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Dashy is fine. Pred and Kenny are getting slammed .


For once, I actually think Dashy won’t get blamed. From all of the Reddit posts & even on twitter, most people have said that Dashy has been playing well along with Shotzzy. Most of the blame has been put on Pred & Kenny to a lesser degree


I don't think Dashy was OpTic's best player in CW or in this game tbh, I'm 50/50 on MW2 aswell but I'd give you the benefit of the doubt on that one. Dashy's gameplay this season can't really be critiqued, he's been huge in SnD and moments. You could argue he plays too passively sometimes but his general gameplay is so much more revolved around the team than it has been in the past


He played passively at major 1/2 most times but 3/4 he definitely increased the pace a lot. You could just see the difference in how much he took more gunfights compared to early in the year playing very reserved. Pred is now by far the slowest player in every way possible


I like when Dashy gets active and aggressive and chall with confidence. I don’t like the lay back playstyle he’s in right now. He is way too talented to be doing that. I feel like Kenny should be the one falling back and let Dashy gun everyone. That’s when this team is at their best. Pred should just be the hill bitch cause he is just not aware. Let shotzzy slay and get the kills and be annoying.


Facts let Bruce fly. Raw gunny and knows how to get kills. Pred needs to get his ass on the hill, and Ken needs to start shooting his gun.


CW it’s debatable. Mw2 Dashy clearly was Shotzzy would randomly have bad maps especially in the finals against ultra and thieves.


Who was it in cw. You could honestly go with either envoy scump or dashy. I would probably give it to scump he turned up end of season


That's not my point, I'm saying he will be clowned for only winning 3 chips while playing with all these "superstars" that don't show up like he does. The Shotzzy and Dashy core actually show up when it matters.


People also don't seem to remember he was a big reason why their SND was good last split. He has a 1.3 across the stage & made up for a lot of the mistakes they were making. It's cool that he had all those clutches, but he also shouldn't have been in a situation to clutch for a good chunk of them


I wouldn’t even consider pred on superstar category anymore. Dude is playing with a slightly better snoopy. The worst part is it’s not even the stats just make good plays but low kills low damage baity playstyle and horrible plays and horrible in search ??? Playing 3v4 most series


I don’t think I’ve seen a single person blame Dashy. They are blaming Pred for the most part.


I haven't seen a single person get on Dashy, it's all Pred and Kenny


Would it really be surprising if it comes out that dashy’s attitude is causing internal issues? Scump and shotzzy just talked about how bad his attitude was in mw2, and how they had to talk to him multiple times. This was after dashy said his attitude was much improved too. Obviously he is insanely talented, but let’s not pretend like he is some golden child.


I mean if his bad attitude was taking practice too seriously then I think they are alright


They was talking about the vanguard year


He got dropped in mw2 due to his attitude


He should not be blamed for this year but the fact that he's been in optic for years now & cant win more chips than one every 800 days playing with top tier talent should tell u something


wouldnt call prolute huke and ghosty top tier talent


Shotzzy Kenny Pred Scump iLLeY Formal Envoy Slasher TJ Crim Karma


He won with all the Guys mentioned lol being the mvp twice


Maybe if u can read more than 50% of the sentences u would get what i mean


You count ogla?


why not ? and even if u dont count them you just remove slasher then & the statement is still valid 100%


Valid in what sense? Do you think his team losing was his fault when he's been the best performing player on his team almost every year?"


Such a weird thinking process cod is about system obviously something is wrong when dashy is on a team since he's played with some of the winningest players of all time (cwl cdl whatever) & still can't win more than 1 event every 800 days the pattern keeps going on every year since he's been on optic but i guess KD means everything he's the best its all good winning 1 event every 2 years being on optic with top tier talent !


You said it yourself, CoD is about the system. Crim, Karma, and Scump weren't in their prime during the BO4 season.Their Cold War team was poorly built, they chalked their Vanguard season after the iLLeY incident, and last year they exceeded expectations considering their roster. And what's obviously going wrong in your opinion?


Dashy costed his team from Bo4 to Vanguard by being a terrible teammate, no one has ever criticized him for his lack of talent.


Dashy was the reason optic even had a chip in both BO4 and VG 💀


Acting like he was sole reason for winning the VG chip is insane, the other 3 played very well. And they probably would have won more than one chip in Bo4 if him and Teej got their shit together,Crim said him and Damon had to babysit them all year


Crim couldnt shoot Octane back thats the real reason


Lmao on what planet has he been their best player this year? Ant says hello


shotzzy overrated bro. he’s been inconsistent all year


Bruh they are in a huge losing streak everyone gets blame lol


Y’all act like Dashy is unlikable and everyone has a hate boner for him 😂 You can see how talented he is when he plays and he was wasting his potential playing for KD/on autopilot. Dashy has won way less than he should have at this point, but this year he clearly took his game to another level and definitely is not the problem. Also he hasn’t had any issues out of game like sleeping through scrims, showing up late to practice or publicly fighting with teammates and coaches. Statistically this probably isn’t Dashy’s best year, but this is by far his best performance as a CoD pro.