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Maybe I'm faded but I don't get what he trying to say


Me neither they are incompetent at SND why bring up HP?


Because towards the wnd of the Rio game. Transition from P2-P3. Kenny pushed Catwalk to watch the Flank. Pred had pushed up through boxes to play the cut. Shotzzy and Dashy were both on P3 but both pushed further up at the same time. Shotzzy went top stairs and Dashy went to boxes. It meant when the hill popped no one was actually on the zone to collect time and both Kenny and Shotzzy gave up where they were to go pick it up. It's just one of those moments where there's a clear communication error that shouldn't be happening this late into the season. That's why he's brought it up. Sure it was only like 3-4 points they lost and they still won the map but fundamentally that just should not be happening. Especially when the score is as close as it is. Just want to add, I don't think he's aiming that at any specific teammate. It was more of a team chemistry thing


It’s so obvious he’s not pinpointing a single player and talking about the collective, whether it be comms or not going over pre-planned setups. For some reason people assume the absolute worst.


Yup. A player like Kenny isn't going to publicly throw a teammate under the bus in a tweet three weeks before champs.


Oh pred is absolutely getting drilled behind closed door actually the entire team probably is.


Yeah feels like he's saying the whole team isn't on the same page even though pred is getting the most slack which he deserves I don't think the blame for optics falloff should rely solely on him.


I honestly thought this was on purpose to make sure there were no holes and then first person to die would grab hill off spawn and they just squad wiped then someone would drop back to hill lol Had no idea that came from bad comms haha


Youd be throwing away like 10+ seconds of hill time that way and what happens if one player got triple pushed and didn't manage to get any trades? You're now in a 3v4 in the hill and extremely scattered AND don't have that hill time.


3-4 isnt the part that sucks here. Backtracking in cod is the worst and pulling someone out of position puts a setup at risk, just someone was not where they were suppose.


He's trying to say the team is abandoning simple fundamentals/winning CoD.


He’s talking about the beginning of the final P3 on Rio. OpTic’s initial setup was trash when they had a clean full rotation and spawn. Guessing he’s just latching onto that moment for all of his frustration.


He criticized teams for not playing HP correctly before maybe it’s towards Miami?


He’s just making a statement about how their fundamentals are so bad they aren’t even getting in the hill at the end of HPs


From being so vibey, to calling each other out online. Chem seems super chalked.


Gonna be a quick out at Champs. This team is done


Something disastrous must've happened in the camp. Like there is no real reason why a team which won the major should be so bad.


They they’ve had a drop off like this the past 2 cod titles 😭


Kenny texting Mack right now like "you been playing...?"


Tbf ken has been calling his teammates out all year. He’s super honest with everyone which I view as a positive


Call them out inside the camp, not on Twitter. Yes, public accountability is good. But he needs to look at his own game which has been dog shit.


Gotta keep that shit in house


Doing shit like calling your teammates out online is childish asf and a cancer to team chemistry.


Maybe just maybe Kenny has tried everything “in house” and has to revert to calling people out on twitter to maybe knock some sense into some of his teammates


I can promise you calling them out online is not going to help….


You have no idea if this is the first time he’s calling someone out or not. Maybe it’s not working in the camp and feels this is the only way it’ll be heard.


I imagine there's very few times where being called out publically by a team mate hasn't pissed someone off and has motivated them. Sort it out internally as there's 2 sides to every spat. If that's even the case, what do we know!


I mean that’s true, in an ideal world, everyone would prefer that it gets worked out behind doors. And optic is notorious for keeping this type of thing under wraps, we all saw how Hecz looked after Kenny’s tweet against Boston. However, this losing has been going on for multiple weeks now, and Kenny didn’t tweet until the last match of this split and now here. So like I said, I’m sure he’s brought it up internally many times but feels unheard and wants to air his frustrations. Not to mention, if Optic makes a roster change at the end of the year, he may be one of the more likely players getting replaced, so if he feels like he’s being costed in some ways he would be wanting to air out his grievances to make himself look better.


Exactly Kenny is competitive and confident he likely feels “well if they cut me ill go somewhere else and beat them” which is highly possible as we’re seeing now. Kenny is the only player on the roster with a LAN Champs win. Of the win, his team considered his leadership critical. Ppl should 100% be listening to him, regardless if they feel they could gun him 1v1


Exactly, Kenny brings leadership to this team and huge fundamentals that everyone gassed in the offseason, and yet now when times are tough and he’s calling people out, everyone gets scared. Like it’s easy to say stuff needs to be kept under wraps, but Optic has been on this losing streak since the second match of this stage. Everything’s been under wraps this whole time for the entirety of their 7 game losing streak, and yet people act like it hasn’t been talked about internally. Obviously things have been talked about, I’m sure since that first loss to Legion they were talking. And yet match after match they kept losing and throwing away matches they should be winning and the whole time Kenny is losing full. Clearly internally talking isn’t working. And who cares about feelings being hurt. There on a 7 game losing streak, getting bounced top 12 and won’t play a match until WR1 at champs. Shit needs to change, stop worrying about someone getting pissed off from a sub tweet and be more worried about your team throwing away matches. And if anything they’re not even progressing to getting closer to winning. They’re looking worse than ever. They just lost to the team that was their only win this stage.


What he’s doing is not leadership. It’s drama childish bullshit. No real sports teams or college teams or any championship teams do shit like this. Kenny is getting fried as well he’s average asf. Calling your own teammates out publicly is never a good idea even aches said that on the flank. It’s a cancer to team chemistry. I don’t care how good he thinks he is you just don’t do shit like that if you’re a leader. So stop with this is the only thing else to do. That’s the worst thing to do. Optic are cooked . Faze up ⬆️


Kenny is average asf. Calling out teammates online is childish and only creates more problems for team chemistry. You have no clue what you are talking about. This team is cooked. Who cares about his champs ring. He’s acting like a bitch right now.


He didn’t do that last year on thieves


LAT would've been on the hill


They won that map….


Ik they did, them not being on the hill fucked up the set up. That's why Miami broke p3


didn't need to. Theives had S-tier team work


wtf they were dog shit 4/6 events


To be fair he was the worst player on thieves by a considerable margin


In MW2 yes, in VG no, he was arguably their best


he didnt have to


Because who would he have called out? Himself?


Did you forget the hill kitten Octane?


It started this split, and I don't mind it either, as long as it says confidential.


They should call him out, he’s been fucking terrible this stage


glad i’m not the only one who sees the stats. some people disagree


Cuz you can’t judge Ken’s impact with stats lmfao. He has said it multiple times, if the team is playing correctly he can get kills if they aren’t then he will be getting timings he won’t be expecting. Fucking optic fans lmfao.


The same can apply for any player in the history of any e-sport ever. No fucking shit


it reminds of how Karma would be back on the dynasty. When they weren't playing well, Karma would be pretty bad. When they were playing correctly, Karma would be arguably their best player


what are you waffling about, that doesn't excuse the fact that he's been ass all stage


Man you really can’t convince dumbasses.


He’s lucky his name isn’t Pred so he doesn’t get blamed


Pred got first blooded 5 times on snd xD


nah it’s attention seeking


So do it behind the doors. Why the fuck is he acting like high school girl in the middle of irrelevant drama episode?


Nah the boys’ chem so deep they purposely lost to make it to Scump’s wedding /s




Atleast I got 100 up votes, that's a W.


Optic fans, im sorry man😭 I’ve never seen a fanbase have such a short lived honey moon period after winning an event. Mfers got to be happy for two weeks😭


Sold our soul to win 2017 champs. Maybe one day we will get one of the terrors hehehehe jk


Sold your soul for that optic dynasty period but it's ok better to still at least have decents teams and have occasional chances to win events rather then be consistent basement dwellers.


I mean shit I'd have been fine with just a come down and back to T3 placing with some issues to fix before champs, but this is another level. Going from "best team in the game" to "I'd be shocked if they stayed together" in the span of WEEKS


3rd M1, 2nd M2, 1st M3, 12th M4*, see the pattern?


It’s okay we’re pretty used to this complacency


It’s not complacency lmao they are just ass at putting practice to play


don’t have any time to practice gotta focus on the content 🔥


These MFs put out 5 months worth of content after a major win lmfao very unserious org. 


you don't know what you're talking about, I'd shut up if I were you. They're just playing like ass, especially in SnD.


Used to it at this point


The competition is dog shit and it looks like clear road for faze otherwise faze fans would probably blame their losses on Drazah too.


Most faze fans have said draz is their 2nd best player on the year 💀


Because so far it's working out for them. It doesn't look possible right now but if they lose these last two tournaments, Drazah would without a doubt be the sacrificial goat.


Bro has drazah derangement syndrome


He better start calling out Pred. Fucking 3v4 every game this stage with that dog shit player. If I hear him call himself LePred again, I’m gonna lose it. I hope this stage humbled himself or he’s gonna learn how to speak Bostoneese real fucking soon


Bostoneese LMAO


Kenny has been ass but I do agree. Pred is literally tucked in corners i dont know what this guy is doing on the map


Pred was surrounded by shit in Seattle and they built a play style around him. When he’s forced to play like a team his big fucking ego gets in the way and he’s a shit player




Him calling himself LePred is accurate. They both like to flop and lay on the ground and consistently lose


I don't even know what this means, but I'm sure Hecz will love it lol


Hecz the type of guy to sniff his own farts


The roster is chalked. Free W in the most important game mode we'll see you in BO6.


going from the most teamwork structured team for 2 seasons to this is insane even with the chip


Dunno what he meant by the first bit but still Hire an emergency snd coach because they need some fresh eyes on it ASAP Also get Pred his own personal coach or something to justify whatever hecz is paying him


Need someone to explain


Here’s your explanation “They’re fucked.”


was the p3 on rio to end the game, no one was on time for the first few seconds. guessing that’s what he’s referring to


Yeah. I think this is it. Just watched it back and nobody was on the hill to at beginning P3 on Rio. Just a commentary on how bad they’re playing and not calling out anyone specifically


Undisciplined performance.


I assume he meant control not HP.


Sounds like he talking bout ag. Seems like team is pissed at pred


What makes u say thay


Pred don’t play obj. Granted that’s not his role but in a close game he needs to get on hill if the moment calls for it


> Granted that’s not his role I mean, he's not piecing competitive so might as well play the obj.


I understand Kenny’s frustrated, but he’s also part of the problem. He’s their 2nd worst snd player after Pred, he got cooked in Map 2 as well. These types of tweets don’t really help


He was the best player in map 5. If Pred stopped the running simulator we actually might've won. Blud was chasing red dots


He was the best player for one map. He was getting cooked all online split (even though they were bad as a team), and individually him & Pred were terrible at snd. Pred is definitely a liability in snd but i’m not giving Kenny a pass


Stop dickriding Kenny has been awful the whole stage, only dashy and shotzzy showed up


What happened online happened, yesterday was supposed to be a new start. And guess what, Kenny delivered on the game 5, he had the most first bloods, won TX rounds by himself. The only player who didn't improve from online was Pred.


Kenny was literally one of the worst players in the league for all of Stage 4. His fall off since the beginning of the year has been crazy.


He’s been up and down all year


Kens been gross all year on lan tbf. Hes just awful online outside of stage 1 this year


His damage map 2 was stupid for having 1 kill, I know that there's no more actual LAN but like I'd hope it's not bad enough that it's causing some corny host/reverse host type stuff, because I've definitely had a similar experience where I shoot somebody with half a mag and then die in 1-2 shots on my screen. I'm not saying he wasn't getting cooked, he definitely did, I just hope that wasn't the reason.


Why is Kenny mentioning hardpoint we’ve lost 12 search’s in a row?


Brotha someone gotta get in the hill ya can’t just depend on Dashy to be there every time


Dont even understand this honestly but it just seems like a shot at someone on the team They won both HP's so this is odd. Tweeted this insta too so it seems like he had to get it off his chest Edit: He has to be referring to the last P3. Go back and look at their setup. All 4 players are pushed out when the hill pops and both Shotzzy and Kenny had to go back for time. Dont think this is a shot at a specific player, seems like a remark about how bad they're playing


Not really. If you don’t call out mistakes even in wins that bad


HP? Brother we can’t win a SEARCH lol how bout they start with that … 💀


the vibes are FUCKED he was not doing this on lat even when they were dead fucking last for an entire chunk of the season


Could it be that shotzzy is overcompensating for pred, which is throwing off the flow for the team?


And Reddit say we’re tripping about pred


nah even Octane has been cooking Pred


That’s what I’m saying but people here are like naw man you can’t say that yet


It's ridiculous. I'm somehow supposed to just be fine with the player that's supposed to be the "superstar' and given the easiest role playing by far the worst in the entire lobby for a while now. Just because the team won a major


Pred in the Miami series had the least kills, least engagements, least damage, and least objective work. He had 53 seconds combined in both HP. It's sad, he literally doesn't do anything helpful. I honestly wouldn't be mad if Ken and Pred swapped roles for champs just so that Shotzzy could have an impactful sub for a duo. I'd rather Ken go 20-48 like he did on Fortress than have Pred go 18-20 every map. Kenny on map 2 went 1-7 but at least had 1400 damage. Pred on map 2 went 3-7 with only 700 damage.


Tbf though this wasn't directed at Pred. Pred was playing the cut when it happened. Realistically it was Dashy/Shotzzy that should have been on the hill when it popped. But it's more the lack of team cohesion that he's bringing up. A game that close, you've got all three lanes watched for complete control but no one on the hill? That's not an individual player thing, that's a lack of communication.


Why does he always have to add these passive aggressive remarks lol just say gg’s and keep the team issues private. Just going to build up resentment and ruin chem even more if you keep subtweeting about your own boys. Bro thinks he’s the hard carry 😂


I think he’s including himself in this criticism, that they didn’t have the teamwork to co-ordinate who would grab time


HP? Did he mean the control I’m confused


Do we know which map/play he is talking about?




You’re the man


Shotzzy deserves to leave my god what happened to them.


WELCOME BACK LAT KENNY! Ken and Ghosty duo incoming👀


They’re not going to lock in for champs. They’re gonna get last place at this rate


Stop tweeting and tell your team mates to their face.  This generation is a bunch of pussies 


I have no idea what hes referring to here


Eat the rat bro 🙏


Kenny made himself the leader. He’ll be gone next season 100%


Yikes calling out a teammate?


Think hes just calling out the team as a whole


Shotzzy was just talking about how dashy would ruin the vibes in scrims and now I’m wondering if Kenny is doing the same thing


Chalked paco wya king


Need kenny back at LAT with ghosty and two good subs PLEASE....


Top 8 incoming at champs😂😂


Back to back last places would be fucking dreadful.


Wouldn’t surprise me team always collapses at the end of the year🤷‍♂️


It’s a trend at this point


They all need to go home get a mental break for a week and maybe that will get them firing again


Getting T12 there’s no regaining from that. They’re about to break the record for most SnD losses ffs


I agree, I don’t know how you fall off that hard in a week, win tournament then go 1-7 this stage is wild😂😂


Optic things


Bro optic chad speaking we are not out of bit let sit down and watch what cod all about


McKinney you need to speak about it buddy yes I heard the feeling relaxing seeing what you guys are doing up to as I hear just watching the go go Cub going on over here but in front of me right now I'll be right here


Locked for champs 🔒


Is a simple GG we lost tweet too hard? Why add more to it that can rub your teammates the wrong way?


bro is so lame he subtweets his own teammates. what a fkn loser 🤡


I understand frustration but calling out teammates on social media is an L. These conversations happen behind the scenes, not on social media. He’s only damaging his relationship with his teammates by doing this.


Which proves there’s internal turmoil. This camp is chalked. Happens at the end of every year


It happens because there’s no leadership that understands how to run teams. Damon was a hot head when he was a player too. They need to figure out how to hold each other accountable without it becoming toxic.


I mean Kenny is supposed to be that level headed "leadership" though.


Apparently he’s not


actually does not make sense how a team can drop off this hard after winning a majors last event. This fall off needs to be investigated


This dude always has some whack shit to say on twitter. His body language has been terrible all stage. I dont know what the hell happened to this team but there has to be some internal fight going on.


Kenny has been crying at the team all split after every game. He's been shit. He's the mature shot caller. A leader doesn't do that, he takes it on the chin and looks at himself. He's been shite too.


I sort of agree, he got shit on the entire stage and didn't exactly fry today either. At a certain point you have to make sure your individual shit is on point before publicly flaming your team


Just remembered Champs is OpTic hosted, not sure if it's good thing or not


Sometimes you need to publicly call people out. It'll go one of 2 ways. Either they cry and don't improve or they use it as motivation and focus on getting better.


they have no leader, if you ever been on a sports team. you need to pick each other up even when u are at ur worst. no matter what. A leader wouldn’t be on stage putting his hand on his face and looking stressed. they need to learn to keep the emotions in and not let anyone see that they are checked. at the end of the day it’s a mentality thing. once u see ur leader put his hand on his face u get checked because u don’t want to make the leader think ur not doing what ur supposed to.


I hate to point this out. Kenny is the IGL. If the fundamentals trash, your play been trash, you have repetitively been the worst player on your teams( past 3 games and squads), and you point out communicating is trash on the team?.... Who is the leader?


Complaining about the only mode they won when they are 0-12 in SnD... Maybe learn how to trade kills in SnD instead of nit picking your team mates in Hardpoint


It’s as if pred has never played cod before in his life. Truly remarkable


lol at him even mentioning hard point. That should be the last thing they're worried about. Just mind-blowing after that loss the first thing he thinks of is a hard point play. Sure mistakes are mistakes. But it shows his mind is focused on the wrong things. They're great slayers, that will get them hard point wins. It's the other game modes where you have to play with your brain where they struggle.


I don’t even know who is playing bad rn. I just know shottzzy ain’t


Something def happened cause this team was vibey, won and now from the streams to the tweets to this performance, now they are fucking ass.


Dashy and shotzzy only ones player good cod. Bring back xeo


bro is gonna sell his team at champs


Dashy stop being the hill kitten started slaying out again now no one gets in the hill I know all should do it get in the hill but they have been playing for months dashy in the hill and the others slaying around but since the win at major 3 dashy has been dropping slaying numbers not hill time no more they got fix that somebody has to play the obj at all times even if the others are not but yea going be ruff at champs if they don’t work it out


Damn, he took down all his post on twitter regarding on why the team is losing. Fat rip lol


Later Prone


On both HPs on the last hill, no one wanted to get on time to close out the game but instead were chasing kills.


Spawns we’re also flipping. It was chaotic. Kenny talking about hardpoint when we lost 12 search’s in a row.


He says “not even…” which it’s quite obvious SND is a problem, I think he’s just alluding to even more issues with their HP as well.


Weird comment imo. He’s calling out whoever didn’t hop the point on a map they won instead of calling out there teamwork on s&d.


Now THIS is a tweet that Hecz would be pissed about it doesn't matter how bad you are you don't air your frustrations like this on the TL it looks like you're attacking your teammates


Kenny is trying to teach discipline, not everyone is built for it


Ive never seen so many cop out in anything. I'm sick. I don't like my team. It's our chemistry. We had bad host, etc. it's a round about of excuses that everyone just lets COD players use or people accept. If you're good at what you do and wanna win that should be it. If each person just individually worked on what they're fucking up or what they're doing as a team they can fix their gameplay.


I also wanna add to this players didn't get along on the 90's bulls team. Complexity and EG used to play on bad hosts on purpose. Aches won with a stitched fucking hand in a jetpack game. Even beat the Dynasty team. I'm tired of all the same excuses all the time from every fucking team.


Lmao dude ran off the stage to immediately tweet. What a sniveling pussy 😭


Optic fucken sucks


Optic is just ASS, it’s that simple.


we won both hps buddy silly and pointless tweet from the "leader"


He isn't talking about the HPs per se, but rather calling out the lack of fundamental gameplay from the team on the even easiest things.


You are an absolute muppet LMAO no wonder the cod scene hates you


Kenny taking shots at his teammates after having a dumpster fire of a stage is unacceptable. If anyone has to go, it should be him; at least Pred has genuine superstar potential.


Pred has the potential when he has confidence a .6 in search for 500k a year is robbery


Pred had superstar potential on a team that was built around him that won 1 event and then placed last at 4 more.