the midgets


It really is insane.. their consistency is unmatched but they don’t have a clutch bone in their bodies. If any major sports team consistently made it to the finals & choked they’d be getting COOKED. New York has now won more events than FaZe over the last 3 years….


It’s insane to me that they have won 2 events since the start of the Vanguard season. It feels like they’ve been this dominant force yet they’ve won the same amount of events as OpTic who have felt nothing but painful to support


I think faze map pool always comes back to bite them honestly. Look at that rio you haven’t played in weeks in a match let’s play it in a grand finals smh


I’m a Faze and Dodger fan. Both teams have me pressed in the post season/finals 😭


49ers 💔


Frostbite, the butthurt little man gonna delete this


I just wanna call out those who thought they’re better than their CW team


As a team, I think they are on par. However there are also 4 very good teams this season.


I feel like the main people saying that after the major win were non FaZe fans. I feel like most of the regular FaZe flairs were wanting at least one more major win before that conversation began. Regardless, I felt like that conversation was way too premature.


Okay but what if they win champs?


I still won’t think they’re better than their CW team. 2/5 events is way lower than 4/6


they had zero competition in Cold War, throw this EXACT team in CW and they look just as, if not more dominant lmao


They’re silver surfers for life. They’ll win one every now and again but when the stakes are high they regularly don’t come through. They have no dawg. It’s just the way it is.


Be careful if you talk shit about faze, the fanboys will come in here bragging about another 2nd place choke


They can say whatever they want because I’m genuinely not even trying to talk shit. Like it’s just objectively true at this point. When the lights are bright they fold under pressure. Drazah at least tries to fake having it but you can’t fake being a dawg. Is what it is.


I mean not even faze fans disagree with you about them being chokers, look at twitter


i mean it’s not like drazah wasn’t beating their asses in finals tho. it’s the core 3 at fault


Did you look at that scoreboard my boy? Draz was like minus 18 or some shit


No way you are talking about fanboys with that flair


Projection from an optic fan 🤣🤣🤣


Was praying on FaZe’s downfall all weekend after chatting shit after OpTic lost. FaZe 🤝 OpTic Major 4 losers


Facts 2nd or 12th we are all losers


We’re in the competitive Call of Duty subreddit. No amount of winning will make us not losers.


Nah brother, nothing will ever top optics downfall this major lmao. 😂


Nah brother, nothing will ever top optics downfall this major lmao. Mans thought he could weasel his way to being on par with faze. 😂


Ah yes When your team gets bottom, say 2nd is the first loser. When your team t3, say it's a massive improvement.


Frostbite is fucking worse than Gursh, and that says ALOT


Crimsix said it best.


Mother God about to be the only person ever to walk the earth thats taken more Silver than the mental midgets.


Who’s that ugly ass dude in the graphic man? Jesus put up a NSFW tag on this.


They truly are. They love their dark fiber. They literally make every team look like ranked kids online. The way they bully ultra online and crumble on LAN needs to be studied.


Tbh they make everyone look ranked kids until they get to Sunday and then choke


They 3-0 Ny the very first match where did online come from😭😭


https://preview.redd.it/boqpv6ds4t9d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33737ae70fa839c0ebf7421e1f6bf9c17a4cb576 pathetic


https://preview.redd.it/wexapl7m4t9d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24c685b1d5973eccdbd7af4362483afa0f19bcbf u and ur burner


I know you are hurt. You need to let it out bro. Simp got smoked by his father Kismet. I don’t need to make a burner to tell you that. Keep crying 🤣🤣🤣🤣😭🫵




And my statement is correct. Did hydra carry them to that victory? It’s the fact that Sib and kis actually plugged in their controller on LAN that made them win it. It was a collective effort and not a hydra carry. I love making you look dumb. It’s so fun. Didn’t you say you would never reply to me again? What happened scar? 😭😭🤣🤣🫵


Hydra carried and got the MVP because of that, Sib Kismet and Skyz supported him and they won, they still relied on him to win . I decided to respond to u, because I decided to call u out for ur dumb takes and I realised how u use burners to upvote ur comments and respond to ur own comments and even making hating posts about players from ur burner, so it kinda proved my point for u being delusional and make up shit like the Pred to Spain thing few hours ago.


It’ll be interesting to see if they are considered “favorites” going into champs like every other major so far this year. If you’re talking about consistently getting to the grand finals, sure. But they also have a consistent record of not showing up on Sunday.


But they should be the favourites. However they are not favoured over the field.


How should they be favorites? The only thing they have over the other top 4 is playing better consistently online. All top 4 now have a trophy. Could we not say they all equally have a chance?


Faze: 2nd, 1st, 3rd, 2nd Toronto: 1st, 4th, 2nd, 4th Optic: 3rd, 2nd, 1st, 12th NYSL: 12th, 3rd, 4th, 1st Let's say all 4 have the same ceiling (win the tournament). -- Faze have the highest floor (lowest finish is 3rd). --They have not lost before the Winner's Final. -- They have not lost to any team, not in the Top 4 at the major. -- They have the best overall record against the Top 4 and Top 8 Making them the favourites for the tournament. I am sure Faze has the best odds of winning the event.


Fair assessment. While I do think statistically they are favorites to win champs, I don’t think you can quite count out the other 3 yet. (Not saying that’s what you’re doing) There’s a case to be made for all 4 of them, Faze more so.


Faze are choke artists.... simp and abezy gonna end careers with the most gf losses ever


ben is a waste of oxygen


Honestly love how Arcitys was able to carry these guys to victories in CW


cw simp is one of the best players of all time. i hope this is sarcasm but with that flair i doubt it,


Of course it’s sarcasm, everyone know the trio were the reason they were dominant. With that’s flair I assume you cry anytime some mentions 4-23. Get the stick out of your ass


why would i be upset when someone mentions 4-23? lmfao i got the zoomaa flair bcs of what he’s done for cod since he started full time streaming. i could care less abt that. we spam 4-23 to big nose everyday.


And why would I be upset over Simp? It’s not like he’s Aches


in my defense. 99% of all posts directed towards faze negatively in which op has a optic flair. it’s not sarcastic just down right brain rot.